It’s October time, it’s all a little weird sitting here trying to remember so far back. You should now I’m sitting here on a Sunday morning at the end(ish) of November in my flannel PJ’s with Twilight dvd on in the background (yes, I’m one of those that got sucked into the madness) It’s kind of fun going through the pictures again, hopefully I will get into the zone and get some of the November blog done and maybe even out on time. We can only hope.
OK, October started with a pretty much usual weekend, David came over for dinner with us to end the week, which is always fun and Conner misses not having him at school. School had the fun run pancake breakfast on Saturday morning so Paula and I went out for the walk and met all the boys at school for some breakfast. Jamieson officially won the kids fun run (yeay for Jamieson) Conner beat him but we told him you had to be in Elementary school so Jamieson won! We had some pancakes, went home and cleaned the house, chatted with mum on the phone and the boys did their usual back and forth from Karen’s house to our house all day. Bruce spent most of Sunday filming for the new Billy Bounce program and in the afternoon the boys and I went the Jeremy’s birthday party at the trampoline place. They spend all afternoon bouncing and playing which is always fun to watch.
The next week turned into a pretty normal one, the boys with their school, Bruce as always was busy with Angels and my week was taken up with the Billy Bounce programs, normal work, I did some birthday shopping for Bruce and Jamieson to take home on their trip, then we spent (Bruce and I) spring or fall cleaning the house and garage and yard. It was a productive day for me; you know being the neat freak that I am. (That’s another bonus of visitors coming; the house gets a really good clean)
The start of the week was quiet and prepping for the end, Conner had finals to study for the Pete and Fleur were arriving on the weekend yeay!! Work was work, Bruce was busy and getting Conner to study was like pulling teeth. Bruce is now a coach of the
Saturday morning was a little more cleaning, some baking and the boys had a very late garage sale (which kept them out of the house so I was happy) We went to the airport and picked up Pete and Fleur who were happy to see us but really happy to be warm after coming in from New York. We spent the weekend, catching up with them, finding out what’s going on at home, we did some shopping on Saturday afternoon and then home for Pete’s homemade dinner I promised him. They crashed and burned pretty early and we were up and out of the house to the outlets the next morning. We got lots of bargains and it was a good day out. Jamieson got some new runners and Bruce got a new sweater. Outlet malls aren’t what they used to be. Pete and Fleur rented a car and left around lunchtime Monday morning for LA, they dropped into work on the way home to say goodbye and off they went.
Ian and Jan arrived on Wednesday afternoon, we had some dinner and a big catch up which was great. Usually when we catch up with Jan & Ian it’s for an hour if we can find the time on our quick trips back home, so to have this big block was fantastic. We did some shopping with them before they left the next day and girls got girl time (clothes shopping) and boys got boy time (best buy shopping) then they left to go and find the tree that you drive through on the Oregon coast. (I can’t think of it’s name right now, sorry) Millie and Kristie came over for a cuppa which was fun then Paula came over later and we got rid of her skunk mark. We finished out the month with an easy cruisy week, Halloween is coming and Paula’s birthday as well so that’s always a fun way to bring the month to an end. Early in the week we decided that Bruce and Jamieson’s trip would be postponed until later in November.
We went over to Paula’s for a birthday dinner on Friday night. She requested her new favorite for her cake. I make brownies into a kind of peppermint slice. Steve had arranged for their friend to make authentic Mexican for dinner. It was very yummy and we had a great meal, the Cendro’s and Riveras’ were there and she blew out her cake/ slice and went sent the kids outside to run off all the sugar.
Saturday/ Halloween we had to arrange costumes, Jamieson got help from Kevin (thank goodness) and Conner ended up wearing Bruce’s clothes and was Tom Hanks from the movie ‘Big’. I baked a Halloween cake for dessert and we headed over there around 5.00pm. The big boys were watching football and Karen and I started making chicken and dumplings for dinner. We sent the boys out to trick or treat (they really wanted to go by themselves please, please, please??)
They headed out and that’s when the wackiness started…Mike started the fire and then all of a sudden the whole chimney was on fire. We called the fire dept and all left the house after Mike pulled to burning logs into the trashcan. To their credit, the fire trucks, all five of them, turned up only two stayed, thank goodness. Once Karen got over the shock her and I sat across the road and laughed while the fire dept lit up the house with flood lights and started blowing all the smoke out of the house. Kevin was little upset so I sent the boys back out to trick or treat some more. We got back into the house and kept on going with dinner, Paula and clan arrived around 8.00pm and we sat down to dinner around 8.30pm. We all sat around chatting and the kids ran around the house hyped up on sugar, they came crashing down and we left them for a sleepover and headed home around 11.00pm.
So we ended up with the pretty eventful end of the month. It’s cooling down here and heating up at home, enjoy the sun. We had a long hot one, so we are kind of looking forward to the cooler weather, for a little while at least. We’ll see how long it is before I’m sick of being cold. I hope you enjoyed the blog and see you back here again for the next installment.
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