Friday, July 06, 2007

From June 18th

Hello again! It is Bruce writing from Sunny and VERY HOT Sacramento - I got a call early on Thursday morning from my friend who was working on the plane and he said - get to the airport- you should be good to go! He was right! And here I am! Thanks to everyone who I caught up with and to those of I missed - as Arnold says... "I'll be back!" (not sure when - but hey - it sounds good - and I know many of you are now trying to perfect the Arnold accent in your head while you read this!!!! hahahahahaha!)

Wednesday July 4thAUSTRALIA!!!! Hey Everyone – special note from Bruce here… Well – as you know I have been in Australia for the past week – and as of today – Wednesday July 4th – I was meant to be jetting my way home to see the family – turns out that last nights jet from LA didn’t come down and therefore I got bumped from the flight today. Looks like I am stuck here until at least Friday – then time will tell. Just wanted to let you know. Not Happy Jan – am missing home terribly. If you want to chat – call me on 0421 812 442. Cheers!!!! Bruce

This is the blog – Belinda asked me to post this but I have had trouble accessing the internet – so here it is!!!! J

Another week has come and gone and I’m behind again. Oh well those are the breaks.

Our week was pretty normal, the boys were at school gearing down, and they haven’t been doing much at all. Conner went to the American Sovereign Hill and absolutely loved it. So we all have to go back so he can show us, apparently it’s AWESOME!!! So that’s now on our do list as well, we’ll get to it eventually.

Bruce spent the week getting ready for his trip and trying to tie up loose ends, which I think he mostly got done. Work for me was the same, lots of the same although the motivation wasn’t there this week. The good thing was I wasn’t alone; the girls were kind of the same so that made me feel a little better. The one good thing to come out it was everyone got a lot of the little crappy jobs done because they didn’t want to tackle the big ones.

I had a wonderful Friday, not a lot of work, but it was a great day on all other fronts. The school had their annual Volunteer thank you breakfast; all the year levels came out and did a 1-minute song, rap, poem etc that was really cool. Jamieson got a speaking part again which was fun to see, not very exciting on the picture front but I got some anyway.

Then I caught up with our friend Karen Hawkins (who moved a few weeks ago) and we are helpfully catching up next week once the kids are out of school. It was great to see her and she was happy to see me. Then off to Jamieson’s class (for a special Mrs. Sack’s class thank for their parent helpers, or so I thought)

I arrived and they were coming in from recess, they were all so happy to see me, which was really cool, they all got big smiles on their faces, so they were obviously going to be doing something they had rehearsed. Firstly, I was the only one there, a special thank you just for me!!! I felt pretty special, although it doesn’t say a lot for the other mothers in the grade, all I did was turn up for parent helping every week. I got a thank you song and firework snaps from them all. They made me a card with their class picture on it and they all signed it. It was so great, and Mrs. Sack gave me a gift certificate to a spa in Elk Grove. It was one of the best moments I think I’ve had here, and I’ve had a lot.

So I walked home with a big smile on my face just as Bruce was coming out the front door to go and see Conner do his Australian presentation. Originally it was something we were going to do together but he wanted to do it all himself, I had to go to work so Bruce went over and did (bits) of it with him. I wish I was there he’s becoming a very accomplished speaker and loves doing all that stuff. You know his father is very proud, that’s because he is becoming more like him everyday. It’s actually getting a bit scary, even thinking like him, OOOOO!!!! (Ah yes – this is the bit where I (Bruce) get to add something in… YES! Very proud and CJ did an awesome job – the information he gathered was very good and he spoke very clearly and the best bit – which is the toughest for speakers – is keeping everyone involved in the presentation by looking at them – he was fantastic. And then – the biggest test of all came – questions – if it was a good talk – there would be lots of questions – if it sucked – there might be one from the teacher as a support thing – well – hands went up and for the next 10-15 minutes we both answered questions and talked about all kinds of things. A couple of the questions were scarily good – so that was cool. We packed up the “props” and I was outta there – CJ called to me when I was outside and we punched fists and I said Congratulations and How Proud I was – he had a twinkle in his eye – he knew he nailed it – it was a special moment – just subtle – but very cool. Yes – I was and am… chuffed!!!!)

I went off to work and we had our Mastermind meeting in the afternoon and I tied up a few loose ends and was out of the office for the week. Which was a good thing, it was time for the week to be over, a couple of big days ahead. It’s definitely time for the school year to be over, we are all ready for the break.

Saturday our weekends of basketball began. Bruce was gone for tryouts for both the boys; he ended up coming home after we found out that Conner was in the 11-12 year olds, luckily he is co-coaching with other dad’s so he took care of it for us. Bruce was packed and ready to be picked up by Kristie and Carlos at 5.00. Off they went, we’ll see whether he comes home, I had a quiet rest of the day with the boys, a thrown together dinner and off to bed. Bruce called at around 10.30 to say he was coming home. Which wasn’t unexpected, lots of people getting to Australia before work on Monday.

Our Sunday was a nice day, a lot more casual and less tense than the day before. Bruce slept in and the boys chilled out. I did some washing and cleaning. We went over to Paula’s in the afternoon for a swim and were home at 4.00 so Bruce could get ready and he took off about 5.00. Paula dropped her boys off at their dad’s and came over to do some baking and just chill out. We made cupcakes, muffins and brownies, which was fun, and sat down to watch the new show Army wives, which I was up in the air about but now I’m hooked on. So I guess that’s my summer show to watch.

Bruce called to say he was coming home, and about 15 mins later he called to say he was getting on the plane, ah the joys of the standby ticket. Paula left around 11.30 and I was off to bed.

And that was our week, lots of stuff happening but not too much is out of the ordinary.

Bruce is in Geelong for the next week, so I hope everyone gets to catch up with him while he’s there.

Have a great week.

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