Thursday, September 07, 2006
September 3rd....
Saturday 2nd
Happy Fathers Day – Australia
We woke up to FABULOUS news that The Supercats have won…. They are in the Final!!!!!! Congratulations guys, go get ‘em.
We all got up & went through the usual routine. The boys sat around, Bruce was on the laptop checking out game stats. No basketball today, it’s the Labor Day long weekend. We hurried it along this morning, going to the Zoo.
We did really well, out the door by 9.15, around to pick up Paula & the boys and off we went. Got to the zoo around 10.00. We let the boys go wherever they wanted. We saw some really cool animals; the kids had a really good time. It turned out to be a really good morning to go as it was a tiny bit overcast, so the animals were mostly out. Photo’s to follow.
We had snacks & saw some more of the animals, then all the boys got snow cones & after that we made our way back to the car. We stopped at a lake next to the car & the boys all walked around looking at the tadpoles & yabbies. So we are going to go back in a few weeks & see all of them.
We jumped into the car & drove home, stopped off at the library and joined up. The boys all found some books, & Bruce, Paula & I looked around. Get this –
The limit for the items to borrow is 50!!!! How’s that – 50!!!! Bruce & I nearly fell on the floor of the library when we read it.
By the time that was all done & we dropped of Paula & the boys it was around 3.00. We got home, the boys went to their rooms & did some reading, Bruce had a nanna nap, & I got onto the laptop & did some work. Chatted with Nic Griff on Skype, great to chat with her. It’s been far too long. Late afternoon, we jumped into the car & went looking for a house, there isn’t really anything around, the lease is up at the end of the month, and so if we can’t find anything within walking distance, we have to stay. Fingers Crossed for us. Then we actually went and got McDonalds for the 2nd time since we’ve been here. It’s what the boys wanted so we went along.
I chatted with Kristy on Skype, which was great to catch up with her. Bruce was on the computer watching the live scores of the Supercats Final. He’d come out every quarter & give me a score update & do a little happy dance.
What an end to the night……THEY WON!!!! Congratulations to you all on a fantastic year. Bruce floated around the house, then rang and spoke to Mark & the boys. They were all at the airport on their way home. What a party in Geelong tonight.
Bruce didn’t sleep a lot, he was up until around 2.30, I got up at around 8.30 & Bruce slept a little longer. He surfaced around 10.30, I think. I was cleaning & doing washing all the good stuff. The boys were in their rooms, cause I wouldn’t let them watch TV anymore. Bruce had some breakfast, then Paula called, they were at the movies & wondered if the boys would like to go. Bruce ended up taking them so I could have the apartment to myself to clean it.
So off they went to the movies & off I went cleaning, vacuuming, dusting etc. They arrived home after 1.00pm & we had some lunch, & headed off down to the pool for a couple of hours. We sat there, the boys played, we chatted. Bruce left after an hour or so. He was bored so he went home to rest in the quiet.
We got back around 5.00; the boys showered then changed & then went back outside to play with the other kids. Bruce was on Skype to back home & I got a chance to catch up with Jill on messenger. Taking her away from her work. Sorry Jill. Bruce & I got off Skype. We were deciding on what to do for dinner, Bruce was going to do pancakes when Paula called to see if we were going to do movies on the wall like we planned. They turned up around 7.30; we all had some pancakes while I chatted with mum & dad on Skype.
It’s a family wedding this coming weekend, not happy Jan, not home to see it. Bruce had his, want to get onto the plane thing the last couple of weeks with his boys playing in the finals. Well, this weekend is mine. A Korostin (Reichman) family party ALWAYS rocks, especially when it’s a party in Warragul. Some of my favorite people are there & this weekend I’m going to feel homesick, I guarantee it. Teagan & Damien – Big kisses to you both, we all love you & will be thinking of you ALL WEEKEND!!!!
I finished up, & the boys went off to bed around 9.30 & Bruce & I got back onto the laptops to see who was around. Breaking News, Steve Irwin – wooow!!! We were both- just wooow!! They did a newsbreak to announce it over here, so I can’t imagine what’s going on in the newsrooms at home.
Monday (Labor Day- US)
We awoke to another busy day. The boys had organized to go and do something “American” as Alfie put it. So they decided to go to this amusement type place for a day out. We all got up & were out of the house at Alfie’s place by 9.30, & at the place at 10.00am. We paid our money & off we went. All the boys wanted to do the batting cages first, they all did really well, Conner especially, he hit nearly all of them & most of them went up & away. Jamieson did well also, Bruce, as he will tell everybody, only missed 2 (At 25 m/h & 70 m/h. At the 25 m/h he was hitting like he was playing cricket, weird but funny to watch with a baseball bat. So he was happy with that. We got some good action shots, of all of them batting.
Then everyone grabbed golf putters & we did the first 18 holes of the mini golf course. I was starting to get warm, the little boys were getting creative with their shots taken, & of course the BIG boys were getting serious with beating each other. That’s always fun to watch, 2 men competing over putting. Bruce & Alfie together is always hilarious, bouncing off each other.
We stopped for some lunch & I tallied up the totals, Jamieson won for the kids & Bruce beat out Alfie by a few puts. After we finished our lunch, the big boys went over to the batting cages again to hit the 70-m/h balls. As I’ve said & Bruce will proudly tell anyone, he only missed two.
After that we headed over to the Go Carts & Bumper Boats. Everyone had a go on the Go-carts first; Conner drove by himself & did a fabulous job. As they went around more the faster he got, he did so well, I was really surprised. It is great practice for kids before they get their license. Then of course the adults had to do another round with the kids that didn’t go on the first time. The others kids went on the bumper boats. (They are like big round tubes with seats & water guns with little motors.) Jamieson, John & Justin jumped into a boat each & off they went, hooning around the pool, they came out absolutely saturated, but laughing their heads off. There was also a couple of fountains & if you got stuck under them, you where there for a while trying to get away. Very funny, lucky it was turning into a really warm day. We stayed there alternating turns for a long while then, Dylan decided that he wanted to play some golf. (He didn’t want to do that big boy stuff so he just waiting, for everyone to finish & watched them all) So we headed over to the other 18 holes & started there, we only played a few holes, there were a lot of people there by that time & we had to wait to play all the holes, with 6 kids waiting isn’t that great. We played a few then decided that it was time to go. Everyone was a bit burnt & we’d been there for over 5 hours. So we piled into the cars & made our way home again. Everyone had a great time, a good day for all.
We got home, cleaned up & chilled out; I went down to the supermarket & grabbed a couple of things for dinner. The boys went off to bed around 8.00. They were exhausted; the last 4 days have been HUGE!!!! They needed their rest, Bruce was up doing some work, & I was replying to a couple of emails.
It was around 11.00, I chatted with Sophie Bell for a while on messenger, then we got her connected onto Skype & I got to speak to Lizzy. Yeay!!!! Elise buzzed in for a quick HELLO too. Well, it was after 1.00 when I got off the phone to Liz, a much-needed chat & got to say hello to the whole family as well. We are averaging every couple of weeks so that’s good. Lots to tell when we do catch up.
Was a little tired but it was worth every minute.
I had very big plans of exactly what we were doing today, NOTHING, recovering from the weekend. Bruce got to have a sleep in too(7.00am - woo hoo!) I went off to the gym & the boys laid around watching a movie while Bruce returned some emails. I got back & the boys had some breakfast & Bruce left for the office around 9.30, so it was a really cruizy morning. Perfect!!!! I did some cleaning & washing, all the usual boring domestic crap.
The boys went outside to play & I made up some biscuits & cleaning out the fridge. Millie called & we decided to go and get our cards read. Looking forward to that, she organized for us to go on Friday night. Should be fun. Bruce arrived home late afternoon, had to take the long way around home, traffic accident.
He went off to the gym, I started prep for dinner, then when he got back I went to do the groceries & he took the kids to the pool. I got back & we made up dinner, turkey burgers, YUM!!! I don’t know what we’re going to do about turkey when we get home, they have it everywhere here like chicken at home, and the kids love it, which makes my job easier. It turned into a late night for the boys, we were all just mucking around, then before you knew it, it was 9.30, toilet & teeth isn’t as easy when you can’t say, ‘You have school tomorrow’.
I jumped into the laptop & chatted with Rael’s & Oscar. Of Course the boys were still up & came out & chatted too. Oscar wanted to see the boys, they chatted & watched Oscar do his dancing from kindy. Gorgeous!!!! I checked emails & Kristy asked me about my favorite show, Grey’s Anatomy!!! Her and the girls from work want to know how far ahead we are. I chatted with Rael’s for a while, caught up on all the gossip, & said good-bye until next week. I ended up emailing Kristy & the office girls all the Grey’s Anatomy gossip. All the shows are restarting in the next few weeks, so that will be interesting, there are a few new ones, I’ll keep you posted as to which ones are the good ones.
It ended up being a late night not as late as the night before, but around midnight again. I’m getting used to it, thank goodness. Otherwise how would I catch up with everyone?
Our day started off like all the others, the usual routine. Bruce was off & gone to work at 6.00. Jamieson slept in until about 9.00. (He’s growing, and catching up to Conner fast.) We just chilled out around the house for the day; the kids were in & out of the apartment, playing with the kids. Nothing much else is going on. Bruce got home from work around 3.00 and the boys and I went down to the pool. Paula & the kids arrived home from their day, changed & came down for a quick swim. We arranged for them to come over for a quick visit while Bruce & Conner went to basketball training. We put a quick something together to eat & the boy’s left, I cleaned up & Jamieson & I went off to Paula’s. Stayed at Paula’s for a little while, her boys had school in the morning. Bruce & Conner turned up, practice was cancelled & but they forgot to ring Bruce.
We stayed for a little while, then came home & the boys went to bed, it was still around 9.00 so hopefully we will get some type of sleeping in for them. Bruce did some work & I got online & send some of the pics from our weekend to some people. (Some of your emails were sent back, so if you didn’t get the pics & you usually get them from me, yours got sent back, SORRY.)
Well, another Thursday is upon us, and it’s been just like the rest. Bruce was delivering to The Bay area today, (next to San Francisco) & he was out of the apartment at the usual 6.00 to get to the office & try to get onto the road before any huge traffic. The boys & I did the usual, no significant sleep ins for the boys, although Jamieson is definitely catching up to Conner. (Whom I think is going to be a late grower like his father.) At this rate, Jamieson will be bigger than everyone, Uncle Ralph, look out. Especially if he keeps sleeping 10-12 hours every night, my little string bean, with TUDE!!!
Bruce got home after lunch; the boys and I went to the pool for a couple of hours in the afternoon with Millie & Lexie. Bruce went to drop in an application for a house (cross fingers, & pray for us!!!) The boys & I got back to the apartment around 5.00 & we did the showering etc thing. Bruce finished up with his work & the kids went outside to play. I did Vegetarian Lasagna, (which turned out yummy) the boys did their reheated fav’s. Jamieson had Noodle Casserole, makes him think of Auntie Trace & the kids, the first time he had it. Conner had the US version of Potato Gems, but they are flat. Interesting difference!!!!!
I settled in to watch Grey’s Anatomy when Paula called & asked me to come over & go through résumé’s for her business. I can only work part-time so she needs someone else who can work the other hours. Also she is taking on so much work she also needs to take on another planner at least part-time. Hopefully we can get someone who is working towards that while they are at College. I got home around 10.30, Bruce was finishing up his work, and I returned a couple of emails & turned the computer off.
Chilled out for about an hour until really tired & went off to bed, Bruce was snoring, the early starts are starting to make him really tired, as he is not going to bed early to make up for getting up early.
Well, the end of another week is upon us again. We got up & Bruce had meetings nearby today so he was in and out all day. The boys & I did the usual stuff, homework, washing, cleaning, gym etc. We had some lunch & then the kids went out to play for the afternoon, it was nice and peaceful. Bruce got some work done; I got some reading done, quiet aahhh!!!
I chatted with Soph on messenger for a while, it’s raining cats & dogs at home. Went through some resumes that Paula emailed me, some good candidates. Was on Yahoo, Peter Brock died, oh My God, I hope there is not a 3rd. Bruce & I are just dumb founded. Called Warragul, spoke to Daniel; the girls were out getting their hair done for the wedding so I will call back later. We had a light dinner after the kids came in from playing late, around 6.30; they had a great afternoon playing though which was really good. I think it was because the weather had cooled down that little bit, so they didn’t get too hot running around outside.
Millie & I went out to get our reading done, pretty crap really. She hardly told me anything, and I had to ask questions about what I wanted to know, very weird. So I didn’t take a lot out of the reading, not sure whether I will go back, probably not at this stage. I’ll give it a couple of months and see if anything happens, not holding my breath.
Got home & the kids went off to bed, rang Teag’s in Warragul to say have a great wedding day. Chatted to Trace & Chanea & let them go as they were due to leave in about 30 mins. Got off the phone, on messenger with Rhys & that was about it.
Went off to bed around 10.00, another week over & weekend about to begin. Basketball starts back again tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone.
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