Thursday, December 16, 2010

November 2010....

Second last post before our journey ends….
We spent the first couple of days of the month dealing with Conner’s English teacher AGAIN! Well, trying to. I find it very frustrating when your child is trying to catch up from being away doing a leadership function and his teacher doesn’t respond to his clarification request so his homework doesn’t get done and she doesn’t accept anything late. As a responsible parent, we email and ask for assistance in understanding what happened (BCC it to the principle) and come to find that she deals with it by – calling our son the front of the class to her desk and (to this day we have no idea exactly what she said all he’s told us is “I shouldn’t be getting these emails from your parents”) and then made him stand there and read her email response the me!!! NOT HAPPY JAN WAS AN UNDERSTAMENT!!! This woman is a HUGE reason why I hate this school system. So the end of the day comes and all we get from Conner is “PLEASE JUST LET IT GO, it will make it worse”. So we have, for now but the district will be getting a formal complaint as soon as his grades are in. 

Ok, enough about that….although it was a very stressful couple of days, my new couch arrived on Thursday, YEAY that put us all in a good mood. The boys did well at basketball on the weekend, Conner is playing really well and Jamieson is just killing it. It’s always fun seeing your son get the rebound and go coast to coast for the layup (he’s finally figured out the layup is an easy way to get easy points)- actually it never gets old and coach Bruce is loving it too.
Bruce headed off to LA for the week to start his Borders stores visits – so that was on the internet every night trying to find a hotel with a nice bed. The boys and I did the usual, school, playing, packing (which got old real fast). Jamieson had a field trip on Wednesday (which Bruce was supposed to go to but I had to go to instead – thanks honey) it was fun we went to the planetarium and learnt all about the stars and planets and why Pluto isn’t a planet anymore. Then I stopped and did a little shopping on the way home. (Parents drive themselves to the field trips here, they don’t go on the bus) Thursday I dropped Paula at the airport for her trip to Minnesota, her stepdad Pat found different cancer and had to go and have surgery so Paula was going to take care of her mum, we crossed everything and she got on the plane. Friday night Andrea and I went down to Stockton for a Christmas specials party with the lady from our foot spa party so we got some beauty bargains – it was nice just to spend time with Andrea and have a laugh – and bonus was we were invited to their place for Thanksgiving so no cooking a turkey for me!! Bruce got home safely from a very successful and tiring LA trip, lots of stores in not many days. I think he can safely say he’s see all of LA & San Diego. Of course, basketball again on Saturday Kevin came over on Sunday and the kids played all day and I spoke to mum (Happy Birthday) caught up on the home happenings. It’s still weird hearing about what everyone’s doing in emails or phone calls. 

Another week started with Bruce and I going out for lunch figuring out the week ahead, Bruce was travelling again, this week 4 states, Washington then down to Arizona. Up to Vegas then across to Utah. Bruce headed off to Seattle on Tuesday, I got to speak to Elise on skype which was a nice surprise seeing that smiling face and getting all the gossip. Wednesday back to the airport to get Paula from her trip – Pat was doing really well so she came home early. Thursday night was a tough one, my first official we are going home cry. Jamieson had a Family Share night at school so all the kids and their parents were there. That was also the day we had no heating – which is never fun when it’s COLD outside. Jamieson officially finished B Track with a half day on Friday and said good bye to all his friends. He got lots of emails so he was happy about that. School was out for everyone for Thanksgiving, this year 3 days earlier than usual because of the budget situation the teachers are taking extra days off during the year to try and help other teachers have their jobs ( I don’t get why any Govt would let this happen to their Education system - which is a big reason why we are leaving too) and the sad thing is our friend Bindy (Jamieson’s principle) said it’s looking like there’s more next year. 

Bruce on the other hand was in travelers hell!! A storm was arriving in Utah and his flight was cancelled so he kept the car and started on the 80 freeway home trying to stay in front of the storm. Let’s just say it was a little stressful, the mountains near here had been closed the night before so I was panicing, he was driving in a storm so he was panicing…..lots of updating phone calls and slow driving till 2am (Phew!!)

We had early basketball games which was a good and bad thing up early but home early too. We are not used to those early starts usually we get the 10am games or later. Jamieson went over to play at Cam’s (team mate) and Conner’s friend Paul came over so we lost one and gained one, then Sunday Conner stayed at Paul’s and then Monday Paul stayed at ours again, then I said that was enough, they thought it was pretty funny though. Otherwise it was a pretty casual week for the boys, Bruce and I were trying to make sure all the orders he got on his trips were being filled etc, I did some packing and came to the realization that I was not doing it all this time on my own and stopped.
Thursday rolled around and we headed over to Andrea and Roberts in the afternoon for some turkey!!! It was a fun night, Roberts kids were there (even though they are grownups) Andrea’s friend from work and her family came as aswell and after dinner Paula, Steve and Steve’s mum came over for dessert. The kids played with the dogs and other kids we watched some football I got to spend some time with my friend and we were stuffed and home at a reasonable hour – It was a good last Thanksgiving. We had a sport free weekend so we made the most of it and did nothing – so we finished the month with a lot less stress than we started – thank goodness!

The countdown is on.....

November Pics.....

Jamieson's Class

October 2010.....

Hey all, well as per usual lately I am behind, but I have to say I’ve got kind of a good excuse. My head is more about coming home and packing more so than writing about what feels like pretty boring happenings in the Hultgren world.

Our month started with Millie dropping off the 6 batches of brownie mix for me to make up for their Halloween party and we had a nice visit as well. Bruce headed off to Utah so it was a pretty quiet weekend. The kids played at the park while the weather is still nice and I cleaned the house and did the usual household things. Bruce came home on Monday and the rest of the week was pretty much business as usual, accept for me baking etc and getting ready for Bruce’s birthday party. The end of the week rolled around with Kevin sleeping over on the Friday night, we had the school pancake breakfast fun run on Saturday morning our last one. Bruce and I got up and walked to fun run circuit then met the boys at school for some pancakes. Jamieson won the kids race – YEAY!!! Then back to the house to get ready for our 30 or so party goers, while Bruce went to a coaches meeting for the new basketball season.

The party was a fun night; the weather was nice enough for sit outside. The kids (14 boys) running around the house playing basketball in the lounge room and the adults inside and out eating and drinking and having a good time chilling out with good conversation. We all had a good time and Bruce had a really nice birthday party (even if it was late) and I got some good pics with our friends.

The weekend finished with Bruce and I going out for a little while and Conner studying for finals at the end of the week. It was a pretty usual week, Conner finished a school term and basketball started on the weekend, last one for our time here. It was a good start to the basketball season, the boys played well, Jamieson’s team has a lot of work to do, Conner’s team kicked some basketball butt!! Dominant (as the kids would say) Sunday rolled around and with it came the rain!!! And I’m not kidding, it was raining hard all day, which made it a very non eventful day which was nice.

Millie and I went out and ordered new couches, very excited. I’d done some research and came to the realization that the same couch at home is over twice as much so couch shopping we went. Tuesday we swapped cars with the Riveras (their big car is broken and they don’t all fit in the little one so we swapped and had their Yaris which was fun zipping around in. Bruce was on the road for some of the week checking in on the Borders stores in the area. I caught up with Andrea for lunch which was fun. She isn’t working for Paula anymore and got another job with the City of Elk Grove so she’s just across the road but we hadn’t been able to catch up yet, it was nice to get some Keorner gossip. Conner headed back to school with new subjects and seems to be enjoying his new electives, not his crappy English teacher but we all have teachers that suck as some stage. Basketball games took over the day then Kevin and Jamieson had a sleepover, which is always weird when there is one less kid in the house, then Sunday again the rains came and came and stayed!!!

The last week of October was a busy one, David, Rebecca and Mariah came over on Sunday night to carve pumpkins. They had never done it before and the kids were born here, I suppose it’s just not something anyone ever showed them, so they had a great time, it was gross but they all had huge smiles on their faces and loved the finished product.

The rest of week was just as busy we got our car back, it was weird getting back into a bigger car from the little zippy one and Paula’s 40th birthday week started. She had a foot spa party at the house, it only ended up being 3 of us but it was Paula, Andrea and I so it was lots of fun. The rest of the week was, baking for Halloween and birthday parties, Bruce did a lot of fishing with Jamieson which they loved. Paula came over at the end of the week to help decorate her cake and spend some time with her bud too. The cake turned out really cool, (pics are on facebook) we made it a graveyard, oreo’s for the gravel, green colored coconut for the grass, cookies for the gravestones and pretzels for the fence line, we were both really happy with, then there were the skull stenciled brownies (which made 7 batches for the week) and I was all baked out.

Saturday night, Bruce and I went to Paula’s party at the house, it was some of her family and friends; just a little gathering of the inner circle so that was fun. We drank, ate and played the WII dance party…. I think you need to be drinking to play that game because trying to keep up with the pictures on the screen was just too funny, in the end I think we all just started waving our arms around….lots of fun and her cake looked really cool.

Finally Halloween arrived, I took the 6 batches of brownies over to Millies’ and helped her finish off decorating her garage for the party…Bruce and the boys dropped in for a little while then they went off to friends places to do their trick or treating. I stayed at Millies’ for a while, ( I know how to make cotton candy now) then headed off to the Cendros to catch up with Bruce and Jamieson. The boys had already done their trick or treating so we sat around watching them go through their HUGE pile of candy. Now, what would Halloween be without some drama, although Karen was happy that it wasn’t at her place this year. Conner calls us and tells us that he’s going to be late because some high school kids belted his friend in the head and stole his candy and candy bag and he had to wait for the police to arrive so he could give a statement. WHAT THE????Apparently, it wasn’t their only call about the same thing? As if Conner needed another excuse to want to come home. So it was an eventful Halloween.

October Pics....

Heres some of all those boys I was talking about....

Bruce and Alfie

The BIG boys - from left - Alfie, Bruce, Carlos, Monte, Greg, Steve & Mike in the front.

The girls (missing Kristie who was home with a migraine)
Ruth,Belinda,Paula,Kristin,Conny & Karen.

The Hultgrens & Charles'

Bruce and Cooper (who was born the day before we arrived in the US)

The Hultgrens & Cendros

 Mike taking his wagon and going home - too funny!

The Hultgrens & Reeds

 The Hultgrens & Lewis'

 The Hultgrens & Daneluk-Swinfords

Our last Stone Lake Elementary Fun Run Pancake breakfast

David, Rebecca and Mariah all came over and carved pumkins with us
for the 1st time EVER!!!

Paula's 40th 

 Cool cake!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

September 2010....

OK, yes I’m behind again. Just when I thought I was up to date the month goes and it’s time to do this again. OK, September started out HOT to say the least. Jamieson is off school and I am having Rebecca (David’s sister, who is off school too) so we spend a couple of hours most days of the week at the pool, the kids swimming and me getting some reading done & catching some sun which is never a bad thing for me until I’m 50 and all wrinkly. It was nice to see them playing, it took a couple of days but by the third day at the pool Rebecca was asking how to do handstands etc and they were playing along great.

Thursday, Carlos picked up Bruce for me (thank you) and they headed off to London. Carlos had a trip and Bruce was heading over to do some trade shows. They had the plane ride and a day or so to hang out together which they both really loved. Great buds and Bruce is going to miss him very much. While the big boys were gone the rest of us hung out together for a catch up which is was lots of fun – cuppas at the dining table and kids running everywhere – good times! (Apparently while the boys were at the supermarket in London and having beers at the pub) We finished the week with a quiet weekend, no basketball this weekend (Long weekend for Labor Day)so I did some cleaning up around the house and bought myself a new vase with some birthday money from my sisters (thanks Raels & Trudy) the boys chilled out around the house and hung out at the park while the warm weather continued.

We continued the next week while Bruce was away with Becca coming over for a couple of days. On Thursday Jamieson and I went over to Ikea to grab some shelving for the office, then shopped around for a while had some lunch which was nice and then headed home for after school kids. We finished the week counting stock for the business which is never fun…Jamieson wasn’t a fan either when he got roped in. Saturday, it felt like I spent all afternoon at the basketball gym, 1.00 & 3.00 games good thing I’m used to it….
Sunday I went out shopping for Rhys’ Big 18th birthday present and found some possibilities – it’s been so long and he’s grown that I decided to wait for Bruce to help make the decisions especially size wise – the kids have grown way up while we haven’t been there!! We finished the day/ week at Paula’s for some dinner and a catch up.

Monday 13th September – mark it down in the books! Jamieson went back to school and there were no children in the house since end of June….. I couldn’t decide whether to go out for the morning or stay at home and do NOTHING!! Bruce arrived home the next day, very tired but very happy to be home. It’s been so long since he traveled on a regular basis that 12 days is toooo long for all of us. (Better get used to that now that we are coming home) I went over to Kristies for a cuppa while Bruce went to sleep off the jetlag. They had visitors from home family friends over from Sydney. (Emma & Joy) They wanted to do some shopping and Kristie had to head off to work at lunch time so I took them around in the afternoon. We started the day shopping very local so Kristie could get home then headed into Sacramento to the Mall. They ended up with a few things but had to get back by 3.30 to leave so they missed the traffic to San Fran to get to the airport for their flight. I dropped them off after a quick Walmart shopping experience on the way home!! Everyone has to have a Walmart shopping experience.

We finished the week catching up with Tom, Mary-Lou and kids Prevost, which was a fun night, last minute but a fun night, the kids all played and the adults sat around catching up with the Tri tip was bbqing…. Honey (the dog) arrived on Saturday for her stay while Caroline was away so the boys were very excited (all three of them) We had basketball finals in the afternoon and the boys won which was a nice change after a not very successful season. Bruce and I went out of Sunday and got Rhys’ birthday present and had some lunch, it was a nice quiet way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

The next week started with doing an Angels stock take for the official financial change over to Paula (DII) who will be taking over Angels day to day when we leave. Counting stock take just sucks and there’s no nice way to put it. Millie decided to have a Halloween party so there’s some major organizing to be done (although Millie likes to do most stuff herself so my help will be minimal)Rhys’ birthday present went off with Kristie on her flight down to Sydney. Conner had a leadership conference with all the schools in the area which he loved and said he had a great time (probably not hard considering his best friend David , who goes to another school was also there so they hung out all day) Thursday Jamieson’s Young American Poets Journal that he was selected for arrived – he walked around with it for the next 2 days showing anyone who came by and telling everyone else about it. We finished the week with some yard work around the house, house work, visits to Millie and spent Saturday afternoon sweating at Kenyon’s football game – 100F and these kids are running around and standing on the sidelines in full pads and helmets – one kid even spewed on the field….. Sunday was Conner’s All Star game for basketball he was excited, maybe a little nervous but they didn’t stand a chance. All the kids on the other team were at least 2 inches taller than every one of them & all heading up the next age group…let’s just say it wasn’t pretty and leave it at that.

The month finished with Jamieson heading off to the doctors about his feet, he has been having problems with pain etc – he has bone splints in his feet from growing and we are trying inner soles, if they don’t work it’s a cast for him – time will tell I’ll keep you all posted. Bruce’s birthday arrived and we did presents in the morning then in the afternoon he got on a plane for Salt Lake City, Utah. That made it an easy birthday for me, no special dinner to prepare!!!

So that was our September, nothing too exciting just the usual kids, home, work a little travel (for Bruce) and a birthday finish out the month. I didn’t mention the Grand Final because honestly – who cares……

Hope you all a had a great month and the warm weather is coming – still hot summer weather here – in the 30’s most days so we are just used to it now I suppose. Bruce is wishing for the cooler days to come – I like the warm….. just for a little while longer anyway.

Love and Kissed to you all
The countdown is on for us to come home…..

Monday, September 20, 2010

August 2010....

I can’t believe August has come and gone with not a whole lot of unusual activity. The highlight for me was the Jamieson headed back to school after our trip away which made the house a little quieter, but after the busy July that we had it was nice to not have too much to worry about. Bruce jumped on a plane later in the week 12 hours after he was asked to attend a district managers meeting for the Borders stores in the Las Vegas area, so off he went and was back the next afternoon so it was a quick but very worthwhile trip. We finished the week with the usual Friday night practice and then after basketball on Saturday we went over to Robert and Andrea’s for dinner also with Darcy (who used to work at the office) and her family so it was a really good catch up and the four boys had a ball running around the house with their dogs.

The next week Conner spent a couple of days at school for Leadership ( he is in the Leadership elective this year and they had to head over to school to get trained and ready for Open Day when the new Year 7’s arrive and they give them tours etc..) It was fun and he really enjoyed it, he came home in a good mood with no grunting – go figure!

Wednesday Bruce headed down to LA for more Borders meetings which went really well and got home Friday night – as you can imagine tired!! Although I did find him a gem of a hotel to stay in while he was there….

I suppose it was that time again, my birthday came and went without too much fuss which was fun. I got very spoilt by the boys, Conner and Jamieson had a star named after me which was a great surprise (and all their idea) and Bruce bought me a rose gold Guess watch – very pretty!!! I also got some breast cancer pink kitchenaid mixing bowls, it sounds boring but they are fabulous and added to my kitchenaid pink & white
collection. I went out shopping in the morning while the boys cleaned the house (which is a new birthday & Mothers day present tradition) and we had open house for the afternoon which was fun and it turned out that everyone unintentionally spread out quite well. Millie & Lexie arrived with more presents and a birthday cake. (Millie has decided that because we are leaving she is going to give me presents for birthday’ and Christmas for the next couple of years before we leave) I think in the end she was up to 5 presents because she would go shopping and see just something else, I am very lucky to have such a generous friend who spoils me because she can.) Paula arrived and stayed for a little while, then Beth & Doug arrived, Paula left and then Andrea and Robert arrived with the dogs for the kids to play with, Beth and Doug’s kids rocked over when they heard I had baked and around 6ish they all left. The bummer was the Rivera clan couldn’t make it as they were at baseball…. Sorry mum no photos, Bruce forgets and you know I’m not reminding him to take photos of me.

Bruce and I were supposed to go out for dinner (yes that is a little sarcastic) he didn’t arrange for someone to come and sit with the kids so we stayed at home and had some pasta for dinner. (He still owes me that dinner too in case you were wondering) I did what I was supposed to do when dealing with guys, no hints, no around about asking, it was very direct and straight in the eye – what’s a girl got to do. Should I have a complex right about now?? We actually had a laugh about it over the weekend when we were discussing his birthday plans….
Overall it was a really nice day and I didn’t feel that much older at all – I’m sure that’s coming next year.

Conner headed back to school on the Monday and I forgot to mention that Jamieson went off track for a month – can’t catch a break with these kids and school holidays, so we still had kids at home. It turned into a quiet week for us, our internet modem and phone modems decided to die so we were without either for most of the week, Bruce got it back working on Friday. It wasn’t too bad for me because I just stole the internet from someone in the area, but the phone not ringing did make it quiet. We had a busy weekend, the Riveras came over for dinner on Saturday night which was as always lots of fun….the kids all running around and us just sitting there catching up over some good food and drinks. Sunday we headed over to Paula’s to see her mum and stepdad that were in town from Iowa, which was really nice. Her mum has Alzheimer's so you’re never sure how she’s going to be when you see her. The meds are still doing the trick most of the time and she remembers us so that is great. It was probably the last time we will see them before we go so we had a nice visit with them.

The new week began with Carlos being away so I went over for a cuppa with Kristie on Monday night, which turned into a really late one – opps. When you get to see your friend who is always busy we have to take the time and catch up properly.

We got a call on Tuesday from school – Conner had hurt his ankle, we both freaked a little and Bruce went to pick him up, he came hopping in the door with a huge grin on his face – “hi mum, I knocked it on the ball cart” so he hobbled around for a couple of days but was in a really good mood and seemed to be enjoying school as well. Gotta love that! Wednesday we went over to the Cendros for some dinner (before summer ends visits was what Karen said when she called) which was fun, it was a stinking hot day and the kids swam and we watched with our feet in the water, the weather cooled down later in the evening so a swim wasn’t necessary. The week ended with three games of basketball on Saturday then Bruce headed off to watch Franklin High play football and Kevin had a sleep over. Sunday was cleaning the house and starting to put together the angels for our new account – ‘Send Out Cards.’ They put in a big order and Conner wanted to do them ALL!!! Considering he really didn’t get a lot done over the weekend I went into panic mode and started pushing him and got my hands a little dirty doing them as well.

We spend the next week getting the angels order together for delivery on Wednesday and Bruce organized for trip to London on Thursday. I also had a visitor for the week, David (Conner’s friend) his little sister came and spent the days with us while she was off track like Jamieson. We went to the pool a couple of days and it was nice to watch them go from barely talking the first day to playing a little the next day, to hanging out for most of the day and by Thursday at the pool he was teaching her summersaults and handstands etc…. Carlos came and took Bruce to the airport on Thursday so that made my day a lot easier – no trip to San Fran for me.

So like I said, August was the usual, nothing too adventurous.
I hope all is well at home and you are waiting patiently for the sun to come out.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

July Summer 2010....

It’s July which means Summer holidays!! The month started with Bruce doing an LA trip to talk to Borders managers, he jumped in the car made the drive (which doesn’t seem that long anymore) and had a couple of meetings with store managers at their managers meetings. I managed to find him a really nice hotel so he was at least getting a good night sleep. Apparently it’s all about the bed when you travel (so that’s something I’ve learned which is always a good thing – and a tip for everyone, always check customer reviews!!!) He made his way home after getting lots of orders and the next week jumped on a plane & went to Hawaii for a couple of days. Again got him a great hotel- he was inspired by the view and wrote a few Aloha angels for the managers to choose for sale in store, so job done. The boys and I just hung out at the house and I got things tied up so we could go on our vacation to VEGAS BABY!!But not before celebrating 4th July at the Cendros, we got dressed and went to watch the kids parade which was cool all the little kids with their USA stuff on and bikes decorated following the very loud fire engine. We went home and headed back over there for dinner and drinks with friends...always a great way to celebrate a holiday. The boys and I went over to Millie's so the boys could ride on Lexie's new go car thingy...very fun and they had a blast. Boys and cars DER!!

A couple of days making sure everything was done and everyone had everything they needed. Sunday morning, we set the alarm, woke the kids and we started to drive to Vegas. (Patty was playing (NBA Preseason tournament) at 4.00pm, and the boys had a choice between a show or the game, der they wanted to see Patty (which I did too) so we had to wake up with the birds to get there) It was a easy drive, freeway all the way, traffic going back to LA through the check point was HUGE, so Bruce decided we weren’t coming back this way (as always life is never dull! A different way home – of course!!!)

Straight to the stadium ,UNLV, which is just down the rd from the strip, so we did a quick drive by and the boys eyes were popping out of their heads, which is the reason we were here – check another thing off the list. We bought our Aussie flag and cheered and waved it (Conner thought it was not really that cool, but hey we had to get Patty’s attention somehow) there was another Australian family there so, Bruce being Bruce chatted with them. The game was great and Patty played great!! He came over to the edge of the court for a quick wave before he had to go in which made the boys day, not so uncool now hey Conner!!!! We filed out to the lobby and Bruce snuck inside to see if he could get a quick ‘Hello’ if Patty came out – which he did, Patty offered to get us tickets to the next game….you can imagine the boys smiles!! PRICELESS!!!!

We checked in at the resort and had a look around, as always it was gorgeous….Bruce and I headed out to the local supermarket for food while the boys chilled out at the apartment. We came home with supplies had some dinner and decided to chill out before hitting the strip tomorrow. The only bad thing about the apartment is that our room was right at the front next to the outside light – not good!!

We had a relaxing morning by the pool, the boys swam, I read, Bruce slept!! Then came down for a little while, we had some lunch and caught the resort shuttle into the strip. The drop & pick up point is at Caesars Palace which is perfect, pretty much in the middle. We decided to look around there first, what we didn’t realize was that it would take all afternoon….it’s HUGE!!! I’m not even sure how much we didn’t see. The pool –OMG!!! Although it was fabulous I don’t think it would be such a great experience relaxing with thousands of other people – which means I’m old but I don’t care – the boys thought it was cool. All I could say, which made Bruce laugh, ‘We’re gonna need a bigger boat’ – (apparently I come out with some funnys every now and then) I’m still trying figure out the movie I got it from…see pic! It was a long afternoon, we got back to the resort and had a late dinner, bbq’d before chilling out by the pool.

Tuesday – We were on the first shuttle deciding to try and get out before it gets too hot. We started to moring with a HUGE coincidence…we were at the Bellagio looking around the atrium talking about how beautiful it would be to stay here, then how gorgeous it would be to have breakfast looking into it at the restaurant over the other side. Bruce wanted to see what was over there so I was walking around when he yelled out to me to come back and see who was here. Yes, we went to Vegas to see our next door neighbors from Triumph court, Highton. It was the weirdest thing ever….they were on a family holiday for Blakes 21st and were leaving the next day to go home – TOO WEIRD!!!
Bruce heard from Patty that tickets were organized…YEAY!!!!

We made our way around the rest of the hotels, the boys saw the hotels & attractions they wanted to see, we stopped in New York, New York for some lunch and continued through the early afternoon until we were all dead on our feet and they were hurting too. I think we got to see everything we wanted to see though which was great, and I think the kids were pretty much done. We headed back to the apartment, had an early dinner and went over to UNLV for the Portland game. It was a great game and Patty played really well again, as always. The boys were more enthusiastic with the flag waving and cheering which was fun, now they knew Patty could see and hear them….the biggest fun was after the game when they interviewed Patty for NBA TV…Bruce told the boys to do a walk by with the flag – which they did and everyone around us were all in hysterics including the boys, they thought it was really funny. If you look back on the interview you can see Patty holding back a smile – again PRICELESS!!!! We waited to see if Patty would come out after he got changed but the bus had to go and he was running behind because of the interview so the boys were disappointed not to see him but it was a great time anyway – especially when they saw themselves on the computer later. Patty replied to Bruce’s Thank You text with a big LOL – tell the boys that was great!!!

We got back to the resort caught the last shuttle into the strip – checked out the Bellagio Fountain show, saw the Volcano erupt but missed the Pirate show (which is good it’s a little racier than it used to be) then caught the last shuttle back to the resort and had the pleasure of having to listen to this IDIOT poser at the back of the bus name dropping and being a no it all & rude to the driver the whole way back to the resort. We just told the boys that that’s someone you don’t want to be and left it at that. I think he scared them a little – loud and obnoxious will do that when you’re a kid. It just pissed me off!!!!

We spent our last day at the pool(s) – the boys wanted to go to the big pool, so we chilled out in the water all the boys ended up in a volleyball game with a bunch over older guys which they loved and these guys were really good to them. There ended being about 8 of each age group so it was a good mix. We had some dinner on the way to Hoover Dam – which was good but we didn’t realize you couldn’t get out of the car at night so that was a bit of a bummer, but we’ve seen it and drive over it…which as of the end of Sept you can’t do anymore. Another tick off the to do list. On the way back we drove through old Vegas and saw a glimpse of the Freemont street light show then ended up at the biggest souvenir shop in the world and grabbed a few things to take home and did one last drive down the strip…..

The next morning the boys got in the car and went to the ‘The Pawn Shop’ which is a TV show here while I finished packing and cleaning everything up for check out. We had one last swim had some lunch then headed for the road. Another way – remember..this time we headed in the opposite direction being guided by the GPS which didn’t fill me with confidence. Off into the desert we drove……..after a few hours and realizing that the GPS was taking us all the way North the Reno/Carson City – when we really needed to go South I stopped short of throwing the GPS out the window, although Bruce found it amusing that I was yelling at a machine I got the map out….after going through some gorgeous mountains and scenery and a road that was worse than any roller coaster (which we had to stop on because we were all feeling really sick) Bruce’s dad came out in him and I had to scream to not accelerate over the large bumps – no air under the car!) He thought it was great, the rest of us not so much.

We ended up accidentally at Yosemite National Park – check another thing off the list. It was gorgeous and we made a couple of stops… was well worth the extra time. We got home a few hours behind schedule with the boys sleeping in the backseat and the GPS telling us to go East when we needed to go West to get onto the freeway – me yelling at the machine again and Bruce laughing. Arh home!!!!!

No rest for the wicked, back to work the next day, Bruce had some catching up to do and I had some presentations to put together, it was a very quiet weekend, catching up with friends and getting Jamieson ready to start back to school.

On Monday Jamieson started school and we went to meet his teacher Mrs Mehas, she was really cool and apart from him being seated next to the really annoying kid I think he’s going to have a great year. That night we headed to back to school night – which was the usual. The great thing is that Mrs Mehas said that they are being taught a lot of responsibility in regards to their work, so it’s time to step back a little bit, any problems let her know but ultimately it’s time they made their own decisions, did their own work, took resposibilites for their decisions etc…it’s going to be a great year.

After the session was over we chatted with Mrs Mehas about our trip to Canada then headed out and ran into the principle, vice principle and a couple of other teachers, one whom is at another school because of the pink slip situation she found a job at the school the Rivera kids go so that’s good. Ms Travernia was also the basketball team coach so we know her well, we were all chatting about the new year, when Jamieson’s teacher from last year stopped for a chat and a catch up, Conner’s grade 5-6 teacher gave us a quick hug and hello…. It really is a great school and I think we will be missed (I hope anyway) We spent the rest of the week getting ready for our trip to Canada and the possibility that we might not be coming home – what to pack, what to leave!!! Paula and Karen said it would be fine – then said that it had to be because they didn’t want to pack up my house without me. (So cute)

Basketball started up again, training on Tuesday night, Bruce took both teams because Jamieson’s coach was away. Then training again on Friday night before a great dinner with Robert and Andrea on Friday night – it turned into a very late night, chatting and laughing and we did pay for it over the next couple of days, but it was worth it. Basketball starting on Saturday which was nice for the boys to get back into it again, although with it being summer and the high schools closed the courts were not the best to say the least…..Jamieson’s was a large court converted into two courts and they didn’t even mark a sideline!!!! Not happy Jan!

Early Sunday morning we packed up the car and started our way north then south then north again, although the direction changes were a long way in between. We made it nearly half way the first which was great. Dead beat we stopped to sleep at around 10 pm in a place called Dillon for the night. Nice hotel, good breakfast – hit the road again…sorry no photo’s being stressed isn’t conducive to wanting the take pictures.

We hit the Canadian border around lunchtime, didn’t make us get out of the car or even take our I-94’s out of the passports so off we went, made our way to Lethbridge to find the US Embassy’s bank, had some lunch then started heading north to the hotel in Calgary. Mid/late afternoon we drove through Calgary and found the Embassy, then found the hotel and checked in – arh!!! We had some dinner and an early night – TIRED!!!

We got up the next morning – Happy Birthday Jamieson, had a couple of presents to open then got ready for the rest of the day. Bruce and I both woke up very calm (not sure if that is ever good or bad) we leave early park the car and go to the coffee shop next door. We get to the embassy and things seem really great until the very nice lady there asks us if we are paying the rest of the visa fees upstairs and do we have the cash because they don't accept credit cards!! ARH!!!!!!! As of two weeks ago the fees went up from $150 per person to $390 per person! WHAT!!! Yes that's what I said very loudly!! right before the tears started to well up. They were actually really great and helpful, we just had to find a bank (but they have no Chase in Calgary) we walked around trying to find an imaginary chase which apparently was on Google, but couldn't. Bruce finally called Chase and said HELP, apparently you can go into any bank and do a cash advance, Phew! and bigger Phew for the deposit that went in yesterday!!!!!!!!!

One and a half hours later we walk back up to the embassy, ten minutes before they break for lunch or something (we had to be there before 11.30am to go up straight away) We walked in and the place was pretty much empty, good or bad sign, does this mean they go through the app with a fine tooth comb??? We paid the extra money and waited for a little while - probably about 30 mins then Bruce had a REAL interview - he asked about everything!!! the job, why we are still here, when we are leaving, his qualifications you name it he covered it.....(I suppose you could say he was very good at his job, eye contract all the time etc) in the end he said he didn't see a problem, we got the green stamps - the trip back in April dilemma wasn't on his system so hopefully that doesn't come up in the last over night checks and our passports will be ready at 3.00pm
We walked out of there exhausted..... at 12.45pm. So that was our morning, it's tiring just thinking about it again.

We went to the mall to have a look around and decompress, we went out to the local Costco to check it out and had a Canadian Costco lunch for Jamieson’s birthday. The boys went for a swim and then out to the movies and back to the hotel for a pasta dinner. It wasn’t the best birthday in the world but it was definitely something he can say no one else will ever do for their birthday – it’s an original 11th birthday story.

We spent the next morning at the hotel room, stressing, working, reading, homework. Then at 2.45 we jumped into the car and went downtown. Bruce walked down the street from the Embassy empty handed and I was just about to freak out again when the smart-arse pulled them out - you can imagine what I said next!! Lucky there were kids in the car, although I didn't speak to him for about 30 mins as we headed up to Banff.

Yes, we went to Banff (absolutely gorgeous part of the world) put it on your bucket list its worth the trip. Another tick off the list, the Rockies are an amazing site to see. We walked around Banff and bought some souvenirs, stayed for dinner at the Spahetti factory there, our waitress was from Quebec so her accent was cool and she was chatting so you know we loved that. It was like to usited nations they had waiters and waitresses from everywhere there was even a girl from Brisbane but she was in another section. We walked around some more, I got a henna tattoo (Another tick off the list – it’s the closest I’m ever gonna get to a tattoo so it was fun and the girl was nice) saw the most gorgeous hotel that looked like a palace – see pics and then before it got dark we drove down the mountain back to Calgary, Bruce didn’t want to have elk or any other animals jumping in front of the car....I'm glad we made the effort and took the drive. The only other bummer we saw on the way back was the Winter Olympic stadiums, they were awesome looking from the freeway I couldn’t even imagine how cool it would’ve been see them up close.

Thursday morning, we jumped into the car and headed home, go through the border (weird, the border guy didn't know you had to leave the country to get a new visa) so no one at homeland security really knows everything, I thought at least at the borders they would be NOPE! We took one large Phew and drove and drove and drove - 14 hours – ( it didn’t seem like that long with Bruce and I sharing the driving and relaxing while we weren’t driving. We slept in a really nice Marriott in Burley, Idaho (comfy big beds and yummy breakfast, mmmm) then arrived home to a HUGE Welcome Sign on the garage door from the Cendro's. See pics – do we have the best friends or what!!! We may not have a lot of them but boy did we pick good ones!!!

So you could say – we had a very interesting summer and we wouldn’t be lying AT ALL!!!!

Well, as of yesterday summer is officially over here – although by looking outside you wouldn’t know it. But as you read ours was a doosey!!! Lots of things checked off the list not it’s time to make another list – ‘what to bring home, what to buy and what to leave list!!’

July Summer Pics.....

4th July.....

Yummy, pretty.....




How typical is this.....yes I married him!


the boys learning to gamble...they did get into trouble for being so close.


that's chocolate

I love my camera....



YOSEMITE national park



the boys playing chess while we are waiting for our table

the Rockies

yes, this is a hotel

last phew and we're back on home soil...

The best thing to come home to....