Wednesday, March 05, 2008

End of February...

Well, February has come to end and this is a little overdue. I left off with a public holiday. As per usual, it was a fairly quiet one, it turned into a nice say. Bruce spent a little time outside in the yard. The boys assumed the position and relaxed in front of the TV for a movie then hit the park for a play in the afternoon.

Conner had (what would be his last game), they won and he played really well. It was a good game, the coach from the other team got a little testy with the ref (Bruce) at the end of the game, but when you don’t supply a ref, then you should shut up. I sat next to and chatted to the school secretary, which was an interesting conversation.

I had a busy week at work, trying to get all the stuff done that I missed with having Monday off. We caught up with Millie and Lexie for a cuppa and play, the weather is getting a little warmer so the kids are spending more time in the garage and outside playing which is nice.

On Wednesday we had an eclipse, which was pretty cool, Bruce got out with the camera and got a couple of shots which was cool, the kids were like, yeah whatever…as expected. Thursday was Millie’s birthday, she had a nice day, which is want you want when it’s someone’s birthday.

Friday was a good day for me, I’d put a lot of hours over the week, but Friday afternoon we all put down tools and had our Monthly social outing; we all went to see the movie, “Definitely Maybe”. Now there is a little back story, which is amusing to me, maybe you should have been there but it made us laugh, so I’m going to share.

Andrea and I had a conversation earlier in the week about her movie habits, she likes to get there early to get an aisle seat, and then she asked me if I was a talker. I said No (which is true) but I do make a comment here or there if I feel like it. So it was established that I would sit down the other end from her and I would take Paula – the talker with me. We got to the movie and all sat down as prearranged, I made a comment about the size of the room compared to the size of the screen, it was a HUGE screen for the room size, the other girls chuckled and I got a SHOOSH from the aisle seat…which made us laugh more.

The rest of the movie, well, it was a comedy, and Paula is a talker and has a VERY LOUD laugh, so between that and the two of us chatting (quietly, as we do) and the girls laughing at us and Paula’s laugh, I don’t think Andrea was too happy when the movie finished. Oh well, we had a fun time she got over it quick. What a relaxing afternoon, the movie, it was a good one, a bit of a girly one, but I’m glad I went and saw it.

I got home and the boys ended up going out to Youth Group at church with their friend’s family. Bruce and I had 2.5 hours without children; we didn’t know what to do…

We ended up going out and having a look around at some stores, which as usual isn’t a good thing financially. We got some presents etc, but still, we have to stop the shopping thing together. It was nice and weird being just the two of us.

The boys got home around 9.00 and off to bed, mum and dad weren’t far behind, it had been a busy and tiring week.

Saturday I finally talked to mum, she is just as busy as us, never home, sometimes I think she has a better social life than us. It was nice to chat with her and dad and catch up on the goings on that we don’t put in the emails, the kids loved talking the grandma and grandpa but getting information out of them (especially Conner) is like pulling teeth. I think it was more about listening to voices, but it was nice. Otherwise our Saturday was a fairly quiet one, for me the usual cleaning, the boys chilling out and Bruce doing a little work not to mention there’s always a basketball game for them all to watch.

Sunday was our busy day, I chatted with Rhys and Jolly on MSN which was nice to get a little home gossip. We found out that Jamieson is a Yankee again, his old coach drafted him 1st round (his father is proud) and he has 4 other Yankees from last season on his team, so it should be a fun spring.

After lunch Jamieson went off to Jenae’s birthday party at a bounce house warehouse place, then later in the day, Conner’s friend David’ came to pick him up and took him down to Some Place fun (kids fun warehouse) for his sister’s birthday. Jamieson got back around 4.00 and Conner arrived around 8.00, it was a fun day for the Hultgren boys, PARTY!!

The last week of February was a really busy one. I did my hours at the end of the week and realized I had nearly worked full time, OOPPSS!! Some of it was because I have been working at night, the good thing about that is that I’m home in the afternoons with the kids most days, then after dinner sitting down and spending some time on the laptop putting marketing literature together. Bruce had lots on; he’s getting our visa stuff done, angel’s orders, and general building of the business, so I think he has less guilt about working at night if I am as well.

The boys are being boys, Conner is enjoying school and playing ball at lunchtime with the grade 6er’s, he’s even starting taking after his mother. He’s starting making lists of things he wants to do, something to make his mother proud, he’s getting his eleven-year-old ducks in a row. He did get upset because he isn’t getting an award this trimester, he got a C, so Bruce and he had a nice talk about doing a little extra work making all the difference, so we’ll see if he was heard.

Jamieson, although he had a crappy week (manners, tantrums and yelling), which makes life at home fun, NOT, is doing well. He doesn’t have a lot of privileges at the moment, which I think has helped him realize that it’s just not going to work, or at least I hope it has. He is having fun with his friends and school is doing fine, I will get a photo of them both, Jamieson had grown again…Conner better get some height pretty quick or Jamieson will be nose to nose. This summer will be an interesting one in the growing race. Jamieson is just all legs…the good thing is that he seems to have gotten used to his size; the clumsiness seems to have stopped.

By the end of the week I had achieved what I wanted to, the company pamphlet is nearly done. We got a crunch on Thursday, (no one had told me, Paula had forgotten to let me know, I found out on Wednesday afternoon) we had to get out our SOQ (which we didn’t have) for a bid package as a part of OLA (office buddy) proposal. So Paula and I sat down and punched it out in about 3 hours, it wasn’t good circumstances, but we do do great work when we have to. It came out really good, I just have to put more project work and add a few things and the document will be done properly. It was push and although it was a nightmare for a couple of hours, it made us just get it done. Now, the pamphlet will be finished in the next week or so, we just have to put the text together and I am coordinating with the website people. Then our Marketing tools will be done (thank goodness)

Add to that we are interviewing for planners, and trying to get all our other stuff done, saying it’s busy is sometimes an understatement.

As you can tell, we are all busy, the boys with their sport and school, with work and the house and trying to keep 3 boys in tact, Bruce is always busy with one thing or another. Life has never and will never be dull…

I hope everyone is well and had a great February.

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY - to Pete…… good to hear you had a nice day. See you very soon!! YEAY!!!

Thanks to you all who have kept us in the loop with all the gossip and great news that’s happening, keep up the good work and remember to keep me in the loop.

See you back here in a couple of weeks.


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