Sunday, February 11, 2007

From February 3rd

Saturday Didn’t do a lot. Cleaned up the house, Bruce bought me a bike; we went for a bike ride. It was a gorgeous, mild day. Bruce went off to Ikea to buy another desk and some book shelves and I asked him to hit a couple of garage sales on the way. He got a lawnmower, which we really needed. $15 and said the people were really nice. Conner swept out the front, Bruce worked. Finished the blog. Nice quiet afternoon, then just bits and pieces for dinner and the boys went off to bed. We all sat down to watch ‘Click’. We watched the stupidest movie, ever; I didn’t watch all of it. It was CRAP. Sunday Slept in, and chilled out in bed the usual washing and tidying etc. Bruce did Billy Bounce and got home around 10.30. The Boys played the play station for a while. Bruce bought home the movie I had wanted the night before but was gone, so I watched ‘The Lake house’. A very big chick flick, but a good movie, I really enjoyed it. We had showers and got ready for our first Super Bowl. We were out of the house and went to Mark and Renee’s for Super Bowl Sunday. It was fun afternoon; they have a gorgeous home. Mark is a gadget freak and has everything and more. I didn’t really watch the game, the boys did and I just chatted with their family and friends, nice people. We got home around 8.00. The boys went off to bed after a big afternoon. Bruce and I had a quiet night, Bruce was in bed early and I wasn’t too far behind him. Monday Happy Birthday Bubba Felix!!! Another week started, the usual the boys and I were out the door for school and Bruce dropped me off at work. Nothing exciting happening at work, back in the holding pattern again, waiting for some direction to tie up some loose ends that are driving me crazy. I picked up the kids from school and we went home and did homework. I tidied up as usual and started on dinner. Bruce went out to a meeting; Jenny was here doing some Billy bounce stuff so she had some dinner with us, which was nice. She is going to be sitting with the boys on Saturday night while Bruce and I go to he Stone Lake dinner dance, which should be fun. I finally chatted with Rael’s and the boys. You should see how much they have grown it’s amazing. Especially Bubba, he’s so tall, Bruce took one look and went Hello Jamieson, oh my they are so alike. We chatted for over an hour, which was great and had a really good catch-up and Oscar got to talk to the boys, which they all really loved. The only bad thing it makes Conner want to come home more. Then straight onto Rhys, (you guys better get a microphone soon) we do webcam but they don’t have a mic so they can here me but I can’t hear them, it’ just not the same. Huge news, Rhys may be coming over in June when Ross comes over for his conference, YEAY!!! He has some more saving to do but fingers crossed, the boys are very excited. Tuesday, Wednesday The rain came last night; it was nice and refreshing. The grass was actually looking yellow from the frost. It’s rained for the past couple of days not a lot but enough to green everything up, it’s also a little warmer when it’s raining, something about the clouds being lower. It has been a usual (kind of couple of days). Work, school, parent helping, homework, cleaning, tidying. I went and did a bit of shopping (Wed) night; a department store was having a huge sale, all winter clothes were $2, $4 or $6. Alex and the little boys scored the most, and I got some nice stuff as well. Thursday It was another usual day today in Northern California today, the rain continues falling, sporadically. Nothing out of the ordinary, I did parent helping and cut out hearts for Valentines Day stuff again, just like Tuesday’s parent helping. I have to go out and buy valentines for both classes this weekend for the kids to take on Tuesday. It’s a whole big American candy thing, that’s what the kids do it for, the candy I’m told. Which, now I can understand, before it was a little weird. I picked the kids up from school and we did the homework, Bruce was out at a meeting and got back around dinnertime. Nothing exciting, just bits and pieces, a low-key dinner. The boys were off to bed and Bruce did some work, I was on messenger with Mitch (Jolly) for a nice catch up then briefly with Elise. After that, the world stopped and I watched Grey’s Anatomy. Great episode, you Grey’s lovers are not going to be disappointed in the new season that’s for sure. Friday We woke up to the rain today, and it looked like it was here for a while. Apparently January is usually the rainy month, but now they are saying it’s going to be February. You can imagine how exciting that sounds to me, not. We got up and did the usual, I was about to walk the kids to school when Miss Paula (taxi driver) stopped by and dropped the kids off to school for me. Bruce dropped me off at work, and went home to put his head down. Lots to do before the Final Four as well as other stuff on top of that. Paula was actually in today for the morning so I got some I’s dotted and t’s crossed which was a great thing for my task list. It’s looking very free and easy at the moment, which is always a good thing. Paula went off to parent helping and the girls and I plodded along for the afternoon. I did lose track of time and nearly forgot to leave to get the kids from school. I had enough time to drop my bag and walk over to get them, still in the rain. It has been raining all day and I think it’s here for a long while. I saw Paula with Jeremy at school and he wasn’t happy, headache he said. So I told her to go and grab Justin from CDI (after school care) and drop around with us for the afternoon so she could get back to work. So we had a couple extras for the afternoon, which was fun for the boys, Paula dropped by around 5.30 and took the two younger ones to her place while the older ones stayed to watch the basketball. Paula doesn’t have cable. The boys are going over there for a sleepover tonight, so Bruce dropped them over around 6.30. Bruce and I got changed and went out to dinner. I think it was the first time we got to do that since we’ve been here. We went out to BJ’s a really nice place, and we had a really nice dinner. Caught up on some stuff and just spent some time together. It was a nice night for the adults. Well it’s been a good week for the Hultgren’s, lots of things going on but not a lot to talk about, if that makes sense. The rain has started so I guess that’s the next faze of winter and Spring is on the way.

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