Thursday, August 17, 2006

From August 12th

Saturday APOLOGIES to Sophie (Bell) Happy Birthday for yesterday. Bruce got up & checked the basketball results. He came bounding in, THEY WON, THEY'RE IN THE GRAND FINAL AGAIN. THEY WON ON THE ROAD!!!!!! I WANT TO GO HOME TO SEE THE FINAL!!!!!! He tried to ring Jamie (even though it was 2.00am at home, you know the boys were out celebrating) he got through but Jamie couldn't hear him, obviously in the middle of a club. He was happy & sad all a once. But congrats to the boys, good luck for the final, I'm sure Bruce will be in touch before then. We had the usual Saturday organised. We all rose around 7.30, had some breakfast, did the usual stuff. The boys ran around waiting for basketball to start. Jamieson's game was early in the day. I dropped the boys off around 10.15 then drove back to pick up Paula & the boys to drop them off at the airport. They were off to Washington (State) for a few days with family at their Lake House. I got back just in time to pick up the boys after Jamieson's game. They won, again, so of course Jamieson just went on & on & on & on........... We got home & had some lunch. Then we pottered around in the afternoon until it was time to go & watch Conner's game. This could be a lottery, they could get their butts kicked, or hopefully play well. Which is what they did. Thank goodness, the smiles on their faces said it all at the end. It was a really nice game to watch as well. They only won by 5 in the end, they were down at the start then came back & kept the lead until the end of the game. YEAH!!!!! Of course Conner was over the moon, big smiles & he played well as well. By the time we got home it was late afternoon. We got home & went down to the pool for a while before having some dinner. We had no plans, so we let the boys stay up watch a movie before they went off to bed around 10.00. Bruce & I stayed up a little longer but were in bed not long after, it's been a big week. Sunday Bruce had to go into work this morning, he was up & out of the house by 7.00. The boys & I had a leisurely morning. They watched some cartoons until around 12.00. Then we headed off down to the pool for a swim & relax for a couple of hours. We had some snacks, the boys played in the pool & I listened to some music. We got back to the house around 2.00, Bruce called to say that he was on his way home. He got home & said that he had spoken to the Charles's & we were going to BJ's for a pre birthday dinner. Then I spoke to LIZZY!!!!! Yeay!!! the kids set her up on the computer before school, then they all left & we chatted for over an hour. Thank goodness, it has been so long, but we caught up on all the news. It was great to talk, it's not the same when there is half the planet between you but it'll do for now. So yeay, thank you kids for helping your mum, it was a great start to the week. Hopefully it will be a weekly thing from now on. I got to see all the kids, Al & Liz & spoke to Liz. The kids went out to play at the park with the kids. We all got ready & arrived at the restaurant around 5.30. The Charles's were just about to be seated. We all sat down, Kristin gave me a present to open. I got a new fleecy top to wear walking, light blue, very beautiful, also a cadbury chocolate bar & some aero bars. I scored!!!! We had a beautiful dinner, the food, magnificent!!! The kids a a great time, colouring & chatting as did the adults, minus the colouring. We ate & had a great time, then invited them to have birthday dinner with us on Tuesday night. So that should make it more of a celebratory dinner. Family & friends, yummy food (even if I have to make it) We got home around 8.00 and the boys went off to bed, ready for the start of a new week, the last week at school as they are about to go off track until mid September. Bruce & I stayed up & talked about the week ahead & headed off to bed at a reasonable hour. Monday The week started off as usual. Bruce was working from home & the boys went off to school. I walked to work, it was a nice morning, not too hot. I got to the office & finished off the meeting room, it looks very nice if I do say so myself. I went out to get a few things that we needed. It turned out to be a bit of a wasted time, the things that I was looking for I ended up getting from the one place, oh well, now I know who has what. I dropped in at home to get the boys from school (Bruce had a conference call with the Five Star guys), I went back to the office & did a few things before heading home to Bruce & the boys late afternoon. Jamieson had basketball training, so the boys went off to training & I stayed home and started on dinner. The boys got home & had some dinner then it was time for bed. Bruce didn't last much longer than the boys, the early mornings & late nights are starting to take their toll. I stayed up a while longer doing some work while I could get on the computer. I still have LOTS of emails to reply to, a big sorry especially to THE GODSON, Taylor, I will reply ASAP I promise. Rolled into bed around 12.00, happy birthday to me, I suppose. Tuesday I suppose Happy Birthday to me... I woke up at the usual time, the boys came and jumped into bed with me for presents. I got some clothes, boots & Bruce gave me a laptop!!!! YEAY!!!!!!! So my birthday was off to a great start. I had nothing planned for the day except to get ready for dinner tonight. I did have some cooking to do. Same as at home, I don't mind making dinner on my birthday, cause it means I get to spend time with good frends. Bruce took the boys off to school, then came back & organised himself to get to work. He found out that he had to do some deliveries to a place an hour away, Stockton. He went off to work & I started on dinner, the lasagne sauce. I called Millie to see of she wanted to go for a walk to the supermarket up the street to get some stuff. She needed to, so we decided to meet around lunchtime. I did some more stuff for dinner, table, crockery, cleaned the bathrooms (which every good hostess does). Then made my list for the supermarket. We walked to Raley's, we both grabbed a few things, & also had a nice look around, it's only been open 1 week. It's a really nice new supermarket, we got our stuff & grabbed a cuppa at Starbucks (how american) & started off to home. I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking for dinner. I picked up the boys from school, came home & finished up the preparation for dinner. The phone calls started, which was nice. thank you to all who called. I had a shower & got the boys and myself ready for our visitors. They arrived at 5.30, right on time as per usual. We sat around, played with Cooper, he's growing so quickly. Then a few minutes before I was about to dish up Bruce goes, I have to go & run an errand. They came back about 15 mins later with a cake. OOPPSSS!! Not his fault, as he said, in 14 years he's never had to worry about it cause Mum has always done the cake. It didn't worry me either way. Wonderful little story, this is one of the reason's we love Kristin & Alfie so much. We were sitting chatting when Alfie tells us that they've been trying to think of somthing that they could get us that we would love but would be too big to ship back home so we would have to stay. Bruce & I both laughed. Bruce said, "Well if it doesn't fit in a 40 ft container then it's not coming home." Alfie (quick as) - "We're getting you a 41ft pole...." things like that is why we love them. Also a side note to some of you - They quote Eddie Murphy's Delerious!!!! (Lara that one is for you, especially) Bless them both, they are gorgeuos. We all had dinner, it turned out really nice, then we had cake & singing & cheers. (They dont usually do those here) then I made Hot Chocolates, although they are not the same, (have to get some Alpine Blend Chocolate sent over) the Charles's left around 8.30. Bruce & I cleaned up & Bruce did some work on the computer & I sat down on the couch to unwind. I was asleep on the couch by 10.00. Bruce put me into bed & I was out. It was a really great birthday. Wednesday Well, it was the day after what was a fabulous birthday, although for the first time in a long time & actually felt older on my birthday, wierd!!! We all woke up, Bruce had already gone. He had to be at work at 6.00. The boys and I walked over to school, then I came back, tidied up & walked to work. It was a really nice fresh morning, I could walk without sweating at all. How disgusting does that sound.... !!!!!!!! Anyway, I settled in to get some stuff done after chatting to Paula on the phone, I am picking her up at the airport tonight. The funniest BLONDE thing happened, & she wasn't blonde. Judit, the assistant came into the office & asked........ ' When you send faxes and they are double sided do both sides got through??' OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! It took everything I had not to laugh til I wet myself, I didn't & just said... 'No, you'll have to copy the other side'. Insert it in order & then fax it. Dealing with plant life, or as Paula said, she's not A team. That just says it all. I left the office & walked home to pick the kids up from school. After school, we did the usual homework etc. Bruce got home not long after I left to go to the airport, I had to miss the traffic, so I got to the other side of town & looked through some stores while I waited for the time to pass. Got a couple of bargains, all the summer stuff is going on sale. I'm going to start my Christmas shopping soon, anyone has anything they want please let me know. I picked Paula & the kids up from the airport, I dropped them off just in time for me to turn around & go to the stadium to pick the boys up from Conner's basketball training. It was a busy day for all, not long after we got home we were all in bed sleeping like babies. Thursday Well another day begins the same as the rest of the week. Bruce had to start work at 6.00 again. They are in the middle of the busiest time of the year & 2 guys down. He is exhausted. The boys went off to school & caught up with the house stuff & back home stuff. Then I changed a couple of rooms around, cleaned the apartment & by the time that was all done it was lunch. I did some work for an hour or so then it was time to go & get the kids from school. I picked up the kids & we came home & did homework. Paula dropped the kids off around 4.00 & went off to her meeting (1 hour away), it was going to be a late night. We went down to the pool for an hour or so then came home & sat around the dinner table & chatted with the kids. It was fun, we found out all about their favorite things. I left & went to the office to put some more stuff in, Bruce stayed at home & put all the boys to bed, then sat at the computer (just for something different). I got home around 10.00 & Bruce went off to bed & I stayed up to wait for Paula. The wierd thing is that no one was online. Can you believe it, I couldn't. I turned the computer off around 11.30 & sat there on the couch 1/2 asleep Until Paula got back at 12.45. Off to bed for a short night sleep. Friday We woke up to the last day of the school term. Bruce had to start work at 5.30, so he was up at 4.30. He was heading to Concord (near San Fransisco) today. The boys have 1/2 a day of school, I also am having Paula's boys while she was at work. I dropped the boys off at school & went to the gym (first time in a week, I've walked just no workout) I ran & worked out, it felt SO good. Paula dropped the kids off at the gym, then after I finished my workout we said goodbye to Millie & headed off to home. We got back, the boys played on the game boys while I got some work done on the laptop (Bruce left at home) then I put a movie on for them so I could get some house stuff done. Before we knew it it was 12.00 & time to go and get the boys from school. It was an eye opener for Justin & Jeremy who hadn't seen all the kids & parents yet. They start back at school on Monday. Jeremy was a got overwhelmed, he ended up holding my hand so he didn't get lost in all the people. It was very cute. We got back home, had snacks & then went down to the pool for a couple of hours. Bruce got back from work around 2.00, the boys & I came back from the pool around 3.00. We settled into the apartment, & Tracey called to say Happy Birthday, which was really nice. Then I spoke to Elise for a while, got a bit of gossip, trying to get her to save some money so she can some back to visit. Paula got here around 4.00. We sat down and chatted until 5.00 when I kicked them out so we could all go & get ready to hot the Hot Summer Nights band tonight. Bruce had a nap, we all showered & changed & were out the door by 5.30. Paula grabbed some pizza's for dinner & we all sat down on the ground at the park and had some dinner. The band started around 6.30. The music was nice, it took them a while to get everyone in the mood but once they did, then everyone settled in & had a great time. The music was playing, everyone was dancing the kids were playing, & then they danced with us as well. Yes that's right. Also apparently, our kids were at the back putting on a show for the people back there. Some guys said that they had been entertaining them for ages, it was a nice thing to here. We were all dancing & Paula's boys were asleep on the blanket. So it was time to go home. We danced to the car as the band was still playing & came home. We got "two hands up" from all to the fun question again. So the Hot Summer Nights life music was a hit AGAIN!!!! We got home, the boys went off to bed & Bruce is on the couch resting after a VERY long day for him. Here I am updating you all on our week. I hope that you've enjoyed following the week we've had. Good luck to everyone for their finals this weekend. We've got another busy day ahead tomorrow, but you'll have to wait another week to find out. SORRY!!!

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