Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009 .....January

OK, one of my goals for 2009 is to get the blog out on time, well it depends on what is considered late so that kind of gives me a little buffer. It’s now the middle of February so I guess you could say it’s a little late but it’s been a hectic month so far, this time next month when I’m sitting here writing Feb’s blog we’ll see. Anyway I digress…. Here goes!

We started off the month with the not so usual for me, taking down the Christmas decorations. I decided to keep the tree up a little longer and because we got it up so late that I wanted to look at it a little longer, but come the second day of the year it was time for it to go away for another year, including all the cool new stuff that I bought for the next time it went up.

I also used the weekend to finish and get up to date with my December and New York blogs, I guess I got them out on time. The boys went over to David’s (Conner’s friends) house for the afternoon and turned into the night. They had a great time and got home around 9.00pm. We had the Rivera kids (just 3) for a few hours, Carlos and Kristie had a hole in their schedule, Kristie was off to London and Carlos was coming back from Germany so we filled the hole for a little bit. I made some spaghetti and Carlos had a bowl with us and then we said a sleepy good night to him and the kids and they went home to sleep.

Sunday morning Bruce went out onto the roof (god help me!) and took down the outside Christmas lights, I called home to say Happy Birthday to my sisters!! And also spoke to mum, which was nice! It was a busy weekend but I tied up some loose ends and started the year off on positive note. GO 2009!

So the year continued…Bruce got back out on the road to Borders stores, Tuesday, and I took the day, well morning for a Belinda day/morning. I went out and did groceries (which sounds boring but I find relaxing, weird huh.) Conner went off to school basketball training, which he was really looking forward to.

Wednesday I was back to the usual life, Bruce spent the morning at home then later in the afternoon went to the Bay area with Steve (to watch the Lakers play the Warriors – NBA – Lakers won – woo hoo! It took me nearly 3 years to see my first NBA game here – go figure!!!) and I went had the boys for the afternoon as per usual. Paula came over after work and we all had some dinner. He emailed pics from the game and it sounds like they had a good guys night out. Of which if you are lucky enough to be on his Life Tips list, he wrote a really interesting and thought provoking Life tip for the next day, it definitely made people think from the responses he got. (if you are not – go to and subscribe or simply follow me on Facebook – the Angels site is still in progress and the sign up isn’t there just yet – grrrrr)

Our Thursday was about the same, Conner had basketball practice again, David came over after school and practice and ended staying for dinner while his mum took his sister to brownies…. It was nice for Conner and David is a great all round kid, he is welcome at our place any time.

Work for me has been changing, with things at work slowing down and Andrea taking over some of my responsibilities (which long term is good for the company, cause we are not here forever) I’m reevaluating my role and that’s something that Paula and I are working on at the moment. My guess is helping her work more on the business than the day to day, which Andrea has taken on more. I decided at the end of the week to take Bruce’s advice and go home to Australia, my ticket was booked and it was happening.

I sent home a cryptic email to the twins about buying stuff for the kids, the Teag’s & Trace for a birthday present for THE GODSON, Taylor and emailed Prego Kristy to see if there’s anything she wanted me to look for and bring down. I did a little shopping for the trip over the weekend; the boys had basketball on Saturday, as per usual. I was in and out of the weekend, Bruce had a Billy B coaching session on Sunday morning and in the afternoon Paula came over and I colored her hair. It was a cruisey weekend but also a little organizing to do.

The next week was a busy one as expected, work was work, nothing out of the ordinary there, but there were a few things to try to finish up and at least get direction on. Tuesday I went into both the boys classrooms to help out, considering I flaked on them the week before. I finished at school and organized with Kristie to go down to the Galt Market for some girlie time and see if there were any bargains to buy and take on my trip. We spent some time together and caught up with my friend, we were home in time for the kids to get home from school so it was a good day.

Wednesday was Conner’s first school basketball game and boy what a game it was. Conner came out smoking and the whole team played really well, which they should’ve when you win by 20 points. So Conner was a happy child, which makes the world a good place.

Mum and I spoke to finalize trip details over the week, I let everyone know I was coming, but also had to make sure they didn’t say anything to the Twins, as it is going to be a surprise! Trace emailed and let me know she told the kids, which apparently was a good thing, because Elise would’ve killed us both if we didn’t let her know.

I went out and found the rest of the stuff that I needed to take down all finished. It was weird; I packed on Saturday, which was weird. I’m used to packing for at least three people, so one was out of the comfort zone. One bag of stuff that wasn’t coming back and one bag of Belinda’s stuff and my stuff was the small bag, go figure!

We had a quiet Sunday, hung out around the house, we dropped the boys over at Paula’s in the middle of the afternoon and they stayed at her place the night. Jamieson was “Bye Mum”, Conner was, a little upset (he wanted to come) and I got hugs 3 separate times before we left for the airport. The trip up was a little frustrating, traffic everywhere and we couldn’t figure out why. We stopped near the airport for a quick dinner, then parked the car and checked in. I was sooo tired, and worried about not sleeping, it’s the reason I don’t like flying, I can’t sleep sitting up, tired or not!

Bruce had a coffee and I tried not to sleep in the airport. It was time to say goodbye, (although it’s usually me not walking through the gates so it was really weird) Say goodbye and turnaround, no looking back, that’s when you get upset, that’s our routine) he wanted to watch me go through but then I may not have been OK) so he left, he had a long drive home. I got through security fine and went to find the gate; the flight was full so it was going to be a long 14 hours, if I didn’t sleep.

I got on the plane feeling tired and a little sad. I walked onto the plane and was greeted by Jim (Carlos and Jeff had put the word out with their friends that I was flying, which was so lovely) I sat next to really nice retired couple from Oregon. Danni came and introduced herself and got me a Bailey’s to start my trip. The ride down with tiring, I took a sleeping tablet (which I’d never done before, as I always fly with the boys) I think in the end I slept about 3 hours. Half way through the trip I ended up at the back of the plane talking while others were sleeping, we met a few other nice people who were walking around the plane stretching their legs. Betty, the purser came up and introduced herself, she was really lovely. We sat down and tried to sleep again, which I don’t think I did, all I remember tossing and turning. Jim came up to me and gave me a little bag of snacks (chocolates and cookies)

I missed Monday 19th January 2009….. not a day lived for me.

I landed in Sydney, on Tuesday, tired, still a little weird being by myself. I went into the bathroom and did the teeth and changed the top into something more summery, just generally tried to feel less stinky. In the international section they have Optus free Internet so I emailed Bruce to let him know I was in Sydney.

I went and sat to wait for the call for the next flight, people everywhere! Another plane, the flight down was a fairly quick one as per usual, I got off and made my way down to get the bags and go through customs. Waiting for the bags, a customs guy (very nice) asked a few questions about what I was declaring, lollies etc stamped me and so when my other bag finally came through I walked straight through with my stamped customs form (god love that customs man) so I walked through those doors and found Mum taking pictures (of course) IT WAS HOT!!!! We got into the car and Bruce called to say Hello on the mobile. We stopped and had some lunch on the way back to Geelong, drove the new overpass and made our way to Tracey’s place. Great timing, Tracey arrived at home the same time as we arrived, we had a good quick catch up, the kids were the same, just older (and driving) We got back into the car and dropped into Lolly shop. Then we drove back to Ocean Grove and saw Dad, had a shower and changed into something I didn’t wear on the plane and went over to Raelene’s for mum’s big surprise.

Mum went into the house and I followed a minute later….to the screams and crying. It was a fun moment. The kids all came down and didn’t kind of know what was going on, and looking for the boys. We stayed for a while, the kids had fish n chips, which I had a potatoes cake. .yummm!!! We headed home and had a light dinner, and then before I went to sleep, we jumped into the car and went over to see Uncle Kevin.

I slept fine, although I was awake at 6.30am…go figure. I had some breakfast with Dad before he left for work, walked up the street. I packed my bag for the next couple of days and drove into Geelong to Nic’s place to have lunch with her and the boys. It was nice to catch up, the boys are cool and the Griff’s are in a really great place.

Elise called to see where I was, she was ready to be picked up… I picked her up and we went into town to do a little looking around at the new shopping center. I felt like I was at Highpoint, it looks exactly the same; it was really weird. We did a little shopping and made our way back to Shannon Ave. Tracey made some spaghetti for dinner and we sat down and ate, Janine and Cameron came over for a visit which was nice. We chilled out and spoke to Bruce and the boys then headed off to bed around 11.00pm. I hit the jackpot and got to sleep in Rhys’s room in his new very comfy bed.

Woke up again, 7.00am, what is going on??? Anyway the rest of the house was still sleeping so I jumped onto the computer and chatted with Bruce on MSN for a while. Everyone else got up and we decided to go into town and grab some lunch and do some shopping. Rhys drove in, yes I’m feeling old, I was around when he was born! We had some dinner and I got to catch up with Janine a little, we looked around and did a little shopping then went down to Pako to do some more shopping. We got back to the house and I packed up the bag and headed to the Bells, another night another bed.

I arrived and got a rousing reception from Maxy dog, which was nice. We chilled out a little and waited for Al to get home. The kids were all out of the house so we went out and had some dinner. It was a really great dinner, we ate great food and caught up, it was a lot of fun and it was wonderful to sit down and catch up with my friends and find out what’s been going on since I was down last. We picked Jackson up from work and the other kids arrived with their uncle so they jumped into the car too. They were the same, but again, bigger! It was great to see them grown up even more. We got home and had a cuppa and some Cadbury chocolates YUMM!!! Jumped into bed exhausted around midnight, it was a fun day.

I woke up in the morning, Nick went off to Melb with his Grandma, Al went off to work and Jackson slept. Sophie and Liz got up and we decided to go up to the shop then have some lunch somewhere before I headed down the highway to Mum’s, dinner then back to Rael’s for the night.

I dropped into Trudy’s on the way home, they were all there, so I got to spend some more time with the Twins and the kids, which was fun. We all chilled out and had a cuppa, the kids ran around the house and outside playing. We all made our way home to get ready for dinner at “The Mex”. Mexican in Australia, that was a new experience for me, it’s not something we did at home; introducing us to Mexican food is thanks to Paula. We all arrived at the restaurant and had a really nice dinner. Surprisingly good Mexican food considering the caliber of Mexican food we get in California (or Mexifornia as it is know known!!!). Anyway, we had a nice dinner and time to catch up on what’s been going on with everyone since I was home last. Again, another great adult meal, I’m two for two. I drove back to Rael’s (she had a couple of drinks) we got back and Simon was at home with some friends having drinks, outside in the cool, so we didn’t last outside for long. Rael’s and I made a cuppa tea and sat inside chilling out before heading off to bed around midnight.

It was around 2.00 I think when Rael’s screamed out the window for the boys to stop singing with the music on in the house, I was tired but it was still funny, I was more worried about them waking poor Felix up considering his window was right where they were singing. We woke up the next morning and spent the morning watching the kids play and chatting in the living room, it was just the laid back morning I needed.

The plan for the Reunion was that everyone was getting there after 11.00am, I said more like 1.00pm so Raels and I got ready casually and arrived at Mirrabooka around 1.00pm. Some of the family was there already; others were still arriving. We started on lunch, bbq, what else? By around 3.00pm the rest of the Warragul clan arrived and so everyone who was coming was there. I spent the weekend at Mirrabooka and sleeping at Mum’s place. It was great to spend time with the family especially the ones I was close to before we left and I miss while I’m here.

I also got a chance to catch up with Jess and Corey; which was great as it had been so long and Jess doesn’t get on her computer as much as she should (do you Jess??) It was a great visit and one of the highlights; we miss Jess and love to hear she is happy.

Monday morning, I spoke to Bruce and he was ready for me to come home, I have to say that I was ready to come home, it’s been long enough to be away from all my boys. I spent the morning at Mum’s - the late nights and early mornings had finally caught up with me, I was so tired I felt really sick. I just sat on the couch and rested for the morning, mum took me into Trudy’s in the afternoon. I had to pack my bags and made sure I had everything. The good thing was I only had one bag coming back. Raels and her boys came into Trudy’s and we all had some dinner, when they left I went over to Tracey’s to say goodbye while Trudy and Paul put the kids to bed.

Rhys and Cameron were off to a party, (see I am old) Elise drove them (see again OLD!), Trace and I sat down and Elise came back we chatted for a little bit and I said Goodbye and headed back to Trudy’s. Trudy and I sat in the lounge room for a catch up which was really nice and headed off to bed around midnight. It had been a good week, a lot different than if I had travelled with the family. It was great trip.

I woke up on Tuesday morning, we all had some breakfast, I got ready and helped the kids get ready. Mum arrived and we jumped in the car and drove to the airport. It was going to be the start of the heat wave, and when we got to the airport around 11.00am it was really hot already. I booked in and we had something to eat before I said good byes and walked through the doors, again!!

I got asked to go through my bags after security, so, hey, I had nothing else to do, so we had a nice chat and they patted me down and checked my bags for explosives. They were nice and we had a good chat, it killed some time. I got onto the flight and we were sitting there in a practically empty plane and the auxiliary power went off, apparently according to the pilot, it happens when it gets too hot. We need to get out of here before it’s too hot for the plane to take off. We took off and an hour later after trying unsuccessfully to sleep, we landed in Sydney and I emailed Bruce, I had a Shepherd’s Pie at the airport for lunch and waited for boarding for the flight home.

I got on the plane and everyone realized that it wasn’t a full plane, so there was a little scurrying, I was lucky enough to have no one in my row. We took off and I had something to eat and watched the Sisterhood of the Travelling pants 2, took a sleeping tablet and went to sleep with the arm rest thingy in the small of my back, but I remember turning over a few times, then waking up to that yucky breakfast cooking smell, which always makes me feel ill. I tired to stay laying down but lost that battle, so I got up and brushed my teeth, and hoped to get a cup of tea, I was too late. I sat for a hour and half then we landed in San Fran airport. SO as you can imagine, I was pretty happy to have slept for most of the flight yeay for me!!!

I waited in line at customs, got through that; and then waited patiently for my ONE bag to come through. I walked through the doors to MY HUSBAND, BIGGER YEAY for me!!! We got in the car and Bruce told me what happened while I was away. We stopped for some lunch and I was actually quite awake. We got home; the boys got home from school and we were out the door to Conner’s basketball game. They won, Conner played really well, got a little less time than he likes to play, but it’s a team of 14 so unless you are playing the game of your life, you have bench time.

Bruce gave me a sleeping tablet, and I woke up and was at work at 9.00am, Wednesday morning, not sure how, but I was awake and there. We had staff meeting which gave me a chance to give out my ‘requested’ presents, everyone has their favorite lollies so that makes buying for them easy. I was doing really great, catching up with what had been going on and trying to figure out where to start, the good thing was it’s Wednesday which means I’m home at 2.45 cause Justin and Jeremy were over. Bruce gave me another sleeping tablet to help with the time difference and off I went… It was nice to be home and back into the swing of things.

Thursday was a hard day at work, I was getting back into the swing of things, but by mid afternoon it was just about falling asleep at my desk. Andrea had a little laugh, so I had a can of coke and that perked me up, but I was happy to finish work and get home to rest on Thursday night. Conner had a basketball game, they won, and apparently he shot really well. No, sleeping tablet for me - two nights in a row is enough. I slept through all by myself… yeay!

Friday was a typical one; Paula went off to Texas for the weekend to catch up with a college friend so the workday was a pretty casual one, just catching up. Bruce didn’t get to go to the gym as Justin and Jeremy were getting dropped of by their dad at 6.30am. I helped Ed out with an RFP proposal, so that was a good way to keep awake for the day.

Our weekend was a busy one, Saturday the merry go round started up again, we had baseball tryouts in the afternoon, Jamieson kicked baseball butt. He caught everything, hit everything and did so great. I got the chance to catch up with Kristie, she was there with Trevor trying out. We spent a couple of hours at the baseball field then went home and cleaned the house…. We had some dinner and played Trouble. Bruce Won!

We woke up to Superbowl Sunday, we spent the morning chilling out around the house and Bruce and Jamieson went over to the Rivera’s to watch the game. Kristie had taken off to London that morning, so it was just going to be the boys, which was fine with me, I was tired and wasn’t in the mood to watch a football game. Conner and I spent the afternoon at home, he watched the game on our room and I watched a movie and slept on the couch. It was a nice quiet afternoon.

So it was a pretty eventful month.

OK guys – Bruce here – Belinda has told me that I HAVE to let you know what happened through the week she was away – well – the usual I am afraid – as routines go – kids did school, I did work, we spent some pretty cool nights together though – I turned off the TV most nights and we played chess or other games – in the peace and quiet – it was very cool just to hang out – the boys seemed to calm down a lot too before bed – so THAT will be happening some more!!!

It was weird not having Belinda here – as she said – the traveling boot is normally on the other foot – so to drop her off and say goodbye – then drive home – well – that just wasn’t normal – I was so happy for her to make that trip though – just because she deserved it – it was time for her to catch up and have some “B” time!

It was officially too long though and next time I won’t be letting her go for so long!!! J

If there is one thing that this trip and adventure has done to our family – it has made it an unbelievably tight unit.

OK – the work front – for me there seems to be lots happening and after a couple (well – nearly 3) of years here – things are starting to fall into place.

On the BillyBounce front – I have to completely relaunch the model because the system here simply won’t support it the way it is – it’s too hard – so…. With the relaunch date set for June 1st – the programs will be available online for cities, clubs, national bodies and entrepreneurs to run – they will invest a set amount of dollars over a 2 year period – then gain special access to the programs and all the training etc that will enable them to make some really good dollars out of it. Then all I have to do is release specialist programs once a year to keep the model fresh and growing.

I have spent a lot of time re working this and after speaking to several cities sport and rec departments – this is the way to go here.

It will also turn it into a hands off model for me so it won’t matter where I am living in the world – they can be marketed and promoted anywhere.

With the development of the new web 2.0 and all the video information – the time is right for this to happen. I kinda feel a little like Edison – finding out the 10,000 ways the light bulb didn’t work before he finally got it right!!!

On the Angels front – I am pleased to let you know the exciting news that we have an initial North American marketing and distribution agreement being negotiated with a major company in New York – this should all be locked up in the next couple of months because they want to lock in all the Christmas stuff for 2009 and that buying starts very shortly. They also want to discuss the development of a few other items – which is exciting.

On the memorial front – we are starting to get sales through on that as well and I am contacting several companies to pick up this for national distribution as well. Several test markets are happening right now in California and Texas – which are going well.

On the Australian front – literally this weekend there is a gift fair happening in Sydney and sales have gone really well so far – woo hoo!

The bushfires will see us expand as well – we have locked into the 4 main funeral homes that have surrounded the fires and they are excited to be offering the poor families the option of our angels as a memorial. And with so many coming up – we will be busy! That will also be seen as a test market for one of the major chains across Australia in the Memorial business – so that will be interesting!

We have also designed a special fundraising Angel for the bushfire victims so we can donate to the Red Cross and the CFA – they will be in Australia in the next week.

So it’s busy busy with headway starting to be made on several fronts so I can start to let go a little and get some sleep!!!

Well – that’s about it – this was a long one huh?


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