Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
From 16th March......
We are at the end of another week. Bruce has been filling in for me, I have had a lot on and unfortunately writing the blog wasn’t a real priority. The boys are going really well at school and starting to prepare for off track (holidays).
Firstly, Bruce was doing the happy dance and then some when he heard about his Blues winning the Pre Season Grand Final!!! He was walking around the house singing the song and I’m sure you all got an email.
Last Sunday afternoon, we spent over at the Charles’ playing baseball, literally. We joined in as well, which was fun. Alfie (Captain America, as Bruce likes to call him) has a baseball field chalked out in the backyard so we get to do it all. It was a really fun afternoon; Cooper is nearly walking around, not long now.
Bruce has been working really hard and a few late nights, which of course means he is tired, but very excited about his trip to Atlanta on the 28th. He went to Portland, Oregon (home state of Mark Leader) on Tuesday, to train the coaches up so Billy Bounce could start up in another state. I dropped him off at the airport around 11.00 and the boys and I picked him up at 9.30, so it was a late night for the boys, which they didn’t mind of course.
Jamieson had his first actual baseball game (even though it was a practice game). It was raining and cold and we were just about to leave when it cleared up and they played from 5.30 – 7.00pm, as it was getting dark. I have to say (proudly) he kicked American kid butt, the coaches from the other team were even asking about him. He pretty much played all the bases, the catcher and stood in the middle as pitcher. (The coach pitches but a child plays that position for the fielding.) He got 5 catches (one running sideways and his glove twisted the other way, it’s kind of hard to explain, but it was awesome!) He caught a kid out coming into home base. The funny thing is that the catchers’ helmet was too big so he caught the ball with his glove and held his helmet up so he could see with the other hand, very funny. He also ran a home run. So overall he did pretty much everything. So it was a big day for all.
Thursday night, Jamieson had his China concert…. he did so well. He ended up covering for a couple of other kids. So in the end he had 3 parts. He took it all on and happy to do it. He spoke; he had a little speech that he had to learn and then filled in another few parts through the concert as well as singing in the chorus.
It was definitely Jamieson’s week to star, and he did. By the way, he also lost a tooth on Tuesday so we had to tooth fairy pay us a visit too. As a side note: Conner got sick of his long fringe and decided to cut it. So yes, I have to fix it, it’s short to say the least.
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week, the boys are in shorts and I have been getting into the skirts, have some color to get, but it wasn’t too ugly. (I hope!!)
Friday night, Paula came over after dinner and we chilled out and watched this show called Dirty Jobs. It’s a guy that goes and does the dirtiest jobs in America, it’s kind of gross, but interesting, I think. Paula and Bruce polished off nearly a bottle of wine and we had some Girl Scout cookies (he, he, never thought I’d say that) and she went off home around 10.30. It was a nice way to end the working week.
Saturday was the opening carnival for the Laguna Youth Baseball league. No baseball games, but it started at 9.00 with a pancake breakfast and lots of activities for the kids to do. Dylan (Charles) pitched the ball 30 miles an hour, which was the 4-year-old record for the day. (That is very impressive; the 6 year olds weren’t throwing it that hard. Jamieson, when we left with 15 mins to go had the A- Rookie record for the home run derby, 15.59 seconds for running around the diamond, his coach was very happy. We will see if he got the record when we go to training on Tuesday. He had the record at 15:88 then a kid broke it, 15:66 so he had to break it, 15.77, then 15.59. So he was happy when we left. We chilled out and the kids all played the activities then there was a parade of all the teams at around 11.00 which was really nice, they got to run out in front of all the parents and other teams.
Paula, Kristin and I went to the mall for the afternoon and Bruce had John and Dylan over for a play then they went off to the park. We got home at around 6.00 had a quiet night in, with sunburned necks from the day in the sun.
It’s now Sunday night and we had a fun day. I spent the morning cleaning from room to room, Bruce went off to the gym and the boys cleaned their play room. After lunch I made some muffins and we went out to Mark & Renee’s for afternoon tea to see them after their trip to Hawaii. The boys are all having some dinner, watching NBA and then off to bed. Bruce and I have a nice quiet Sunday night planned.
So you could say it was a good week for the Hultgren’s. The weather is nice and that makes everyone’s mood better. I hope the rain I heard you got went to the right places.
I hope everyone has a great week!!! Photo's from the last week are coming, I just have to find the time to sit down and put them on. Soon, I promise!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
From March 2nd...
Hey everyone, Bruce here again.
Well – where have the last 2 weeks gone? Is it just me or is TIME JUST FLYING?????
It is Saturday night March 17, and I am sitting here watching the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE from Melbourne – looks like a beautiful day – and it seems to me there isn’t as many people there this year as normal on race day – maybe someone can confirm or correct that!
Before I go on…. GO YOU MIGHTY BLUE BOYS!!!!! NAB Cup Champions 2007. Yes – I know – I can hear some of you now thinking “yeah – but what about the real stuff?” Well – I am happy enough to win any silverware for the trophy cabinet – as I am sure many of you would be. So na na na na na!!!! We Won you didn’t sticking my tongue out at you – hahahahahahahahaha!
Now that’s out of the system – what has been going on up here in now Sunny Sacramento… the last 2 weeks have been frantic to say the least – let me just try and do the best I can to give you guys an update.
It is Saturday night – 8.52pm – Belinda and the boys are all out cold asleep in bed.
Belinda especially has been going at it pretty hard at work and then having to come home and “run” the place. Of course – without her – all the boys in the house would be buggered – and very hungry!!!
Jamieson has started baseball – that true American pastime – and he LOVES it! The first tournament is next weekend and his first few practices have gone very well. He hits it very well and now that he has a glove – we go out into the backyard most nights to throw and play catch. (Photo’s of Jamieson playing baseball coming soon)
Conner now also has a glove so it is fun when we get out to play. Staying with Jamieson – he is still flying along at school – we had an open house the other night and both boys were very proud of their works as they showed us around their rooms and explained what some of the projects were for.
Belinda and I were talking the other night and we think it has been really good for the dynamics of our family – the move to the USA- we simply all have to stick together and it has made a huge difference to the communication amongst us all – very cool.
Conner – the poor kid went on a School Camp last week – camp my butt!!! It was made to be such a big deal for the kids – they left at 8am on the Thursday morning – and were BACK at 11.30am on Friday!!!! An over night stay – you wouldn’t believe the fuss they made over what a big deal it was at school – of course – we all thought it was a joke!!!!
Well – poor old CJ – woke up Friday morning – had a hot drink at the camp – then spent the rest of the day chucking his guts up – over and over and over again!!!!
It lasted until around Saturday afternoon before he started going the fang on his food again.
CJ really wants to start playing touch football – we spend a lot of nights out in the back yard throwing the American mini footy around the backyard – the boy has a very good arm!!!!
CJ has also grown 2cm since Christmas – Jamieson is devastated – he actually hasn’t – and is “not happy Jan” – it is sooooo nice to be able to write that and know that people get what you are saying – Belinda and I say this all the time and we have to explain it to people – I honestly thought that ad would have been converted and sent across here – it is such a classic!!!!
Food – oh my god!!!!
My boys are eating MACHINES!!!! Mum and Dad – I officially understand what I put you through – sorry!!!!
A weather outlook from Sacramento – well – it is almost officially Spring here and – although I am not a green thumb – AT ALL!!! I can appreciate beauty and I know lots of you do as well – so last weekend I went out the front and took some photo’s of the blossoms that line our streets – they are simply stunning.
All this week it has been “snowing” white blossom all over the region – just amazing – (a pain in the butt to clean up – but cool all the same) We missed all this last year as it had pretty much finished by the time we landed. The days now are just magnificent sunshine and although still cool in the morning – about 10C then gets up to about 25C each day – ah – California! Love it!!!! The shorts (and white legs) are seeing daylight again and the t-shirts are breaking out again as well – this will be the way it is until about November.
Our going away party was last night (March 17th) last year – where has that time gone? The Cats won the NAB Cup that night – we had a little too much to drink – had a brilliant night – and then it really hit home that we were leaving. Well – almost a year on – I think I will write a year in review closer to the date in a couple of weeks – that will also be right after I come back from the Final Four – so it could be a good yarn I reckon!
(Oh my god – Mark Webber just spun in the pit lane and the American commentators are trying to make funny Australian impersonation remarks – not good!!!)
Onwards we go…
As far as work goes for me – I am have been – well – busy is an over used word – but apt! With the Final Four fast approaching – I will be there in 2 weeks from right now!!!
The guys at 5 Star are planning some just unbelievable promotional opportunities and I have been working closely with them designing promotional materials, schedules and heaps of other stuff for BillyBounce.
We have now had Jennifer working with us in BillyBounce for her first official month and that is working out brilliantly- she is awesome. I think the biggest advantage she has is the fact that she speaks the “tongue” – everyone understands her right up front – not like me – so this is very good.
We are working really hard on the website – this will be completed at the end of April – all being well – it won’t happen before the Final Four – but them’s the breaks.
The new site will really put the business into the next stratosphere- so that is exciting.
By the way – we will also be filming a new BillyBounce DVD in Atlanta – more on that AFTER we have shot it.
Belated congratulations to Al Bell for finally joining the REAL Men!!! You know what I mean hey Al !!!!!!
Well – now I am having mental blocks so it must be time to sign off before I start to write just rubbish.
Hope you are all well – life in California is starting to get exciting and the reason why we came is here is starting to take affect – more news as we progress.
Much Love to you all from all of us
Conner, Belinda, Jamieson and Bruce
PS – Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Peter and Maureen Hultgren (Feb 17 and 18) – wish we could have been there guys – Love you.
PPS – lets all sing or hum this tune together…. Ready?
Ra Ta Da Ta Da…
Ra Ta Da Ta Da…
Weeee are the Navy Blues….
C’mon – you know the words – sing it with me…. YEEEEEE HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
One last thing - check out MY BOYS!!! Below - School pics from this year....
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
From Feb 24th
From February 24th
Greetings everyone – yes – it’s Bruce here.
You are stuck with a report and edition from me – so sit back, relax, put the kettle on and have a read of this week’s blog.
Firstly – before I forget – there are 2 things I must report – the boys got their report cards and we are very proud of both of them. Conner has really knuckled down and raised all his grades up at least 1-2 levels. Jamieson got A’s and B’s – he loves it. We are very proud!
Secondly – Jamieson is starting baseball this week so that will be interesting! We know he has the speed – he is like a gazelle now – his first practice is tomorrow night – so we have to go out and buy all the crap (cleats, glove and baseball pants) so he looks the part.
I am actually looking forward to seeing how he goes and how he adapts into another sport. He will be fine – not sure about the sitting and standing around though. (Yes – I know what you are thinking – a chip of the old man’s block – well – my tongue is out and I am proudly saying yes!!!!) Ha!
Yes – I am in a weird mood writing this so who knows where it is going to lead….
It is Monday night here at 9.28pm – and I am just going to write!
Conner wants to start playing football – the US kind!!! The sport system is so screwed up here and is mainly run by people who do it for money – privately – the football season – all 12 weeks of it – costs $325 – go figure!!!! PLUS you have to buy all your own pads, helmet, boots and all the other crap.
Then…. Here’s the best part – they have WEIGHT restrictions in age groups – so the really heavy kids don’t kill the normally built kids in tackles and stuff. I am not joking – some of the kids in the US weigh more than me – and they are in Year 7!!!!
Conner is starting to get really creative and basically growing up – he is writing a movie – including all costumes, scripts and props – it is going to be very cool. He is also starting to think like and entrepreneur – yes – his dad is very proud!
What else has been happening? Ummmmmm…..
The weather has turned warm again – the days are getting longer and warmer – sitting here now in a t-shirt – yeah – I know – you guys are probably sweltering – but we are still in Winter remember! We are going to try and hit the snow one more time before it melts – so stay tuned for pics.
Belinda is doing really well – her work is driving her a bit crazy – sometimes just not busy enough for her – but she sinks her teeth into everything she can in the office and the change has been welcomed – for all of us – but to see her back and using her skills is simply awesome. I am so pleased for her. In fact – she is over at Paula’s now going over stuff for the office – and I bet she is loving every minute of it.
Now… what have I been up to…. Hmmmmm – a very interesting question that one!!!!
I will just go project by project and try to update you as best as I can without confusing, boring or going on too much…
BillyBounce – we are gearing up for the NCAA Final Four championships at the end of March in Atlanta. (The Final Four is the college championship weekend – it is the largest sporting event in the US next to the Superbowl – the lead up is called March Madness and it consumes the whole country)
As you may know – I am going to be there with the BUG and doing promotions with 5 Star (our partners here in the US) and 5 Star are planning massive promotions with the BUG being a major draw card – including a dinner featuring 2000 guests and also a DVD filming session whereby we are going to make a DVD of the Top 21 things you need to know when you are coaching kids – or something to that affect.
You may ask if 5 Star are serious about the BUG – well – the man working the camera has won over 120 Emmys for film production – yep – he’s good!!!! They are going to be filming other DVD’s as well – but we will be one of them. This is all happening with PowerAde and Coke as well – so the company we are keeping is going to be good!!!!. Stay tuned for a report after that little adventure!
On the program front – we are putting programs together in 4 states at the moment – but many more are on the drawing board – and now that the High School Basketball Season is over – the phone is starting to ring.
We just made a few small changes to the BillyBounce website – so go and check them out – but major changes will be made on and after the Final Four – time is just getting away.
I have hooked up with a friend over here who is putting together some clothing samples which we can hopefully start selling in about May I think.
Some of you may have heard about my little project called PocketAngels – well – this little project has gone a little nuts across the USA – in a nutshell – after going to a conference in LA about a month ago – I met with a distributor who wants to put them right across California and Nevada (yep – that includes Las Vegas – which means I can take BUSINESS trips to Vegas!!!! God Bless America!!!!)
Then – following the LA experience I got put onto a special trade website and put the Angels up on there – so there are now a few agents selling the PocketAngels for us across the country.
When it starts to grow – I will let you know more – but for now – it looks like it could grow a leg! I am definitely going to write a book about this experience!
The good part about all of this – now that it is set up – we don’t have to do anything accept make the Angels and ship them out the door – the perfect business! Now – it just has to do what we want it to do!!!!! Cross your fingers for us! (Go and check out the website - Yes - I wrote every word and designed every card - it was fun!)
The next few months is going to see some serious flight miles logged up across the USA for BillyBounce – with programs starting in many of the states – but with careful planning and much enthusiasm – we will make the BUG a huge success – the Americans just LOVE the concept – it is so completely opposite to Australia – you couldn’t believe it unless you saw it for yourself.
Even the fact that we run programs for kids – people are full of praise, enthusiasm and so many people have simply said Thank you for helping the country and the problems with the kids. Can you imagine THAT happening at home?
Ahhhh nope!
Well – that’s about it for now.
There is much happening in the pipeline which is very exciting – but I can’t let you know about any of that until things are in place – The first 2 months of the year have been nothing short of exceptional and when the year continues this way – it is going to be one to remember as a major turning point.
We hope this finds you well – wherever on the planet you are reading this and whatever you are doing. Please go and see the Angels website and of course – pass it onto your friends to see as well. (Yeah I know – some of you are going to read some of the writings and think I have completely lost my mind – fact is – every single Angel has a specific meaning and are written from the heart – it is amazing to see your writings bring smiles and tears to people’s faces – you can’t buy that feeling!)
From all of us here – take care, be good to one another and of course, KEEP SMILING!!!
Jamieson, Conner, Belinda and Bruce
(Hey - Jamieson never gets to go first - so this time he did!)
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