Saturday, September 23, 2006
From September 17th
Saturday 17th
We woke up to another busy Saturday. Today was the boy’s last game of basketball, which also means 2 breakup meals. (Pizza!!!) Jamieson’s game was at 10.30; Bruce went out to see Kristin about a legal document she is looking at for us. Then off to basketball we went, yes they won again. They were a little team of roughies though (the other team), the coach’s fault. We have a really big boy, Julian, in our team, and we found out that the coach told 2 of his boys to go and hack at him, so that’s what they did. In the end, his dad told him to elbow back; understandably, the ref’s weren’t doing anything about it. So then the other team started screaming cause the two boys were getting elbowed back. The ref’s handled it appallingly, singling Julian out. I was not happy to say the least, you can imagine. After the game, we all went out to Round Table Pizza, they have some video games there and the kids ran around and we all ate pizza for some lunch. Bruce got some money to buy himself something as a Thank You from the team, and Kristin went out and bought a basketball and had all the kids sign it too, he also got a Juice Bar card from a little boy in the team. Very surprised, but a really nice thing to see. Bruce was speechless; yes I know we’d all pay money to see that. (Note from Bruce – thanks honey! Yes – I was speechless – very humbled by the gesture – fact was – the parents here are so appreciative that someone actually takes time out of their life for the kids – not many people do that apparently! It was nice!)
After lunch we headed back to the stadium for Conner’s game. They started off really well, but had a bad few minutes after half time and couldn’t peg them back. Conner played really well, he gets knocked down & straight back up again, so that’s what’s he’s learnt this season. After the game we decided to go back to the same place, but not everyone could for mixed reasons, but most of them came, it was nice to sit down with them and say good-bye. Most of the kids are playing another sport for the fall season; most of them have already started. So it was goodbye for a lot of them.
While we were out Jamieson’s tooth become lose, so by the end of the day he had wiggled it so much that he pulled it out. In one day it had become lose and come out, I’ve told him that he can’t do that and the tooth fairy will know what he’s doing and not come.
After we said our goodbyes, we went and did some shopping, I got a couple of pairs of pants for work and Bruce bought a “Kenneth Cole” watch with his basketball money. The kids got a couple of things from the Dollar Tree store, which made them happy. By the time we got home it was around 8.00. So it had been a big day. We got the kids showered and changed, watched a bit of the Animal Planet and the kids went off to bed around 8.30 – 9.00. Exhausted after and hectic day.
Bruce & I did the same thing around 10.30, we watched some Croc Hunter and off we went, another big Saturday has come & gone.
We woke up all a bit exhausted, we chilled for the morning then around 11.00 Bruce called Tony to organize the afternoon. We had some lunch and made our way out to the farm, we got there around 1.30 as it took longer than anticipated, it was farther away than we thought.
The farm is actually an island, along the Delta. They have cattle, and that is where they are building a training facility for Elite and Olympic athletes from what they call ‘Orphan Sports”. Shot Put, Javelin, Discuss etc. When it’s done it’s going to be fabulous, and Tony wants Bruce to help with some things with the project. That should be a great experience for him. Something new to learn about and experience, not sure about the details of his involvement, but it’s a great project. (Note from Bruce – Tony wants me to have input into the training video’s for these sports – apparently the video’s out now are blah blah blah – he wants me to script, storyboard and plan out the video so it has some pizzazz and a positive message – he wants me to do this because I basically had to learn it all doing the Bounce ‘n’ Jam project – it is easy now to do and will not take any time at all. The formula is pretty simple. So yes – that will be fun and distract me from the reason we are here!!!!)
We went for a walk around and saw the site, then went and sat and just chatted for a while out of the heat. Barbara took the boys out on some of the machinery, tractor etc. Next time they get to do the other machines & we are going to round up and move some of the cattle so that should be fun. Overall the rides made it a good time over the time they had to sit and wait. We left around 4.30 and made our way home. Had a light dinner, and put the kids to bed, they start back at school tomorrow.
We woke up to a busy morning, the boys woke up and got ready for school, Bruce had already left of course. I got ready as I was going into the office to start doing some work for Paula. We walked over to school, and I dropped the boys off at their lines with their classes. They are in new classrooms now that they are back, it’s the whole year round school thing, there is always a track that are on holidays so when you go on holidays the track that is coming back gets your classroom.
Paula picked me up and we headed off to work. I have to admit, the work for the day was very boring, but it’s not a forever job, she just needs some help at the moment and we are going to see how we go. Paula dropped me off at home at around 2.00, got changed and went over to school and picked up the boys. We got home and the boys started their homework. Conner finished his, but we did find out that his teachers aren’t explaining things as we had hoped. So now we know that we will have to keep an eye on it. So that’s what we are going to do, it seems that they move quickly in Grade 4, and some kids get left behind, we just have to make sure that it’s not our son. I had a look and although I’m not the smartest when I came to school, algebra, and associative numbers, BLAH BLAH!!! Not really much help to him.
Conner went out to play; Jamieson took longer, as per usual at the moment. While he was stuffing around pretending to do his homework I replied to some emails and spoke to Mum on Skype. We had some dinner; the boys did their reading and then went off to bed. Paula called for a chat and then I spoke to mum again, then dad. Then I messengered with Elise and off to bed.
Bruce got up and went out to a 7.00am meeting. He was back in time to walk the boys over to school, which they loved. I had some extra time, I got ready for work and Bruce dropped me off on his way to spend the day in San Francisco, where he was meeting Tory (from Geelong) who arrived in the country. I got into work and actually did some work that I’m used to and enjoy, not making up documents for City Councils like I did yesterday. The day was productive and we got a lot done. Paula dropped me off in time to walk across and pick the boys up from school.
We started on the homework, Conner went through and did it all fine, I checked it and he went off outside to play. Jamieson did the first part of the homework then started again on the stalling etc, all he has is two sheets of practicing writing. One hour went by, then two hours.
5.45 came around and I was getting ready to sit down and watch the Steve Irwin Memorial service. Conner decided that he couldn’t watch it. That was when Jamieson decided that it was all to hard and through a crying fit, on the balcony, in the lounge room. You can imagine how well that went down, he figured out to stay away from me eventually but the crying so that I could hear etc stopped at around 6.30. Not happy Jan. I cried my way through the service like we all did, then I started on dinner. Conner came in and the boys did showers, and dinner. Bruce did call not realizing that the service was on so he called back later.
The boys went off to bed around 8.00 and at 9.00 I made myself a cuppa and sat and watched it again, replay at 9.00 on Animal planet. I spoke to Elise, Rhys and Dylan was there too, which was a nice surprise. We were on messenger, they could see and hear me but I could only see them, (we need to fix that) It’s always great to chat with them, but it will be better when we can chat properly. I got some good birthdays ideas from Rhys for his birthday, so I’m on it. I got some gossip and got to see them, Rhys has grown and Elise’s hair is longer. By the time that was all done it was around midnight, another late night, but I was on a high, so I chilled for 20 mins and went off to sleep
Dropped the kids off 7.00 at Paula’s, she was going to walk them to school for us cause I had to drop Bruce off at the airport. They had their 1st real American breakfast, donuts, pancakes, bacon & eggs. We sat in traffic, and got to the airport at around 8.30, the run was not too bad. We had a cuppa at the airport and then Bruce went to board. I jumped into the car, and headed for Arden mall, my first time there by myself. I walked around and looked at all the stores, and even ran into Kristin, Dylan & Cooper there getting a couple of things. Around midday I jumped into the car again and started to make my way back home. By the time I stopped and did the groceries then had to stop at another place to get Jamieson’s Wheet bix and another place to grab something else, can’t remember what it was. I got home and unpacked the groceries at around 1.45.
Just enough time to put everything away then it was off to school to pick up the kids. We walked home and did the homework thing again. Luckily Jamieson decided that he wasn’t going to do the same thing again. Bruce called to say that he’d arrived safely, but had to go and set up.
Millie and Lexie came over and we caught up on all the gossip from their Disneyland trip on the weekend. They had a great time, and they have lots of photos. They left and I started dinner and the boys went out to play. Paula dropped off Justin and Jeremy at around 5.30; she stayed for a while then went off to her meeting.
We ate dinner and it started, it was all down hill from there. I decided that when the 4 boys get together it chaos. It started at the dinner table and didn’t stop until they had game boys and TV taken away for the rest of the week, then I told Jamieson he had to sleep in my closet. That did the trick, freaked him out good. He went back to Conner’s room very quietly. Bruce called from Phoenix in the middle of it, feeling helpless and tired, he was going off to bed. His Internet in his room wasn’t working so he’s not happy.
Paula arrived to get the boys at 10.00, they left and here I am finishing off the day’s events. It’s about 11.00 and they are showing the finale of Grey’s Anatomy before the new season starts tomorrow night, so when that’s over it’s off to bed for me. Although I now have to get used to Bruce being away again, as over the next couple of months he’s going to be gone for alot of it.
Woke up at the usual time, the boys went off to school and got home and spoke to Paula about the day, she’s out of the office so I don’t have to go in, which means I got to clean the apartment, and I was happy about it. I hadn’t done the back to school clean yet. I did the cleaning then went to the office for an hour or so and do a couple of things. I spoke to Bruce in Phoenix; it was his lull time. We chatted; I did a couple of things and left the office. I drove to Wal-Mart to grab a couple of maintenance things, the boys bent the bathroom towel rail, and had to replace a cracked electric socket cover and some rechargeable batteries for the walkie talkies. Got home just in time to pick the boys up from school. We got home and Millie called to see if I could take her out to get some things. So we picked up her and Lexie and went off to Walmart again (for me) She grabbed her stuff while the kids and I went through the Halloween section, the boys got their candy bucket (pumpkin head) and I large bowl for the candy to give out.
We got home and I let the kids go out and play for 20 mins then they came in and finished their homework. We had fish and chips for dinner and then played some cards before the kids heading off to bed around 8.00. The wind had picked up and it was really starting to blow. As the night went on it did get louder and harder.
I sat down and watched the season premiere episode of Grey’s Anatomy, great episode. Bruce called and Paula called, spoke to them briefly, Bruce was out to dinner at the conference and Paula was driving home from her weekly meeting.
The episode finished and I emailed Kristy all the gossip for her and the girls at her work, Grey’s junkie’s like me. I got onto messenger and had a great chat with Elise, 2 in a week, it’s been a while, I love school holidays at home, I don’t have to stay up too late to chat. We got off around 11.30 and I spoke to Bruce to say goodnight then retired for the evening listening to the howling winds outside. I had to close all the windows, otherwise the blinds when everywhere, stuffy night.
We woke up and the boys went off to school, I got ready and was at work by 8.30. There were trees down everywhere from the wind overnight. All the landscaping companies will be rubbing their hands together. I finished up a couple of things and then took some stuff home to do over the weekend. I left around lunchtime and went out to grab a couple of things that we needed which is easier to do when the kids aren’t around, of course.
I got back around 2.00 sat down for 15 mins changed into non-working clothes and walked over to pick the boys up from school. Chatted with Kristin and Cooper, while we waited for the boys to come out. Jamieson wants to go and watch John play soccer tomorrow, so that will be fun. We walked home and the boys had a snack and chilled out, went outside to play while I did some stuff for work.
Paula and the boys arrived with pizza around 6.00; we walked over to the park to get the boys and came back for dinner. After we had dinner the boys all had showers and then sat down and watched a movie. Paula and I went into our room and just chatted. It was a nice wind down for the week. I had to go to the airport at 11.30 so Paula said that the boys could go to her place for a sleep over, which was great. The movie finished and we organized the kids and walked over to Paula’s. The boys all went to bed and Bruce called from LA to tell us that things were delayed and to add 30 mins. (note from Bruce – we had “Little Richard” on the plane with us – that was interesting – the guys is 74 and was wearing all the sparkles and stuff – the guy is pretty much confined to a wheelchair these days but seemed like a nice guy. Had a heap of make up on and massive wig – god bless showbiz huh?)
By that time I had hit the wall, so I came home and laid out on the couch, tried to sleep, you know that doesn’t happen. I left the apartment after having a cup of coffee (blah) and got to the airport at around 12.30. Bruce was there getting his bag, so I did a lap and when I got back around he was waiting. He jumped into the car and we drove home, chatting about his trip and the goings on.
We got home around 1.00, our eyes dropping out of our heads and dropped into bed. Hopefully sleeping in, pray for us.
Another week has gone, it was a busy week all around. Bruce has starting his traveling so that’s something we need to get used to, it doesn’t usually take long.
A BIG GOOD LUCK TO DYLAN FOR HIS FOOTBALL GRAND FINAL ON SATURDAY!!!! (We just got a reply SMS from a “hammered” Dylan – they WON! Congratulations mate – these don’t come around often so enjoy it.)
Hope you all had a great week. Enjoy the next one and be safe.
(Note from Bruce – we are officially launching the Billy Bounce programs next Friday September 29th – as it is “Billy’s Birthday!” What a great date to launch! We will of course keep you posted as we grow. We also had to change the Billy Ball program name to Billy Bounce because there is a trademarked name of the same name for a company in Florida who runs baseball programs – no worries – people call it Billy Bounce anyway!)
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