Saturday, September 30, 2006

From September 23rd

Saturday 23rd (Happy Birthday Tracey Hultgren & Simon McDonald 24th) No basketball today, yeah!!!! Bruce and I slept in until 9.00, after getting home late from the airport; also the boys being at Paula’s was a big reason too. I got up and wandered around grabbed a cuppa and walked over to Paula’s apartment and got the kids. We got back and Bruce was chilling in bed watching the football. We got organized and were out the door around 12.00 to go and watch John play soccer, they got beaten, but John kicked 2 goals, which he was happy about. After the game John and Dylan came out to watch Justin & Jeremy play soccer. Kristin went home to get ready for an afternoon out with some of her old workmates and Alfie was looking after Cooper. We arrived at the soccer and for the next hour watched the parents go nuts. They were positive but nuts, the coach was getting upset with the umpire. It was an experience; Bruce went to sit on the hill away from the noise. The other boys played soccer and when the game was over, we jumped into to car and went to drop the boys off at home. We stayed at the Charles’s for an hour or so then made our way home for a quiet afternoon and evening. The boys went out to play until dinner. They stayed up a little later and were off to bed around 9.30. Bruce did some work on the laptop and I did as well. I was online with Rhys, Elise & Tracey, had a great time, we had the web cams going and it was a really great time. I couldn’t hear them back watching them with the faces etc was a crack up. Elise was doing Dory for me. LOVE IT!!!! Sunday We woke up to another warm morning, the boys lounged around the apartment, Bruce had the football on, and it’s on ALL day on Sunday’s. Between college and NFL you could sit on the couch all day. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. We had some lunch and I packed some snacks and off the boys went to Old Sac for a walk around and to check things out. I stayed at home and had some ME time, so I cleaned and baked. It was like the good old days at home with me baking for the week on Sunday mornings while Bruce was sleeping in and the boys chilled out. I tried the US choc chip cookie recipe, which turned out really yummy. My usual recipe tastes funny over here; I think it’s the condensed milk, or butter. They just don’t taste as yummy, so I tried a new one. Then I also started on dinner, roast potatoes and chicken and veggies. ***NOTE – I went to a Pampered Chef party a while ago and bought what’s called a Measure All Cup. It’s THE BEST!!!! It has every measurement on it, liquid, solid etc. It’s great for the sticky stuff you just push it through and no mess and no left over. FABULOUS, if you can’t get them at home let me know & I’ll get some for anyone who wants them. Without a doubt, the best thing I’ve bought here so far, and that’s saying something. So late in the afternoon the boys got back from a really good time, I had biscuits and other stuff all over the benches. I cleaned up and we had some dinner. The boys were in bed at 8.00 and Bruce and I were not far behind. It was a reasonably early night for all. Monday Another week started, the same as usual. Bruce was off at work and the boys & I were out of the house by 8.00. I spoke to Bruce mid morning; he was really busy so it was brief. They have their weekly meetings Monday mornings. I started on my work, then Paula and I got into some stuff and I got a little clarity as to what I have to do to get Paula where she needs to be. Bruce and I started talking about what he wants to do for his birthday. He decided on Dinner out with some friends on Friday night. The apartment isn’t big enough for 15 or so people, I don’t mind cooking for them, but there’s just no room to put everyone. The boys had a good day at school, I had a good day at work, Bruce got home later than usual but he’s making some headway. Homecoming this week, so they have a lot of orders to get out by the end of the week. We had some dinner and the boys went off to bed. I got online and chatted to everyone, sent some emails and was off to bed around 11.00. Tuesday (Happy Birthday Rhys, 27th) Have a great dinner out, wish we were there Bruce was off early for a school presentation nearby, I took the kids to school and after Bruce got back, drove me to work. Bruce was working at home this morning, and then he rang me at work and said that he had to go in, not happy about it AT ALL!! It’s still hot here, today was around 30c, I walked home from work, it was hot but the exercise was good for me. The only thing that’s bad about it is that my laptop is heavy. I just have to be careful with the back. The boys came home from school and we got through their homework without many problems, which was great. I was online doing some work and actually found another house for us to look at. So that perked up the spirits, I messengered with Bruce about it at work so he left a message for them. Conner had a field trip at school; of course we didn’t really get any of the details. He said that it was fun but 10 year olds. Not really big on details. Bruce also called the other real estate people and we should get an answer in the next few days, so one way or another we will now if we have to keep looking. Which is ok now cause we have another option. We will need to buy a washer and fridge but we can get some that aren’t that expensive so that should be ok. I watched the season opener of the Gilmore Girls, while online chatting. Bruce went off to the gym while I did all that. I went off to bed about around 10.30 and Bruce stayed up until around 1.00am. Doing a lot of Billy B stuff and getting all his ducks in a row, so to speak. Didn’t get to speak to Rhys, he must have been out all day having a really great birthday. Wednesday Another Wednesday pretty much came and went, Bruce went off to work early, the boys off to school and I went off to work. I spent the morning out at meetings with Paula. Small town council people, Oh my. We met with one guy who lied to us and then just walked off, all because Paula wanted him to clarify something that had changed in the town plan and he didn’t like it. I was in shock for about 15 mins, sitting in the car going, I can’t believe how rude that guy was. We stopped for lunch on the way back and got back to the office around 2.30 just in time for Bruce to pick me up. He had been at home working all morning, so that was good for me. The rest of the night was pretty usual, homework, work, and dinner. The kids off to bed, Bruce went out to the gym and I just chilled out and did a little work. Nothing special, just another day. Thursday Well, 1 more sleep until Bruce’s birthday, I’m pretty much ready, just the cake to organize. We all did the usual thing, school, work and work. Bruce was gone for the whole day, I walked to work and home as well, it was good exercise except for the fact that it’s 90F (30c) here, so walking home with the laptop bag isn’t that great. It’s exercise so I shouldn’t complain, it’s all I’m getting at the moment. I picked the boys up from school and we came home and finished their weekly homework, without too much of a hassle. They also did Bruce’s birthday cards and we organized and wrapped the presents. All done and organized. Millie and Lexie came over for a visit and catch up. No working out together in the mornings or anything in the mornings together anymore. So now she has to come over after school so we can see each other. It was good to see them. The boys went out to play and I finished up some work on the computer, sent a couple of emails etc. Bruce got home and did a couple of homework things with the boys, we did dinner and the boys went off to bed around 8.00. After dinner got online and webcam’d with Rhys, found out about all the Grand final week stuff, I do miss that. Footy marathon, and then he rubbed it in by saying that he had a Beaumont’s pie for lunch. Nearly killed me, I’ve been craving them for the last couple of weeks. Rhys loved every minute of letting me know how yummy it was. Little Bugger!!!! Watched Grey’s Anatomy then got back online and continued our chat. I then got on with Elise and chatted for a while. It was around 11.30 when I got off, and emailed an update of Grey’s to Kristy for her and the girls and her work, then headed off to bed just before midnight. Waited a few minutes, said Happy Birthday to Bruce and went off to sleep. Friday HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE We woke up at the usual time, Jamieson came in just before the alarm went off, the 3 of us had a hug in bed, then I got Conner up and we did birthday pressies. He did quite well, he got a floating globe that he had bought himself a while ago, an Adidas hoodie, a shirt and a jigsaw. He opened the birthday box from Mum, with something from all of us. He got Salt & Vinegar chips, (which we know that you can get here now), choc honeycomb (thanks to our sponsors and supporters – The Yummy Mummy Lolly Shop in Belmont!!), usual clippings from the paper and I got photo’s and peppermint truffle bars!!!!! On top of that, I love it when we get a box cause it means that I get another shoebox. Most of you know that, I had to bring shoes without their boxes, it nearly killed me. So I get excited when a box comes cause me shoes get to go back into them instead gathering dust, oh chills!!!! Yeah, Bruce thinks it funny too. They don’t have that size here, I’ve checked. Bruce walked the boys over to school, Paula called, told me to take the day off cause I had things to do for Bruce’s birthday. Thank goodness, I was heading in that direction anyway. I cleaned up the apartment and made up Bruce’s cake, late morning I went out and left Bruce working at his desk. I went out and posted some birthday presents that are officially late, but better late than never, sorry Rhys. Ended up getting a couple of bargains for the apartment at Target 75% off, got to love that. Came home and finished off Bruce’s cake, with Crunchie, (didn’t have any Violet Crumble left at World Foods) it turned out ok, wasn’t happy with the new icing recipe, live and learn. The boys got home from school had a snack and went outside to play. Organized the place (people were coming back for cake) while Bruce was on with the 5 star guy, Alan. They were officially launching Billy B today; flyers went out to coaches etc. A big birthday for Billy B today. Bruce spoke to Al and his mum and dad for his birthday. Pete also called from LA; he’s in the country and is due with us on the 9th. YEAH, the boys are very excited. Pumpkin soup buddy. We all showered and got dressed for dinner and around 6.30 we walked out of the door. We were driving there and the guys from Bruce’s work called to say that they had to work and couldn’t make it. We were both NOT HAPPY, we could have had that nice homemade meal I was going to do originally before too many people were coming. Oh well, we met Paula and the boys and had a really nice time at Logan’s, good fun place. The boys all played games at the table, we had some yummy food and, then they some how found out that that it was Bruce’s birthday, so they came over and, At Logan’s they don’t sing they Do a Big “Yeee Haaa”, very funny. Alfie called at around 7.30 to say that their thing they were supposed to go to end up being a bust, so they could have joined us. They were not happy as you could imagine. Around 8.30 we headed off home for cake and to meet Kristin and Alfie there for a birthday drink. We got back and they arrived not long after, Paula’s kids had to get some sleep so we did cake and all the kids went off to bed, bed not sleep. They had fun, they paired off, Justin in Jamieson’s room and Jeremy in Conner’s room. As you have probably seen by the photos that I put up, The Charles’s gave Bruce a number plate cover with Billy bounce on it. It’s so cool, yes; Bruce was actually speechless & literally did the happy dance for about 5 mins. What do you say to a gift like that; Kristin has an imagination, well, as you can see, what a fabulous gift. It put all of ours to shame. That is why we just love them, and couldn’t live anywhere else in this country cause that would mean we have to leave them. So we all sat down for and just chatted, had a drink and chilled out, it was really nice. We made Halloween plans, something about a carving party and what we are going to do Halloween night. That’s going to be huge fun, can’t wait for that. Everyone left around 10.00 and Bruce is on the computer listening to the footy grand final and here I am, keeping you all up to date. I think Bruce has had a really nice birthday, not that exciting a day but the evening made up for the boredom of the day.
Hopefully I will speak to some of you next week, it’s been slow this week accept for Elise, Rhys and Trace.
Have a great week next week, Enjoy Grand Final weekend.

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