Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bruce's 2nd 21st.




Belinda, Kristin,Bruce, Alfie & Paula

From September 23rd

Saturday 23rd (Happy Birthday Tracey Hultgren & Simon McDonald 24th) No basketball today, yeah!!!! Bruce and I slept in until 9.00, after getting home late from the airport; also the boys being at Paula’s was a big reason too. I got up and wandered around grabbed a cuppa and walked over to Paula’s apartment and got the kids. We got back and Bruce was chilling in bed watching the football. We got organized and were out the door around 12.00 to go and watch John play soccer, they got beaten, but John kicked 2 goals, which he was happy about. After the game John and Dylan came out to watch Justin & Jeremy play soccer. Kristin went home to get ready for an afternoon out with some of her old workmates and Alfie was looking after Cooper. We arrived at the soccer and for the next hour watched the parents go nuts. They were positive but nuts, the coach was getting upset with the umpire. It was an experience; Bruce went to sit on the hill away from the noise. The other boys played soccer and when the game was over, we jumped into to car and went to drop the boys off at home. We stayed at the Charles’s for an hour or so then made our way home for a quiet afternoon and evening. The boys went out to play until dinner. They stayed up a little later and were off to bed around 9.30. Bruce did some work on the laptop and I did as well. I was online with Rhys, Elise & Tracey, had a great time, we had the web cams going and it was a really great time. I couldn’t hear them back watching them with the faces etc was a crack up. Elise was doing Dory for me. LOVE IT!!!! Sunday We woke up to another warm morning, the boys lounged around the apartment, Bruce had the football on, and it’s on ALL day on Sunday’s. Between college and NFL you could sit on the couch all day. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. We had some lunch and I packed some snacks and off the boys went to Old Sac for a walk around and to check things out. I stayed at home and had some ME time, so I cleaned and baked. It was like the good old days at home with me baking for the week on Sunday mornings while Bruce was sleeping in and the boys chilled out. I tried the US choc chip cookie recipe, which turned out really yummy. My usual recipe tastes funny over here; I think it’s the condensed milk, or butter. They just don’t taste as yummy, so I tried a new one. Then I also started on dinner, roast potatoes and chicken and veggies. ***NOTE – I went to a Pampered Chef party a while ago and bought what’s called a Measure All Cup. It’s THE BEST!!!! It has every measurement on it, liquid, solid etc. It’s great for the sticky stuff you just push it through and no mess and no left over. FABULOUS, if you can’t get them at home let me know & I’ll get some for anyone who wants them. Without a doubt, the best thing I’ve bought here so far, and that’s saying something. So late in the afternoon the boys got back from a really good time, I had biscuits and other stuff all over the benches. I cleaned up and we had some dinner. The boys were in bed at 8.00 and Bruce and I were not far behind. It was a reasonably early night for all. Monday Another week started, the same as usual. Bruce was off at work and the boys & I were out of the house by 8.00. I spoke to Bruce mid morning; he was really busy so it was brief. They have their weekly meetings Monday mornings. I started on my work, then Paula and I got into some stuff and I got a little clarity as to what I have to do to get Paula where she needs to be. Bruce and I started talking about what he wants to do for his birthday. He decided on Dinner out with some friends on Friday night. The apartment isn’t big enough for 15 or so people, I don’t mind cooking for them, but there’s just no room to put everyone. The boys had a good day at school, I had a good day at work, Bruce got home later than usual but he’s making some headway. Homecoming this week, so they have a lot of orders to get out by the end of the week. We had some dinner and the boys went off to bed. I got online and chatted to everyone, sent some emails and was off to bed around 11.00. Tuesday (Happy Birthday Rhys, 27th) Have a great dinner out, wish we were there Bruce was off early for a school presentation nearby, I took the kids to school and after Bruce got back, drove me to work. Bruce was working at home this morning, and then he rang me at work and said that he had to go in, not happy about it AT ALL!! It’s still hot here, today was around 30c, I walked home from work, it was hot but the exercise was good for me. The only thing that’s bad about it is that my laptop is heavy. I just have to be careful with the back. The boys came home from school and we got through their homework without many problems, which was great. I was online doing some work and actually found another house for us to look at. So that perked up the spirits, I messengered with Bruce about it at work so he left a message for them. Conner had a field trip at school; of course we didn’t really get any of the details. He said that it was fun but 10 year olds. Not really big on details. Bruce also called the other real estate people and we should get an answer in the next few days, so one way or another we will now if we have to keep looking. Which is ok now cause we have another option. We will need to buy a washer and fridge but we can get some that aren’t that expensive so that should be ok. I watched the season opener of the Gilmore Girls, while online chatting. Bruce went off to the gym while I did all that. I went off to bed about around 10.30 and Bruce stayed up until around 1.00am. Doing a lot of Billy B stuff and getting all his ducks in a row, so to speak. Didn’t get to speak to Rhys, he must have been out all day having a really great birthday. Wednesday Another Wednesday pretty much came and went, Bruce went off to work early, the boys off to school and I went off to work. I spent the morning out at meetings with Paula. Small town council people, Oh my. We met with one guy who lied to us and then just walked off, all because Paula wanted him to clarify something that had changed in the town plan and he didn’t like it. I was in shock for about 15 mins, sitting in the car going, I can’t believe how rude that guy was. We stopped for lunch on the way back and got back to the office around 2.30 just in time for Bruce to pick me up. He had been at home working all morning, so that was good for me. The rest of the night was pretty usual, homework, work, and dinner. The kids off to bed, Bruce went out to the gym and I just chilled out and did a little work. Nothing special, just another day. Thursday Well, 1 more sleep until Bruce’s birthday, I’m pretty much ready, just the cake to organize. We all did the usual thing, school, work and work. Bruce was gone for the whole day, I walked to work and home as well, it was good exercise except for the fact that it’s 90F (30c) here, so walking home with the laptop bag isn’t that great. It’s exercise so I shouldn’t complain, it’s all I’m getting at the moment. I picked the boys up from school and we came home and finished their weekly homework, without too much of a hassle. They also did Bruce’s birthday cards and we organized and wrapped the presents. All done and organized. Millie and Lexie came over for a visit and catch up. No working out together in the mornings or anything in the mornings together anymore. So now she has to come over after school so we can see each other. It was good to see them. The boys went out to play and I finished up some work on the computer, sent a couple of emails etc. Bruce got home and did a couple of homework things with the boys, we did dinner and the boys went off to bed around 8.00. After dinner got online and webcam’d with Rhys, found out about all the Grand final week stuff, I do miss that. Footy marathon, and then he rubbed it in by saying that he had a Beaumont’s pie for lunch. Nearly killed me, I’ve been craving them for the last couple of weeks. Rhys loved every minute of letting me know how yummy it was. Little Bugger!!!! Watched Grey’s Anatomy then got back online and continued our chat. I then got on with Elise and chatted for a while. It was around 11.30 when I got off, and emailed an update of Grey’s to Kristy for her and the girls and her work, then headed off to bed just before midnight. Waited a few minutes, said Happy Birthday to Bruce and went off to sleep. Friday HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE We woke up at the usual time, Jamieson came in just before the alarm went off, the 3 of us had a hug in bed, then I got Conner up and we did birthday pressies. He did quite well, he got a floating globe that he had bought himself a while ago, an Adidas hoodie, a shirt and a jigsaw. He opened the birthday box from Mum, with something from all of us. He got Salt & Vinegar chips, (which we know that you can get here now), choc honeycomb (thanks to our sponsors and supporters – The Yummy Mummy Lolly Shop in Belmont!!), usual clippings from the paper and I got photo’s and peppermint truffle bars!!!!! On top of that, I love it when we get a box cause it means that I get another shoebox. Most of you know that, I had to bring shoes without their boxes, it nearly killed me. So I get excited when a box comes cause me shoes get to go back into them instead gathering dust, oh chills!!!! Yeah, Bruce thinks it funny too. They don’t have that size here, I’ve checked. Bruce walked the boys over to school, Paula called, told me to take the day off cause I had things to do for Bruce’s birthday. Thank goodness, I was heading in that direction anyway. I cleaned up the apartment and made up Bruce’s cake, late morning I went out and left Bruce working at his desk. I went out and posted some birthday presents that are officially late, but better late than never, sorry Rhys. Ended up getting a couple of bargains for the apartment at Target 75% off, got to love that. Came home and finished off Bruce’s cake, with Crunchie, (didn’t have any Violet Crumble left at World Foods) it turned out ok, wasn’t happy with the new icing recipe, live and learn. The boys got home from school had a snack and went outside to play. Organized the place (people were coming back for cake) while Bruce was on with the 5 star guy, Alan. They were officially launching Billy B today; flyers went out to coaches etc. A big birthday for Billy B today. Bruce spoke to Al and his mum and dad for his birthday. Pete also called from LA; he’s in the country and is due with us on the 9th. YEAH, the boys are very excited. Pumpkin soup buddy. We all showered and got dressed for dinner and around 6.30 we walked out of the door. We were driving there and the guys from Bruce’s work called to say that they had to work and couldn’t make it. We were both NOT HAPPY, we could have had that nice homemade meal I was going to do originally before too many people were coming. Oh well, we met Paula and the boys and had a really nice time at Logan’s, good fun place. The boys all played games at the table, we had some yummy food and, then they some how found out that that it was Bruce’s birthday, so they came over and, At Logan’s they don’t sing they Do a Big “Yeee Haaa”, very funny. Alfie called at around 7.30 to say that their thing they were supposed to go to end up being a bust, so they could have joined us. They were not happy as you could imagine. Around 8.30 we headed off home for cake and to meet Kristin and Alfie there for a birthday drink. We got back and they arrived not long after, Paula’s kids had to get some sleep so we did cake and all the kids went off to bed, bed not sleep. They had fun, they paired off, Justin in Jamieson’s room and Jeremy in Conner’s room. As you have probably seen by the photos that I put up, The Charles’s gave Bruce a number plate cover with Billy bounce on it. It’s so cool, yes; Bruce was actually speechless & literally did the happy dance for about 5 mins. What do you say to a gift like that; Kristin has an imagination, well, as you can see, what a fabulous gift. It put all of ours to shame. That is why we just love them, and couldn’t live anywhere else in this country cause that would mean we have to leave them. So we all sat down for and just chatted, had a drink and chilled out, it was really nice. We made Halloween plans, something about a carving party and what we are going to do Halloween night. That’s going to be huge fun, can’t wait for that. Everyone left around 10.00 and Bruce is on the computer listening to the footy grand final and here I am, keeping you all up to date. I think Bruce has had a really nice birthday, not that exciting a day but the evening made up for the boredom of the day.
Hopefully I will speak to some of you next week, it’s been slow this week accept for Elise, Rhys and Trace.
Have a great week next week, Enjoy Grand Final weekend.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

From September 17th

Saturday 17th We woke up to another busy Saturday. Today was the boy’s last game of basketball, which also means 2 breakup meals. (Pizza!!!) Jamieson’s game was at 10.30; Bruce went out to see Kristin about a legal document she is looking at for us. Then off to basketball we went, yes they won again. They were a little team of roughies though (the other team), the coach’s fault. We have a really big boy, Julian, in our team, and we found out that the coach told 2 of his boys to go and hack at him, so that’s what they did. In the end, his dad told him to elbow back; understandably, the ref’s weren’t doing anything about it. So then the other team started screaming cause the two boys were getting elbowed back. The ref’s handled it appallingly, singling Julian out. I was not happy to say the least, you can imagine. After the game, we all went out to Round Table Pizza, they have some video games there and the kids ran around and we all ate pizza for some lunch. Bruce got some money to buy himself something as a Thank You from the team, and Kristin went out and bought a basketball and had all the kids sign it too, he also got a Juice Bar card from a little boy in the team. Very surprised, but a really nice thing to see. Bruce was speechless; yes I know we’d all pay money to see that. (Note from Bruce – thanks honey! Yes – I was speechless – very humbled by the gesture – fact was – the parents here are so appreciative that someone actually takes time out of their life for the kids – not many people do that apparently! It was nice!) After lunch we headed back to the stadium for Conner’s game. They started off really well, but had a bad few minutes after half time and couldn’t peg them back. Conner played really well, he gets knocked down & straight back up again, so that’s what’s he’s learnt this season. After the game we decided to go back to the same place, but not everyone could for mixed reasons, but most of them came, it was nice to sit down with them and say good-bye. Most of the kids are playing another sport for the fall season; most of them have already started. So it was goodbye for a lot of them. While we were out Jamieson’s tooth become lose, so by the end of the day he had wiggled it so much that he pulled it out. In one day it had become lose and come out, I’ve told him that he can’t do that and the tooth fairy will know what he’s doing and not come. After we said our goodbyes, we went and did some shopping, I got a couple of pairs of pants for work and Bruce bought a “Kenneth Cole” watch with his basketball money. The kids got a couple of things from the Dollar Tree store, which made them happy. By the time we got home it was around 8.00. So it had been a big day. We got the kids showered and changed, watched a bit of the Animal Planet and the kids went off to bed around 8.30 – 9.00. Exhausted after and hectic day. Bruce & I did the same thing around 10.30, we watched some Croc Hunter and off we went, another big Saturday has come & gone. Sunday We woke up all a bit exhausted, we chilled for the morning then around 11.00 Bruce called Tony to organize the afternoon. We had some lunch and made our way out to the farm, we got there around 1.30 as it took longer than anticipated, it was farther away than we thought. The farm is actually an island, along the Delta. They have cattle, and that is where they are building a training facility for Elite and Olympic athletes from what they call ‘Orphan Sports”. Shot Put, Javelin, Discuss etc. When it’s done it’s going to be fabulous, and Tony wants Bruce to help with some things with the project. That should be a great experience for him. Something new to learn about and experience, not sure about the details of his involvement, but it’s a great project. (Note from Bruce – Tony wants me to have input into the training video’s for these sports – apparently the video’s out now are blah blah blah – he wants me to script, storyboard and plan out the video so it has some pizzazz and a positive message – he wants me to do this because I basically had to learn it all doing the Bounce ‘n’ Jam project – it is easy now to do and will not take any time at all. The formula is pretty simple. So yes – that will be fun and distract me from the reason we are here!!!!) We went for a walk around and saw the site, then went and sat and just chatted for a while out of the heat. Barbara took the boys out on some of the machinery, tractor etc. Next time they get to do the other machines & we are going to round up and move some of the cattle so that should be fun. Overall the rides made it a good time over the time they had to sit and wait. We left around 4.30 and made our way home. Had a light dinner, and put the kids to bed, they start back at school tomorrow. Monday We woke up to a busy morning, the boys woke up and got ready for school, Bruce had already left of course. I got ready as I was going into the office to start doing some work for Paula. We walked over to school, and I dropped the boys off at their lines with their classes. They are in new classrooms now that they are back, it’s the whole year round school thing, there is always a track that are on holidays so when you go on holidays the track that is coming back gets your classroom. Paula picked me up and we headed off to work. I have to admit, the work for the day was very boring, but it’s not a forever job, she just needs some help at the moment and we are going to see how we go. Paula dropped me off at home at around 2.00, got changed and went over to school and picked up the boys. We got home and the boys started their homework. Conner finished his, but we did find out that his teachers aren’t explaining things as we had hoped. So now we know that we will have to keep an eye on it. So that’s what we are going to do, it seems that they move quickly in Grade 4, and some kids get left behind, we just have to make sure that it’s not our son. I had a look and although I’m not the smartest when I came to school, algebra, and associative numbers, BLAH BLAH!!! Not really much help to him. Conner went out to play; Jamieson took longer, as per usual at the moment. While he was stuffing around pretending to do his homework I replied to some emails and spoke to Mum on Skype. We had some dinner; the boys did their reading and then went off to bed. Paula called for a chat and then I spoke to mum again, then dad. Then I messengered with Elise and off to bed. Tuesday Bruce got up and went out to a 7.00am meeting. He was back in time to walk the boys over to school, which they loved. I had some extra time, I got ready for work and Bruce dropped me off on his way to spend the day in San Francisco, where he was meeting Tory (from Geelong) who arrived in the country. I got into work and actually did some work that I’m used to and enjoy, not making up documents for City Councils like I did yesterday. The day was productive and we got a lot done. Paula dropped me off in time to walk across and pick the boys up from school. We started on the homework, Conner went through and did it all fine, I checked it and he went off outside to play. Jamieson did the first part of the homework then started again on the stalling etc, all he has is two sheets of practicing writing. One hour went by, then two hours. 5.45 came around and I was getting ready to sit down and watch the Steve Irwin Memorial service. Conner decided that he couldn’t watch it. That was when Jamieson decided that it was all to hard and through a crying fit, on the balcony, in the lounge room. You can imagine how well that went down, he figured out to stay away from me eventually but the crying so that I could hear etc stopped at around 6.30. Not happy Jan. I cried my way through the service like we all did, then I started on dinner. Conner came in and the boys did showers, and dinner. Bruce did call not realizing that the service was on so he called back later. The boys went off to bed around 8.00 and at 9.00 I made myself a cuppa and sat and watched it again, replay at 9.00 on Animal planet. I spoke to Elise, Rhys and Dylan was there too, which was a nice surprise. We were on messenger, they could see and hear me but I could only see them, (we need to fix that) It’s always great to chat with them, but it will be better when we can chat properly. I got some good birthdays ideas from Rhys for his birthday, so I’m on it. I got some gossip and got to see them, Rhys has grown and Elise’s hair is longer. By the time that was all done it was around midnight, another late night, but I was on a high, so I chilled for 20 mins and went off to sleep Wednesday Dropped the kids off 7.00 at Paula’s, she was going to walk them to school for us cause I had to drop Bruce off at the airport. They had their 1st real American breakfast, donuts, pancakes, bacon & eggs. We sat in traffic, and got to the airport at around 8.30, the run was not too bad. We had a cuppa at the airport and then Bruce went to board. I jumped into the car, and headed for Arden mall, my first time there by myself. I walked around and looked at all the stores, and even ran into Kristin, Dylan & Cooper there getting a couple of things. Around midday I jumped into the car again and started to make my way back home. By the time I stopped and did the groceries then had to stop at another place to get Jamieson’s Wheet bix and another place to grab something else, can’t remember what it was. I got home and unpacked the groceries at around 1.45. Just enough time to put everything away then it was off to school to pick up the kids. We walked home and did the homework thing again. Luckily Jamieson decided that he wasn’t going to do the same thing again. Bruce called to say that he’d arrived safely, but had to go and set up. Millie and Lexie came over and we caught up on all the gossip from their Disneyland trip on the weekend. They had a great time, and they have lots of photos. They left and I started dinner and the boys went out to play. Paula dropped off Justin and Jeremy at around 5.30; she stayed for a while then went off to her meeting. We ate dinner and it started, it was all down hill from there. I decided that when the 4 boys get together it chaos. It started at the dinner table and didn’t stop until they had game boys and TV taken away for the rest of the week, then I told Jamieson he had to sleep in my closet. That did the trick, freaked him out good. He went back to Conner’s room very quietly. Bruce called from Phoenix in the middle of it, feeling helpless and tired, he was going off to bed. His Internet in his room wasn’t working so he’s not happy. Paula arrived to get the boys at 10.00, they left and here I am finishing off the day’s events. It’s about 11.00 and they are showing the finale of Grey’s Anatomy before the new season starts tomorrow night, so when that’s over it’s off to bed for me. Although I now have to get used to Bruce being away again, as over the next couple of months he’s going to be gone for alot of it. Thursday Woke up at the usual time, the boys went off to school and got home and spoke to Paula about the day, she’s out of the office so I don’t have to go in, which means I got to clean the apartment, and I was happy about it. I hadn’t done the back to school clean yet. I did the cleaning then went to the office for an hour or so and do a couple of things. I spoke to Bruce in Phoenix; it was his lull time. We chatted; I did a couple of things and left the office. I drove to Wal-Mart to grab a couple of maintenance things, the boys bent the bathroom towel rail, and had to replace a cracked electric socket cover and some rechargeable batteries for the walkie talkies. Got home just in time to pick the boys up from school. We got home and Millie called to see if I could take her out to get some things. So we picked up her and Lexie and went off to Walmart again (for me) She grabbed her stuff while the kids and I went through the Halloween section, the boys got their candy bucket (pumpkin head) and I large bowl for the candy to give out. We got home and I let the kids go out and play for 20 mins then they came in and finished their homework. We had fish and chips for dinner and then played some cards before the kids heading off to bed around 8.00. The wind had picked up and it was really starting to blow. As the night went on it did get louder and harder. I sat down and watched the season premiere episode of Grey’s Anatomy, great episode. Bruce called and Paula called, spoke to them briefly, Bruce was out to dinner at the conference and Paula was driving home from her weekly meeting. The episode finished and I emailed Kristy all the gossip for her and the girls at her work, Grey’s junkie’s like me. I got onto messenger and had a great chat with Elise, 2 in a week, it’s been a while, I love school holidays at home, I don’t have to stay up too late to chat. We got off around 11.30 and I spoke to Bruce to say goodnight then retired for the evening listening to the howling winds outside. I had to close all the windows, otherwise the blinds when everywhere, stuffy night. Friday We woke up and the boys went off to school, I got ready and was at work by 8.30. There were trees down everywhere from the wind overnight. All the landscaping companies will be rubbing their hands together. I finished up a couple of things and then took some stuff home to do over the weekend. I left around lunchtime and went out to grab a couple of things that we needed which is easier to do when the kids aren’t around, of course. I got back around 2.00 sat down for 15 mins changed into non-working clothes and walked over to pick the boys up from school. Chatted with Kristin and Cooper, while we waited for the boys to come out. Jamieson wants to go and watch John play soccer tomorrow, so that will be fun. We walked home and the boys had a snack and chilled out, went outside to play while I did some stuff for work. Paula and the boys arrived with pizza around 6.00; we walked over to the park to get the boys and came back for dinner. After we had dinner the boys all had showers and then sat down and watched a movie. Paula and I went into our room and just chatted. It was a nice wind down for the week. I had to go to the airport at 11.30 so Paula said that the boys could go to her place for a sleep over, which was great. The movie finished and we organized the kids and walked over to Paula’s. The boys all went to bed and Bruce called from LA to tell us that things were delayed and to add 30 mins. (note from Bruce – we had “Little Richard” on the plane with us – that was interesting – the guys is 74 and was wearing all the sparkles and stuff – the guy is pretty much confined to a wheelchair these days but seemed like a nice guy. Had a heap of make up on and massive wig – god bless showbiz huh?) By that time I had hit the wall, so I came home and laid out on the couch, tried to sleep, you know that doesn’t happen. I left the apartment after having a cup of coffee (blah) and got to the airport at around 12.30. Bruce was there getting his bag, so I did a lap and when I got back around he was waiting. He jumped into the car and we drove home, chatting about his trip and the goings on. We got home around 1.00, our eyes dropping out of our heads and dropped into bed. Hopefully sleeping in, pray for us. Another week has gone, it was a busy week all around. Bruce has starting his traveling so that’s something we need to get used to, it doesn’t usually take long. A BIG GOOD LUCK TO DYLAN FOR HIS FOOTBALL GRAND FINAL ON SATURDAY!!!! (We just got a reply SMS from a “hammered” Dylan – they WON! Congratulations mate – these don’t come around often so enjoy it.) GO NEWTOWN!!!!! Hope you all had a great week. Enjoy the next one and be safe. (Note from Bruce – we are officially launching the Billy Bounce programs next Friday September 29th – as it is “Billy’s Birthday!” What a great date to launch! We will of course keep you posted as we grow. We also had to change the Billy Ball program name to Billy Bounce because there is a trademarked name of the same name for a company in Florida who runs baseball programs – no worries – people call it Billy Bounce anyway!) LET THE GAMES……. BEGIN!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Marine World Pics


The boys didn't want thier picture taken with 'Tweety'

The Boys with the African Penguins

Say - 'GRRRR'

Conner's favorite ride - 'The Pirate Ship'

'Feeding the Birds'

Bruce & Conner on 'The Cobra Rollercoaster'

End of the Day - 5 1/2 hours later..

Driving back to Sacramento

September 9th

Saturday 9th We woke up to another Saturday full of basketball. We all rose a little later than usual & just chilled out around the apartment until 12.00 then went off to Jamieson’s basketball game. They won, of course!!! They are a really good little team, and you know that Jamieson just loves that. We came home after the game at around 2.00 & was starving so we munched on some lunch & the kids had a quick play then off to the stadium again for Conner’s 3.30 game. This poor team, they ended up being down by 20 at the half but beat them in the second half scoring, but did lose by 12 in the end. They all played really well in the second half and had some fun doing it to. They were smiling after the game & that’s the most important thing. Sadly I think that they are used to losing now. We arrived home at around 5.00 and the boys went back outside to play. I am really liking this drop in temperature I have to say. It’s not too hot to be running around outside so they do. Bruce called Al Bell for his birthday & they had their weekly catch up as well. We decided to just stay in and chill out for the night, the kids were having fun playing & we really couldn’t be bothered doing anything. So that’s exactly what we did, nothing. The boys came in for a late dinner & headed off to bed around 9.00 as we had a big day planned for tomorrow. Bruce and I stayed up and watched a tribute to Steve Irwin, the discovery channel, Animal Planet are running all his old shows at the moment. Then the TV guide channel has put a tribute program together. We finished watching them & went off to bed around 11.00. Setting the alarm just in case. And that was our Saturday, nothing too exciting but a busy day none the less. Sunday We woke up to what was to be a busy day, kind of. Today we went to Marine World. We were up and out of the house by 8.45, onto the freeway we went heading in the direction of San Francisco. It’s about half way. We arrived there just after 10.00am. It was a cloudy morning, so we walked around, there wasn’t many people there yet, so with the lack of numbers & the cooler weather it was a really pleasant morning. We grabbed the map and decided to see some of the stuff that we didn’t have time to see last time. We had some photo’s taken with Tweety, then we walked around and saw the dolphins, stingrays and penguins, the boys went on a couple rides too. We walked around and saw the Shark exhibit, the one that Jamieson threw the GINORMOUS tantrum over last time. Note to everyone – we had to drag him in, he didn’t want to go in again once we actually got there, but Bruce ended up picking him up and carrying him in. Of course he loved it. He’s all talk young Jamieson…. We stopped and had a snack then headed to the animal’s section of the park, the boys went on another couple of rides, a bee did sting me, I think it was a bee. No swelling so everything must be ok. It must be the tough old skin. We caught the shuttle back to the car and had some lunch, a lot cheaper than staying inside. We caught the shuttle back then we ran and caught the sea lion show, which was FANTASTIC!!!! So cool, (sorry Elise & Rhys that you didn’t get to see it.) The boys thought it was better than the dolphin or whale shows, so that’s saying something. We continued on through the park, seeing all the animals & going on rides, it was a really fun afternoon, before we knew it, it was 4.00 & we started to make our way to the car, dropped into the gift shop for a look & headed out to the van. We were on the road at 5.30, decided to stop into Vacaville (outlet mall) to see if there was any cool stuff, (starting Christmas shopping, all the summer stuff is on sale so I’ll have to be quick before it’s all gone) **any requests everyone, you’d better get them in quick. I got a few things and got back onto the road, we had a pleasant ride home, the boys were listening to their MP3’s and Bruce & I chatted. We got home about 7.00 and the kids went out to play with Jakary until dark in the end, we called them in around 8.00. They came in, we had a usual Sunday night dinner, toasted sandwiches, & Bruce & I had baked beans on toast, if you can believe that. The boys went off to bed around 9.00, they were tired so we didn’t hear a peep. Got online & of course none of you were on. Bugger!!! Monday Another week begun like all the rest, the last week of the kids holidays, not that I’m doing the happy dance or anything, that is next Monday. Bruce went off to work early again, the boys did the usual movie watching while I was at the gym. I got back the boys did their homework while I started cleaning the apartment. Although Jamieson decided that it was boring & he was distracted etc, etc. 2 hours later, he finished his 2 sheets of writing, not a good sign for the week. The boys went out to play with Jackary & I did the bathrooms & shower curtains, it is still warm here, quite warm actually. Bruce got home not long after lunch & I changed went to the office to do some interviews with Paula. Not a lot, slim pickings, it was nice to be out of the house for a while. Bruce took the boys off to basketball practice, the last one. I got home about around 6.00 and started on dinner, the boys got home around 6.30, Mum called on Skype so the boys chatted with her while I was serving up their dinner. I got all the gossip from the wedding and their weekend trip up to Warragul, all the family gossip. We also threw around dates for when she comes over. We got off the computer & started on Bruce’s & my dinner. While that was cooking Paula arrived to watch Monday night football. We had some dinner, the kids went off to bed & Paula stayed till the end of the game. She left about 10.30, Bruce went off to bed & I stayed up for a little while until I got tired. It usually happens around midnight nowa days. Tuesday Didn’t do a lot, chilled out around the house. Pretty boring Tuesday by all accounts. Did the usual, Bruce out early, washing, kids homework, tidying up, lunch, the usual. Bruce got home early afternoon and we got into the car to go to Social Security office, not looking forward to that. Apparently the real estate people want my social security number, the fact that I don’t have one they don’t seem to care about. You can’t get any credit or anything like it without one, but they want to do a credit check on me, even though I don’t have one. ‘Lot’s of fun dealing with these people.’ Bruce is calling to see what to do. Anyway, we didn’t have to wait too long, but then we were told that we have to go to Immigration and get a Green Card, so I’m thinking that I’m not getting this social security number is coming my way anytime soon. The man was rude & wasn’t really that helpful, AT ALL!!! We got home, frustrated, as you could imagine, then I went off to get the groceries. I got back around 4.30 & unpacked to get ready for dinner. Conner came in and asked about going to the pool. Bruce ended up taking them to the pool around 6.00 while I started dinner. Chicken & Veggies YUM!!!! After dinner the boys got their project books out & did some homework with us. Trudy was trying to call but their sound was non-existent so after about an hour of trying to figure it out we gave up. Maybe tomorrow!! The boys went of to bed around 8.30, fairly quietly, Bruce went into do a few things for work & went off to bed; I stayed up for a little while. Not a very exciting day but another gone. Wednesday Another Wednesday has come & gone without much happening at all. Bruce was off early again, the boys and I did the usual for the morning, going into lunch. It is getting cooler pretty quickly, today it got to around 90F but it’s expected to cool right down to the 70’sF for the rest of the week. We are going to have to get used to wearing lots of clothes again, that’s going to be weird. We haven’t had to do that since last December. Bruce got home around 5.00; the boys were out playing with the kids, which was great. Bruce had a nap (he is exhausted). We had some dinner then after that Bruce took the boys out to Toys R Us because they wanted to spend some birthday money. While they were gone I did the usual clean up and then had a chance to relax for a few minutes with a cuppa. Conner was opening one of his new things and cut his finger, pretty deep, we cleaned it up & he settled down. The boys went off to bed around 9.30, Bruce went into the bedroom and got going onto some more work. I hit the wall around 10.00, & headed off to bed. I must have been tired; I fell asleep while he was working with the night on. Bruce was on the web cam with Rhys for a while. So another Wednesday ended fairly early, not like me at all. Nothing exciting, just what’s turning into the usual. Thursday We woke up to a cold morning, haven’t had one of those for a long time. It was so cold we didn’t open all the windows to let fresh air in this morning, just opened them a little, very weird. The boys were chilling watching the TV & Bruce & I sat down & had a catch up about the week so far. Just getting the progress report on what’s going on with him. Hard to do when he’s out of the house at 5.30 all the time. Everyone had some breakfast, the boys went into Conner’s room & played with his new stuff & Bruce went of to the bedroom to work, of course that left me to do the usual, cleaning & tidying. Sounds exciting huh, NOT!!! Tried to find out about this Green Card business, it’s going to be a process, I have to make an appointment online, go in etc. Bruce has sent an email to his contact at Austrade in US, seeing how long & process etc. Not looking forward to this process at all. It’s going to be like getting our visa’s all over again. Then of course I have to go back to the Social Security office and go through that again. Will keep everyone posted with the progress. The most frustrating this is that I can’t officially start work with Paula until this gets done. Mid morning we decided that the boys & I would come for a drive & while Bruce was at the office picking up an order, we would go the outlet mall to check out a couple of shops (summer clearance stock, on sale) We were getting dressed & Bruce was walking around the house telling all of us to put jumpers on. We were all in light stuff, have to get used to wearing layers again. We left around 11.00 & headed over to the other side of town. Bruce dropped us off & the boys & I walked around for a couple of hours, we got a couple of things and they even got some jean, GAP, on sale $10.00 got to love that. Great timing, Bruce had just arrived. I didn’t have my mobile, as it was at home charging, when you don’t go out for god knows how long why would you check to see if it was charged? Bruce just laughed at me. Anyway, we were coming out of Gap just as he was walking in our direction; we jumped into the car & started to make our way home. Bruce dropped us off at Costco so we walked around there while he went to drop off the delivery to this school near by. An hour plus later he arrived, the boys and I were bored, we had walked around and looked at everything twice. There was some good stuff, but trying to save, got a big few months coming up, trips, visitors & Christmas, have to save where we can. We got home, the boys went out to play with the other kids, Bruce went to do some more work, & I went out to the supermarket to try and get inspired about something for dinner. Bruce wanted something & veggies, which can make it easy and hard all at once. I got home and did dinner prep, the boys were in & out for drinks & snacks & ‘Dad, can you get the ball of the carport roof?’ We sat down to dinner, Conner on the last turkey meatball deciding to try and pick the onions out, not going to happen. So he just smothered everything in sauce (sorry ketchup) and kept eating. Jamieson as per usual, took forever, I know that my mother is laughing because that is something that his mother used to do all the time too. We finished up & the boys did their homework that they didn’t get to do this morning. Off to bed at a reasonable hour. Friday We all woke up at around 7.30, which was nice. The boys chilled out on the couch, Bruce had some breakfast & jumped onto the laptop. I started with the tidying and washing etc, although it is cool today so drying the washing is going to take a little longer than usual. I actually had to use the dryer, which was not what I’m used to. After a couple of loads and going through the boys long winter clothes, Bruce left for the office around 11.00. The boys went into Conner’s room and played with his new stuff, which left me to vacuum and clean the living area. FUN FUN FUN!!!! Jakary came over for a play around 12.00 then Christian knocked on the door around 12.30, he ended up coming in for a play as well. They both ended staying for pancakes which was fun. They finished up and went outside, then the weirdest thing happened. Check this out, I, me, Belinda was speechless & dumbfounded. Christian came running back into the apartment, no knock. Walked casually over and picked up the phone and said he was just going to ring his mum to see if he could go and play at this guys house. I said, why don’t you just walk home and talk to your mum, he said that ‘no he would just ring her, it’s OK’. I just stood there, completely ???? I didn’t know what to say. He got off the phone and walked out, I did get a look in that I know he saw, but WOW!!!! Now is that just the height of rudeness or is that just me, please let me know. I know that some things are done differently here, but WOW!!! That’s all I can say, no words. Anyway, Bruce got home and was, ‘he’s weird, don’t want him inside the apartment anymore’, he kind of freaks me out. The boys went outside to play and I cleaned up and had some lunch myself. Bruce called mid afternoon to say that he was about to join the Friday afternoon traffic, should be either 30 mins or 2 hours, always a lottery. I got onto the laptop and continued with my uploading of the pics to the blog for this week. Bruce got home, chatted out his day, work, orders, meetings etc, more interesting than me at the moment. Bruce came in holding Conner, he had done something to his ankle, so he checked it out, soaked it in water & Conner rested on the couch. I got onto the laptop and messengered with Michelle (Jolly) for a bit, Conner got bored and decided that his ankle was better, put his shoes on and went out to play. I continued on with the Marine World pics, then around 5.00 Bruce & I started deciding whether or not to do the concert or just go out for dinner, or maybe just go and get something & bring it in. We were discussing it when Paula called, so we decided to all go out and get something. We left for a restaurant called ‘Logans’, it’s a type of steakhouse. We got there around 7.00 and the sat down. The boys started with the peanuts & the throwing them on the floor, which they thought was fantastic. We got warm bread rolls & peanuts, all you could eat. As you could imagine, the 4 boys were having a ball. Paula and I caught up on the week’s events, she found a lady & is putting her on a trial, & she wants me to start next week & when I get the social security number then we’ll work out money. So that was exactly what I wanted to hear, now I really have to go and do a little shopping for work clothes. We all had our yummy food, good meals, & walked to Best Buys & Old Navy to have a look before heading off home. We got home around 9.30 & organized the kids into bed, Bruce is sitting on the couch playing Jamieson’s game boy, Millie gave the boys a couple of games that Lexie didn’t like, so he’s playing Pacman & some other old ones. I am sitting here in my LONG PJ’s, it must be getting cold, or probably the fact that we are just not used to it. I think we are about on par with the weather at home. This morning we woke up to 45F (9c) then today it got to around 74F (22c) & at the moment it’s around 60F (15c). So we actually know what it’s like, the good thing is tonight we were all quite happy to put clothes on and actually dress to go out. No thongs & shorts. Well it’s now after 10.00 and I’m done for the week. We have a busy weekend coming up, tomorrow we have the last basketball games so there will probably be meals after those, then on Sunday we are going out to Tony’s farm. (The guy that is Paula’s friend/associate, that Bruce has been talking with, just someone to run things by, he’s connected and very knowledgeable in everything, so you can imagine that Bruce just loves spending time with him. I must have made a good impression cause he has nice things to say about me too. Anyway, he has invited us out to his farm, so the kids can go on the tractor & just run around & we can all just have some fun. So we are looking forward to that. Well must go, Bruce has to proof this & put his 2 cents worth in. Hope you all had a great week, from memory all the kids are now on school holidays, so everyone have fun & to all the mum’s HAVE FUN!!!????

Thursday, September 07, 2006