Saturday, February 03, 2007

From 27th January.....

Saturday Woke up to another nice sunny, but very cold and brisk Saturday morning. I went off to be supermarket to get some stuff for dessert for dinner. We were out of the house off to Jamieson’s last game of basketball at 10.00am. They played well for their last game, and ended with the season with a win. We all went out to lunch at Brayden’s grandma’s shop. We got home around 2.00. We did the usual tidying up and I baked a cake for out dinner at the Hawkins tonight. We were back at the stadium at 4.00 for Conner’s game. They played so well, and really deserved to win, they were up until around 2 mins to go, it was the closest they came to winning for most of the season. So they were bummed at the end of the game. We did trophies and hurried home to change and literally run out the door to the Hawkins up the road. We arrived and pretty much had dinner straight away. It was really nice to sit down and learn about new friends. The kids are all about the same age so our boys and their boys played beautifully. They have lots of fun together. We were home around 10.30 and in bed not long after that. It’s been a long day and was actually a great day, just really tiring. Sunday We woke up to what would be another long day. Bruce went off to Billy Bounce and I did the usual in the morning as did the boys, watching TV and chilling out. Bruce got home at around 10.00 and vacuumed for me. We had a snack and were back at the stadium at 12.00 to do some Billy Bounce filming for a couple of hours for a training video. It was a long time considering all the kids had already done their Billy Bounce session that morning. We were home relaxing around 3.00 and I finished cleaning the house. Paula and the boys came over at around and had some dinner with us. They left around 7.30 and the boys went off to bed. Bruce and I watched a movie together and went off to bed. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Another week starting again, everyone back to their usual routine. School and work, the usual stuff, the day to day boring not very exciting for being on the other side of the world usual stuff. If my calculations are correct, my gorgeous Alex is having her 1st day of school. I am waiting for a photo, which I know is coming. I hope she had a great day and hopefully will get to chat later in the week. On Tuesday Millie and Lexie came over for their weekly visit and catch up. After dinner, Bruce went over to Paula’s, he is doing some business coaching with her, which is helping her clarity a lot. On Wednesday, the fog rolled in, people had talked about it and there it was. We couldn’t see the other side of the oval as we were walking to school. Conner said, “freaky mum”. After school Nolan (Hawkins) came over to our place to play, then Conner ended up going over to their place to play with Matthew. He rode over on the bike then, we rode over there to take Nolan home and pick Conner up. Weird being on a bike again, it’s been a while. We had some dinner and the boys went off to bed. I chatted with Elise on messenger and tried to schedule some time to chat with Rael’s on computer. Our schedules are opposites at the moment. Thursday The fog is still here, and here for a little while I think. We walked over to school and I did parent helping for Conner this morning, I was at work by 10.00. A usual day at work, lots to do but nothing out of the ordinary. The one thing I learnt this week was how to fold maps correctly, sounds funny but there is a certain way to do it. We got all our project deadline stuff done and then, ordered a pizza and all sat down and chatted over lunch. It was a nice change; it’s very rare that we all can sit down together. I picked the boys up from school and Conner had his last Math club lesson today, which he was VERY happy about. We had a nice dinner together then sat down with Conner and went through his Missions project for school which was due Friday. He did a really good job, and he was really proud of the job that he did. Bruce did a bit on the computer and I went to be to read. I am reading the Brad Gilbert book, which is a good read. Friday A minimum day at school today, it’s only an hour or so less work for me but it feels like I’m leaving after not being here for long. Bruce was making a toasted sandwich for Jamieson for breakfast, with the fry pan that isn’t really working. Let’s just say, a lot of the sandwich ended up on the fry pan. Looks like I’m going out later. Big deadline, very intense this morning. As the great team that we are, it was all done and she was out of the office at 1.00 speeding down the freeway to submit it in time. We both left at the same time, Bruce picked the kids up from school then came and got me from work. He went back to work and the boys just spent the afternoon playing and I did some cleaning and a little reading to relax. I went out for a little while, picked up (fluked) a robe for Conner, it’s a little long (to the ground) but he loves it and now we all have one, and we need them. I grabbed some snacks for out games night and then drove home. Paula arrived with the kids and some dinner stuff at around 6.00, we all combined our dinner stuff and were just finishing up when the Charles’ arrived at around 7.00. The kids all caught up and played and watched a movie while the adults caught up. Then, let the rematch begin……Kids one, adults none. Deal or no Deal!!! I made the mistake of putting some Oreo’s and animal crackers out for everyone and the kids ate them all. So you can imagine what happened, kids running everywhere!!! Even not so little Cooper, he had grown from a baby to a little toddler nearly. He’s a little boy, bye bye baby. The adults came out victorious, YEAY!!!!! Everyone was gone by 10.00. The boys went off to bed and Bruce and I cleaned up and were in bed by 10.30. It’s been a big week. A quiet weekend ahead, no basketball YEAY!!!! There is Super bowl on Sunday, we are going to a Super bowl party at Mark and Renee’s (Jamieson’s team parents), which should be an experience. YOU know that you can buy special everything for Super bowl, plates, decorations the works. Looking forward to the experience not the game, the good thing is that the weather is supposed to hit a high of 65F, which the warmest it’s been in a while, no coats maybe. Wooo Hooo!!! Have a great week, and we’ll catch up next week.

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