Sunday, May 21, 2006

From 19th May

We woke up to an overcast day. The boys went off to school & I went to work out at the fitness centre. I finished up the blog for the week & asked Bruce to check it before posting.
went to pick Jamieson up from school, went to the business centre & came home & had some lunch. In the afternoon I went out to the supermarket to grab some stuff so I could make choc chip biscuits & to a place called Trader Joes (I was told they have things that other supermarkets don't) I found rice flour (for biscuits) & Wheat Bix, Yeah!!! Then I went to another place called World Market to buy some Tim Tams to take to Jeff's later. I got back & Kris - Conner's friends mum was there. They left around 5.30 & we got ready to go over the other side of town so Bruce could go to his dinner & we were going to Jeff & Lisa's place. Ross rang to confirm that the kids are coming and date & time of their arrival & his a week later. That is going to be a fantastic 9 days. Wooo Hooo!!!!!
On the way down the highway (in the rain) we realized that the battery was not going to make it to our destination, so we called Craig (who helped us with the van the day before) & asked him to meet us to fix the car. The new battery was not connected up to the new alternator & the battery was running the whole car. So we got off the freeway (peak hour) & stopped at a dodgey petrol station in a not very good part of town. FUN, not. We had time to kill, so we went inside & had a petrol station dinner, which wasn't AS bad as you would think. Not great, but not to disgusting, although the homeless people asking for money wasn't the best thing to watch. Anyway, Craig arrived & an hour or so later and we were off. Still raining, we got onto the right freeway, thought we were on the wrong freeway & turned onto another one. Halfway down we realised we took the wrong one & had to go through the map & find a new way to get there. By this time we were about 1 1/2 hours into a 30 min trip. We finally arrived at Jeff's at 8.20 & Bruce took off to his drinks & we settled at Lisa's for the evening.
It was a good time, the boys all played, hide & seek, Xbox, TV etc & Lisa & I chatted. The big boys got home around midnight. Jamieson was asleep on my lap & the older boys were conked out with red eyes. We all had a chat & we were on our way home around 12.30am. We were home around 1am & very quickly into bed.
So that was another experience to add to the list. What an interesting Friday we had.
As you can imagine, we slept in, especially me. Another overcast day. The boys went off in the morning to watch Elliott (Conner's friend) play basketball. They got back around lunchtime. We had lunch & decided that the boys could invite some friends over for a movie on the wall. (Projector) So about an hour later there were 7 boys & a couple of girls lounging around our lounge room floor watching Narnia. It was quite amusing watching them all doing their thing. Some were watchcing, others were in and out & others just couldn't sit still. (It's not just my boys than goodness) I was baking ANZAC biscuits & then went out to tidy up the van a bit. Pig Sty!!!!By the end of the movie, some had gone, others were kind of watching & Conner was asleep on the couch. After that they all went outside to play while the sun was out. They stayed out until around 7.30pm. So that was good for them & us.
I made some choc chip biscuits & chatted with Rael's & Mum on Skype for an hour or so each. YEAH!!! I must say the new headphones we got are worth every cent. (thank you Tory for the tip) for anyone else the tip was to buy some that have a USB plug. The sound is fabulous & I didn't have any problems with the web cam, that I have been having. All gone!!! So I gave Raels a web cam tour, me holding the webcam & Bruce holding the laptop behind as I was walking around the apartment. Pretty funny I'm sure. Rael's was laughing. We had a late dinner & the kids went to our room & watched some TV & chilled, Bruce did some work & I went off to the fitness centre for a quick 30 mins on the treadmill. I increased the incline, so ouch on the legs, but it felt good. Have to say that the first couple of weeks with the stress etc, a lot of chocolate was consumed, so we are trying to get it off. Came home & Elise signed onto messenger. So we had a chat, 3 days till sweet 16 girl.... Happy Birthday for then chicken. And 18 days until the kids land at Sac airport..... BIG YEAH!!!!! I chatted, then Bruce chatted to Al Bell on Skype for a while. (honestly, don't know what we would do without Skype & messenger, it's saved us a fortune in phone bills) We went off to bed around 12.30, so another late one. Who cares, when we are talking to home.
We woke up after a night of rain, it was still drizzling. We had breakfast and decided to go out & get Conner some new runners for basketball which starts in a couple of weeks. We drove down to the outlet mall, Conner found some runners (so he was happy) On the way down we past the Jelly Belly factory & found out that they have tours. So hopefully we will get to that soon, the boys are very excited about watching 'candy' being made. I took some pictures on the trip, down, the mountains, road signs the kids. Not a bad trip at all. We didn't get all the way through the stores cause the boys had enough. Although - Calvin Klein store GREAT!!!!! There was a whole lot of great stores we didn't get too, next time. It's definately a place I will be taking the kids when they get here though. We ended up a Sam's club & looked around & grabbed some stuff, not used to this buying bulk yet, but it's deinately worth it $$$ wise. Jamieson is in heaven, I got 120 slices of cheese for $7.00. It's like Campbell's at home but on steroids!!!! We got a few things, & we headed home so Bruce could watch the NBA Finals. But it's not till Monday night, so he gets 2 games 7's, so he's pretty happy.
That was when the fun (not) started. Jamieson deided that he didn't want to do his homework properly & after arguing with me until I was ready to explode, Bruce took over & the tantrum really begun. (I know my mum's are really enjoying this) so they started going at it, Bruce was yelling to do stuff & Jamieson was just looking at him, (you know the look) & talking back. So he went into the bathroom with the soap, nothing, then the room, he came out. FUN HUH!
Finally he gave in & walked around crying for the next 20 mins. He wasn't allowed in the kitchen so he stood on the very edge of the kitchen leaning in, well, Bruce, Conner & I were nearly wetting ourselves. Bruce said that if he came into the kitchen, no pool. The whole thing took about 45mins, before he stopped & did what he was told. Now he just has to get through the week without having friends over, or going to their houses for a play, the good thing was that
he knew better than to argue. The boys had their dinner & went off to bed. They were tired after a long day & late couple of nights over the weekend. I watched the Series Finale of Charmed
While Bruce did some work. Charmed finale - was good, not a fan but they tied it all up really well. It seems like a lot of shows are finishing for good at the moment. I was on messenger with Rhys after he got back from school for a hour or so, chatting about when they get over here, which was fun, there are a few things happening while they are here add a couple of day trips in with the usual pool time etc. I think it should be fun, not too boring for them. The kids being in school is a pain but that can't be helped. Anyway dropped into bed around midnight.
That was our Sunday, saw some new places & things to do, so the day was a good one.
Monday & Tuesday
Another week & the days are about the same. School, work, homework. On Monday afternoon we got some surprises in the mail. The parcels that she sent arrived. Very excited!!
We got vegemite, newspaper clippings (supercats), wheat bix, chocolate, photos & coffee.
So that was some excitement in a usual day. The weather was still overcast so there was no pool. Jamieson finished school & we went & some time in the business centre, emails etc.
Otherwise they were pretty normal days, have to admit I am getting bored!! Bruce is giving me some work to do which will be good for me.
Happy Birthday Elise (back home time).
The day started like any other, and the day progressed along as per usual. We sent Elise a text to say Happy Birthday. The weather was warming up & Jamieson & I were about to head off to the pool when Millie called to say not to bother as the pool was too cold to swim in. So we had to amuse ourlselves for the afternoon. The kids ended up outside playing at the playground with the kids. Bruce went out to look for Millie's kitten that had run off, & found him, so he is Millie's favourite now. (She hadn't told Lexie that he'd gone) We dragged the kids in for dinner etc. I'm not sure what time the other kids go in cause we sometimes have them at the door asking about the boys after 7.30. Anyway, the boys went off to bed & I got online/skype with rael's & the boys, (they are growing up like mushy's) especially bubba Felix. We chatted for a while, then she had to go. Waiting for mum to put the computer on so I could ring but nothing. (hint, hint, mum) It hit around 11.00 & Elise logged onto messenger, so while we were chatting Bruce called on the phone to say happy birthday. He used an amercian accent & freaked her out so much that she hung up. (Very Funny!!!!! - sorry Elise) So we called back & Dylan answered. She had a lovely birthday so far, & hopefully a great family dinner to come. We finished on the phone & went back onto messenger, then we realised that we could use our webcam so she could see us (DER!!- can't believe it took that long to realize) Anyway I gave her a small virtual tour of the apartment, well the bits I could reach without moving the laptop. The birthday phone started so we signed off. Hoping to catch up with her tomorrow & find out how the rest of her day was.
Got to bed around midnight. It was a good Elise's Birthday day.
Next MAXY!!! birthday.
Cutest story, made me sad but laugh. Apparently my little Maxy Boy has had enough of his cousins being away (don't worry about his poor auntie/godmother) and stated that, that was it for them being away wanted to go to the house to visit NOW!! So, gorgeous, just means that I have to get my butt into gear and make sure they see the boys on the computer more. Poor thing hasn't figured out how far away we are yet!!
We woke up to a beautiful Thursday. The boys went off to school & Bruce had a meeting, so he was gone at 7.30. I dropped the boys off at school & decided to go for a walk outside. I know the area a bit better, so I followed the streets that I knew. It was a nice morning & the area around here is beautiful. I got back, tidied up the house & called Millie. Around 10.45 I went to the business centre to do a little work before I had to pick Jamieson up from school. Jamieson & I walked back from school after having our usual chat with John's mum Kristin. We have been invited over to their home for Memorial Day on Monday for a BBQ, so we are looking forward to that. Bruce is going to get a pick up game of basketball with his Dad (Alfie) Friday night. I think he's looking forward to it. It's a good chance for him to meet some other guys. We came home & had some lunch, Bruce arrived home with a lot in his head so he had lunch & went to the laptop. Jamieson & I went down to the pool, the water was cold, but it didn't seem to worry him too much. Bruce went & picked Conner up from school & then Conner came for a quick swim. We didn't stay for much longer as Conner didn't want to swim in the pool- too cold!!
So we came back and the boys went outside to play with their friends.
We called them in around 5.30. Open House at school tonight from6-7.00. Much to Conner's disgust. We wandered over about 5.50 & started in Jamieson's room, we went around (although Bruce had to run home & get new batteries for the camera) Jamieson showed us all the work that they have been doing on the last few weeks. It was a lot of fun, we met a few more parents, mostly from Jamieson's class but it was good to see their work. Bruce has basketball with Conner's class in the morning, & Conner is actually looking forward to it.
(More to show his skills off too everyone, he asked Bruce if he could do the Billy B Pro Program, cause he's good at that & it's hard)
FUNNY - not sure if I've mentioned it before, but Jamieson has a new word. Not sure where it came from but it's still at the funny stage for us, at the annoying stage for Conner.
Whenever he needs a filler word so to speak you get "OH Snap"!!!
We got home from open house around 7.00 & had dinner, Bruce made pancakes for the 1st time since we've been here. (whilst the basketball was on, good thing the TV swivels or we'd be stuffed) The boys went off to bed & Bruce went to the gym. Trudy, Rael's & the kids called on skype & Maxy got to see Conner. His face was priceless!!! The smile was worth waking Conner up for. Sorry Conner!! Whilst on skype Elise messenged to say she got her L's.
Congratulations Girl, Look out everyone!! Another day & week has come & gone. We all seemed to have experienced new things this week again.
That's why we're here, so this week was a good week.
To everyone at home, have a fabulous weekend. We have Memorial Day (long)
weekend coming up. So anything could happen, good luck for all the sport.

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