Sunday, January 10, 2010

December 2009

Look at me, this blog isn’t that late at all! Well, it’s December the end of another year, where did that one go, seriously I think that was one of the quickest that I can remember. Are we just too busy or is it like this for everyone?

OK, it’s December so that means the cold has set in and that would also mean that the rain is here too. (BLAH!!) I suppose that’s the trade off I have to live through for having the sun for 8 months of the year, hhmmm, not sure if its worth it, can you tell I hate the cold?

OK I’m getting on with it, our December started like all good Christmas people, December 1, put up the Christmas tree!!! Yeay, I love Christmas decorating, it’s the one time I can be girly in a house full of boys and too bad to them. Conner continued with his flour baby, who he named Holly, very festive. She sat on the couch and watched while Bruce put up the tree and then had to go off to basketball practice (yes, this will be every night until middle of Feb, not sure how I feel about that) anyway, I wrapped the lights and let the boys go with the decorations while I put the other stuff around the house. I did a very traditional color this year. Against the grain of who I am as I am using ‘Red’, for those who don’t know me as well as others, red and I are not a happy thing, I don’t like it and don’t wear, decorate or anything else with it. I have this really gorgeous tree skirt that I can’t use, still not sure how I bought it, it is gorgeous though. So last year I decided to go for it and after Christmas went out and bought up on Red and white decorations; I thought maybe if I put it with one of my favorite colors it would soften the internal blow. Anyway, the tree ended up looking GORGEOUS, and the house came up looking really beautiful, I bought some battery operated lights for my outside wreath, I bought red bows and hung them on the bottom of the wreath (see very traditional, those English ancestors somewhere way back, would be proud) I wound garland around my large clock and made it look like another wreath with another red bow, I put garland around the door ways with bows, and of course my very gorgeous tree skirt.

Bruce loved it, which he never really cares too much, he always likes the house, but he really like the colors which was nice. It was a good couple of days I had to go and get a couple more things and then the Christmas decorating was done. Paula was very funny, she kept laughing at me saying, “well I thought your head would be exploding with all the red”, who knows why I liked it so much. Just to set the record straight, red is still only allowed for Christmas!! Yes, she laughed at that too and so did Bruce. Sometimes it’s not so fun when people know you well.

Bruce had a basketball tournament from Thursday so that left the boys and I with some time at home without the car, we did some cleaning, I went over to Paula’s house and helped her clean out her closet, scanned some pics and the angel cards high res for the website and we went to watch the Franklin boys play on the Friday night, they did really well and will have good season. I chatted with some of the parents and they all seemed really nice, a couple of weird ones, but hey that’s going to happen. Unfortunately our wedding anniversary came and went – that’s life right! We did have an anniversary dinner at Logan’s on the way home from basketball so I suppose that’s something.

Sunday was a quiet day, Bruce chilled and did a little work in bed all day, it was nice for him to relax, he’s usually going 7 days so taking a day to just chill and not do a whole lot was nice. I did some Angels work so I guess it was a working day for me.

We hit the middle of the month and things were getting a little frustrating on the Christmas shopping front, Bruce was on the road, then at basketball practice and Jamieson was home, so there wasn’t a lot of time for me to head out to get it done and I was starting to panic a little. Jamieson and I met Mille and Lexie on the Tuesday and saw new moon, which he loved and thought was awesome, although in typical 10 year old fashion, had no patience for all the credits and previews at the start.

The end of the week was coming around again and Bruce had another 3 day basketball tournament. Jamieson and I went to see the Nutcracker Ballet with his class which was a great experience. I think it will be the only time that I will get to see the ballet, that’s one thing Bruce will not budge on, NO BALLET!!! It was a good day and Jamieson and I had a great experience together, it’s something we will remember and now we’ve been to the ballet and seen the Nutcracker – so two more things to tick off the list. The ballet was beautiful, the costumes were fabulous and the sets were amazing, what a great experience. We finished the day talking to home, Pete called and also spoke to mum and dad so it was a great day all round.

The weekend turned out to be full and busy, Bruce had been on the road putting angels in stores for the Christmas shoppers and basketball training and tournament at nights, Jamieson has a sleepover at Kevin’s on Friday night so it was a quiet one. We went over to Franklin to watch the boys in their championship game for the tournament, they won and played really well, so everyone was happy. We went home and the boys headed over to the Cendro’s while I got ready for Karen’s birthday party. It was over at our local pool, gambling night, it was lots of fun. We arrived and had some dinner, Mexican of course - this is California.

We were given $5,000 in chips each to play with….I spent most of the night with Paula at the Roulette wheel while Bruce was at the 21 table winning up big. It was a lot of fun watching Karen go from table to table betting up a storm and having a great time and when Paula and I get together there is always lots of laughs so it was a great night. We stayed and helped clean up before heading back to Karen’s for a night cap (for them not me) the boys had all had a fun night at Karen’s so a good time was had by all.

Sunday was a busy one for me, relaxing for the boys. We cleaned the house and after lunch they headed over to Karen’s to watch some football and play. I did some Christmas baking and took the opportunity to wrap some presents in the lounge room which was a nice change from the closet where I can lock myself in so I don’t get surprised. They were gone for a lot of the afternoon which was nice, it’s not very often that the house is empty especially with Jamison being on holidays so I had a lovely afternoon even if I was busy, and with all the wrapping done I was feeling a lot better about being ready for Christmas which you know was freaking me out a little.

We hit the middle of the month and a big week for Conner he was getting ready for finals and I have to say I was proud of him, I had to keep on him a little about his studying but overall I think he did a good job. (His results agreed – A’s and B’s for second semester – Go Conner!!. We had basketball at Franklin on Tuesday, we went and watched the freshman game then went out to pizza with the Reed’s (Monte is our friend that is the coach of the freshman team, who we met through Jnr NBA when he ran it for a couple of years and he asked Bruce to coach Franklin with him) after dinner Bruce dropped Conner and I at home so he could study and Bruce and Jamieson went back for the Varsity game. Conner was not impressed!!! Wednesday and Thursday Conner had his finals and Friday was Conner’s last day to end another semester I had Christmas movie night at school.

It was a fun night, we didn’t get as many as we were hoping so doing it again we will have to think about but we got a great surprise when Kristin and Alfie and the boys walked in. HUGE YEAY!! Bruce was at basketball practice, DER, so I called and told him that Alfie was there and to get his butt over right after practice, no chatting. Kristin helped us at the concession stand the big and little boys all sat and watched the movies… then helped us clean up before saying goodbye again Boooo!!! It was so great to see them and the boys they have grown so much especially little Cooper who is not so little anymore and talking up a storm. (Cooper is my gauge for our time in the States, he was born the day before we landed so seeing him all grown up reminds me of how long we’ve been here) It was great to have the three families together again, like old times and watching all the boys running and playing (after the movie finished) was really cool, I let me run a muck longer than I usually do before telling them to tame it down a little.

I got a HUGE surprise on Thursday (I think it was) Millie came over to give me my Christmas/ Birthday present because she couldn’t wait till the next week to give it to me. She bought me a ‘Coach’ bag (which is very generous and way too much and we did have a little argument about it) but that’s who she is, she spoils the ones she loves and she knows if I could afford to spend that much, then I would) I’m not sure if you get coach bags at home but here they are one of THE bags to have.

Saturday turned out to be quite busy in the end, Paula called early and we headed out to get some hair stuff, then over to the supermarket to get some Christmas baking stuff, then back to the house to do Paula’s hair so its pretty for Christmas, Bruce went out somewhere in there and the kids were running around the house in the chaos. Sunday I did the groceries and some more Christmas shopping, it was a busy day out and about.

Bruce had a basketball game on Tuesday and Honey (the dog we sometimes babysit) arrived earlier in the day for her visit with us, she was with us until the new year so we were all really excited. Wednesday I dropped into work for a very short while and then headed out to finish up my Christmas shopping. Millie and Lexie came over for our Christmas catch up and the kids to exchange presents. Christmas Eve was I spent the morning wrapping presents while Bruce took the boys for a surprise to see Avatar at the movies. I finished all the wrapping and the baking and had a little time to sit and have a quiet cuppa – the silence, love it!
We jumped into the car and went and looked at some Christmas lights to calm the boys a bit. Very funny story – the boys asked Bruce is there was something they could take to make them go to sleep because they were too excited? So while we were out, Bruce stopped at the chemist and said to the boys, ‘You’ve got a cough and need some medicine right?’, Conner goes Yes, Jamieson (God love him) ‘No I don’t what are you talking about? Conner whacks him and says ‘Yes, you do and we need some medicine to help us’. It was very funny and I laughed.

We got home from our outing and called home to say merry Christmas, it sounded like a lot of fun was being had by all. The boys headed off to bed around 11.00pm and Bruce and I were up until around 12.30, we spent most of the time waiting for the kids to fall asleep. All the wrapping was done so it was just putting the things together and then waiting for the snoring to start.


The boys were up around 7.00am, Jamieson first, then Conner. Jamieson came in and jumped into bed with us until Conner woke up, then let the unwrapping begin…. The boys ripped through presents then I went through mine, I think everyone did well, especially me this year. Bruce bought some Bose headphones for each of us, and then we all got movies and lollies, I got my cake stand I wanted and Bruce got some sunglasses and movies and books. The kids got the usual and then some, Jamieson, Rip stick, movies, clothes, helmet, spy stuff etc, Conner got a computer picture arty thing, movies, clothes, basketball cards etc. I got the three boys the racing set for the playstation, so let the racing begin! We all got money which is always a good thing and we finished wrapping around 9.00ish. ****Side Note – Poor Bruce went to check the video camera and realized he thought it has only used 8 mins on the tape when it only had 8 mins left, OOPPSS!! He was not a happy camper at all!! Nothing you can do about it now, but he was still really bummed. The boys played with their presents and Bruce and I got our traditional Christmas breakfast organized. (My mother will be proud, something I am continuing. Ham, boiled eggs, toast, Juice, Hot chocolate (we added that) and the boys always sit there and say it’s the best breakfast, its always a fun meal for us) We finished up breakfast and the boys went off to get dressed, Kevin came over and Bruce and I organized to cook the turkey.

We pottered around getting ready, the kids playing looking at our new stuff, putting stuff together, the kids played on their new playstation dance mat thing, we had music playing and the place was a quiet buzz, lots of singing and dancing and cooking and watching….Kevin went home for lunch and home called to say Merry Christmas. David came over for a quick visit before we had out lunch. ***Another tradition kept, David asked Conner why there was so much candy everywhere, he said ‘It’s something my mum does’ I told them it’s another tradition I kept from my mum. The boys like that I chose to keep that one, and David couldn’t believe it, he loved it.

We sat down to our yummy lunch around 2.30pm, (God Bless America – LIVE NBA games all day on the TV – especially with the Lakers playing – although we lost this year – it’s still pretty cool!) we chilled for a little while, the boys did the dishes whole I made Apple crumble for dessert. It was very yummy, Kevin came back over around 4.00pm and played till he had to go home for his Christmas dinner around 5.00. Paula, Steve and the kids arrived at around 6.30pm and we all hung out around the kitchen having leftovers for dinner, then we did presents and not long after that the Rivera’s arrived. We had a great night, the kids were running around playing board games etc and the adults had Christmas drinks in the lounge room while the basketball was on in the background. Paula and Steve left around 10.00, they were tired and had not been home for two days and Carlos, Kristie and the kids left around 11.30, we were all tired from a great day and hit the sack with a bang!

Boxing day – (Although they don’t call it that here) late morning Paula and I went out to do a little shopping with our Christmas money, we had some lunch after we’d pretty much finished in the stores we wanted to check out. The stores ordered right this year, there wasn’t really a lot of Christmas stuff left at all, I know some of the stores had pre Christmas sales, but compared to other years there wasn’t really much left at all, so it was a good thing I wasn’t looking for anything. We grabbed a couple of things mostly for the boys one thing I think for each of us. Bruce headed out to basketball training (yes on boxing day) and Jamieson ended up spending the night over at Kevin’s for a sleepover.

We finished the week with a very quiet Sunday, just enjoying our presents and watching sports on the TV. Franklin had another tournament, so that was three days over the other side of town for us again. They played really well and made it to the Championship game, Wednesday came around and so did my head thingy. I went into work but for not long, Paula seemed to have the same thing, I went home but decided to load up on the drugs and head out to the game. The boys didn’t play well at all and lost on the buzzer to the host team. It was disappointing but they didn’t play well and really shouldn’t have won anyway.

New Years Eve, well I’m not sure what went on because I spent the day in bed sleeping and taking some drugs, I had a head/ sinus cold thing. Bruce and the boys went over to the Cendro’s to celebrate, Paula apparently turned up and dropped the boys off to play then went home looking like crap, which is how I would’ve looked if I had’ve gone too.
So I hope everyone, well I know everyone had a better new year than me.

That’s it for another year of Hultgren blogs…Hopefully I’ll be a little more on time this year, but who knows, as long as it gets out there eventually.

Happy New Year everyone and may 2010 be even better than 2009.

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