Tuesday, May 15, 2007

From May 7th

Another week is coming to a close so it’s time I sat down and wrote about the week that’s been. There’s been nothing out of the ordinary to report really. The boys went to school this week preparing for Mothers Day, well, for Jamieson anyway. I got my invitation to a Mother’s day tea on Thursday afternoon, which he was really looking forward to. Work for me was not too bad, still tidying up the loose ends, which is getting a little frustrating but the good thing that I have learnt out of it, is that we need to go through everything every 6 months, so there’s no slipping through the cracks. The weather is really warming up, it was 30’s at the start of the week, but by the end it has become nice and mild in the mid 20’s. The boys have been riding their bikes to school which they are really enjoying and it also means that we don’t have to go to pick them up from school every day. I will still be making an appearance a couple of times a week to make sure I’m not missing out on anything. It’s also the only time I get some of the girls and I can’t not do that. On Thursday morning Bruce woke me up at 4.00am and we were out the door and in the car driving to the airport. Bruce is off to Vegas for a few days to go to a Nike camp. I was back in bed by 5.30 and up again at 7.00am to get everyone up and out the door (me included to do Parent helping) at 8.00am. I left work early to go to Mother’s Day tea with Jamieson and his class. We were treated to gifts, songs and we all had cake and ice cream. It was really nice and they practiced hard all week on the songs. Jamieson had a baseball game and as per usual it turned into a late night, as it usually does. We didn’t get home until around 8.30 although we did have to stop and get some presents for the boys teachers, as it is teacher appreciation week this week. Bruce called to say goodnight and was stuffed. He had walked the strip all day in 98F (36c) weather and his legs were killing him. Paula came over for a drink. She lost her dad 12 months ago so I had a drink with her and we just sat down and chilled out for the night. Our Friday was a weird one, feeling very unmotivated, I only spent a couple of hours at work, I had to pick the kids up early anyway so I really only took an hour off. We had a really quiet afternoon, went over to Paula’s for a quick swim and then spent the night in. The boys played quietly until around 9.00. We did however get some good news for the Korostin family. It seems we may have actually found some family from Russia, I am really excited and I hope that they are the family we’ve been looking for, for a very long time. The rest of our weekend was not too bad, Jamieson had baseball and Conner had a birthday party, so I had some driving around to do. Jamieson played really well, and Conner had a fun time at the party. I cleaned the house in the afternoon and we went over to Paula’s so the kids could have a swim and Paula and I decided that for our girls weekend to celebrate her Divorce we are going on a road trip for a couple of days. We are hiring a convertible and heading down the coast for the weekend. It should be a lot of fun. My mother’s day was not too bad at all. I spent the morning putting photo’s up on the blog, and the afternoon we met Paula and the boys at the park and spent the afternoon at the park. The boys all rode their bikes and played baseball and basketball and Paula and I sat in the sun and chatted. Then we went to Paula’s for a swim and dinner and went to pick Bruce up at the airport from his trip to Vegas. It’s been a nice week and the weather is definitely getting warmer, 30c most of the week. We are getting into the swing of summer time and finishing up the school year. It’s getting to be a sad time, as The Charles and Hawkins are moving over the summer, which won’t be fun. It just means we have to make an effort to see them, no laziness anymore. Again, say it loud and say it proud – GO CATS!!!!!!

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