Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bruce Dubai & San Antonio...

Hey everyone,

Well – as you know I just got back from a week in Dubai and the Final Four in San Antonio.

Dubai – well – what can I say – HOT!!! It was about 95 every day there (about 35C I guess) with high humidity – but it gets up to 50C over Summer and higher humidity again – yuk! Hopefully I won’t be there over that time!

The feel of the place is a little like Vegas if you have been there – nothing seems real.

And amount of building is something to behold – it is just everywhere.

Some funny things that happened and observations…

  1. NEVER put your arm around an Arabic lady for a photo – “my husband will kill me” was the reply – with a smile though – pretty funny.
  2. DON’T order bacon when you order scrambled eggs!!! D’oh! Yes – I did this as well – apparently they serve you a turkey bacon – but I declined out of principal – again – pretty funny.
  3. If you want to fill up your fuel tank over there – it will cost you about $0.30 a GALLON – that’s about 8 cents a liter folks!
  4. The “Berg” hotel – the one in the pics here – is a lazy $3000 US a night – nice for some!
  5. YES – you can Ski on real snow in Dubai – in the “Mall of The Emirates” – the largest mall outside of America – yes – it is HUGE – you can go skiing – it is -4C inside and it is weird to sit and have a coffee while sitting in shorts and a t-shirt – watching people on the other side of the glass having snow ball fights – a truly amazing piece of engineering
  6. The people of Dubai are very gentle and welcoming – I learnt that “Marsharla” means God Bless You in Arabic
  7. If you want to be a laborer in that heat – you can – you will receive the amazing salary of $100 US a MONTH – if you are good – then $200 US a month. Yikes!
  8. Speeding – apart from a few speeding camera’s – the rest of the road is a free for all – there were several times we hit 180klms going down the freeway – yes – packing myself!!!
  9. Emirates airlines are taking over the world – with the best fleet in the world and new routes and no lack of funds – these guys are going to change the way we fly – nothing short of brilliant. Especially the new direct flights from LA that are about to start – I can get there on a single flight in 17.5 hours – amazing – especially when you consider you fly over the top of the world near Greenland and down over London – weird.

Well – that’s about it – the launch of BillyBounce went amazingly well – some highlights of the coming months will be…

  1. Backing by the Princess’ “Right to Play” initiative
  2. Schools involvement across the entire country
  3. Retail launch of BB products into a major sporting chain
  4. Training programs for teachers across the nation
  5. Expansion into Saudi, Jordan, Qatar and probably India in the next 12 months

Well that’s about it for Dubai – I have included some pics for you to check out.

As far as the Final Four in San Antonio went – this is basically the National Basketball Coaches Conference – met with a few key people and had some fun promoting the BUG around the Hoop City exhibit –

Pete Williams dressed up in the suit and did a fantastic job.

That’s if for now – will check back in again soon!!!



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