Saturday, July 22, 2006

From 21st July

Friday Another Friday has come around & it is going to be HOT one, that's an understatement. It's been a hot week today topped out at around 109F. We woke up around 7.30 & Bruce & I sat in bed chatting about the day. Around 8.00 Paula rang to confirm if it was ok if the boys still came around for the day today. I admitted that I'd completely forgotten, but that was fine. It was Jeremy's 5th birthday & you shouldn't have to spend your birthday at Day Care. They arrived around 9.00, I went off to buy Jeremy his birthday present & grab another couple of things. The boys played around the apartment & watched a movie while I was out so Bruce could get some work done. I got back around 11.00 & we had a snack & got ready to go to the pool. We headed off to the pool, Justin just wasn't himself, he just sat by the pool, poor thing, he just looked bored. Jeremy was having a nice time. We spent a lot of the time in the pool (because of the heat) having water gun fun, Millie & Lexie were there then Misty & her kids arrived, so the fun began. At one stage we looked over and poor Justin was asleep, sitting up in the chair. He obviously wasn't well. Paula arrived earlier than she thought, she got out of her meeting & was able to get all of the stuff for Jeremy's birthday, so she went off to organise all the pressies etc. We decided to go home mid afternoon but Jeremy & Justin wanted to go home to see their mum so I dropped them off. The boys & I went home & hung out in the around the apartment until around 5.00 when it was time to meet everyone at the pool for Jeremy's birthday. We arrived & Paula, the boys & the pizza's arrived as well, a few minutes later the Charle's arrived & the party began. We all got into the pool and swam for then ate, then swam etc etc. Just hung out in the heat (not kidding when I say heat!!) The pool was warm, not very refreshing but nearly a week of 40+ will do that. Around 8.30 we started packing up & organising to go home. We said our good nights to everyone & went home then went off to bed. A big day tomorrow, it's going to be another hot one. Saturday We woke up & got ready for a busy, hot day. We had breakfast & got ready for Jamieson's 1st basketball game. As you can imagine, he was excited, ( understatement). We packed all the stuff for Conner's game as well, in case we went out for lunch. It was 10.00 & it was so hot, the game started & the poor kids had no idea what to do. They just stood there looking at the ref's. After they all had a turn & a few goals had been shot they all got in there & it looked like a big old mess. Kids everywhere!!!, running with the ball to get away from the other kids....pretty funny. I got it on tape so that should be fun for everyone to watch. After the game we (us & the Charles's) went into Sacramento for lunch, it was fun, we all just sat there chatting. Always a good time when we hang out with them. We left around 1.30 & had a couple of hours to kill so Bruce decided he wanted a Nanna Nap before Conner's game. We drove home & I went back out to get Jamieson's pressies. I got back & we were about to leave when the Basketball people called to say that they were cancelling the games as their air con wasn't working & they had people fainting in the stadium. DER!!!! Conner was devastated to say the least, he was beside himself, he was obviously more excited about the game than he let on, it was sad. We were just hanging out here when Paula called to ask us to go down to the pool for a swim with them. We all headed down for a couple of hours, the pool was like a bath. Pretty much just getting us wet. We sat in the corner of the pool just chatting while the kids all played. We left the pool & went home for some dinner then I went out to Paula's to do some work & chat. It turned out to be a late night for me, I didn't get home from there until around 12.00. Sunday We woke up to yet another HOT morning heading towards another REALLY HOT day. We were all prepared to chill in the cool for the day, it lasted the morning. Then Paula called & we met at the pool. Bruce had a bit of work to do, he came down later. Again, we just sat in the pool, too hot to do anything else. The kids had fun swimming & then they had a quiet afternoon watching a couple of movies before bed. Big day tomorrow, starting school- Grade 1 + Grade 4. As they were off to bed I finally got onto Skype & chatted with Mum. It has been over 2 weeks, between the footy & the time difference & I suppose our lives are getting busier. It's getting harder to communicate with everyone. Monday We woke up to another hot day & the kids got ready for school. We packed the lunches & walked over to find the classrooms & meet the new teachers. We got there, I took Jamieson to his class & Bruce took Conner. Jamieson sat in his chair then got a bit sad. He wouldn't let me leave & wouldn't let me neck go. Finally he wanted to see dad, so I went to find Bruce. Of course he was chatting with Conner's teachers while Conner was in line with the rest of the class. He (Conner) looked fine, not nervous or worried. ( They changed tracks so they didn't know any of the kids in their class) Jamieson was the one who was nervous, who would have guessed. Anyway I sent Bruce to see Jamieson & chatted to Conner's 2 teacher's for a few minutes. Bruce came out & said that Jamieson was ok, so we walked home. We got back & I didn't know what to do, should I clean the apartment from top to bottom or go out (by myself, woo hoo) and just have a look around. Millie called & we decided to go out. We jumped in the car (no kids) & off we went, it was refreshing & quiet!!! I found a couple of really nice tops for like $7.00 each, which always makes it a good trip out. We got back after lunch time, had some lunch & did some washing, & a bit of research for Paula's project etc until it was time to pick the kids up from school. We walked over (in the unbearable heat) & got the kids. It was so hot by the time I got to school my whole body was sweating, it was DISGUSTING!!!!! The bad thing on the way home I walked past Millie in the other direction, apparently this ferrell kids called Lexie FAT!! So she wasn't happy, understandably!! We got home & went through all their new stuff & had a chat about new friends, teachers & all the 1st day gossip. Conner had some forms to sign & some homework. He's realising that he's going to have to work to keep the honor roll this year. Tuesday Well another hot day started & we are getting back into the school routine. We all got up & got ready to start the day. It was an exciting day for me, Paula & I were spending the day doing work on the new office & office systems, all stuff that you all know I love to do, ORGANISE!!!!. The great thing is that Paula is so up for it & can't wait. We left around 8.15, Bruce walked the kids over to school for me. He spent the day at home working (without interruption). Mean while, off we went to the new offices to meet with computer, phone, contractor etc & did some measurements as well as disussions. We left there & went off to organise some furniture & equipment. Then Paula took me out for lunch to this really nice restuarant, just opened. It was wonderful, good atmosphere, great menu, so we decided that we would have a adults night out here soon. Lots of fun, between Kristin, Alfie, Paula, Bruce & I we have birthdays for the rest of the year covered, good excuse. After lunch, off we went again but to Paula's current office to do some more work, I needed to check out her current systems, as well as office needs etc, all boring for you guys but fun for us. The great thing is also that we are spending alot of time together & becoming really good friends which I am enjoying alot, just as Bruce & Jeff are, which Bruce is enjoying as well. We went to her offices which were in this little town about 20 mins from Elk Grove, around the lake area. It was a bendy trip going up & around & over bridges to get there, but the town is just beautiful, they are in the process of trying to restore it to bring in some tourism. Paula's office is in this gorgeous remodeled building (like something out of Gone with the Wind) she gave her assistant some work to do we chatted about some changed she needs to make in the office, new systems I threw at her, she explained more about how she worked. Again I'm raving on..... all stuff that I need to know though. I met one of her very close colleagues that she does alot of projects with, (I think also a kind of mentor) Tony, very nice man, asked very poignant questions when he meets you to figure you out, which was fun. I love talking to people like that ( I think my husband is rubbing off on me) also very well connnected. He asked what Bruce did, & I told him as well as I could, I know you all have the same problem. He said that he would love to meet him, which when I got home Bruce was really excited to chat with him too. We sat and talked with Tony for about an hour, about his projects, what he & Paula are doing together, a really good time with a really interesting guy. We got into the car & headed to IKEA to look around for office stuff, of course we found heaps of stuff, made lists etc & made out way home as it was getting onto 5.00 & Paula had to be home to pick up her kids. We got home around 6.00 from picking up the kids & going to the supermarket for some stuff for dinner. I got home just as the boys were walking back from the pool. We had all had a great day, the boys are really enjoying school, & Bruce is getting orders in from his trade show in Texas. So we are all really happy campers. We had some dinner did some reading, the boys went off to bed & I did some work on the computer, chatted with Mum, Elise & Jill on messenger ( which was so fabulous, I haven't chatted with Elise for ages & Jill at all) So even though it was an extremely late night, it was very much worth it, to find out that everything at home was about the same & no one had much gossip for me at all. It's great to hear even that though. Wednesday We woke up in the morning, a little weiry for me, but the boys were all chipper, Jamieson was '1 sleep' to go. Bruce had gone to the office at his usual 6am. So the boys & I walked over to school, I watched to see how they were going on the friends front. Jamieson was Jamieson, chatting to who ever, the great thing was that Conner went over to his line ( they all line up before they go into their classroom) there was a boy who he was chatting to, they were mucking around together & Conner had a big smile on his face) so I walked happily home. Kaylee was supposed to be driving us out to a market, but that got put off as Millie is in the middle of a bully type situation with Lexie at school. A couple of boys are following her around calling her names, piggy, fat, ugly!!! Not good stuff, enough to make any parents freak out. I did all the usual morning stuff & went out myself to do some more work stuff for Paula & last minute Jamieson's birthday things. I got home in the afternoon, Bruce was home all day working so he went & picked up the kids from school. I got home & made spaghetti & meatballs for dinner. Paula had called so I went around there after dinner, Bruce got a chance to get some more work done, so he was happy. He's getting really busy at work so Billy Bounce stuff has to be done at night or early in the morning. There are so many different things happening that any time he can get without it getting in the way of family time he takes it. He's also really happy I have a project, & that it's something that I love to do. I went over to Paula's & we did some work, she roped me into helping with some fundraising stuff from the PTO, which should be fun. We chatted over popcorn & then around 11.00 I came home. Bruce was in bed, movement at all. Thursday 27th July HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY JAMIESON!!!! We woke up at the usual time but the birthday boy wasn't up yet. It was a beautiful morning & the day was expected to be in the mid 90's. Who would have thought that being 96F (early 30's) would be a good day, not too hot) We walked out & there he was just sitting on the couch, didn't come in to say good morning for his presents or anything. We set him up on the couch so we could get video footage to send you all. He ended up with more than we expected, I went out a bought a couple of things & Bruce went out & bought the fishing rod & some more stuff. So with the cards & parcels that he got in the mail, there was a bit to get through before we had to go. He ripped through them in true 7 year old style. He pretty much loved everything. Especially the fishing rod, that 's what he asked for. He's got cards & money from grandparents & auntie's to spend so he's on cloud nine. We all got dressed, Jamieson wanted a hot lunch so off he went with his lunch money. We walked the kids to school, then came home, Bruce got straight to work & I did a workout. I did some house work & went out to get some stuff for the Pizza by the pool party, we had decided on for dinner. Conner's class meeting is at 6.00 so we couldn't go out anywhere for dinner. But he was very excited about it anyway. The Charles's & Paula & her boys were coming. I decided to make the cake myself, all the cakes over here are HUGE!! You just eat left over cake so I wanted enough for everyone & that's it. I got home from my travels around 2.00. I made frog in ponds for the kids, (they don't have over here, cause they don't have frogs) & made up the cake, while the boys got home & the phone started to ring. He was very excited because he knew they were all for him. The cake was cooked & cooling, Mum called on skype for a quick chat I got all the snacks etc into the box to take to the pool while Jameison revelled at all the presents. He sounded like a broken record on this end, everyone that called got the same thing, (visual for you all) he walked around the table & named everything as he was telling everyone what he got, it was priceless. Bruce & I were in stitches. He changed into his new red, white & blue bathers that he had picked out & was ready to go. We got down to the pool around 6.00 & a couple of minutes later everyone arrived as well. Bruce went off to the meeting at school for Conner & we sat around the pool chatting, snacking while the kids played in the pool. Bruce got back around 7pm with the pizza & everyone dug in. I miss Fish n Chips!!!! We sat around for a while talking & doing the usual Charles, Hultgrens things. I went back to the apartment, on the way threw a spare pizza we hadn't eaten at Misty & Nicky who were there with the kids for them, & iced & decorated the cake & put the frogs in the ponds. A couple of the ponds were orange as I didn't have enough green jelly (jello). I came back down, we tried to do candles but it was a bit windy so in the end I think he blew out one. He cut the cake & we all had some, it was a very nice cake, everyone seemed to enjoy it. Misty & Nicky & the kids came over & had a piece & Tyler had some with us too. We started packing up around 8.00 & all the others left as well. We got home around 8.30 by the time we packed up & said good byes. The boys had a quick shower & jumped into bed. It had been a big day for all, Jamieson had a great one, so missions accomplished. I said to Bruce I don't have to do that again for another 11 months. HEY!!!! Although we are orgainsing a double party for them both, in the next couple of weeks. There's a place here called some place fun (play centre) & they want to have it there. SO we are killing two birds, mum has sent over some Aust lollies for the lolly bags so that should be something different for them. Anyway, the boys went off to bed, Bruce I watched a bit of TV & dragged ourselves to bed exhausted around 9.30. It was a great day for everyone, especially Jameison.

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