Sunday, January 07, 2007

From December 30th....

Saturday Another weekend begun like any other, the usual stuff, cleaning the house, washing etc. I took off to Paula’s to help pack up the apartment. She had an appointment so I got back home in time for some lunch. After lunch I continued with the house stuff, Paula called and asked if I would come to Ikea. I showered and changed into something other than a tracksuit and waited for Paula to pick me up to go to Ikea. Bruce took the boys out to spend their Christmas money. She was running late, it took her longer to finish than she thought. The boys came home with their new toy. They bought a PS2 and games, they got home and Paula arrived to pick me up. We went to Ikea, Paula got a new bed and I got a little laptop table. We went back to Paula’s to do some unpacking and some dinner. Got home around 10.30 then not long after off to bed. Big day tomorrow, we are off to the snow, and we all can’t wait. Sunday New Years Eve Woke up at the usual time, and did the usual tidying etc. We were all up and ready for our day trip to the snow and left at 10.00am. We were around half way when Jamieson did the usual, carsick!! By the time we stopped multiple times for him to chuck and then decided to stop for lunch at a place called Angels camp, to give his stomach a rest from the windy roads. We finally arrived at around 12.30 – YEAH!!! It was touch and go, we didn’t see any snow until about 2 mins before we hit the state park, Bruce was VERY nervous and getting ready to be devastated. The kids were in the car oooing and arring, it was so great to hear. Conner wasn’t this excited going to Disneyland. We spent the next 2 plus hours running around having snow fights and doing snow angels, it was the best afternoon. We got into the car around 3.00 to beat the storm that was coming in, the boys slept the whole way. We got back around 4.30 and I put the roast turkey on for dinner. We lounged around and sat down to dinner 7.00. Paula dropped in to say Happy New Year on her way out and we ate and headed over to the Charles’s. We got there around 7.45 and spent the night chatting and playing games with the kids. They beat the adults are Deal or No Deal, that was fun!!! The boys went out to the garage to play basketball and we sat there watching Eddie Murphy interview, a really funny man. We all watched the ball drop (Times Square) and all toasted with our Sparkling Apple Cider, and not long after bought the kids home to bed. It was a great New Year’s Eve, one we will always remember. Monday All slept in, the boys were up and playing their PS2, Bruce was doing some work and I started the usual, washing, cleaning tidying. Bruce and the boys went outside to do some stuff in the garden. We all had some lunch and continued on with what we were doing. Spent the day around the house, which is what we needed. The boys did some schoolwork, and played Monopoly. We had some dinner and I chatted with Millie on the phone and then Elise on messenger. I got bored and decided it was time for a charge so I cut my hair. Only the fringe, not sure how I feel about it, Bruce likes it. It’ll do for now until it grows back. Like it always does. The boys went off to bed around 8.30. Bruce went off around 9.30, after a couple of long days. Here I am at 11.00 finishing off today’s installment. It was a great end to the year and a nice lazy start to 2007; we tidied up ready for what’s to come next. Tuesday Well, today is the last day before school goes back, I’m pretty excited, the boys aren’t but they are bored so getting back will be good for them. Bruce was working from home today, the boys watched some TV in the morning while I finished up the work I need to take back to the office tomorrow and then I did some washing etc. Most exciting stuff, NOT!!! The great thing is that I now have some more direction at work, Paula wants me to oversee all the projects and make sure they are where they should be, which I think I will really enjoy. Organizing multiple things at once, my specialty, I’ve had heaps of practice; organizing Bruce makes me an expert nearly. I spent most of the afternoon sitting with my son the drama queen wasting time king (Jamieson) who didn’t want to finish his work for school so did the usual huffing and puffing and sitting and pretty much making me laugh cause it is just all too hard doing grade one work. You know that Conner doesn’t help; he’s bored so he has to put his two cents worth in, just to wind Jamieson up. Wednesday First day of school and work for 6 weeks and I have to say we were all up beat and ready to go. We walked over to school and then onto work. It was a busy day getting caught up and organizing things that should have been done, or were just waiting for me to get back to get done. I picked the boys up from school and made sure Conner got to his Math’s class that he’s doing for the next few weeks after school. He was fine and waiting with his teacher until it was time to go. He was ready to go, which was so great for him. Millie called and they came over for a visit. It was nice to catch up with them after Christmas and New years and find out what they’ve been doing. We had some dinner and after the kids went to bed on got onto messenger with Elise for a New Year catch up which was great. Thursday Another busy day started as usual, Bruce was off at work early as usual, off to work and school for the day. A usual workday for me; organizing to move some of the girls to the office downstairs. Bruce picked me up on the way home from work and then I jumped into the car and down to the supermarket to buy some stuff for dinner with Tonya and Edward. People that Bruce knows. Jamieson went to play with the kids around the corner for a little while. Conner walked home from his math class, his attitude about school and this math club is great and we are really proud of him. I made lasagna for dinner and they arrived at around 7.00. We sat down and had dinner and chatted, the usual stuff. They are of Russian descent and so we talked about that for a while. They left around 10.30, it was a good night and they were really nice people. It was a big day and we were in bed at around 11.30. Friday Happy Birthday Trudy and Raelene We woke up to another busy day, off to school and work; Bruce dropped us off cause he was working from home. We spent the morning moving some of the stuff from the upstairs to the downstairs office. We had done all we could, the girls did lunch and I was home a little earlier than usual. I picked the boys up from school and then I showered etc and got ready for the evening ahead. We are going to a high school on the other side of town to watch a high school basketball game. Bruce spent some time with them a couple of weeks ago at training. Paula called with a kid/husband drama, so I jumped into the car and over to the office. (Not something you can chat about over the phone.) I got back and changed then we piled into car and made our way to Ponderosa High School. We finally made it there, it time for the 2nd of 3 games, Junior Varsity the place was packed and getting fuller. The game started at 7.30 and you should have heard the noise for most of the game. All the kids chanting, it was so great. It was a really good atmosphere. They were in the game until after half time, then the fact that the other team had 3 kids that were 6’9” just was too much and they fell apart and lost by 20. It was a bit of a downer but the experience was a good one. Tick that off the list of things to do. We got home around 11.00 and went straight to bed. It was a long day, but lots of fun. I hope everyone had a great week, and big birthday wishes to my sisters on their???? Birthday. (Not something I will publish) A usual weekend coming up, basketball starts again and then we will just see what happens.

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