Sunday, May 14, 2006

Friday 12th May .....

We got up and I took Jamieson to school. I let Conner & Bruce sleep as they were up very late with Conners tooth ache. Met Millie at the fitness centre then went home. Conner woke around 8.45 & had some breakfast. Bruce got up & called a dentist. Conner had an appointment at 1.00pm. So he got dressed and Bruce took him over to school. I picked up Jamieson & we came home & had lunch. We went down the pool when Bruce left to go and get Conner from school & took him to the dentist. They got back and Bruce said that Conner absolutely freaked out when the dentist tried to give him the needle. Hyperventilating etc. Apparently the tooth at the top is pushing it down & it was pushing on the nerve. Only a couple of days of pain left. Thank goodness. The boys went down to the pool for a swim & I started dinner etc.
After dinner we went out to get some birthday presents for Saturday. 2 parties, so that should be a fun day. Then Jamieson decided it would be funny to throw a penny at his father (while he was driving) so his punishment was that he didn't get go to the party for conner's friend in the morning. Which of course started a tantrum in the car. Luckily I had the threat of the other party to stop that in it's tracks. We went to toys r us, the boys thought they were in heaven.
got a few things & made our way home.
The boys went off to bed, Bruce not long after & I stayed up spoke to Raels
on Skype and messengered with Elise. It was a late night, but who cares.
(Happy Mothers Day - Australia)
We woke up to what was going to be a busy day. Not so much for Jamieson & I anymore. I went out to the fitness centre & when I got back had to hurry the boys up to get to their party on time. Off they went happily looking forward to the morning ahead. Jamieson & I potted around cleaning up & doing washing etc. Usual morning. Around 11.00 we walked over to the business centre so I could print out some receipes off the web. A couple of my receipes I can't use here as they don't have some of the ingredients. I found a good website & I think I have a couple of good substitutes. I still have a couple of things that I HAVE to find, eg. Marie biscuits for truffles. They don't use biscuits in the US to make truffles.
Jamieson & I were about to leave as Conner & Bruce were due home when He called & said that they were going to Mark's place for pizza, so Jamieson & I went to the pool. We were just about to leave when the boys arrived home & Conner wanted a swim. They said that this place was fabulous, like the play centres home but on steroids,free video games & all. I guess we know where Conner will be having his party. So Conner went & got changed & Bruce went off to look at cars. Millie & Lexie dropped by the pool for a little while. They had been out doing things for Lexie's birthday. So the kids had swims together & then we all left the pool to chill for the rest of the afternoon before the party. (pictures on blog) We came in & Bruce called his mum on the phone.
We arrived at the party at around 6.00. This place was a huge room with 4 GIANT blow up things. Slide, enclosed, open & games to play as well. We met Millie's husband Scott, so the guys chatted for a lot of the night. The kids all ran around for a couple of hours then we went in had pizza & cake. We helped them clean up & got home around 9.00pm. We got home & the boys went to bed & I got onto the computer & spoke to mum on skype. That was great, I haven't spoken to her for a while. Got to bed late, Mothers Day was just starting.
(Happy Mothers Day - US)
Woke up around 8.00am to Jamieson supposedly whispering about whether he can give me his present yet. I sat up & the boys bought in their pressies they made at school. Jamieson had paper mache'd a bottle & put plastic flowers in it.
I got a book from Jamieson..... did you know according to my 6 year old.
I am 33
My height is 2'11
I am 25 kg
My favorite food is "VEGBLS" (his spelling)
My job is doing "LONGRI" (Laundry)
My favorite colour is blue
He loves me because I give him vegbls & stuff he likes.
His favorite thing to do with me is play ohwno (uno)
Something amazing about me is I make penkas (pancakes)
If he could give me anything it would be a book of Harry Potter.
So if you didn't know any of that, that is me in the eyes of a 6 year old.
Conner made me a paper vase with paper flowers. It was actually quite clever the way they put it together. Also I got a poem of sorts..
The important thing about my mum is that she cares for me.
She loves me
She cooks for me
She pays the bills for our water & electricity
And she coach in my basketball teams
She even says "she" is the cats mother
but the important thing about my mum is that she's my mum.
So as you could imgaine, we had a few laughs. I also got a new pair of headphones for my Ipod. The ones that fit around the ears, so they don't fall out of my ears anymore.
We all got up & Bruce made me a cuppa, I tidied up & did some washing to put out as it was going to be a beautiful day. I may have a dryer, doesn't mean I have to use it. Especially when it's going to 25-30 outside all day, not a cloud in the sky. We pottered around for the morning, then the boys did their homework, I went down to the pool & they all came down when they were done. We spent some time at the pool & then headed back in for the afternoon as it was due to get quite warm, what made it not nice outside was the hot wind. So we spend the afternoon inside. It was nice & relaxing, a really good mothers day. Nothing flash, just relaxing.
Monday & Tuesday
The same as usual. Did work, school, homework, pool, dinner & bed.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Spoke to Elise on messenger, (Rhys & Elise are coming over with Ross in June.) Bruce & I were doing the happy dance around the apartment.
That is going to be so much fun. Still working on the car. Has to be one of the more frustrating thing we've done here. It's not like we want a $huge mortgage, it's only a second hand car.
Tuesday night, we went out to get a couple of things & grabbed a quick dinner. I got new bathers & Bruce got some flash new headphones for the computer, so we can talk better on skype & messenger. Then Bruce went out & got us a bed. We are off the floor, finally!!! Poor thing, he was up till midnight putting it together. But it was the best sleep we've had since we got here. So that was a good day for us & our backs.
Again, the usual routine. School, tidying,work, workout etc. Although, I did bake for the first time this morning. I made Honey Joys. Which were a hit at the pool, with the kids & the girls. There seems to be a group of us that end up there most days. Milly & I. Kayley she comes down with her friends after school (studying to be a court reporter), Nikki - who moved in with her boyfriend a month or so before us & Misty, who moved here with her husband (fireman) from Alabama. So we have a good time chatting while all the kids are playing in the pool. It's lots of fun for everyone. We had some dinner & went off to bed. Another usual day.
The day started great. Woke up & the boys went off to school, Bruce started working & I went out to get a few more bits & pieces for the apartment. Jamieson is going to John's after school so we have until 2.30. YEAH!!! I got home, dropped in on Millie & had some lunch. The afternoon was the great part. Bruce signed the agreement for Billy Bounce with 5 star this afternoon. So YEAH!!!! THEN....Bruce went off to get his Californian drivers license & later he called to say that a van had broken down on the off ramp from the freeway. So you can imagine how that phone conversation went, him yelling, me yelling, both of us freaking out. Finally he said Jeff was on the way with someone who could fix it. The boys were out playing with thier friends till later than usual. We did the usual dinner routine (without Bruce), he got home around 9.00pm. SO that little adventure took about 4 hours. Not a good time was had. It ended up being a late night, Bruce had some work to do, chatted to Rhys on messenger. They chatted about when they are coming over. WOOO HOOO!!! I watched the Series Finale of Will & Grace. Not bad!
So it was a really bad & really a good day.
You are all waking up to another weekend, so I hope it's a good one for everyone.
GO Supercats, Cats, West, Newtown, Joey's, Grovey & Amateurs!!

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