Saturday, July 22, 2006

From 21st July

Friday Another Friday has come around & it is going to be HOT one, that's an understatement. It's been a hot week today topped out at around 109F. We woke up around 7.30 & Bruce & I sat in bed chatting about the day. Around 8.00 Paula rang to confirm if it was ok if the boys still came around for the day today. I admitted that I'd completely forgotten, but that was fine. It was Jeremy's 5th birthday & you shouldn't have to spend your birthday at Day Care. They arrived around 9.00, I went off to buy Jeremy his birthday present & grab another couple of things. The boys played around the apartment & watched a movie while I was out so Bruce could get some work done. I got back around 11.00 & we had a snack & got ready to go to the pool. We headed off to the pool, Justin just wasn't himself, he just sat by the pool, poor thing, he just looked bored. Jeremy was having a nice time. We spent a lot of the time in the pool (because of the heat) having water gun fun, Millie & Lexie were there then Misty & her kids arrived, so the fun began. At one stage we looked over and poor Justin was asleep, sitting up in the chair. He obviously wasn't well. Paula arrived earlier than she thought, she got out of her meeting & was able to get all of the stuff for Jeremy's birthday, so she went off to organise all the pressies etc. We decided to go home mid afternoon but Jeremy & Justin wanted to go home to see their mum so I dropped them off. The boys & I went home & hung out in the around the apartment until around 5.00 when it was time to meet everyone at the pool for Jeremy's birthday. We arrived & Paula, the boys & the pizza's arrived as well, a few minutes later the Charle's arrived & the party began. We all got into the pool and swam for then ate, then swam etc etc. Just hung out in the heat (not kidding when I say heat!!) The pool was warm, not very refreshing but nearly a week of 40+ will do that. Around 8.30 we started packing up & organising to go home. We said our good nights to everyone & went home then went off to bed. A big day tomorrow, it's going to be another hot one. Saturday We woke up & got ready for a busy, hot day. We had breakfast & got ready for Jamieson's 1st basketball game. As you can imagine, he was excited, ( understatement). We packed all the stuff for Conner's game as well, in case we went out for lunch. It was 10.00 & it was so hot, the game started & the poor kids had no idea what to do. They just stood there looking at the ref's. After they all had a turn & a few goals had been shot they all got in there & it looked like a big old mess. Kids everywhere!!!, running with the ball to get away from the other kids....pretty funny. I got it on tape so that should be fun for everyone to watch. After the game we (us & the Charles's) went into Sacramento for lunch, it was fun, we all just sat there chatting. Always a good time when we hang out with them. We left around 1.30 & had a couple of hours to kill so Bruce decided he wanted a Nanna Nap before Conner's game. We drove home & I went back out to get Jamieson's pressies. I got back & we were about to leave when the Basketball people called to say that they were cancelling the games as their air con wasn't working & they had people fainting in the stadium. DER!!!! Conner was devastated to say the least, he was beside himself, he was obviously more excited about the game than he let on, it was sad. We were just hanging out here when Paula called to ask us to go down to the pool for a swim with them. We all headed down for a couple of hours, the pool was like a bath. Pretty much just getting us wet. We sat in the corner of the pool just chatting while the kids all played. We left the pool & went home for some dinner then I went out to Paula's to do some work & chat. It turned out to be a late night for me, I didn't get home from there until around 12.00. Sunday We woke up to yet another HOT morning heading towards another REALLY HOT day. We were all prepared to chill in the cool for the day, it lasted the morning. Then Paula called & we met at the pool. Bruce had a bit of work to do, he came down later. Again, we just sat in the pool, too hot to do anything else. The kids had fun swimming & then they had a quiet afternoon watching a couple of movies before bed. Big day tomorrow, starting school- Grade 1 + Grade 4. As they were off to bed I finally got onto Skype & chatted with Mum. It has been over 2 weeks, between the footy & the time difference & I suppose our lives are getting busier. It's getting harder to communicate with everyone. Monday We woke up to another hot day & the kids got ready for school. We packed the lunches & walked over to find the classrooms & meet the new teachers. We got there, I took Jamieson to his class & Bruce took Conner. Jamieson sat in his chair then got a bit sad. He wouldn't let me leave & wouldn't let me neck go. Finally he wanted to see dad, so I went to find Bruce. Of course he was chatting with Conner's teachers while Conner was in line with the rest of the class. He (Conner) looked fine, not nervous or worried. ( They changed tracks so they didn't know any of the kids in their class) Jamieson was the one who was nervous, who would have guessed. Anyway I sent Bruce to see Jamieson & chatted to Conner's 2 teacher's for a few minutes. Bruce came out & said that Jamieson was ok, so we walked home. We got back & I didn't know what to do, should I clean the apartment from top to bottom or go out (by myself, woo hoo) and just have a look around. Millie called & we decided to go out. We jumped in the car (no kids) & off we went, it was refreshing & quiet!!! I found a couple of really nice tops for like $7.00 each, which always makes it a good trip out. We got back after lunch time, had some lunch & did some washing, & a bit of research for Paula's project etc until it was time to pick the kids up from school. We walked over (in the unbearable heat) & got the kids. It was so hot by the time I got to school my whole body was sweating, it was DISGUSTING!!!!! The bad thing on the way home I walked past Millie in the other direction, apparently this ferrell kids called Lexie FAT!! So she wasn't happy, understandably!! We got home & went through all their new stuff & had a chat about new friends, teachers & all the 1st day gossip. Conner had some forms to sign & some homework. He's realising that he's going to have to work to keep the honor roll this year. Tuesday Well another hot day started & we are getting back into the school routine. We all got up & got ready to start the day. It was an exciting day for me, Paula & I were spending the day doing work on the new office & office systems, all stuff that you all know I love to do, ORGANISE!!!!. The great thing is that Paula is so up for it & can't wait. We left around 8.15, Bruce walked the kids over to school for me. He spent the day at home working (without interruption). Mean while, off we went to the new offices to meet with computer, phone, contractor etc & did some measurements as well as disussions. We left there & went off to organise some furniture & equipment. Then Paula took me out for lunch to this really nice restuarant, just opened. It was wonderful, good atmosphere, great menu, so we decided that we would have a adults night out here soon. Lots of fun, between Kristin, Alfie, Paula, Bruce & I we have birthdays for the rest of the year covered, good excuse. After lunch, off we went again but to Paula's current office to do some more work, I needed to check out her current systems, as well as office needs etc, all boring for you guys but fun for us. The great thing is also that we are spending alot of time together & becoming really good friends which I am enjoying alot, just as Bruce & Jeff are, which Bruce is enjoying as well. We went to her offices which were in this little town about 20 mins from Elk Grove, around the lake area. It was a bendy trip going up & around & over bridges to get there, but the town is just beautiful, they are in the process of trying to restore it to bring in some tourism. Paula's office is in this gorgeous remodeled building (like something out of Gone with the Wind) she gave her assistant some work to do we chatted about some changed she needs to make in the office, new systems I threw at her, she explained more about how she worked. Again I'm raving on..... all stuff that I need to know though. I met one of her very close colleagues that she does alot of projects with, (I think also a kind of mentor) Tony, very nice man, asked very poignant questions when he meets you to figure you out, which was fun. I love talking to people like that ( I think my husband is rubbing off on me) also very well connnected. He asked what Bruce did, & I told him as well as I could, I know you all have the same problem. He said that he would love to meet him, which when I got home Bruce was really excited to chat with him too. We sat and talked with Tony for about an hour, about his projects, what he & Paula are doing together, a really good time with a really interesting guy. We got into the car & headed to IKEA to look around for office stuff, of course we found heaps of stuff, made lists etc & made out way home as it was getting onto 5.00 & Paula had to be home to pick up her kids. We got home around 6.00 from picking up the kids & going to the supermarket for some stuff for dinner. I got home just as the boys were walking back from the pool. We had all had a great day, the boys are really enjoying school, & Bruce is getting orders in from his trade show in Texas. So we are all really happy campers. We had some dinner did some reading, the boys went off to bed & I did some work on the computer, chatted with Mum, Elise & Jill on messenger ( which was so fabulous, I haven't chatted with Elise for ages & Jill at all) So even though it was an extremely late night, it was very much worth it, to find out that everything at home was about the same & no one had much gossip for me at all. It's great to hear even that though. Wednesday We woke up in the morning, a little weiry for me, but the boys were all chipper, Jamieson was '1 sleep' to go. Bruce had gone to the office at his usual 6am. So the boys & I walked over to school, I watched to see how they were going on the friends front. Jamieson was Jamieson, chatting to who ever, the great thing was that Conner went over to his line ( they all line up before they go into their classroom) there was a boy who he was chatting to, they were mucking around together & Conner had a big smile on his face) so I walked happily home. Kaylee was supposed to be driving us out to a market, but that got put off as Millie is in the middle of a bully type situation with Lexie at school. A couple of boys are following her around calling her names, piggy, fat, ugly!!! Not good stuff, enough to make any parents freak out. I did all the usual morning stuff & went out myself to do some more work stuff for Paula & last minute Jamieson's birthday things. I got home in the afternoon, Bruce was home all day working so he went & picked up the kids from school. I got home & made spaghetti & meatballs for dinner. Paula had called so I went around there after dinner, Bruce got a chance to get some more work done, so he was happy. He's getting really busy at work so Billy Bounce stuff has to be done at night or early in the morning. There are so many different things happening that any time he can get without it getting in the way of family time he takes it. He's also really happy I have a project, & that it's something that I love to do. I went over to Paula's & we did some work, she roped me into helping with some fundraising stuff from the PTO, which should be fun. We chatted over popcorn & then around 11.00 I came home. Bruce was in bed, movement at all. Thursday 27th July HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY JAMIESON!!!! We woke up at the usual time but the birthday boy wasn't up yet. It was a beautiful morning & the day was expected to be in the mid 90's. Who would have thought that being 96F (early 30's) would be a good day, not too hot) We walked out & there he was just sitting on the couch, didn't come in to say good morning for his presents or anything. We set him up on the couch so we could get video footage to send you all. He ended up with more than we expected, I went out a bought a couple of things & Bruce went out & bought the fishing rod & some more stuff. So with the cards & parcels that he got in the mail, there was a bit to get through before we had to go. He ripped through them in true 7 year old style. He pretty much loved everything. Especially the fishing rod, that 's what he asked for. He's got cards & money from grandparents & auntie's to spend so he's on cloud nine. We all got dressed, Jamieson wanted a hot lunch so off he went with his lunch money. We walked the kids to school, then came home, Bruce got straight to work & I did a workout. I did some house work & went out to get some stuff for the Pizza by the pool party, we had decided on for dinner. Conner's class meeting is at 6.00 so we couldn't go out anywhere for dinner. But he was very excited about it anyway. The Charles's & Paula & her boys were coming. I decided to make the cake myself, all the cakes over here are HUGE!! You just eat left over cake so I wanted enough for everyone & that's it. I got home from my travels around 2.00. I made frog in ponds for the kids, (they don't have over here, cause they don't have frogs) & made up the cake, while the boys got home & the phone started to ring. He was very excited because he knew they were all for him. The cake was cooked & cooling, Mum called on skype for a quick chat I got all the snacks etc into the box to take to the pool while Jameison revelled at all the presents. He sounded like a broken record on this end, everyone that called got the same thing, (visual for you all) he walked around the table & named everything as he was telling everyone what he got, it was priceless. Bruce & I were in stitches. He changed into his new red, white & blue bathers that he had picked out & was ready to go. We got down to the pool around 6.00 & a couple of minutes later everyone arrived as well. Bruce went off to the meeting at school for Conner & we sat around the pool chatting, snacking while the kids played in the pool. Bruce got back around 7pm with the pizza & everyone dug in. I miss Fish n Chips!!!! We sat around for a while talking & doing the usual Charles, Hultgrens things. I went back to the apartment, on the way threw a spare pizza we hadn't eaten at Misty & Nicky who were there with the kids for them, & iced & decorated the cake & put the frogs in the ponds. A couple of the ponds were orange as I didn't have enough green jelly (jello). I came back down, we tried to do candles but it was a bit windy so in the end I think he blew out one. He cut the cake & we all had some, it was a very nice cake, everyone seemed to enjoy it. Misty & Nicky & the kids came over & had a piece & Tyler had some with us too. We started packing up around 8.00 & all the others left as well. We got home around 8.30 by the time we packed up & said good byes. The boys had a quick shower & jumped into bed. It had been a big day for all, Jamieson had a great one, so missions accomplished. I said to Bruce I don't have to do that again for another 11 months. HEY!!!! Although we are orgainsing a double party for them both, in the next couple of weeks. There's a place here called some place fun (play centre) & they want to have it there. SO we are killing two birds, mum has sent over some Aust lollies for the lolly bags so that should be something different for them. Anyway, the boys went off to bed, Bruce I watched a bit of TV & dragged ourselves to bed exhausted around 9.30. It was a great day for everyone, especially Jameison.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

from July 15th

Saturday We woke up & all had some breakfast, Bruce took Jamieson to the office to get the flyers for the trip & Conner watched TV while I did some washing & cleaning. They got back around lunch time & Bruce started getting things out for his trip. I packed his bags while the boys went out to play for a while. It was a warm day again, I'm starting to get used to the constant heat. Everything here is air conditioned so you don't feel it unless you are outside. We left for the airport around 2.30. Made a couple of stops on the way, petrol station etc & drove through to the airport. Traffic was quite light so we got there in plenty of time. The boys unloaded the luggage ( it was really heavy as it had a lot of his stuff for the trade show in it). I went & parked the car & the boys went inside with Bruce. I got into the terminal & Bruce's flight had been changed so they were arranging a new connect (he was meant to be going through Denver but the flight was cancelled) for when he got to San Francisco etc. Perks of being a Premier Flyer or what ever he is. We had some time to kill, so we grabbed a snack & sat down at the airport. Sac airport is quite small so there is not much to do or see. Bruce's new flight was leaving earlier than his other one so he took off to catch the plane & the boys & I started to make our way home. We made a stop off to get some munchies & sunglasses for the kids. We also ended up getting another couple of things as you do & than made our way home for some dinner. Nothing exciting happened after that, the usual, dinner some TV & then off to bed. Pretty boring night, but that's what happens when Bruce is away. I couldn't chat with anyone as of course he took the laptop with him, not happy!!! Sunday Woke up at the usual time & pottered around, had some breakfast & did the usual more Sunday morning pottering around. Around lunchtime the boys & I made our way to the pool. There wasn't a lot of people there, too hot I would imagine. Millie dropped out for a chat then as she was going Angela arrived. Chatted with her while the kids swam. They were having races up the down the pool, they are getting really good, & their strokes are really improving. Then Tony, Tyler & their girlfriends arrived, so they played with the boys for a while. Around 3.00 I rounded them up, some of their other friends had arrived & were playing but we had been there long enough. We got home & chilled out after a nice cool shower, then had some dinner. The usual bits & pieces you have when not everyone is home. Bruce called & said that he had a good day at the trade show. I went through the mail from Saturday's lot & there was a postcard in it from Jamieson's new teacher. You can imagine the HUGE smile on his face while he was reading it. PRICELESS!!The boys finally went to bed around 10.00, too late. I did the usual up until 12, I guess that's just how it is now. (note from Bruce - I have a GOD BLESS AMERICA moment - I had to go back to Dallas airport on Sunday morning as one of my bags didn't show - I grabbed my bag and was walking back through the terminal to my car - I see a huge sign "TRAVELLERS AID" help for all your needs - there is a guy sitting there looking like he is ready to help! I walk up and ask if he can help me with directions to Waco - his response? "I dont even know how to get you out of the airport - sorry!" HUH? I just walked off laughing... GBA!!!!) Monday Woke up, the boys were up & having breakfast. I got changed & went to the gym for my workout. When I got back the boys did some school work & cleaned up their rooms while I vacuumed. Expected to be a really hot one, 104 today. Jackarie came over so when we got ready to go to the pool, he asked if he could, so off he went to ask his mum. We got to the pool around 12.30 Millie & Lexie were already there. The kids all played & we chatted. It was really hot so we were in & out of the pool. We ended up talking to these young guys that live in the complex, they were nice. Mostly I just listened, Millie & Kaylee did most of the chatting. (Kaylee thought one of them was HOT so that was fun to watch. The flirting was funny, then the inevitable analysis at the end) of which I was no help, apparenly here if you talk with a guy for a long time then they are interested or something. There is nothing innocent about just chatting with people anymore. God I feel old. Thank goodness for Australians being so laidback. Anyway, the kids were having a blast so I lathered them up instead of taking them home. We all just played in & out of the pool for the afternoon. It was after 4.00 before we got home, we are a little red from the fun afternoon but hey, it was worth it. I sat down & checked the mail. It was a great mail day, Jamieson received a postcard from his new teacher, a package from Grandma Ellen for his birthday & I got a letter from Lizzy that she wrote May, post marked May 8th. Go figure!!! We also got our weekly letter from Grandma Hultgren. So it was a great mail day for us!!! Jamieson's face was priceless, reading from his teacher. I just stood there & smiled. We all had showers, the boys watched some TV & I got dinner ready. The boys went to bed early as they had a late night the night before & tomorrow is going to be another late one as we have to go and get Bruce from the airport around 10.30. Paula arrived about 7.30 & we chatted until 11.30. It was fun, & the bonus was that she asked me to help her organise her new office. YEAH!!! She is moving in the next couple of weeks, so there is a lot to do. I've given her a list of stuff that I need & we will go from there. Now I just have to remember it all, I've got a bit of reading & thinking to do. But I'm really looking forward to the work. Great day /night for Belinda!!!! Paula left & off to bed I went, another late one. Tuesday We woke up & started our day like any other. Late morning we went to the supermarket & did the groceries. They were pretty well behaved considering they hate doing stuff like that. We got what we needed, the boys packed the trolley, which was cool that they wanted to help. We made our way home, unpacked the food & had some lunch. The boys went outside to play & I went to the business centre to get some work done. I finished up around 3.30 & then Jamieson & I went down to the pool for a while. Some of the girls were still there so we stayed until around 5.30, as per usual I dragged Jamieson out of the pool & home. We had some dinner without too much fuss & sat around chilling for a while. The boys got to stay up later as we had to go to the airport to pick up Bruce. I rounded up the kids around 10.00 & off we went to pick up Bruce. His plane was getting in around 10.30, we arrived right on time, & there he was waiting with his bags. We piled them into the car & made our way home. The boys went off too sleep on the way home then they jumped into bed & Bruce & I were not far behind. It was a long day, but Bruce is home & we are all happy. Wednesday The week is hotting up. We woke up to a very warm morning. Bruce was off early for a meeting. The boys & I did the regular stuff around the apartment. It was quite warm outside so we just stayed out of the heat of the day. Bruce got home around 1.00, just in time for lunch. We all sat down for lunch together. After lunch I went to the business centre to do some research for Paula's new office, which was fun. Jamieson came running in, "can we go to the pool, all the girls are there, Please???" I finished up what I was doing & Jamieson & I headed past the pool on our way home. We got changed & headed back it was around 4.00. We got there & a couple of the girls had already gone, but Kaylee & Marlene (her friend) were still there. Jamieson played in the pool & we sat around chatting. About 5.30 came & we left for home & dinner. Bruce informs me that we need to have dinner & be gone to basketball training by 6.30. You can imagine my face. I threw some mince in a pan & made a typical US dish (Hamburger Helper, there's about 8 different flavours) It's one of those meal things that you just have to add the meat and the mix & noodles are already in the packet. Well, we've done that & I can say I don't think I will be doing it again. It was eatable but not again. We finished up & the boys headed off for the stadium. I stayed home & cleaned up the dishes & just had some quiet time. I jumped onto the computer for some more research & printed out some stuff, then did some blog just for you guys. They got back around 8.30, Conner was happy as they ended up playing another practice game as part of training. They were tired & went off to bed, fairly quietly. I finished up my work & Bruce jumped on the computer, emails etc. He was really tired so he went off to bed not long after. I did a few things around the place & went off to bed around 11.00, early night by my standards. Thursday Another Thursday came on & started very warmly, although it could have been that it didn't really get that cool the night before. We closed up the apartment & Jamieson & I headed off to the gym (he wanted to come for some reason) & left Conner watching TV & Bruce still sleeping. I did my workout & treadmill, Jamieson had too touch & try every machine, so after about 6 warnings he had to go, it was close to the time that I ws nearly done so he was waiting for me when I was done. He & Christian (his friend) walked with me to the business centre, they grabbed a cookie each & I went into sit on the computer & print a whole bunch of stuff off that I didn't want to use all of our ink on last night. It turned out to be A LOT, which is why I waited until I could get to the business centre. By the time I got home Bruce was up & having some breakfast. He went to work at the desk & the boys went out to play, not for long, too hot!! I tidied up, washing, dishwasher etc. I got into the car & went to Walgreens to try & find some Zinc cream for the boys faces. It had been a warm week & isn't going to be getting cooler until some time next week. No Luck, anyone has any ideas about getting some zinc to me, please let me know, it being winter & a cold one. I'm tipping that getting zinc cream at the moment isn't going to be an easy thing. Anyway, I grabbed some more sunscreen & headed home for some lunch. We had lunch together & then changed for the pool. It was around 1.00 when we got to the pool. Millie & Lexie were there. It was HOT outside. The kids all played together & Millie & I were more in than out of the pool. Bruce got down around 4.30, & we played catch with the ball & lounged around in the pool for a little while. I made my way back around 5.00 & the boys headed back around 5.45. Thank goodness the sunscreen worked, the boys faces were fine, not red noses. We had some dinner & the boys went out to play with thier friends before bed. Bruce called Al & had a catch up which he enjoyed, I was going to call Liz but ofcourse she was out for the day. Sorry Lizzy!! The boys came in & went to bed around 9.00 & Bruce went off for a workout at the gym. He got home around 9.30, we watched some tv and went off too bed. Another Hot day gone, and getting hotter.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hultgren's & Charles's


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

4th July + extras Pic's

waiting for fireworks to start




From 7th July

Friday Another week is coming to an end. Bruce went off to work & the boys and I just hung out around the apartment. The boys playing with their friends, they were pretty much in & out for most of the day. I did the usual, some cleaning & washing etc. It was a pretty low key day. Bruce got home later in the afternoon & finished off his work then around 6.00 we headed down to the pool to cool down. There were a few kids there so Conner & Jamieson had some kids to play with. Not long after Paula & the boys arrived for a swim. We all swam & chatted for a while, Jeremy wasn't his usual energetic self, just really sitting around with Paula & I, didn't swim at all. We headed back to the apartment for some dinner & then Paula & the boys were going to come over for Friday night visit. They arrived after dinner & the boys went off to play then we decided to watch a movie. Our new DVD player decided that it wouldn't play our DVD's anymore so that's being returned. Bruce set up the laptop & we all sat around & watched Spy Kids. We had some popcorn & snacks & everyone left around 11.00. So that was a good end to the week, staying home with friends. Saturday Happy 18th Birthday Shari Livingston (Ros, give her a kiss for us!) Another weekend starts with a beautiful day, the sun was out & a very busy day was about to begin. We all got up & had some breakfast & got ready for basketball. We headed off at around 10.30 for Conner's training. They are a good bunch of kids, & the parents are really nice. The boys are getting to know each other and seem to be having a good time. One of the 2 girls dropped out, so there was a new boy joining the team, also the other girl that wasn't there also arrived. The training session was good, then Conner & I headed home as we realised we were there for the day. Jamieson had team photo at 1.00, then Conner photo at 2.15 then Jamieson training at 3.00. And so our Saturday's at the stadium begin. We went home & made some rolls & snacks & came back in time to see the photo being taken. They looked so gorgeous in their HUGE singlets. We then sat down for some lunch & Bruce organised a mid week training session for Conner's team, Tuesday night. Conner's team was organised & had their photo taken then another short wait & it was time for Jamieson's training. There was a little boy who didn't come to the 1st training, so they didn't know about the photo. His mother (scary, very scary looking) was not impressed that he missed it. Apparently it was our fault because we didn't tell her. I think she spoke to Bruce before we got the picture info. Anyway, staying clear of her. The boys finished up their training, and Bruce & Alfie decided to spend the evening babysitting together. Kristin & I were going to a Pampered Chef party at Jaline's House. So that mean't that there would be 7 boys at the Charles home, which would be an interesting evening. Off we went to our party, leaving the boys to their own devices. The party was fun, there was yummy food, & good chatter. I bought a few things, just small things but things that I can bring home & use. Everything was going along really well, I won a receipe book in the door prize. (Any good ones & I will pass them on) Then we got into the subject of kids & the lady started telling how she still breast fed her 2 year old all day, then she also told us how she breast fed her other child until she was 5 months pregnant. I think that freaked Kristin out more than me & not long after, we headed out. As we were saying on the way home, I think if they can demand to be fed then maybe they are a little too old. Each to their own, it's just not for me that's for sure. The only other thing that made me uncomfortable was that Jalinrs neighbour was there & she was 6 months pregnant. Anyway, we got home around 11.00ish, & the house was rocking. Cooper had not long been in bed, the boys were running around sucking on the ring pops I had bought around for them & told Bruce to give to them not long after we had gone (that was at 7.00pm) Some of Alfie's friends had also come over & the boys were sitting by the pool amoungst a rather large number of beer bottles. They had clearly all had a really great time & us arriving didn't stop that. The kids had been in the pool for a lot of the evening, the big ones too. Alfie's friends left around midnight, & we sat around for another little while chatting then left for home way too late to remember. All the kids had their eyes popping out of their head, & actually asking when we were going, that's always a big sign. And that was our very busy Saturday. Busy, but a really good day. Sunday We all woke up later than usual (as expected) & decided to spend a lazy day. It was supposed to be a HOT one, so we settled in for a day inside. We spent most of the day just chilling out so to speak, the boys were still tired, so it was a pretty low key day. Later In the afternoon, we decided to head down to the pool. So we took Jackarie with us, then I went & knocked on Paula's door to let them know we were there. Jeremy was still not well so I took Justin down to the pool with us. We went home, had some dinner & the boys went off to bed at a reasonable hour. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Well, I'm cheating a little, sometimes I think Im just repeating myself all the time. I got back into training this week, which made me feel a little better. Not properly, but I was able to get to the gym every morning for workouts or a quick walk. Bruce was really busy getting ready for his trip. He is off the Texas for a few days on Saturday afternoon. So he was at the office for most of the days, which meant that the boys and I were at the apartment. They amused themselves for most of the time. They got a little bored, so I got a little frustrated, we muddled through. They went off to Church Activities with Jackarie on Monday night, so Bruce & I went out & really to tell you the truth, didn't know what to do with ourselves. I had the guilts that poor Marchia has all these kids & I had none, I should be giving her a break. Anyway, they had a good time & all came back to our place until around 10.00 & made a whole lot of noise. Much to the disgust of downstairs. Tuesday & Wed were pretty normal. Bruce doing some work & me trying to get the laptop when I could to finish off some of my tax stuff etc. Overall they were pretty normal days, nothing much to write home about. HAHA!! Thursday Bruce ended up being home for the whole day, which was nice. I got a good workout & walk in. Then really didn't do a lot else, I was suppose to go to Millie's for haircuts but she was going through a thing, so then we were all at loose ends. Bruce got lots of work done, I did some baking, washing etc (lots of fun) Later in the afternoon, we decided to give the Charle's a call to catch up. We hadn't seen them since the 4th. Alfie had been away, crappy trip, all over the place in 3 days. He got home Wed night, so we were very lucky & happy that they said they would love to come over for dinner & catch up. I went out & grabbed some of the usual stuff, beer, soft drinks, chips etc. We all met at the pool around 6.00. The kids all jumped into the pool (of course) & we met an old neighbour & her daughters who was visiting from Vegas. We just sat around, the boys chatted about work, us about the kids and what we'd been doing. All the usual stuff, we taught them a couple of new phrases. They love them, they are getting really good at the lingo too. It's fun hearing those things come out with an accent. Imagine 'Mutten dressed up as lamb' in American. VERY FUN!! We have definitely found our type of people, they laugh at all of Bruce's jokes. We ordered pizza, had beers (not me, we may be doing different stuff over here, but not that different,BLAH!!!) The kids all had a ring pop, & Kristin bought GIANT cookies. We had the best time, it's just alot of fun, (reminiscent of the Bells', we just didn't BBQ because they are broken.) Cooper got passed around, he's so cruisy, he's just gorgeous, & as you've probably seen I got photo's of us all. So that is our wonderful new friends. They packed up & left 9.00, as they were heading off to San Diego for the weekend at 6am Friday morning & Kristin still had packing to do. As they were going Paula got home from her meeting, & said a quick hi to them, then came & had left over pizza with us while the boys had one last swim. She is off to LA for the day tomorrow for meetings, 1 of which is an Australian guy, so that should be interesting to hear about him when we see her next. We got home, the boys went off to bed, as did Bruce which gave me a chance to get some work done on the computer, finally!!! It turned into a late one, but I've made a real dent in all the stuff I have to get done. Friday We woke up to what looked like being another hot one. Bruce left for work around 9.00 & I started on the daily stuff. The boys just pottered around in their rooms. They got energetic around 10.30 & they went out to play. It was getting quite warm so I closed up the apartment. Around lunch Millie returned my call & we organised to meet at the pool later. The boys & I had lunch & not long after that Bruce got home, with a couple of bags of stuff for him to take away with him. Our new DVD player got delivered (God Bless EBay!) & so I spent a while setting that up. Actually, I sat down and tidied up the cords in the cabinet. Bruce laughed.... but it had been bothering me for a long time. I know I'm anal about crap like that, but it keeps Bruce laughing at me, so hey. The boys & I got to the pool around 4.00, Millie, Alexie & Kaylee were there. Bruce arrived around 5.30 & we stayed there swimming until around 6.30. We got back home & I organised dinner while Bruce put new stuff on the boys MP3 players for them. They were dancing around the bedroom in their boxers, pretty funny. Funny story I forgot to tell. Bruce was home on Thursday morning & Jamieson was sitting at the table to do his school work for the day, he had his headphones & assumed the position, Bruce's that is. Sitting at the table with the pencil, paper & headphones on doing his work innocently. Bruce nearly fell off the chair when he saw him. "He wants to be like his dad" he said with the HUGE smile. Back to Friday..... They had some dinner, then I updated my Ipod & they left to go and get some dessert for themselves & I decided to head to the gym, for the works. I even did running, so for all those asthmatics out there come & live here. Touch wood....I've had no preventative for nearly 2 weeks, I thought I'd have it before I go running though, so I took some, otherwise don't need it AT ALL!!! How weird is that, apparently it's suppsed to be bad here for asthmatics because of the hey fever, (really bad for some, Kristin) go figure. Anyway, I got back around 10pm & the kids were going off to bed. Now, here I am finishing off this weeks edition. It's 10.55pm & Bruce is watching a bit of TV. Bruce said that the Supercats won, congratulations guys, it sounds like Jason is back in form, so YEAH, Jase!!! As everyone else is finding form again, keep winning cause we want to see the games, but only the ones you win!!! The Supercats boys have pride of place on Conner & Jamieson's walls. I hope everyone else did just as well. Let me know how it's all going, I need results, I'm getting nothing. Although I do hear that Hayley Livingston is kicking goal shooting BUTT!!! Congarts Hayl's. GOYA!!! I hope everyone had a good week, keep in touch. Everyone is getting as slack as me with the emails. I'm out of the loop & it suxs. Otherwise everything here is going well, the boys doing their homework before school starts back again. Bruce is loving his work & all the progress he's making with Billy Bounce. They are not kidding when they say things get done here. No stuffing around over here, it just gets done, no setbacks, no hurdles. GOD BLESS AMERICANS!! It's time to sign off for another week, have a great weekend everyone, We miss you all, Hugs & kisses to everyone for US!! XXXX OOOO

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

From July 1st

Saturday Another weekend started pretty normally. We all got up & had breakfast, there is no basketball practise today because of the 4th July long weekend. I tidyed up around the apartment, the usual washing & Bruce did some work. Conner had a birthday party (sleep over) to go to so we went out to find a present. We all jumped into the car after lunch & drove to Target. We got the birthday pressie & had a look around. We then went around to Walmart to get the boys some fans for their rooms. The apartment stays pretty cool, but they need some air to get to sleep at night. We got back & went down to the pool, had some fun with Tony & Tyler (younger guys who live in the complex & love playing with the kids.) Then went back home & Conner packed his stuff for his party. Bruce & he took off around 6.00 & Bruce bought Jamieson back some dinner from Jack in the box & Bruce & I just had some Vege Lasagne. So another came & went, nothing much happening but it was a good day. Jamieson got to stay up & watch a movie, so he was happy. Sunday We woke up a little late, Bruce stayed in bed for a while & watched the soccer. He went off around 10.00 to pick up Conner from his sleepover. They got back & we hung out, had some lunch & all went down to the pool. Dropped into Paula's apartment to let her know that we were at the pool. Tony & Tyler came down, & some other kids came down so there was a few hanging out. Paula came down & we all just hung out & played & baked. So it was a great relaxing afternoon. We headed back in after a couple of hours & chilled for the rest of the day. The boys went outside to play with the kids & Bruce did some work. I went to the gym & did a big workout. Haven't really gotten back into the gym swing yet, but it's coming back. The boys went to bed a little later the usual, they pointed out that they were on holidays. That was our weekend, nothing too exciting but a good time was had by all. Monday (Happy Birthday to Ross) We woke up as per usual, Bruce had already left for work. I headed off for a quick workout while the boys were watching the TV. I came back & tidyed up and sent the boys out to play. Bruce called, his day was going along well. Still busy organising his trips, he has a couple in the next couple of months. All the new stuff that's earmarked for the Australian market was arriving & he wanted a look. He did some work & then got home later in the day. The boys & I went down to the pool for a little while, Millie, Kaylee & the kids were there. We hung out for a couple of hours & headed home to find Bruce had just arrived. He called Ross to wish him a Happy Birthday. Couldn't be bothered making the Lasagne that I had done the sauce for, so we took the kids to Wendy's for a cheap dinner. The kids , well, let's just say they dont enjoy a surprise, or maybe it's not knowing what's going on. We learnt never to tell them, we are going out for a surprise dinner. All we got for the next 15 mins until we actually drove into the parking lot. "Where are we going, is it ???". Very annoying to say the least. We learnt that we won't be doing that again. We got home around 8.30 & put the boys to bed. After some complaining they went off & not very long after they were both sound asleep. We were not long behind, I think the late nights are taking thier toll. Bruce's back is getting slightly better, Golf on Friday stuffed it up again so he is now finally taking advice from someone who has a stuffed back all the time. He's getting into the spa everyday & resting it. Hopefully it will be ok in the next week. If he looks after it. It's starting to frustrate him to put it nicely. Tuesday HAPPY 4TH JULY!!!!! We got up to another really nice day, there was a few clouds in the sky which made it a cooler morning. Opened up the apartment to let some of the fresh air in. We sent the kids out to play & Bruce had some work to do. I went off to the supermarket to get some things for this afternoon at Kristin & Alfie's. It's going to be so much fun, Bruce & I have been looking forward to today for the last week. It's always a great time when we spend time with the Charles's. Anyway, I got some stuff that I needed to take over. Side note *** Trace, I found Noodle Casserole noodles, YEAY!!! I was in the Asian food aisle, as I decided to go looking for Fried noodles to make spiders, & there they were. Now idea why but the Egg noodles are in Asian food, not pasta. They are in smaller packets, but you get 3 for $1.00 so I suppose it works out the same once you buy what you need. So that was a bonus I found 2 things that I can now get here. The place was packed to say the least, public holiday!!! I got out of there & headed home to do some baking for later. The boys were in & out, & Bruce was working, bless him, he asked if I need help but there's not a lot he can do when you are trying a new biscuit (cookie) recipe & melting chocolate etc. The kitchen just isn't that big. I did get him to help with the Potato salad, so I think he felt better for helping with something. He finished up his work, got the boys some lunch & they went off to buy some fireworks. I took the time (peaceful) to actually do my hair, & decide what to wear without the rush. I put all the stuff together, packed the bags, bathers, camera's extra bits just in time for them to get home & change. Except for icing the new biscuits that I had made, so that was done in haste, but it was just drizzling the icing so it didn't take much time at all. We were out of the house & on our way around 2.30. We arrived & Paula, Shaun & the boys were already there. The boys took off outside & we sat around chatting. We all bought out the fireworks that we had bought & Paula brings in 2 HUGE boxes that her clients had given to her. OMG!!!! (That one is for you Elise) We got them out & it was $300 retail worth- Bruce's eye's lit up & Alfie (the Piro, Kristin calls him) just laughed for the next 10 mins. You could tell the boys couldn't wait for the sun to go down. There was certainly going to be a show. Some of their other friends arrived Jailine & Cane with thier Kids, Carson, 6 & Cierra 10, so all the kids jumped into the pool & we went outside to watch. During the afternoon around 3 other couples arrived. Can't remember their names, they were nice people. Kristin did say the nicest thing, we were discussing how I found people here. Kristin has just finished working in February before Cooper was born so she's new to the stay home mum thing, & asked my opinion about if I found some people friendly but not really friendly. So I went through our experience with her & Paula. Then we were talking about what our plans were & she said that we were not allowed to leave. It was so lovely, & made my day, these are the kind of people we expected to meet & we are very lucky to have found the best ones. Also Paula & I are becoming closer, cause she lives here too, so we will be seeing more of her, when she has the kids & also when she doesn't, so she doesn't get to lonely. We are going to be going away for a weekend with them all before the kids go back to school, so that is something I am looking forward to. Anyway, we just sat around chilling for the afternoon, the kids swam, the girls drank wine, (lots) Paula stopped around 6.00 for a while, she was flying it was fun to watch. The boys went inside & starting filling up the water balloons for the annual water fight with the neighbours. Around 6.00 we starting making our way to the front of the house as did the neighbours to get ready for dinner & the fireworks. Everyone set up tables & umbrellas (shade) & we all shared dinner, & had a water fight, no one was out of bounds. So you can imagine, Bruce & Alfie were right there in the middle of the action. It's alway fun watching adults in a water fight, kids are usual but adults running around after each other is quite a sight, lots of laughs. We all had some dinner, then around 8.30 the boys started getting out (ALL) the fireworks, you can imagine, everyone putting all their fireworks together. The guys bought out ladders, that's when I knew this would be fun. Bruce was like a little kid, he couldn't wait & Conner & Jamieson were just as excited. So off they started. I got some footage, I hope it turned out, I haven't had a chance to take a look yet. I also got some photo's for the blog so look out for them. The fireworks were excuse the pun... a blast!!! It was really cool fun, the big boys were lighting the big ones, & throwing the little ones all around the court, & the kids were running around with sparklers having a ball. So after about an hour we started packing up the dessert table so coming in & out of the table. Then 1.5 hours past & they were still going, we had a short pause for some of the neighbours friends could get into the cars & go home. So when it hit the 2 hour mark, even Bruce had had enough. Around 10.30 we all headed inside. The kids had a quick play in John's room, & we left, all of us were exhausted. We got home & the kids went straight to bed (no fussing, arguing or really talking). Bruce & I sat up and chatted about the day. We had a great 4th of July. As my husband would say..... God Bless America!!!! Wednesday Woke up later than usual after a rather large day. We just chilled out really for most of the day. Bruce went off to work. The boys and I just hung around the apartment. I got to the business centre and returned a couple of emails. It wasn't a very eventful day at all. I tidyed up & started getting ready to complete all the Tax stuff for the last financial year. REAL EXCITING STUFF!!! Had to have a chat with Jamieson regarding exactly where he is allowed to be, twice. Without yelling. then the second time I asked him he would prefer me yelling cause he doesn't seem to listen when just talk to him. He eventually got it, I think. Bruce had some good meetings & the boys played with the kids from around here which left me free to do some cleaning, washing & organising. Bruce got home after a very good day & we had some dinner & the boys all went down to the pool. I started my work, the boys went off to bed. It ended up being a late night but most of the stuff is pretty much done. So that was a satisfiying end to a rather dull day. Thursday We all got up & had some breakfast. Bruce woke up too late to miss the traffic to get to the office early, so he left around 9.00. The boys had assumed the position (TV- Madagascar) so I got into the tidying & washing. I kicked the kids out around 10.00 & started the floors. They were in and out all day, as was I. Went to the business centre for a while. Bruce got home & assumed his position (I will take a pic, so you have the visual) I took Milly to the doctors later in the afternoon, (She had Crones- not sure of spelling) we got back & the boys went down to the pool for a quick swim then we headed off to Costco for them to have some dinner & me to do some bulk shopping. We got home around 8.30 & the boys went straight to bed. Bruce & I stayed up a little while longer, he had some work to finish off & I put all the stuff away, with Conner's help. That was our day, I got out for a while so that got rid of the cabin fever. Another week is just about ending. Friday We woke up to another warm day. Bruce went off to a meeting & the boys went out to play while I got onto the computer (while I could) & did some work & checked emails etc. I tidyed up & did some washing, dishes all the good stuff. Bruce came back & assumed the position at the desk & the boys were in & out all morning. I organised myself & went out to try a new supermarket that Paula told me about. It's not that far away, just a few more minutes up the road from Safeway. I got there & my experience started with an OLD lady having a full on argument with a guy who looked like he was in his 30's. I'm thinking OMG what am I doing here, head down & don't look at anyone. Anyway, I walked through & it was a great place, it had everything & a lot less expensive. I found my new supermarket, isn't that sad that I'm excited about finding a supermarket. I got a few things that we needed & thought that I would get more next week, as we got groceries yesterday. I got home & Jamieson bought in a Christmas tree that Corey (maintanence guy) had picked up when they were cleaning up an apartment that had just been moved out of. It's definitely wierd, but a nice jesture. I unpacked everything & had some lunch, then we just plotted around for the afternoon until we went down to the pool around 4.00. The kids played with some friends that were already there. We took Jackary down with us. We stayed for an hour or so & Paula & the boys arrived. We had another play & headed back around 6.30. We threw together some dinner, as Jackary & Paula & the boys were coming over to hang out. They all arrived & the boys went & hung out in Jamieson's room with the gameboys. Around 8.00 we put a movie on the projector (the DVD player we bought is going back as it doesn't play our Aust movies) & all lounged around watching that. We had popcorn & I made the adults hot chocolate, (not the right time of year, but haven't made one since we got here) chocolate not the same as Alpine Blend but the froth was nice. The movie finished & everyone left around 10.00. Jamieson was in fine form which ended not well when they got back. He hasn't figured out how far he can push his father. He's a little closer after tonight I think. The boys went off to bed, & we set the computer up at the dining room table so I could chat. Can't talk at the moment as the headphones are busted!!!Not happy JAN!!! Anyway, Elise came on line, so we caught up. She is doing a school project & is doing it on Bruce & I which is really cool.