Friday 28th April....
Where has the week gone? Today was a pretty normal day,
school, fitness centre, emails back to school etc.
tonight we had the picnic after school, so that was fun.
We spent the afternoon by the pool with the usuals (Milly & Lexy & some other kids). We left a little earlier & went out in the van to get some stuff for dinner. I should know by now but for some reason we get out to a shop of any discription & the boys lose thier minds. I drives me insane, but I can't leave them at home. I should have done it during the day but I wanted to get a hot chicken.
Anyway we walked over to the park behind the school. I sat a chatted with the principal then the boys wanted to eat so we sat done to start eating. Jamiesons teacher invited us over to sit with some other A Track families. Which was really great of her. There was a group of about 6-8 of them sitting around. They were really nice. Then she bought others over as well, so I did meet a few people. Conner & Jamieson met some new kids and made some new frinds aswell which was great. We also exchanged a couple of phone numbers, so this sounds wierd but it was great. I got my first official school, (Sheryl) here's my number, call if you need anything, bit while Bruce is away & when he gets home.
So that made my night.
Anyway it started getting cooler, & getting darker so we packed up & said our goodbyes & started on our way home. On the way home one of the other mum's Diana called from across the road & asked if the boys & I would like to come back their place for a swim & spa (for the boys) & a drink. We went home & changed (I was COLD) grapped the kids bathers & walked down the street. They live in a gated community across the road from the school. So it was a 5 min walk. The little community was so beautiful, even in the dark. It seemed really nice & safe. Thier home was beautiful. The kids jumped in the pool & I sat around on the deck with Diana, Steve, Sheryl & Sheryl's mum. We chatted, I hope I didn't talk too much. The kids went into the pool then spa etc etc. The Sacramento Kings won on the buzzer with a layup that popped around the rim & went through after the buzzer. The whole house went nuts. Conner discovered chocolate coated pretzels & we gave the kids a Koala keyring each.
We left about 11.00, Sheryl drove us home, much to Jamiesons relief. He really didn't walk to walk in the dark.
Overall it was a great night. Time will tell on what kind of impression we made. The boys went straight to bed, they barely made it to bed.
Weekend was pretty standard. Got up watched some TV, played , spoke to Bruce on the phone, & spend a couple hours of the afternoon at the pool. Saturday was a bit cooler so the kids friends weren't there. They lasted about an hour before they wanted to go home.
Sunday, we were there for a lot of the afternoon, we are a little pink. Ofcoarse poor Conner is red, not too bad. But you know how he panics when he sees a little burn. No sun for us tomorrow. We went out to the Supermarket. The usual, running & getting into trouble. I new but I ahd to go. The kids were in bed early, I stayed up later. I'm now doing the thing where I know Bruce is coming home in the next couple of days so I start to have had enough. Especially over the weekend. It was a warm night also, so it was harder to get to sleep, the pinkness & warmth of the skin didn't help either.
The start of another week. Our Monday was pretty ususal. We got up & went to school. Went to the fitness cenrtre & walked on the treadmill with Milly. I'll post a pic of her and Lexie so you can all see who I am talking about all the time. They are great. Milly said that she would take me to some of the good shopping places, so I'm looking forward to that. We are very similar & get along really well. I think I've found a good friend. After my walk I went to the business centre & did some stuff then went home tidied up & picked jamieson up from school.
We headed down to the pool for a couple of hours before Conner got home from school. Had some lunch at the pool with Milly & Lexie. Spoke to Bruce on the phone, his trip has been a good one, but he is ready to come home. Have to say I'm ready for him to come home. The last couple of days seemed to have gone a little slower. One more sleep. We stayed inside for the afternoon & did homework & just chilled out. Elliott, a boy that Conner met on Friday night at the picnic rang to see if he could come over for a play. So we organised for that to happen Tuesday. He is really looking forward to it. The only bad thing is that I have to go and pick him up. The van scares me, I don't want to blow it up. Now Jamieson is on the can I have a friend over thing. Not sure if I'm ready for people to come over yet.
The boys went out and played for an hour or so while I got dinner ready, we did all that & they were in bed at 8.00. And that was another day in sunny Northern California.
Bruce came home today/ tonight.
The day started out the same as the rest. The boys went off to school & I had a caught up with Milly in the fitness. Went to the business centre to do the usual routine. Sat in the office and spoke to Angela for a while. Chatted about lots of stuff, she enquired about Bruce's trip & asked when he was coming home. So that was nice. A friend of hers came into visit. He was a nice guy, so now I've met an Elk Grove policeman. Angela mentioned that she's thinking about organising a bbq for the residents & trying to get a police car & firetruck over for the kids to see and all that. So I hope she does organise that, it sounds like fun for everyone.
Before I knew it, I looked at the clock & it was time to get Jamieson. We come home got changed, met Milly & Lexy at the pool. we stayed there for a couple of hours then went inside to chill. Conner was going to his new friends place after school for a play so that was exciting for him. It also meant I didn't have to go back to school to pick him up.
Bruce called from Chicago, he was running to his next flight. Around 4.30 Jamieson & I got into the van & drove over to Elliotts house to get Conner. (I turned right out of the Apartment complex onto the left hand side of the road. OOPPSS!!!) There's a funny story, hope you all had a chuckle, Bruce did. We picked Conner up from Elliotts house, beautiful home. His mother Kris is actually teaching Jamieson this week because his usual teacher has gone to Science camp with her son.
We came home, did homework, baths, dinner & left to pick up Bruce.
I drove on the highway, luckily, I just had to stay on the same one so there was no confusion. Thank Goodness. The plane ofcoarse was late, so we were driving around circling for 30 mins, FUN, not.
We got home around 9.30 & the boys went off to bed. Bruce was really tired, so he unpacked & went to bed. Bruce is home, it was a good day.
We woke up & for boys were a bit harder than ever to wake, because of the later bed time. We got them up & off to school on time as usual. They wanted us both to walk them to school, so we walked back together, then Bruce started work & I tidyed up. Bruce went & picked up Jamieson & they came home, picked me up & we went out. I went & did the groceries & Jamieson & Bruce went out for lunch. It was nice for them to spend some time together. They picked me up & we trondled off home with a boot full of food. YUM!!
Conner had an excursion to see Charlottes Web today. All I got out of him was that it was good. He came home with not a very good mood. That seemed to get better once he had something to eat. I think it was a combination of tiredness & hunger. His mood improved until we started on the homework thing. Conner didn't have any from his teacher but there was the extra maths that he does, & of coarse Jamieson just I think loves an argument. He decided that he didn't want to do it. So after the threat of not being able to go outside and play with the kids before dinner, he decided it wasn't worth missing out on. It finally got done.
We had dinner, the kids finally got to bed. Bruce went off to the gym.
Slept in this morning, the alarm didn't go off. Conner was up & had everything done. It was around 7.20 when we all got up. Woops!! Conner likes to go earlier, & meet us at the gate, then Bruce & Jamieson went off a couple of minutes later. They want to walk by themselves, maybe I'll think about it next school year, when they are both coming home together.
I jumped into the van & decided to take a drive and see what's around on ELK GROVE BLVD. The boys needed some tops & shorts (blue & white) for school. We do most of our shopping etc on Laguna Blvd. As all the shopping here is outside, not in malls. I drove around & had a look to see if it was worth coming up there every now & then. It has some good stores. There is a shop called Tilly's that has all surf brands, so that is cool. Then there is another bigger store there called Kohl's. It's sort of in between Myer & Target. Didn't have a really good look, didn't have what the boys needed. Another store called World Foods, which has Tim Tams. YEAH says Bruce. It also has some other lollies & stuff from home so that was a good find.
Onto the next, drove a little further down the road to WalMart. Got everything I needed there. It's like KMart. It was coming up to 1.00 so I thought I'd better get back because Jamieson would be driving Bruce crazy & he wouldn't be getting much work done. I got home & Jamieson wasn't there. He went to John's house, so that was good for him.
John's mum dropped him off atschool at 2.30, so I picked both boys up together. Jamieson had a great time & Kristin said he was great & is welcome back anytime. RELIEF!!!
The boys came home & we gave them dome weight rings for the pool as a congratulations on the great job they are doing at school. They did thier homework & went outside to play. Conner had a sad time at bedtime, so the 3 of us had a chat about all the cool things that we can do while we're here & that it's not forever. He felt better, & went off to sleep.
Bruce went off to the fitness centre.
(At half time of the lakers v suns game, of coarse)
Well that's the week. The weekend is coming so there will be more pics.
Again......hope everyone has a great weekend.
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