Saturday, August 19, 2006
From August 19th.....
Happy Birthday Michelle (Jolly) Hope you had a good one.
Another weekend begins as does the first days of the boys being off track for 4 weeks. The boys & I woke up around 7.00, the usual time. I tidyed up around the place & let Bruce sleep. (Made him take a sleeping tablet so he would sleep for a full night wihtout interruptions.) I cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast, then it was time to wake up Bruce, 9.00am was late enough to sleep in, otherwise he gets sick. We all got organised & were out of the apartment to basketball by 10.00am. Got to the stadium and settled in with Kristin & Cooper on my lap for the game. The boys played really well, although in true Hultgren junior form, Jamieson doesn't like to pass the ball. I feel like I spend most of the game yelling for him to PASS THE BALL!!!! Cooper was sleeping on my lap (through the yelling & whistles & sirens). The other teams coach was a trip. He was screaming instructions to his little players running up & down the court with them. Kristin & I were saying that really he isn't teaching the kids alot accept to take instructions, which was proven, there were times when they looked at him as if to say "what do I do"?
Bruce's opinion was a lot different, he called him a name. For the reasons we were worried about, also he was cheating, putting his best player (by far) on for the whole game. Non competitive my BUTT!!! Technically, they won even though they don't keep score. Paula dropped the boys off 1/2 way through the game, I said that I would look after them while she went & did a few things. After the game we dropped off to get Dylan's birthday present then all went home to get organised for the party.
I checked the mailbox & there was a parcel, belated birthday from Auntie Nordy. I got some new Nivea soap, thank you Auntie Nordy, I was just about to ask Mum for some. Good Call.
Paula picked up the kids & we all got changed for the party. We arrived around 1.30, & met some of the family. They were really nice people. All the kids went out the back onto the baseball diamond & played for a while. We had hot dogs, sandwiches, potatoe salad & caramel corn for lunch. For desert there was cake with the 2 teams logo's & cupcakes iced like baseballs. The theme of the party was baseball, Dylan is obsessed with the Giants (baseball) & 49ers (football). Much like us with our Cats, Blues & Supercats. It's so cute when coming from a 4 year old though.
We ate, then the boys played some more, not long after they all jumped into the pool. There were kids everywhere, it was a really nice afternoon. The family left around 3.30 & it was just Paula & us left. Bruce & Conner left for his game at 5.00. We stayed until 6.00, chatting & helped pack up, then Paula dropped Jamieson & I off home. Bruce called not long after to say that they were going to check out the big kids playing for a few minutes then were coming home. Also that he has to work tomorrow. Not happy Jan, but they are under the pump, all hands on deck & he offered. We had a late, light dinner, & Conner went off to bed staright after, he was really tired. Big afternoon, playing ball, basketball, mind you that was at 8.00pm. So it wasn't that early, Jamieson reluctantly went around 8.30 after eating & eating & eating. He is making up what Conner hasn't been having. Not sure what to do about that, just not eating alot at all even when it's something that he loves. I'm keeping an eye on it.
We woke up at the usual Sunday time, not late enough. Bruce headed off to work around 9.00am. The boys & I just hung around the apartment, around mid morning we went for a walk to the Raleys (supermarket) to get some bread etc. We came back and had some lunch then watched a movie. Bruce got home not long after lunch, we had some lunch then hung out. Around mid-afternoon we jumped into the car & went to Costco to do the Bulk buying thing.
We were trying to get back by 4.00 so I could keep my weekly call with Lizzy. Sorry!!!!!
We got home & I quickly went out to the office the put some more finishing touches on the meeting room as it was going to be used Monday. I got home around 6.30 & we threw together some dinner. The boys stayed up later as there is no school tomorrow. Bruce came bounding out off the computer, your laptop is being delivered TOMORROW!!!! Very happy with himself. So that made it a very happy ending to the day.
Another week began, not so usual as the boys were not at school, they got up & had some breakfast, Bruce was at work of course. I went off to the gym for a workout. When I got back they had not moved. Probably because they were still watching "the shaggy dog", the movie that Millie had lent us. I must admit, going to the gym again was a good feeling.
I got back & it started. I had the spring cleaning bug. Cupboards, shower curtains etc. Paula called in a tizz, all her plans for the day were going up the plah!!! I offered to have the boys so she could have her meetings. She had a friend/associate in from Texas & was only here for a day and a bit. Bruce was in San Fransisco again for the day & left his computer so I got some emails read & written.
It took me most of the day, we stopped for lunch, and Bruce got home just as I was doing our room & bathroom. So I made him actually sit down & rest. I went out to the supermarket to grab something for dinner, then Paula dropped the boys off around 3.30. She had a meeting that was an hour away. We all hung out, a couple of kids came over to play, they were in & out. Bruce & Jamieson went to basketball practice & I went to Paula's to grab the boys things. At 4.50 my laptop arrived!!!YoooHooo!!!! I got it out of the box, there was no setup booklet, so I didn't know whether you had to do that charge for X amount of hours before use or what. SO I kind of freaked out a little, didn't want to stuff it up & put it back into the box. Wierd hey! I got some cool surprises in the mail from Trudy, Rael's & Ross, thank you guys. Chatted with Rael's & Oscar for a while, it was nice to catch up, I haven't spoken to then since before my birthday.
The others got home, all had showers, & we sat down for dinner around 6.30. Did the usual dinner & chatting. Around 8.00 we put the boys to bed, called Paula to say good night but was still in the middle of her meeting. Bruce was setting up my laptop, I went down to the gym, for a light work out felt blah & fat today. It always makes me feel better if I do something after dinner. Go Figure.... Got home & watched some TV until late in the end, I got back & Bruce had just started watching a movie called 'Coach Carter', so I had a shower & sat down & watched the movie with him. We ended up getting into bed late, around midnight. Paula called to day that she was here at 1.15. A late night for her. But good for business I'm sure.
Happy 5th Birthday to Alex (Australian date)
Well, another day, Bruce was off to LA for the day. I went to the gym, Bruce was working from home for the morning. The boys did the usual had some breakfast, then I sent them to do something other than watching the TV. I did the usual tidying & washing etc, then sat down to start putting stuff, messenger & skype onto the laptop. Around 11.00 we jumped into the car and headed for the airport. We dropped Bruce off & drove home, made a pitstop at the grocery store on the way home. We got home and unpacked, then had some lunch.
Around 3.00 Jamieson & I headed to the pool for a couple of hours. Millie, Lexie & Kaylee were there too. The kids played, we chatted & sweated, it turned into a quite warm day. The pool was a bit cool, so there was no swimming for me. We got home & the boys went out to play with Jakary, then to his house. I got onto messnger & chatted with Pete for an hour or so. 37 sleeps till he gets here. woo hoo!!! Bruce called, he made it to LA fine. We had some dinner, & did showers & chilled out infront of the TV. Well, not me I'm was on the computer where else, cause I could. HE HE!!
Bruce arrived home safely after a very good trip & we drove home with the kids asleep in the back. Great thing about the van, the kids get their own seats. We got home, Bruce went off to bed & I called Alex for her birthday. They are all doing well, Alex sounds like she was having a great birthday & all the family were heading over to the house for dinner. She got some really cool stuff. We hung up the phone & off to bed I went.
Wednesday - Happy 5th Birthday Alex (23rd August)
Bruce was off to work early again this morning, the boys & I got up & did the usual. Jamieson had a sore leg, not sure what from. He limped around the house for the morning, then mid morning Jackary came over for a play & stayed till lunchtime. Bruce called, he was on his way back from San Fransisco. He must be tired, especially of the travelling. Millie called, we had a chat & then back to the afternoon. The boys went outside to play after lunch, it's still warm here so that didn't last for too long. Mid Afternoon they came back & Jamieson went to his room for a rest, Conner chilled out in the lounge room. 2 hours later Jamieson woke up, I knew that I would regret letter him sleep later on. Bruce came home & had a nap before Conner's training started. We had a quick light dinner before they left & Jamieson got into trouble & wasn't allowed to go. You can imagine the tantrum. He's getting bigger & stronger. I'm going to have to keep working out to be able to hold onto him, for later tantrums.
We hung out around the house, Jamieson chilled in his room, the boys got home at around 8.30 & Conner went off to bed. Also Jamieson did too, but you know that he didn't go to sleep. Bruce dropped off to bed around 10.00 & I stayed up for a little longer, yes, he was still awake. I went off to bed around 11.00 & told Jamieson to turn the gameboy off in 5 mins. I got up & checked him a few minutes later, & he had, thank goodness.
It was an eventful night, as you can imagine, thank goodness we still have basketball to take away from him so make him do what he's told.
Bruce was off to work especially early this morning, lots of deliveries to do, he had to go to San Fransisco & Oakland today, the only reason he’s not going too bananas about not getting proper work done is that the deliveries are to clients he has to meet, so that’s keeping him going. The boys & I got up & did the usual stuff, I actually got them to do some homework which was great. Jamieson’s writing is better but still has a bit to go. We chilled for the morning & I met Millie at the gym around lunchtime, which was pretty weird. We headed down to the pool at around 2.30, Millie & Lexie met us down there & we spent a couple hours down there. Bruce got home, & went inside to get some Billy Bounce work done. We got back to the apartment around 4.30. We chilled out, Paula called & we had a chat, she has been really busy this week, catching up.
We had some dinner, & the boys watched a movie & went off to bed. Bruce & I were not far behind, Bruce went off to bed early, he’s really tired, & I was not far behind him.
Another week ending, Bruce got to sleep in this morning (7.30)Yeay for him, the boys did as well which was good for them. We had some breakfast & Bruce went off to work at around 9.00. The boys & I hung out at the house. I cleaned up the apartment, the boys did some homework. Millie called in for a cuppa after her morning shopping outing. I made some potato salad for Hot Summer nights tonight & then the boys had pancakes for lunch.
By the time we had done all that it was early to mid afternoon and we decided to sit down & watch a DVD that Millie had lent up for the kids to watch.
She’s the Man!!! It is that Amanda Bynes movie. It was actually a good movie, most of the time we put a movie on & I end up doing some stuff around the apartment while watching it. But this wasn’t too bad, a little slow in some spots, but not a bad movie. Bruce called to say that he had another delivery to do so he might be a little later. I called Paula, she was on her way back from her usual Friday meeting, but she would see us at Town Hall.
Bruce got home, he was going to do the delivery in the morning. I packed our chicken & salad plus snacks into the bag & around we all got changed & headed off to the Town Hall just after 5.30. We arrived & the Charles’s were already there. We all sat down & caught up about the week. It was Dylan’s birthday yesterday, & he had a great day. Paula arrived around 6.00 after a busy day for her. We are going to catch up in the next few days. We also have some office stuff to get done too. I am a little stuck as the boys are on holidays & not much I can do until they get back.
Anyway, we had some dinner & chatted, Cooper was just chillen, sitting around, he’s getting so big & is almost sitting up, just gorgeous.
The band started & we all just sat down & chatted etc, the kids were running around as per usual, having a great time. The band wasn’t as good as last week, but lots of covers so we could sing along. The evening was fun, we caught up with our friends & the kids got to ran around and play. We got home around 9.30, the boys went to bed & Bruce went off to bed around 10.30. I stayed up until around 11.00 & off to bed I went. Bruce had set his alarm; Trev was texting the Supercats games scores, so he was going to be up anyway.
And that was the week that was. Another week gone, it was a good week on all fronts. Bruce is really tired; hopefully he will get a chance to catch up on that this weekend.
It’s now Saturday morning & I am finishing the blog for you all. Bruce had been up getting text’s from home from Trev. Trev called & I talked to him and Mark, after the game. Bruce got back & spoke Trev & Mark after the SUPERCATS WIN!!!!!!!
(as you can imagine, Bruce is ecstatic & sad all at once… know he would have jumped on a plane to be there if we could afford it.)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
From August 12th
APOLOGIES to Sophie (Bell) Happy Birthday for yesterday.
Bruce got up & checked the basketball results. He came bounding in, THEY WON, THEY'RE IN THE GRAND FINAL AGAIN. THEY WON ON THE ROAD!!!!!! I WANT TO GO HOME TO SEE THE FINAL!!!!!! He tried to ring Jamie (even though it was 2.00am at home, you know the boys were out celebrating) he got through but Jamie couldn't hear him, obviously in the middle of a club. He was happy & sad all a once. But congrats to the boys, good luck for the final, I'm sure Bruce will be in touch before then.
We had the usual Saturday organised. We all rose around 7.30, had some breakfast, did the usual stuff. The boys ran around waiting for basketball to start. Jamieson's game was early in the day. I dropped the boys off around 10.15 then drove back to pick up Paula & the boys to drop them off at the airport. They were off to Washington (State) for a few days with family at their Lake House.
I got back just in time to pick up the boys after Jamieson's game. They won, again, so of course Jamieson just went on & on & on & on........... We got home & had some lunch. Then we pottered around in the afternoon until it was time to go & watch Conner's game. This could be a lottery, they could get their butts kicked, or hopefully play well. Which is what they did. Thank goodness, the smiles on their faces said it all at the end. It was a really nice game to watch as well. They only won by 5 in the end, they were down at the start then came back & kept the lead until the end of the game. YEAH!!!!!
Of course Conner was over the moon, big smiles & he played well as well. By the time we got home it was late afternoon. We got home & went down to the pool for a while before having some dinner. We had no plans, so we let the boys stay up watch a movie before they went off to bed around 10.00. Bruce & I stayed up a little longer but were in bed not long after, it's been a big week.
Bruce had to go into work this morning, he was up & out of the house by 7.00. The boys & I had a leisurely morning. They watched some cartoons until around 12.00. Then we headed off down to the pool for a swim & relax for a couple of hours. We had some snacks, the boys played in the pool & I listened to some music. We got back to the house around 2.00, Bruce called to say that he was on his way home. He got home & said that he had spoken to the Charles's & we were going to BJ's for a pre birthday dinner.
Then I spoke to LIZZY!!!!! Yeay!!! the kids set her up on the computer before school, then they all left & we chatted for over an hour. Thank goodness, it has been so long, but we caught up on all the news. It was great to talk, it's not the same when there is half the planet between you but it'll do for now. So yeay, thank you kids for helping your mum, it was a great start to the week. Hopefully it will be a weekly thing from now on. I got to see all the kids, Al & Liz & spoke to Liz.
The kids went out to play at the park with the kids. We all got ready & arrived at the restaurant around 5.30. The Charles's were just about to be seated. We all sat down, Kristin gave me a present to open. I got a new fleecy top to wear walking, light blue, very beautiful, also a cadbury chocolate bar & some aero bars. I scored!!!!
We had a beautiful dinner, the food, magnificent!!! The kids a a great time, colouring & chatting as did the adults, minus the colouring. We ate & had a great time, then invited them to have birthday dinner with us on Tuesday night. So that should make it more of a celebratory dinner. Family & friends, yummy food (even if I have to make it)
We got home around 8.00 and the boys went off to bed, ready for the start of a new week, the last week at school as they are about to go off track until mid September. Bruce & I stayed up & talked about the week ahead & headed off to bed at a reasonable hour.
The week started off as usual. Bruce was working from home & the boys went off to school. I walked to work, it was a nice morning, not too hot. I got to the office & finished off the meeting room, it looks very nice if I do say so myself. I went out to get a few things that we needed. It turned out to be a bit of a wasted time, the things that I was looking for I ended up getting from the one place, oh well, now I know who has what. I dropped in at home to get the boys from school (Bruce had a conference call with the Five Star guys), I went back to the office & did a few things before heading home to Bruce & the boys late afternoon.
Jamieson had basketball training, so the boys went off to training & I stayed home and started on dinner. The boys got home & had some dinner then it was time for bed. Bruce didn't last much longer than the boys, the early mornings & late nights are starting to take their toll. I stayed up a while longer doing some work while I could get on the computer. I still have LOTS of emails to reply to, a big sorry especially to THE GODSON, Taylor, I will reply ASAP I promise.
Rolled into bed around 12.00, happy birthday to me, I suppose.
I suppose Happy Birthday to me...
I woke up at the usual time, the boys came and jumped into bed with me for presents. I got some clothes, boots & Bruce gave me a laptop!!!! YEAY!!!!!!!
So my birthday was off to a great start. I had nothing planned for the day except to get ready for dinner tonight. I did have some cooking to do. Same as at home, I don't mind making dinner on my birthday, cause it means I get to spend time with good frends.
Bruce took the boys off to school, then came back & organised himself to get to work. He found out that he had to do some deliveries to a place an hour away, Stockton. He went off to work & I started on dinner, the lasagne sauce. I called Millie to see of she wanted to go for a walk to the supermarket up the street to get some stuff. She needed to, so we decided to meet around lunchtime. I did some more stuff for dinner, table, crockery, cleaned the bathrooms (which every good hostess does). Then made my list for the supermarket.
We walked to Raley's, we both grabbed a few things, & also had a nice look around, it's only been open 1 week. It's a really nice new supermarket, we got our stuff & grabbed a cuppa at Starbucks (how american) & started off to home.
I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking for dinner. I picked up the boys from school, came home & finished up the preparation for dinner. The phone calls started, which was nice. thank you to all who called. I had a shower & got the boys and myself ready for our visitors. They arrived at 5.30, right on time as per usual. We sat around, played with Cooper, he's growing so quickly. Then a few minutes before I was about to dish up Bruce goes, I have to go & run an errand. They came back about 15 mins later with a cake. OOPPSSS!!
Not his fault, as he said, in 14 years he's never had to worry about it cause Mum has always done the cake. It didn't worry me either way.
Wonderful little story, this is one of the reason's we love Kristin & Alfie so much.
We were sitting chatting when Alfie tells us that they've been trying to think of somthing that they could get us that we would love but would be too big to ship back home so we would have to stay. Bruce & I both laughed. Bruce said, "Well if it doesn't fit in a 40 ft container then it's not coming home." Alfie (quick as) - "We're getting you a 41ft pole...." things like that is why we love them.
Also a side note to some of you - They quote Eddie Murphy's Delerious!!!! (Lara that one is for you, especially) Bless them both, they are gorgeuos.
We all had dinner, it turned out really nice, then we had cake & singing & cheers. (They dont usually do those here) then I made Hot Chocolates, although they are not the same, (have to get some Alpine Blend Chocolate sent over) the Charles's left around 8.30. Bruce & I cleaned up & Bruce did some work on the computer & I sat down on the couch to unwind. I was asleep on the couch by 10.00. Bruce put me into bed & I was out. It was a really great birthday.
Well, it was the day after what was a fabulous birthday, although for the first time in a long time & actually felt older on my birthday, wierd!!! We all woke up, Bruce had already gone. He had to be at work at 6.00. The boys and I walked over to school, then I came back, tidied up & walked to work. It was a really nice fresh morning, I could walk without sweating at all. How disgusting does that sound.... !!!!!!!! Anyway, I settled in to get some stuff done after chatting to Paula on the phone, I am picking her up at the airport tonight.
The funniest BLONDE thing happened, & she wasn't blonde. Judit, the assistant came into the office & asked........
' When you send faxes and they are double sided do both sides got through??'
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! It took everything I had not to laugh til I wet myself, I didn't & just said...
'No, you'll have to copy the other side'. Insert it in order & then fax it. Dealing with plant life, or as Paula said, she's not A team. That just says it all.
I left the office & walked home to pick the kids up from school. After school, we did the usual homework etc. Bruce got home not long after I left to go to the airport, I had to miss the traffic, so I got to the other side of town & looked through some stores while I waited for the time to pass. Got a couple of bargains, all the summer stuff is going on sale. I'm going to start my Christmas shopping soon, anyone has anything they want please let me know.
I picked Paula & the kids up from the airport, I dropped them off just in time for me to turn around & go to the stadium to pick the boys up from Conner's basketball training. It was a busy day for all, not long after we got home we were all in bed sleeping like babies.
Well another day begins the same as the rest of the week. Bruce had to start work at 6.00 again. They are in the middle of the busiest time of the year & 2 guys down. He is exhausted. The boys went off to school & caught up with the house stuff & back home stuff. Then I changed a couple of rooms around, cleaned the apartment & by the time that was all done it was lunch.
I did some work for an hour or so then it was time to go & get the kids from school. I picked up the kids & we came home & did homework. Paula dropped the kids off around 4.00 & went off to her meeting (1 hour away), it was going to be a late night. We went down to the pool for an hour or so then came home & sat around the dinner table & chatted with the kids. It was fun, we found out all about their favorite things.
I left & went to the office to put some more stuff in, Bruce stayed at home & put all the boys to bed, then sat at the computer (just for something different). I got home around 10.00 & Bruce went off to bed & I stayed up to wait for Paula. The wierd thing is that no one was online. Can you believe it, I couldn't. I turned the computer off around 11.30 & sat there on the couch 1/2 asleep
Until Paula got back at 12.45. Off to bed for a short night sleep.
We woke up to the last day of the school term. Bruce had to start work at 5.30, so he was up at 4.30. He was heading to Concord (near San Fransisco) today. The boys have 1/2 a day of school, I also am having Paula's boys while she was at work. I dropped the boys off at school & went to the gym (first time in a week, I've walked just no workout) I ran & worked out, it felt SO good. Paula dropped the kids off at the gym, then after I finished my workout we said goodbye to Millie & headed off to home. We got back, the boys played on the game boys while I got some work done on the laptop (Bruce left at home) then I put a movie on for them so I could get some house stuff done. Before we knew it it was 12.00 & time to go and get the boys from school. It was an eye opener for Justin & Jeremy who hadn't seen all the kids & parents yet. They start back at school on Monday. Jeremy was a got overwhelmed, he ended up holding my hand so he didn't get lost in all the people. It was very cute.
We got back home, had snacks & then went down to the pool for a couple of hours. Bruce got back from work around 2.00, the boys & I came back from the pool around 3.00. We settled into the apartment, & Tracey called to say Happy Birthday, which was really nice. Then I spoke to Elise for a while, got a bit of gossip, trying to get her to save some money so she can some back to visit. Paula got here around 4.00. We sat down and chatted until 5.00 when I kicked them out so we could all go & get ready to hot the Hot Summer Nights band tonight. Bruce had a nap, we all showered & changed & were out the door by 5.30. Paula grabbed some pizza's for dinner & we all sat down on the ground at the park and had some dinner. The band started around 6.30. The music was nice, it took them a while to get everyone in the mood but once they did, then everyone settled in & had a great time.
The music was playing, everyone was dancing the kids were playing, & then they danced with us as well. Yes that's right. Also apparently, our kids were at the back putting on a show for the people back there. Some guys said that they had been entertaining them for ages, it was a nice thing to here. We were all dancing & Paula's boys were asleep on the blanket. So it was time to go home. We danced to the car as the band was still playing & came home. We got "two hands up" from all to the fun question again. So the Hot Summer Nights life music was a hit AGAIN!!!!
We got home, the boys went off to bed & Bruce is on the couch resting after a VERY long day for him. Here I am updating you all on our week. I hope that you've enjoyed following the week we've had.
Good luck to everyone for their finals this weekend. We've got another busy day ahead tomorrow, but you'll have to wait another week to find out. SORRY!!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
From August 5th
We woke up at the usual time, too early for the weekend, had some breakfast & just hung out until around lunch. We ate some lunch & got ready for the afternoon at the basketball.
We arrived around 1.00 for Jamieson's game at 1.30. Bruce filled out all the forms etc. I sat down & chatted with Kristin & Cooper while we waited for the game to start.
The boys as per usual played really well, Jamieson is getting better every week, I got a couple of cool shots. John played really well too, we've decided (as he has) that it's the headband, he won't play without it. It's really cute, & very serious business. The Kings came out with another win, so Jamieson was really happy. It didn't do anything for his energy level, he spent all of Conner's game running around.
Conner's game was supposed to be after Jamieson's on the court next door & it was running behind nearly 30 mins. One of the coaches (wank@/!) screaming at all the kids on the side of the court. We thought it was the older kids playing, so Cooper & I went to watch (older kids) it was kids Conner's age. Not liking this!!!There was also a father in this team too. Conner's team started really well, then near half time they just dropped the bundle. Poor kids, they tried till the end, god bless them. They did so well, even though they had 2 of their better players away.
I hope this losing doesn't mess too much with their heads, time will tell.
Conner was upbeat, which was great. We made our way home, had some dinner. The kids stayed up a little late & watched a movie. I went over to Paula's around 10.30 to sit with the kids while she went to the airport to pick up her mum. I sat around waiting for her to get home. They got home around 1.00, I was very tired as you could imagine.
Riley Orange is having his Birthday party today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RILEY!!!!!
Kisses from all of us.
Another Sunday started with some sunny weather of course!! We had some breakfast, the boys sat down & watched a movie. Late morning Bruce & Conner got ready & went off to the movies. Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Something for them to do together which is always fun for both of them. Jamieson has his fishing, Conner & Bruce have basketball training & movies. Off they went, I did the usual washing & tidying while Jamieson chilled out then went out to play for a while. I did some work on the computer (while it was free) We had some lunch together, which was nice. Paula called to let us know that they were at the pool. Bruce called, he and Conner were going to chill at Borders Books to look around. Jamieson & I munched on then packed up & went to the pool. Paula, her mum & the kids were there, we sat down with them. Not long after Millie & Lexie arrived & all the kids jumped into the pool & the afternoon continued.
The usual afternoon down by the pool, with the girls & the kids, lots of fun. The boys arrived home a couple of hours later. We all left the pool when things took a turn for the worse. Millie's husband was in a bad mood & so they left. Then Paula's soon to be X turned up 10 minutes after she had spoken to him on the phone and told him he couldn't come. So everyone left really quickly.
We got home, & did the dinner thing (pancakes). Spoke to mum on skype, caught up on the going's on. The boys had showers made sure all the school stuff was done & packed & ready to go. Bruce did work, & I chilled out. I watched the usual TV & off too bed at a respectable time.
Another week began. I decided to leave Paula, the office & her mum time to themselves to settle in & all that. Which meant I got a workout in which always makes you feel better. The boys went off to school as per usual. Bruce was working from home so the turning of the apartment upside down & inside out cleaning day was not going to happen. I vacuumed instead, did the kitchen & some washing. Bruce got home just after lunch & I went out to get groceries.
The boys got home from school, we did homework. There was a note from Jamieson's teacher reminding us about our parent teacher conference, but Bruce said that she had told him that it was tonight. The boys went off to Jamieson's basketball practice & I walked over to the school just in case that the conference was tonight instead of tomorrow. My memory hasn't completely left me, the conference was tomorrow. She apologized profusely & I walked home. It was REALLY hot, it's getting yucky sweating just walking across the road to school. I did dinner & when the boys got home, (not happy, they had bad training session, kids out of control.) We sat down for dinner, chatted about the day. Nothing special happened, even Jamieson really didn't have a lot to tell. Slow day!!!
The boys went off to bed & we were not long behind them. The weekend had been late nights, so we were all pretty tired.
We all got up & got ready for the day. Bruce was working from home. I dropped the boys off at school, went to the gym. The usual routine, got home, tidied up, did some washing etc. I went to the office for a while, still lots to do, but not everything is there so some stuff has to wait until then. Bruce & I went out to grab some stuff that we needed, we got back & had some lunch. The boys got home from school & did the homework routine. Jamieson & I went down to the pool for a little while. The around 5.00 we went across the road for our teacher conference with Jamieson's teacher. The boys went off to play in the playground, we sat down with Mrs Sack. She starts with, "you know that Jamieson is a very bright boy", we're like , yeah. Like any parents would say about their child. She said, 'no really, he's doing REALLY well with everything'. He is in the high side of all subjects that they are being assessed on. His reading, writing, comprehension, math's etc. We walked out, looked at each other and went,WOW!!!! So that was a great end to the day, and of course Jamieson's LOVED the praise. You can imagine.
Conner basketball game. (Hi everyone Bruce here) - CJ had another game of being overwhelmed by size. They played really well but the other kids were just too big - some of them did some party tricks as well - launching 3's and stuff. We only lost by about 10 but thats the way it goes!
We got home, had some dinner & Bruce stayed up to work while the rest of us went off to bed at a reasonable hour. He ended up getting into bed around 1.30. Had a presentation to do for Billy Bounce, so he didn't mind staying up.
Another beautiful day started for Bruce at 5.00, he had to be at work at 6.00, to help fill orders. The boys and I got up & did the usual morning things, breakfast, lunches, walked off to school. They are now getting dropped off once they get across the road. I watch them walk across the exit to the school & then walk back across the road to the gym. I got home, did some washing & the bathrooms.
I went to the business centre, did the usual tidying, cleaned the bathrooms & then got ready to go to the Charles to sit with the boys while Kristin & Alfie went out for a while. I walked up to their house around 10.00. They went off to their meeting & the boys & I played. Dylan & I kicked the footy to each other while John finished his baseball game on the Playstation. Then we decided to do some drawing. We sat down the the boys drew the San Francisco 49ers logo & field, they love their 49ers. They will sit & watch the game & John will talk about what happened there, the rule is that, it's really to cool to hear. They are passionate supporters with their football & baseball teams. Kristin & Alfie got back & Kristin drove me home, before that we went to check out the new supermarket that has just opened down the road. Brand new, very nice, only over the hill too, so it is within walking distance. Good to have.
I got home, had some lunch then not long after that it was time to pick up the kids from school.
The boys got home from school, did their homework. We hung around the house for a little while. Around 4.30 we headed down to the pool. Paula dropped off the Justin & Jeremy & her mum around 5.00. She had a meeting & the gang were coming to hang out with us. Bruce went off to see a lady for work & bring back (what else) pizza. We swam, hung out & ate until around 8.00 when Paula got back. We all then went home & the kids went to bed. Bruce had some work to do, so did I. Bruce went off to bed, has another early morning start. I got onto messenger with Elise. Haven't spoken in a while, so it was good to catch up with the gossip from back home. Off to bed for me after another hot summer's day in northern California.
The boys & I rose at the usual time, got ready & started our day as usual. Bruce was off to work as usual although he had to be at the office at 6.00 this morning. I dropped the kids off, did a workout, then tidied up did some washing & was out of the house walking to the office by 9.30. It was a going to be a warm day. But I left early enough that it wasn't too bad walking, although the backpack wasn't doing my shoulders & back any good. I got to the office in 30 mins which was what I expected. As I got there, Paula & her mum were going out, had some shopping to do for their trip next week. (Going to Washington with the boys) So off we went, we ended up getting some really good stuff. I got a couple of birthday presents & some stuff for Conner & Bruce, shorts etc. We got back around lunchtime, Paula dropped me off & went off to a meeting. I ended up doing some work from home for the afternoon, until I went to pick up the boys from school.
I went into the office to let them know about the CREEPING traffic. We have to go over a busy road, there is solid yellow lines, which means they have to give way. But everyday either before or after school there is usually a car that doesn't wait until we are over the other side. My concern is that their are lots of kids that walk across by themselves, what happens if they drop something or double back, some of these cars are going behind us one step after we've walked across it's path. They can't wait another 10 seconds for people to get across the road. Renee at the office now knows & I have the number of the traffic police to call & complain. Bruce came home from work, a parcel from Mum had arrived, with pic's. Nice TV dad, Bruce is PO'd that he's not there to watch it with you. He was "Surround Sound & everything, that's so cool". I also saw my other babies, they are all growing especially not 'not so little' bubba, Felix. He's a BIG boy now, good luck Rael's, welcome to my world. Alex is more gorgeous than ever, a really girlie, girl, Looking more like Trudy as she gets older. And well the partners in Crime or Football should I say. 'The Boys' in their Geelong jumpers, so gorgeous. I miss my little babies, & my big babies too, (I can speak to the big babes on the computer so that makes it better)
Congratulations to Ross on his business award, you work hard, you deserve it.
We had some dinner, around 7.30 Paula picked me up & we went off to Ikea to get some furniture for the office, just about done with the heavy lifting etc, yeay, although it's a good workout for me, my back disagrees. It's fun, it is going to look really nice when it's finished.
Well another school week is just about over. The boys have another week left at school, then they go off track until mid-September. Hopefully we will be able to get away, hoping to get to Lake Tahoe, fingers crossed. Anyway, Bruce didn't have to go into the office this morning, he had a meeting with one of Paula's friends/associates (well connected) Tony who I have met. So off he went to his meeting & I spent the whole day at the office trying to finish the board room. Bruce got back around lunchtime, the 4 of us went to Pete's for some lunch, then back to work. Bruce picked up the kids from school, so I was able to get some more work done.
I called him around 5.15 to come and get me, there wasn't a lot else I could do as the computer guy was putting the server etc in & it's living in the board room so there were computers & cables everywhere. We got home around 5.30 after finding out that Conner had had a thing at school with a couple of (not so nice kids), big mouthing. He's OK, his parents, (especially his dad) are going to be walking to school together on Monday so we/he can check out these kids. Let the teacher know, all the usual stuff.
We got changed & off to Karen's for the Margarita Party, for the families of some of the volunteers for the fundraiser I'm helping out in. The Sweethearts Auction Night, in February next year. There were another 6 or so families there, we met some nice people, put some ideas down for things that need to be done, there were magarita's & Mexican food. The adults chatted, the kids swam in the pool. It was a good night, we met another couple who seem really nice, & asked us over for dinner some time, so that should be fun.
We got home around 9.30, everyone was tired. The boys went off to bed, Bruce had a cuppa to settle down & off to bed he went. I stayed up & tidied up the house, did a load of washing (all the stuff I didn't get to this morning cause of work) then unwound with a cuppa & watched a DVD. Slid into bed around 12.00, a late night, but a fun day & a not bad week.
In overtime, on the road (Canberra) Woo Hoo!!!!!
Made it to the conference finals again, home court final!!!!
Bruce did the happy dance, & wants to come home for the final.
It's going to kill him not being there......
Jamie & Jason we tried to call, but you were to busy partying.
Everyone else, have a great weekend. Good luck to everyone, kick some butt.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
From 28th July
Our Friday turned out to be just another day. Nothing much happened. Just the usual, went off to school, work etc. The boys are enjoying the new school year. Their teachers seem to be good so that is a big relief. Bruce went off to work, they are getting really busy, filling orders & expanding to lines to Elementary Schools for uniforms (spirit gear).
Nothing much to tell about the evening, did the pool thing, dinner thing, the boys stayed up a little later 'cause it's Friday. Nothing special just another day.
We woke up in the morning & pottered around, games didn't start until 1.30 (Jamieson) then Conner 3.30 (his 1st game). We had an early lunch & headed off to basketball. Jamieson played well, got a couple of goals. They had a really good time. John & Jamieson played really well, Dylan sat on the bench with the boys & loved every minute of it. They won, this time they knew that they did. I got some nice pic's too. John did the coolest spin move. I didn't have the video on so 'not happy jan'. It made everyone laugh, the big boys especially. It was a pricless moment, one we will never forget. Conner played & they got their butt's kicked by 10. If they had just made their layup's they would have won easily. They took the loss well, it was a good lesson for them all.
We went home & chilled out for a little while, then after a lot of debate, we decided to go out for dinner, not sure where, we just got in the car & off we went. We ended up at Denny's. We had some dinner & made our way home. We got home & pretty much went off to bed. It had been a long day, exciting, but long.
We woke up, expecting yet another warm day. We pottered around the house for the morning. Around lunchtime we called the Charle's to see what they were doing & organised to go over there after lunch for the afternoon. I made the boys BRUNCH (bacon & eggs without the eggs) & then I whipped up a batch of choc chips biscuits to take with us. We packed our bags with bathers & snacks and off we went. We arrived around 2.00 & the boys went out to the backyard to play baseball. Alfie had marked out the diamond with his chalker thingy. They had the bases out the whole thing, we sat and watched for a while then the big kids got involved & had some fun. I jumped in for a while to have a pitch. There were some great hits & lots of running & tagging. Lots of fun.
Everyone was sweating so they changed & all went into the pool for a cool off. Kristin, Cooper & I sat under the umbrella out of the heat. We spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool the kids stayed in the pool until about 4.00. Then we went inside, & sat around chatting, the usual stuff.
we ended up staying for dinner (pizza, what else) but hey, I didn't have to cook so, who cares.
We got home around 7.30 & put the kids to bed. It was not long before we were off to bed either.
A quiet morning turned into a busy afternoon.
Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday
The start of the week was pretty much a blur. I've been working everyday with Paula to get her office done. Starting after the kids go to school, & have been lucky as Bruce has been either at home working or back from the office so he has been able to get the kids for me. So I've been working until usually around 5.00. Also Tuesday night we went out to Ikea to look at some stuff & bought some stuff too. So that was fun, she's really cool & we are getting along really well. It looks like we will be working together in the future. Not sure how it's going to work with the hours that I can work. (School hours & holidays off etc) Anyway, I'm tired, but it's been a lot of fun. The boys have their basketball practises & they went really well. Poor Conner, has so many books this year. The weight of his bag is too heavy for me let alone 10 year olds. I thought kids having rolly bags was weird, but now I realise they are necessary.
So the days this week have been hectic but not bad. The weather is still on the hot side, but we are getting used to it. I just have to get a little more organised with the being out all day then fitting cleaning, workouts & dinner in. It'll happen, I just have to make to time to figure it out. Bruce is getting busier which is great for him. He's made some progress with the Elementary School system for penetrating that market.
We woke up to another warm day, got ready & waiting for Paula to pick me up. Haven't worked out for a couple of days, although I have been doing alot of heavy lifting, I need to go for a run, (never thought I'd be saying that in my life time. It must be the fact that I think I'm not an asthmatic at the moment, when Winter comes who knows. But for now, YEAY!!!)
Off to the office I went, I concentrated on the meeting room today, also spent a little time on Paula's office, but mostly the meeting room. It's really coming together, I will take some pics when it's done (for now, we are doing things bit by bit- she has a budget) but what we have achieved so far I think she is really happy with. I had to be home to pick the kids up from school so I just did 8.30 - 2.00 today. A short day, Udith (Assistant) gave me alift home, thank goodness, HOT!!!!
Got home, had a quick snack, changed my stinky clothes & went to get the kids from school. We were going to go down to the pool, but decided to stay in & started on dinner. Aunty Tracey's Noodle Casserole!!! Jamieson had a smile from ear to ear..... & would not stop talking about it until the damn thing was ready. It was very yummy, (thank you Trace for sending over the noodles)
After dinner, I got online, the boys left to go fishing. I had some time so I made brownies & choc chip cookies. That relieved some of the guilt of not being home a couple of afternoons this week. Go figure, Bruce Laughed!! Just how I am, don't feel right if I'm not there for the boys after school. Anyway, it turned into a late night for the boys, by the time they got home etc they went off to bed after 9.30, very late for them on a school night. Bruce went off to bed when they did. He's had some early morning's and late nights, filling orders & doing other stuff at night.
We woke up & all got ready for the day. Bruce had to leave earlier than usual as they had more orders to get out. He left at 5.30 to get to work by 6.00. It was going to be a long day for him. We all got ready for a busy day. We sent Conner off to school today with one of Bruce's rolly bags & get this, his lunchbox & binder (no books) just fit. The boys & I walked to school, I then went off to the gym. Not fun, I had lead legs from lugging all the boxes etc upstairs to the office all week. So that nearly killed me, I came home did the usual tidy & washing (quickly) as Millie asked me to go with her and Lexie to the Dr's. Millie let her license expire, so she has a permit but needs a licensed driver with her. I went to look around to another supermarket called Albertsons, like Safeway. I was cooking dinner for Bruce & Scott (a contact from Phoenix, who is doing some work re Billy Bounce) So I decided to make it a bit Australian, Apricot Chicken & scolloped potatoes. Thinking about trying to make a Pav, we'll see. Not sure if I'll have time.
Anyway, while there I found a backpack rolley bag on SALE, so no brainer, bought it for Conner for school. It should fit everything in it, I hope. We made our way home, Bruce was back to shower & change from the order packing & having some lunch before Jeff picked him up to head south to a place called Stockton. That left me with the car so I could go to the office & be able to get back to pick the boys up.
I got to the office & was organising the reception area when the Fed Ex man came in and asked if there were any guys there to help him. I said not at the moment or any time really. He was a bit freaked, so I had to do the girly thing and ask some guys in the building next door. Paula's desk alone was 150 pounds. There were 3 packages. The guys did a really good job, Paula bought them some beer but when we took it over the bosses wife wouldn't let us leave it cause her husband doesn't drink. (it wasn't for him anyway, it was for the others guys who helped) Thought that counts. We started putting the everything together when we had to go so we've arranged to get it done tomorrow. Then the girls can start fresh on Monday morning, no more sitting on floor or at the board roomtable.
Picked the kids up from school, did some more washing stated prep for dinner & Jamieson & I went down to the pool around 3.30. We stayed for an hour & organised dinner. I rushed but we were out the door to a local outdoor concert. Dinner was done & off we went. We got there around 5.30 & put down our blanket then waited for the fun to begin. We had food & drinks, then the music started. The boys went off with the other kids & Paula & I sat there chatting. The music was fabulous, the kids had a great time. WE ALL DID!! Back again next week, well not next week, we have a thing next Friday night. Well the next week, they are happening all month. We all had a great time & it was confirmed by hands up & all the hands went up.
We got home, the boys went to their rooms to play quietly. I cleaned up around the kitchen while Bruce said goodbye to Scott. We said goodnight to the boys & I kicked Bruce off the computer so I could finish this. So here I am. I can predict what is going to happen next. I'm going to finish this & head off to bed sometime very soon.
Everyone have a great weekend. I know finals are coming up so Good luck to everyone.
Congrats Supercats on your win already this weekend. Woo Hoo!!!
I got lots of emails this week, for those who wrote to keep me informed on the goings on at home, a very big THANK YOU!!!
Hi everyone - Bruce here...
A couple of really big things are on the boil in the background re BillyBounce - the exact reason we ended up here in the first place!!!!! It looks like everything is going to fall into place, within a specific niche for the Billy Ball program (like Auskick for basketball). But there is much work to do and this place is just so big - that we need to break it down into tiny little pieces - otherwise - too hard. I will keep you all posted as things progress - hopefully we will be able to make an announcement in the next few weeks.
The BIG picture is this - we are about to completely change the basketball learning landscape in America - sounds like a big dream - but now it is actually about to become a reality - thats the plan!!!!!
The uniforms business is going very well and yes - I am busy but once the systems get put into place - it will be pretty turnkey.
I just posted a new blog on and there is some pretty cool stuff happening with that website for us as well - stay tuned for more info as it progresses.
Belinda will be pleased as she has been pressing me to write on here for a while - and not just proof it!!!! Ha!!!!! Hope you are all well - keep smiling - stay warm - GO SUPERCATS!!!!! I am thinking of you boys - wish I was there to help with the championship defence.
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