Saturday, March 17, 2007

From March 2nd...

Hey everyone, Bruce here again. Well – where have the last 2 weeks gone? Is it just me or is TIME JUST FLYING????? It is Saturday night March 17, and I am sitting here watching the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE from Melbourne – looks like a beautiful day – and it seems to me there isn’t as many people there this year as normal on race day – maybe someone can confirm or correct that! Before I go on…. GO YOU MIGHTY BLUE BOYS!!!!! NAB Cup Champions 2007. Yes – I know – I can hear some of you now thinking “yeah – but what about the real stuff?” Well – I am happy enough to win any silverware for the trophy cabinet – as I am sure many of you would be. So na na na na na!!!! We Won you didn’t sticking my tongue out at you – hahahahahahahahaha! Now that’s out of the system – what has been going on up here in now Sunny Sacramento… the last 2 weeks have been frantic to say the least – let me just try and do the best I can to give you guys an update. It is Saturday night – 8.52pm – Belinda and the boys are all out cold asleep in bed. Belinda especially has been going at it pretty hard at work and then having to come home and “run” the place. Of course – without her – all the boys in the house would be buggered – and very hungry!!! Jamieson has started baseball – that true American pastime – and he LOVES it! The first tournament is next weekend and his first few practices have gone very well. He hits it very well and now that he has a glove – we go out into the backyard most nights to throw and play catch. (Photo’s of Jamieson playing baseball coming soon) Conner now also has a glove so it is fun when we get out to play. Staying with Jamieson – he is still flying along at school – we had an open house the other night and both boys were very proud of their works as they showed us around their rooms and explained what some of the projects were for. Belinda and I were talking the other night and we think it has been really good for the dynamics of our family – the move to the USA- we simply all have to stick together and it has made a huge difference to the communication amongst us all – very cool. Conner – the poor kid went on a School Camp last week – camp my butt!!! It was made to be such a big deal for the kids – they left at 8am on the Thursday morning – and were BACK at 11.30am on Friday!!!! An over night stay – you wouldn’t believe the fuss they made over what a big deal it was at school – of course – we all thought it was a joke!!!! Well – poor old CJ – woke up Friday morning – had a hot drink at the camp – then spent the rest of the day chucking his guts up – over and over and over again!!!! It lasted until around Saturday afternoon before he started going the fang on his food again. CJ really wants to start playing touch football – we spend a lot of nights out in the back yard throwing the American mini footy around the backyard – the boy has a very good arm!!!! CJ has also grown 2cm since Christmas – Jamieson is devastated – he actually hasn’t – and is “not happy Jan” – it is sooooo nice to be able to write that and know that people get what you are saying – Belinda and I say this all the time and we have to explain it to people – I honestly thought that ad would have been converted and sent across here – it is such a classic!!!! Food – oh my god!!!! My boys are eating MACHINES!!!! Mum and Dad – I officially understand what I put you through – sorry!!!! A weather outlook from Sacramento – well – it is almost officially Spring here and – although I am not a green thumb – AT ALL!!! I can appreciate beauty and I know lots of you do as well – so last weekend I went out the front and took some photo’s of the blossoms that line our streets – they are simply stunning. All this week it has been “snowing” white blossom all over the region – just amazing – (a pain in the butt to clean up – but cool all the same) We missed all this last year as it had pretty much finished by the time we landed. The days now are just magnificent sunshine and although still cool in the morning – about 10C then gets up to about 25C each day – ah – California! Love it!!!! The shorts (and white legs) are seeing daylight again and the t-shirts are breaking out again as well – this will be the way it is until about November. Our going away party was last night (March 17th) last year – where has that time gone? The Cats won the NAB Cup that night – we had a little too much to drink – had a brilliant night – and then it really hit home that we were leaving. Well – almost a year on – I think I will write a year in review closer to the date in a couple of weeks – that will also be right after I come back from the Final Four – so it could be a good yarn I reckon! (Oh my god – Mark Webber just spun in the pit lane and the American commentators are trying to make funny Australian impersonation remarks – not good!!!) Onwards we go… As far as work goes for me – I am have been – well – busy is an over used word – but apt! With the Final Four fast approaching – I will be there in 2 weeks from right now!!! The guys at 5 Star are planning some just unbelievable promotional opportunities and I have been working closely with them designing promotional materials, schedules and heaps of other stuff for BillyBounce. We have now had Jennifer working with us in BillyBounce for her first official month and that is working out brilliantly- she is awesome. I think the biggest advantage she has is the fact that she speaks the “tongue” – everyone understands her right up front – not like me – so this is very good. We are working really hard on the website – this will be completed at the end of April – all being well – it won’t happen before the Final Four – but them’s the breaks. The new site will really put the business into the next stratosphere- so that is exciting. By the way – we will also be filming a new BillyBounce DVD in Atlanta – more on that AFTER we have shot it. Belated congratulations to Al Bell for finally joining the REAL Men!!! You know what I mean hey Al !!!!!! Well – now I am having mental blocks so it must be time to sign off before I start to write just rubbish. Hope you are all well – life in California is starting to get exciting and the reason why we came is here is starting to take affect – more news as we progress. Much Love to you all from all of us Conner, Belinda, Jamieson and Bruce PS – Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Peter and Maureen Hultgren (Feb 17 and 18) – wish we could have been there guys – Love you. PPS – lets all sing or hum this tune together…. Ready? Ra Ta Da Ta Da… Ra Ta Da Ta Da… Weeee are the Navy Blues…. C’mon – you know the words – sing it with me…. YEEEEEE HAAAAAA!!!!!!!! One last thing - check out MY BOYS!!! Below - School pics from this year....

1 comment:

JC said...

OK I cannot keep quiet despite the lack of BLOG comments for months! Aaaahhh hello Blue Boy - lets hope that history repeats itself with the pre season win for the home and away season! :-) I will never forgot the trauma of going to the Carlton ground with you in the 80s and I did not have a crocheted navy knee blankie either! What is going on with the testosterone injection - Belinda stop sleeping early and letting him get on here! :-) boys and sport - sport and boys - where has the housework food and gym stuff gorn...really love the listings whomever(sp?)is writing. Go Hawkers!!