Sunday, February 25, 2007

From February 17th

Saturday & Sunday We’ve had a quiet week, really. There is a lot happening with Pocket Angels, which is keeping Bruce nice and busy. The weekend was spent staying close to home. There was lots of cleaning and organizing around the house. The weather was really nice so we did some outside work as well. We got some walking in and also bike riding; the colder weather is heading back so we got some exercise in while we could. Spent Saturday afternoon at the park with Paula and the boys. Sunday was just chillin. So the weekend was a nice quiet one, recharging the batteries. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Unfortunately, there was nothing great to report. The usual start to the week, we all did the school and work thing. The weather has turned a little and by Wednesday the rain and cold weather was here. Thursday Bruce picked Paula up at 5.30am, and dropped her off at the bus to go to the airport; she is off to China. The boys came over and they came to school with us. I did the usual parent helping and then went to work trying to keep the girls in line, just kidding, it’s not too bad considering the boss is away for a week. The usual fires had to be put out; Bruce was busy as per usual. Jamieson had his 100th day of school celebration at school, which is a nice touch as they do 100’s in Math class and make trail mix out of stuff everyone brings. It’s a fun day for the kids, which teaches them math as well so how can you be unhappy about that. Conner has been doing reports and a lot of research on Missions at school and tonight they had their concert. Conner was a ‘Friar’, he did really great and didn’t complain at all, which was a change. Usually he just says, NO, not doing it. It was a good play and they all did a really great job. Friday Lots of organizing at work, we have our new planner starting on the 2nd so there is a lot of stuff to get done before she starts, most of it is done now though. Bruce was in and out today; meetings etc, we are currently organizing some samples for Pocket Angels, lots to do. We came home from work and school and tidied up the house and get some dinner. The Charles arrived after dinner at around 6.30. We just chatted and the kids all went out and played in the garage until it was time for them to go. So that was really nice, all we had to worry about was bubba Cooper getting into the DVD player and PS2. He was great though, he’s at that great age now where he’s getting around and thinks he’s great cause he can. They left at around 9.30 and the boys went off to bed. Bruce and I chilled out for a little while and went off to bed around 10.30. Another busy week, but not a lot to tell at the moment. Things are in the pipeline and will be divulged when the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted, so to speak. I hope you all had a great week, getting ready for the basketball and footy seasons to start.

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