Thursday, April 10, 2008

Easter & End of March....

Happy Easter

We woke up at the usual time, the boys ran down the get the chocolate, and we had a quiet morning.

We chilled out and went over to Paula’s just after lunch for an early Easter dinner. When we arrived the Charles’ were already there, so the kids were all running around outside and the adults caught up in the kitchen. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was out and we all had our nice spring clothes on.

Paula made a beautiful dinner as per usual, we had a feast, the kids did the traditional Easter egg hunt. They were checking out their stash which here includes money…and they sat down and ate. The adults sat inside and ate and ate and ate.

After dinner the boys decided that the sun was out and so
they had to jump into the pool…..OMG!!!
Their eyes nearly popping out of their heads when they surfaced from under the freezing cold water said it all!!! Just after they all turned blue we ordered them out; dried and warmed them up.

Monday came around again and it was back to the usual grind for all of us. We made the mistake of measuring the boys before they went off to school. They had both grown, Jamieson had grown another 1cm, which makes it 1cm each month since December, god help me. The boys went off to school, I went off to work and Bruce started getting ready for his next trip in 24hours to Dubai and then straight back to San Antonio for the Final Four. The rest of our day was pretty much normal, the boys did their homework and went off to the park while Bruce packed, scratch that, pulled out his clothes and asked me to pack them. Just like that he was ready to go!! We watched some TV and made sure all the i’s were dotted and T’s were crossed so there would only be the usual things that inevitably come up.

Bruce woke me up at 3.30am, I got dressed, not sure if I matched, we got in the car and off to the airport. As per usual at 4.30 in the morning the airport was packed with people everywhere. I dropped Bruce off and headed home for about 1 hour of sleep before it was time to get the kids up, lunches, showers and off to school and work. He called from Houston mid morning, then flew out for Dubai a couple of hours later. I finished work a little early a raced off to get some passport pics taken. I have to apply for a Work Authorization card (permission to work) more govt forms to fill out and they need passport pics for my renewal application.

The boys and I had a quiet rest of the week. Jamieson had a baseball game that Thursday, they lost but he did ok. He struck out for the first time ever, the pitchers are the older boys so they are coming down faster than he’s used to. Hopefully its not a sign for the future? He got to play catcher, which he loved and did a pretty good job, so we’ll see what happens.

Friday night came around, Nina and Mario came over for dinner and then the boys went off to Youth group with the rest of their family, which gave me a nice quiet night. They got home around 10.00 and went off to bed.

The boys had a little sleep in after their late night and we chilled out for a little bit, then off to baseball again. It was a nice sunny day, it started out going really well, then they pitched, and kids started walking the bases. Pitching is not the teams strong point, something they need to work on. Conner spent the afternoon putting together his University poster assignment that was due on Monday. We had a quiet night again, the boys watched some TV and I did some blog etc stuff.

Our Sunday was nothing too exciting, I spent the day cleaning and Conner finished off his poster and the boys went off to the park for a while. I called Paula to see if we could catch up but they were out, Carlos called; they just got back from Easter in Sydney and asked if we wanted to join them for dinner. I put together a plate for dessert (just like my mum taught me, never go somewhere empty handed) It was a fun night, we had a bbq for dinner and the kids played outside until it was time to go home, school the next day.

Some March Birthday's -
Happy Birthday to Melissa & Ali...Glad you had a great day.

Hi Everyone,

Bruce here – I am putting together a short report and some pics from the trip – just give me a chance to get my fat butt into gear and stay tuned!!!

Hope you are all well.

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