Monday, October 25, 2010

September 2010....

OK, yes I’m behind again. Just when I thought I was up to date the month goes and it’s time to do this again. OK, September started out HOT to say the least. Jamieson is off school and I am having Rebecca (David’s sister, who is off school too) so we spend a couple of hours most days of the week at the pool, the kids swimming and me getting some reading done & catching some sun which is never a bad thing for me until I’m 50 and all wrinkly. It was nice to see them playing, it took a couple of days but by the third day at the pool Rebecca was asking how to do handstands etc and they were playing along great.

Thursday, Carlos picked up Bruce for me (thank you) and they headed off to London. Carlos had a trip and Bruce was heading over to do some trade shows. They had the plane ride and a day or so to hang out together which they both really loved. Great buds and Bruce is going to miss him very much. While the big boys were gone the rest of us hung out together for a catch up which is was lots of fun – cuppas at the dining table and kids running everywhere – good times! (Apparently while the boys were at the supermarket in London and having beers at the pub) We finished the week with a quiet weekend, no basketball this weekend (Long weekend for Labor Day)so I did some cleaning up around the house and bought myself a new vase with some birthday money from my sisters (thanks Raels & Trudy) the boys chilled out around the house and hung out at the park while the warm weather continued.

We continued the next week while Bruce was away with Becca coming over for a couple of days. On Thursday Jamieson and I went over to Ikea to grab some shelving for the office, then shopped around for a while had some lunch which was nice and then headed home for after school kids. We finished the week counting stock for the business which is never fun…Jamieson wasn’t a fan either when he got roped in. Saturday, it felt like I spent all afternoon at the basketball gym, 1.00 & 3.00 games good thing I’m used to it….
Sunday I went out shopping for Rhys’ Big 18th birthday present and found some possibilities – it’s been so long and he’s grown that I decided to wait for Bruce to help make the decisions especially size wise – the kids have grown way up while we haven’t been there!! We finished the day/ week at Paula’s for some dinner and a catch up.

Monday 13th September – mark it down in the books! Jamieson went back to school and there were no children in the house since end of June….. I couldn’t decide whether to go out for the morning or stay at home and do NOTHING!! Bruce arrived home the next day, very tired but very happy to be home. It’s been so long since he traveled on a regular basis that 12 days is toooo long for all of us. (Better get used to that now that we are coming home) I went over to Kristies for a cuppa while Bruce went to sleep off the jetlag. They had visitors from home family friends over from Sydney. (Emma & Joy) They wanted to do some shopping and Kristie had to head off to work at lunch time so I took them around in the afternoon. We started the day shopping very local so Kristie could get home then headed into Sacramento to the Mall. They ended up with a few things but had to get back by 3.30 to leave so they missed the traffic to San Fran to get to the airport for their flight. I dropped them off after a quick Walmart shopping experience on the way home!! Everyone has to have a Walmart shopping experience.

We finished the week catching up with Tom, Mary-Lou and kids Prevost, which was a fun night, last minute but a fun night, the kids all played and the adults sat around catching up with the Tri tip was bbqing…. Honey (the dog) arrived on Saturday for her stay while Caroline was away so the boys were very excited (all three of them) We had basketball finals in the afternoon and the boys won which was a nice change after a not very successful season. Bruce and I went out of Sunday and got Rhys’ birthday present and had some lunch, it was a nice quiet way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

The next week started with doing an Angels stock take for the official financial change over to Paula (DII) who will be taking over Angels day to day when we leave. Counting stock take just sucks and there’s no nice way to put it. Millie decided to have a Halloween party so there’s some major organizing to be done (although Millie likes to do most stuff herself so my help will be minimal)Rhys’ birthday present went off with Kristie on her flight down to Sydney. Conner had a leadership conference with all the schools in the area which he loved and said he had a great time (probably not hard considering his best friend David , who goes to another school was also there so they hung out all day) Thursday Jamieson’s Young American Poets Journal that he was selected for arrived – he walked around with it for the next 2 days showing anyone who came by and telling everyone else about it. We finished the week with some yard work around the house, house work, visits to Millie and spent Saturday afternoon sweating at Kenyon’s football game – 100F and these kids are running around and standing on the sidelines in full pads and helmets – one kid even spewed on the field….. Sunday was Conner’s All Star game for basketball he was excited, maybe a little nervous but they didn’t stand a chance. All the kids on the other team were at least 2 inches taller than every one of them & all heading up the next age group…let’s just say it wasn’t pretty and leave it at that.

The month finished with Jamieson heading off to the doctors about his feet, he has been having problems with pain etc – he has bone splints in his feet from growing and we are trying inner soles, if they don’t work it’s a cast for him – time will tell I’ll keep you all posted. Bruce’s birthday arrived and we did presents in the morning then in the afternoon he got on a plane for Salt Lake City, Utah. That made it an easy birthday for me, no special dinner to prepare!!!

So that was our September, nothing too exciting just the usual kids, home, work a little travel (for Bruce) and a birthday finish out the month. I didn’t mention the Grand Final because honestly – who cares……

Hope you all a had a great month and the warm weather is coming – still hot summer weather here – in the 30’s most days so we are just used to it now I suppose. Bruce is wishing for the cooler days to come – I like the warm….. just for a little while longer anyway.

Love and Kissed to you all
The countdown is on for us to come home…..

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