Thursday, December 16, 2010

October 2010.....

Hey all, well as per usual lately I am behind, but I have to say I’ve got kind of a good excuse. My head is more about coming home and packing more so than writing about what feels like pretty boring happenings in the Hultgren world.

Our month started with Millie dropping off the 6 batches of brownie mix for me to make up for their Halloween party and we had a nice visit as well. Bruce headed off to Utah so it was a pretty quiet weekend. The kids played at the park while the weather is still nice and I cleaned the house and did the usual household things. Bruce came home on Monday and the rest of the week was pretty much business as usual, accept for me baking etc and getting ready for Bruce’s birthday party. The end of the week rolled around with Kevin sleeping over on the Friday night, we had the school pancake breakfast fun run on Saturday morning our last one. Bruce and I got up and walked to fun run circuit then met the boys at school for some pancakes. Jamieson won the kids race – YEAY!!! Then back to the house to get ready for our 30 or so party goers, while Bruce went to a coaches meeting for the new basketball season.

The party was a fun night; the weather was nice enough for sit outside. The kids (14 boys) running around the house playing basketball in the lounge room and the adults inside and out eating and drinking and having a good time chilling out with good conversation. We all had a good time and Bruce had a really nice birthday party (even if it was late) and I got some good pics with our friends.

The weekend finished with Bruce and I going out for a little while and Conner studying for finals at the end of the week. It was a pretty usual week, Conner finished a school term and basketball started on the weekend, last one for our time here. It was a good start to the basketball season, the boys played well, Jamieson’s team has a lot of work to do, Conner’s team kicked some basketball butt!! Dominant (as the kids would say) Sunday rolled around and with it came the rain!!! And I’m not kidding, it was raining hard all day, which made it a very non eventful day which was nice.

Millie and I went out and ordered new couches, very excited. I’d done some research and came to the realization that the same couch at home is over twice as much so couch shopping we went. Tuesday we swapped cars with the Riveras (their big car is broken and they don’t all fit in the little one so we swapped and had their Yaris which was fun zipping around in. Bruce was on the road for some of the week checking in on the Borders stores in the area. I caught up with Andrea for lunch which was fun. She isn’t working for Paula anymore and got another job with the City of Elk Grove so she’s just across the road but we hadn’t been able to catch up yet, it was nice to get some Keorner gossip. Conner headed back to school with new subjects and seems to be enjoying his new electives, not his crappy English teacher but we all have teachers that suck as some stage. Basketball games took over the day then Kevin and Jamieson had a sleepover, which is always weird when there is one less kid in the house, then Sunday again the rains came and came and stayed!!!

The last week of October was a busy one, David, Rebecca and Mariah came over on Sunday night to carve pumpkins. They had never done it before and the kids were born here, I suppose it’s just not something anyone ever showed them, so they had a great time, it was gross but they all had huge smiles on their faces and loved the finished product.

The rest of week was just as busy we got our car back, it was weird getting back into a bigger car from the little zippy one and Paula’s 40th birthday week started. She had a foot spa party at the house, it only ended up being 3 of us but it was Paula, Andrea and I so it was lots of fun. The rest of the week was, baking for Halloween and birthday parties, Bruce did a lot of fishing with Jamieson which they loved. Paula came over at the end of the week to help decorate her cake and spend some time with her bud too. The cake turned out really cool, (pics are on facebook) we made it a graveyard, oreo’s for the gravel, green colored coconut for the grass, cookies for the gravestones and pretzels for the fence line, we were both really happy with, then there were the skull stenciled brownies (which made 7 batches for the week) and I was all baked out.

Saturday night, Bruce and I went to Paula’s party at the house, it was some of her family and friends; just a little gathering of the inner circle so that was fun. We drank, ate and played the WII dance party…. I think you need to be drinking to play that game because trying to keep up with the pictures on the screen was just too funny, in the end I think we all just started waving our arms around….lots of fun and her cake looked really cool.

Finally Halloween arrived, I took the 6 batches of brownies over to Millies’ and helped her finish off decorating her garage for the party…Bruce and the boys dropped in for a little while then they went off to friends places to do their trick or treating. I stayed at Millies’ for a while, ( I know how to make cotton candy now) then headed off to the Cendros to catch up with Bruce and Jamieson. The boys had already done their trick or treating so we sat around watching them go through their HUGE pile of candy. Now, what would Halloween be without some drama, although Karen was happy that it wasn’t at her place this year. Conner calls us and tells us that he’s going to be late because some high school kids belted his friend in the head and stole his candy and candy bag and he had to wait for the police to arrive so he could give a statement. WHAT THE????Apparently, it wasn’t their only call about the same thing? As if Conner needed another excuse to want to come home. So it was an eventful Halloween.

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