We woke up at the usual time, too early for the weekend, had some breakfast & just hung out until around lunch. We ate some lunch & got ready for the afternoon at the basketball.
We arrived around 1.00 for Jamieson's game at 1.30. Bruce filled out all the forms etc. I sat down & chatted with Kristin & Cooper while we waited for the game to start.
The boys as per usual played really well, Jamieson is getting better every week, I got a couple of cool shots. John played really well too, we've decided (as he has) that it's the headband, he won't play without it. It's really cute, & very serious business. The Kings came out with another win, so Jamieson was really happy. It didn't do anything for his energy level, he spent all of Conner's game running around.
Conner's game was supposed to be after Jamieson's on the court next door & it was running behind nearly 30 mins. One of the coaches (
wank@/!) screaming at all the kids on the side of the court. We thought it was the older kids playing, so Cooper & I went to watch (older kids) it was kids Conner's age. Not liking this!!!There was also a father in this team too. Conner's team started really well, then near half time they just dropped the bundle. Poor kids, they tried till the end, god bless them. They did so well, even though they had 2 of their better players away.
I hope this losing doesn't mess too much with their heads, time will tell.
Conner was upbeat, which was great. We made our way home, had some dinner. The kids stayed up a little late & watched a movie. I went over to Paula's around 10.30 to sit with the kids while she went to the airport to pick up her mum. I sat around waiting for her to get home. They got home around 1.00, I was very tired as you could imagine.
Riley Orange is having his Birthday party today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RILEY!!!!!
Kisses from all of us.
Another Sunday started with some sunny weather of course!! We had some breakfast, the boys sat down & watched a movie. Late morning Bruce & Conner got ready & went off to the movies. Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Something for them to do together which is always fun for both of them. Jamieson has his fishing, Conner & Bruce have basketball training & movies. Off they went, I did the usual washing & tidying while Jamieson chilled out then went out to play for a while. I did some work on the computer (while it was free) We had some lunch together, which was nice. Paula called to let us know that they were at the pool. Bruce called, he and Conner were going to chill at Borders Books to look around. Jamieson & I munched on then packed up & went to the pool. Paula, her mum & the kids were there, we sat down with them. Not long after Millie & Lexie arrived & all the kids jumped into the pool & the afternoon continued.
The usual afternoon down by the pool, with the girls & the kids, lots of fun. The boys arrived home a couple of hours later. We all left the pool when things took a turn for the worse. Millie's husband was in a bad mood & so they left. Then Paula's soon to be X turned up 10 minutes after she had spoken to him on the phone and told him he couldn't come. So everyone left really quickly.
We got home, & did the dinner thing (pancakes). Spoke to mum on skype, caught up on the going's on. The boys had showers made sure all the school stuff was done & packed & ready to go. Bruce did work, & I chilled out. I watched the usual TV & off too bed at a respectable time.
Another week began. I decided to leave Paula, the office & her mum time to themselves to settle in & all that. Which meant I got a workout in which always makes you feel better. The boys went off to school as per usual. Bruce was working from home so the turning of the apartment upside down & inside out cleaning day was not going to happen. I vacuumed instead, did the kitchen & some washing. Bruce got home just after lunch & I went out to get groceries.
The boys got home from school, we did homework. There was a note from Jamieson's teacher reminding us about our parent teacher conference, but Bruce said that she had told him that it was tonight. The boys went off to Jamieson's basketball practice & I walked over to the school just in case that the conference was tonight instead of tomorrow. My memory hasn't completely left me, the conference was tomorrow. She apologized profusely & I walked home. It was REALLY hot, it's getting yucky sweating just walking across the road to school. I did dinner & when the boys got home, (not happy, they had bad training session, kids out of control.) We sat down for dinner, chatted about the day. Nothing special happened, even Jamieson really didn't have a lot to tell. Slow day!!!
The boys went off to bed & we were not long behind them. The weekend had been late nights, so we were all pretty tired.
We all got up & got ready for the day. Bruce was working from home. I dropped the boys off at school, went to the gym. The usual routine, got home, tidied up, did some washing etc. I went to the office for a while, still lots to do, but not everything is there so some stuff has to wait until then. Bruce & I went out to grab some stuff that we needed, we got back & had some lunch. The boys got home from school & did the homework routine. Jamieson & I went down to the pool for a little while. The around 5.00 we went across the road for our teacher conference with Jamieson's teacher. The boys went off to play in the playground, we sat down with Mrs Sack. She starts with, "you know that Jamieson is a very bright boy", we're like , yeah. Like any parents would say about their child. She said, 'no really, he's doing REALLY well with everything'. He is in the high side of all subjects that they are being assessed on. His reading, writing, comprehension, math's etc. We walked out, looked at each other and went,WOW!!!! So that was a great end to the day, and of course Jamieson's LOVED the praise. You can imagine.
Conner basketball game. (Hi everyone Bruce here) - CJ had another game of being overwhelmed by size. They played really well but the other kids were just too big - some of them did some party tricks as well - launching 3's and stuff. We only lost by about 10 but thats the way it goes!
We got home, had some dinner & Bruce stayed up to work while the rest of us went off to bed at a reasonable hour. He ended up getting into bed around 1.30. Had a presentation to do for Billy Bounce, so he didn't mind staying up.
Another beautiful day started for Bruce at 5.00, he had to be at work at 6.00, to help fill orders. The boys and I got up & did the usual morning things, breakfast, lunches, walked off to school. They are now getting dropped off once they get across the road. I watch them walk across the exit to the school & then walk back across the road to the gym. I got home, did some washing & the bathrooms.
I went to the business centre, did the usual tidying, cleaned the bathrooms & then got ready to go to the Charles to sit with the boys while Kristin & Alfie went out for a while. I walked up to their house around 10.00. They went off to their meeting & the boys & I played. Dylan & I kicked the footy to each other while John finished his baseball game on the Playstation. Then we decided to do some drawing. We sat down the the boys drew the San Francisco 49ers logo & field, they love their 49ers. They will sit & watch the game & John will talk about what happened there, the rule is that, it's really to cool to hear. They are passionate supporters with their football & baseball teams. Kristin & Alfie got back & Kristin drove me home, before that we went to check out the new supermarket that has just opened down the road. Brand new, very nice, only over the hill too, so it is within walking distance. Good to have.
I got home, had some lunch then not long after that it was time to pick up the kids from school.
The boys got home from school, did their homework. We hung around the house for a little while. Around 4.30 we headed down to the pool. Paula dropped off the Justin & Jeremy & her mum around 5.00. She had a meeting & the gang were coming to hang out with us. Bruce went off to see a lady for work & bring back (what else) pizza. We swam, hung out & ate until around 8.00 when Paula got back. We all then went home & the kids went to bed. Bruce had some work to do, so did I. Bruce went off to bed, has another early morning start. I got onto messenger with Elise. Haven't spoken in a while, so it was good to catch up with the gossip from back home. Off to bed for me after another hot summer's day in northern California.
The boys & I rose at the usual time, got ready & started our day as usual. Bruce was off to work as usual although he had to be at the office at 6.00 this morning. I dropped the kids off, did a workout, then tidied up did some washing & was out of the house walking to the office by 9.30. It was a going to be a warm day. But I left early enough that it wasn't too bad walking, although the backpack wasn't doing my shoulders & back any good. I got to the office in 30 mins which was what I expected. As I got there, Paula & her mum were going out, had some shopping to do for their trip next week. (Going to Washington with the boys) So off we went, we ended up getting some really good stuff. I got a couple of birthday presents & some stuff for Conner & Bruce, shorts etc. We got back around lunchtime, Paula dropped me off & went off to a meeting. I ended up doing some work from home for the afternoon, until I went to pick up the boys from school.
I went into the office to let them know about the CREEPING traffic. We have to go over a busy road, there is solid yellow lines, which means they have to give way. But everyday either before or after school there is usually a car that doesn't wait until we are over the other side. My concern is that their are lots of kids that walk across by themselves, what happens if they drop something or double back, some of these cars are going behind us one step after we've walked across it's path. They can't wait another 10 seconds for people to get across the road. Renee at the office now knows & I have the number of the traffic police to call & complain. Bruce came home from work, a parcel from Mum had arrived, with pic's. Nice TV dad, Bruce is PO'd that he's not there to watch it with you. He was "Surround Sound & everything, that's so cool". I also saw my other babies, they are all growing especially not 'not so little' bubba, Felix. He's a BIG boy now, good luck Rael's, welcome to my world. Alex is more gorgeous than ever, a really girlie, girl, Looking more like Trudy as she gets older. And well the partners in Crime or Football should I say. 'The Boys' in their Geelong jumpers, so gorgeous. I miss my little babies, & my big babies too, (I can speak to the big babes on the computer so that makes it better)
Congratulations to Ross on his business award, you work hard, you deserve it.
We had some dinner, around 7.30 Paula picked me up & we went off to Ikea to get some furniture for the office, just about done with the heavy lifting etc, yeay, although it's a good workout for me, my back disagrees. It's fun, it is going to look really nice when it's finished.
Well another school week is just about over. The boys have another week left at school, then they go off track until mid-September. Hopefully we will be able to get away, hoping to get to Lake Tahoe, fingers crossed. Anyway, Bruce didn't have to go into the office this morning, he had a meeting with one of Paula's friends/associates (well connected) Tony who I have met. So off he went to his meeting & I spent the whole day at the office trying to finish the board room. Bruce got back around lunchtime, the 4 of us went to Pete's for some lunch, then back to work. Bruce picked up the kids from school, so I was able to get some more work done.
I called him around 5.15 to come and get me, there wasn't a lot else I could do as the computer guy was putting the server etc in & it's living in the board room so there were computers & cables everywhere. We got home around 5.30 after finding out that Conner had had a thing at school with a couple of (not so nice kids), big mouthing. He's OK, his parents, (especially his dad) are going to be walking to school together on Monday so we/he can check out these kids. Let the teacher know, all the usual stuff.
We got changed & off to Karen's for the Margarita Party, for the families of some of the volunteers for the fundraiser I'm helping out in. The Sweethearts Auction Night, in February next year. There were another 6 or so families there, we met some nice people, put some ideas down for things that need to be done, there were magarita's & Mexican food. The adults chatted, the kids swam in the pool. It was a good night, we met another couple who seem really nice, & asked us over for dinner some time, so that should be fun.
We got home around 9.30, everyone was tired. The boys went off to bed, Bruce had a cuppa to settle down & off to bed he went. I stayed up & tidied up the house, did a load of washing (all the stuff I didn't get to this morning cause of work) then unwound with a cuppa & watched a DVD. Slid into bed around 12.00, a late night, but a fun day & a not bad week.
In overtime, on the road (Canberra) Woo Hoo!!!!!
Made it to the conference finals again, home court final!!!!
Bruce did the happy dance, & wants to come home for the final.
It's going to kill him not being there......
Jamie & Jason we tried to call, but you were to busy partying.
Everyone else, have a great weekend. Good luck to everyone, kick some butt.
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