Wednesday, July 05, 2006
From July 1st
Another weekend started pretty normally. We all got up & had breakfast, there is no basketball practise today because of the 4th July long weekend. I tidyed up around the apartment, the usual washing & Bruce did some work. Conner had a birthday party (sleep over) to go to so we went out to find a present. We all jumped into the car after lunch & drove to Target. We got the birthday pressie & had a look around. We then went around to Walmart to get the boys some fans for their rooms. The apartment stays pretty cool, but they need some air to get to sleep at night.
We got back & went down to the pool, had some fun with Tony & Tyler (younger guys who live in the complex & love playing with the kids.) Then went back home & Conner packed his stuff for his party. Bruce & he took off around 6.00 & Bruce bought Jamieson back some dinner from Jack in the box & Bruce & I just had some Vege Lasagne.
So another came & went, nothing much happening but it was a good day. Jamieson got to stay up & watch a movie, so he was happy.
We woke up a little late, Bruce stayed in bed for a while & watched the soccer. He went off around 10.00 to pick up Conner from his sleepover. They got back & we hung out, had some lunch & all went down to the pool. Dropped into Paula's apartment to let her know that we were at the pool. Tony & Tyler came down, & some other kids came down so there was a few hanging out. Paula came down & we all just hung out & played & baked. So it was a great relaxing afternoon. We headed back in after a couple of hours & chilled for the rest of the day. The boys went outside to play with the kids & Bruce did some work. I went to the gym & did a big workout. Haven't really gotten back into the gym swing yet, but it's coming back. The boys went to bed a little later the usual, they pointed out that they were on holidays. That was our weekend, nothing too exciting but a good time was had by all.
(Happy Birthday to Ross)
We woke up as per usual, Bruce had already left for work. I headed off for a quick workout while the boys were watching the TV. I came back & tidyed up and sent the boys out to play. Bruce called, his day was going along well. Still busy organising his trips, he has a couple in the next couple of months. All the new stuff that's earmarked for the Australian market was arriving & he wanted a look. He did some work & then got home later in the day. The boys & I went down to the pool for a little while, Millie, Kaylee & the kids were there. We hung out for a couple of hours & headed home to find Bruce had just arrived. He called Ross to wish him a Happy Birthday. Couldn't be bothered making the Lasagne that I had done the sauce for, so we took the kids to Wendy's for a cheap dinner. The kids , well, let's just say they dont enjoy a surprise, or maybe it's not knowing what's going on. We learnt never to tell them, we are going out for a surprise dinner. All we got for the next 15 mins until we actually drove into the parking lot. "Where are we going, is it ???". Very annoying to say the least. We learnt that we won't be doing that again.
We got home around 8.30 & put the boys to bed. After some complaining they went off & not very long after they were both sound asleep. We were not long behind, I think the late nights are taking thier toll. Bruce's back is getting slightly better, Golf on Friday stuffed it up again so he is now finally taking advice from someone who has a stuffed back all the time. He's getting into the spa everyday & resting it. Hopefully it will be ok in the next week. If he looks after it. It's starting to frustrate him to put it nicely.
Tuesday HAPPY 4TH JULY!!!!!
We got up to another really nice day, there was a few clouds in the sky which made it a cooler morning. Opened up the apartment to let some of the fresh air in. We sent the kids out to play & Bruce had some work to do. I went off to the supermarket to get some things for this afternoon at Kristin & Alfie's. It's going to be so much fun, Bruce & I have been looking forward to today for the last week. It's always a great time when we spend time with the Charles's. Anyway, I got some stuff that I needed to take over.
Side note *** Trace, I found Noodle Casserole noodles, YEAY!!! I was in the Asian food aisle, as I decided to go looking for Fried noodles to make spiders, & there they were. Now idea why but the Egg noodles are in Asian food, not pasta. They are in smaller packets, but you get 3 for $1.00 so I suppose it works out the same once you buy what you need. So that was a bonus I found 2 things that I can now get here.
The place was packed to say the least, public holiday!!! I got out of there & headed home to do some baking for later. The boys were in & out, & Bruce was working, bless him, he asked if I need help but there's not a lot he can do when you are trying a new biscuit (cookie) recipe & melting chocolate etc. The kitchen just isn't that big. I did get him to help with the Potato salad, so I think he felt better for helping with something. He finished up his work, got the boys some lunch & they went off to buy some fireworks. I took the time (peaceful) to actually do my hair, & decide what to wear without the rush. I put all the stuff together, packed the bags, bathers, camera's extra bits just in time for them to get home & change. Except for icing the new biscuits that I had made, so that was done in haste, but it was just drizzling the icing so it didn't take much time at all.
We were out of the house & on our way around 2.30. We arrived & Paula, Shaun & the boys were already there. The boys took off outside & we sat around chatting. We all bought out the fireworks that we had bought & Paula brings in 2 HUGE boxes that her clients had given to her. OMG!!!! (That one is for you Elise) We got them out & it was $300 retail worth- Bruce's eye's lit up & Alfie (the Piro, Kristin calls him) just laughed for the next 10 mins. You could tell the boys couldn't wait for the sun to go down. There was certainly going to be a show.
Some of their other friends arrived Jailine & Cane with thier Kids, Carson, 6 & Cierra 10, so all the kids jumped into the pool & we went outside to watch. During the afternoon around 3 other couples arrived. Can't remember their names, they were nice people. Kristin did say the nicest thing, we were discussing how I found people here. Kristin has just finished working in February before Cooper was born so she's new to the stay home mum thing, & asked my opinion about if I found some people friendly but not really friendly. So I went through our experience with her & Paula. Then we were talking about what our plans were & she said that we were not allowed to leave. It was so lovely, & made my day, these are the kind of people we expected to meet & we are very lucky to have found the best ones. Also Paula & I are becoming closer, cause she lives here too, so we will be seeing more of her, when she has the kids & also when she doesn't, so she doesn't get to lonely. We are going to be going away for a weekend with them all before the kids go back to school, so that is something I am looking forward to.
Anyway, we just sat around chilling for the afternoon, the kids swam, the girls drank wine, (lots) Paula stopped around 6.00 for a while, she was flying it was fun to watch. The boys went inside & starting filling up the water balloons for the annual water fight with the neighbours. Around 6.00 we starting making our way to the front of the house as did the neighbours to get ready for dinner & the fireworks. Everyone set up tables & umbrellas (shade) & we all shared dinner, & had a water fight, no one was out of bounds. So you can imagine, Bruce & Alfie were right there in the middle of the action. It's alway fun watching adults in a water fight, kids are usual but adults running around after each other is quite a sight, lots of laughs.
We all had some dinner, then around 8.30 the boys started getting out (ALL) the fireworks, you can imagine, everyone putting all their fireworks together. The guys bought out ladders, that's when I knew this would be fun. Bruce was like a little kid, he couldn't wait & Conner & Jamieson were just as excited. So off they started. I got some footage, I hope it turned out, I haven't had a chance to take a look yet. I also got some photo's for the blog so look out for them.
The fireworks were excuse the pun... a blast!!! It was really cool fun, the big boys were lighting the big ones, & throwing the little ones all around the court, & the kids were running around with sparklers having a ball. So after about an hour we started packing up the dessert table so coming in & out of the table. Then 1.5 hours past & they were still going, we had a short pause for some of the neighbours friends could get into the cars & go home. So when it hit the 2 hour mark, even Bruce had had enough. Around 10.30 we all headed inside. The kids had a quick play in John's room, & we left, all of us were exhausted. We got home & the kids went straight to bed (no fussing, arguing or really talking). Bruce & I sat up and chatted about the day.
We had a great 4th of July. As my husband would say..... God Bless America!!!!
Woke up later than usual after a rather large day. We just chilled out really for most of the day. Bruce went off to work. The boys and I just hung around the apartment. I got to the business centre and returned a couple of emails. It wasn't a very eventful day at all. I tidyed up & started getting ready to complete all the Tax stuff for the last financial year. REAL EXCITING STUFF!!! Had to have a chat with Jamieson regarding exactly where he is allowed to be, twice. Without yelling. then the second time I asked him he would prefer me yelling cause he doesn't seem to listen when just talk to him. He eventually got it, I think. Bruce had some good meetings & the boys played with the kids from around here which left me free to do some cleaning, washing & organising.
Bruce got home after a very good day & we had some dinner & the boys all went down to the pool. I started my work, the boys went off to bed. It ended up being a late night but most of the stuff is pretty much done. So that was a satisfiying end to a rather dull day.
We all got up & had some breakfast. Bruce woke up too late to miss the traffic to get to the office early, so he left around 9.00. The boys had assumed the position (TV- Madagascar) so I got into the tidying & washing. I kicked the kids out around 10.00 & started the floors. They were in and out all day, as was I. Went to the business centre for a while. Bruce got home & assumed his position (I will take a pic, so you have the visual) I took Milly to the doctors later in the afternoon, (She had Crones- not sure of spelling) we got back & the boys went down to the pool for a quick swim then we headed off to Costco for them to have some dinner & me to do some bulk shopping. We got home around 8.30 & the boys went straight to bed. Bruce & I stayed up a little while longer, he had some work to finish off & I put all the stuff away, with Conner's help.
That was our day, I got out for a while so that got rid of the cabin fever. Another week is just about ending.
We woke up to another warm day. Bruce went off to a meeting & the boys went out to play while I got onto the computer (while I could) & did some work & checked emails etc. I tidyed up & did some washing, dishes all the good stuff. Bruce came back & assumed the position at the desk & the boys were in & out all morning. I organised myself & went out to try a new supermarket that Paula told me about. It's not that far away, just a few more minutes up the road from Safeway. I got there & my experience started with an OLD lady having a full on argument with a guy who looked like he was in his 30's. I'm thinking OMG what am I doing here, head down & don't look at anyone. Anyway, I walked through & it was a great place, it had everything & a lot less expensive. I found my new supermarket, isn't that sad that I'm excited about finding a supermarket. I got a few things that we needed & thought that I would get more next week, as we got groceries yesterday. I got home & Jamieson bought in a Christmas tree that Corey (maintanence guy) had picked up when they were cleaning up an apartment that had just been moved out of. It's definitely wierd, but a nice jesture. I unpacked everything & had some lunch, then we just plotted around for the afternoon until we went down to the pool around 4.00. The kids played with some friends that were already there. We took Jackary down with us. We stayed for an hour or so & Paula & the boys arrived. We had another play & headed back around 6.30. We threw together some dinner, as Jackary & Paula & the boys were coming over to hang out. They all arrived & the boys went & hung out in Jamieson's room with the gameboys. Around 8.00 we put a movie on the projector (the DVD player we bought is going back as it doesn't play our Aust movies) & all lounged around watching that. We had popcorn & I made the adults hot chocolate, (not the right time of year, but haven't made one since we got here) chocolate not the same as Alpine Blend but the froth was nice.
The movie finished & everyone left around 10.00. Jamieson was in fine form which ended not well when they got back. He hasn't figured out how far he can push his father. He's a little closer after tonight I think. The boys went off to bed, & we set the computer up at the dining room table so I could chat. Can't talk at the moment as the headphones are busted!!!Not happy JAN!!!
Anyway, Elise came on line, so we caught up. She is doing a school project & is doing it on Bruce & I which is really cool.
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