Saturday, December 30, 2006

From December 23rd....

Saturday It’s Christmas Eve (eve), and we have a few things to do before the blessed day. We got up in the morning, raining today, I’m slowly getting used to the cold mostly by not going outside. It’s bitterly cold here, like the winters in the good old days of growing up when seasons were seasons. We got into our warm clothes and went to the hardware store to get a new shower head, our shower head doesn’t face all the way to the floor, so I stand in the shower and it hits me straight in face. Not fun!!!! Also, the water here (especially here, not this bad at the apartment just down the road) has calcium in it so the showerhead has a lot of buildup that I can’t get, you can imagine me, NOT HAPPY!!! We got just the basic old-fashioned one with the long neck thing. We then went into target for the kids to look at the toys and I went to Michaels (like Lincraft) to get Paula a present. I’ve made up our Auntie Janet candle/ holder and she lost her dad just before we got here so I got her one for her dad. We dropped into another couple of stores, lots of Christmas decorations at 50% off, bought a couple of things, will get some more after Christmas. We got home later in the afternoon, for a late lunch. More Christmas prep, wrapping etc for the rest of the afternoon, it was raining and the kids were in and out of the garage playing around. We had some pizza for dinner with Paula and the boys and then after dinner we all jumped into the van and went looking at Christmas lights. You should have seen some of these houses, they were gorgeous to say the least. We took some photo's, but they just didn't do them justice at all. We drove around for an hour or so, my kids were counting basketball rings instead Christmas lights, which is funny now but that the time, it kind of mad me mad. Puala's boys fell asleep so we dropped them off at the apartment and I drove her car back to the apartment for her.
It was another late night, but it was worth it to see the gorgeous houses. It really is Chritmas when you see the work that these people put in. Sunday Merry Christmas Eve Got up around 8.00 and we all roamed around in our jammies for most of the morning. Bruce slept late; he had been awake since 5.00am so he was just making up the difference. Alfie called and we organized for them to come around for dinner and Christmas Eve drinks. Paula was coming over before picking up the boys so I had to go out and get some stuff for dinner. Out again, it feels like I did it everyday this week, the things we do for ONE day!!! I got home and Kristin dropped off the spanner (wrench) that was a funny conversation Bruce trying to explain to Alfie what a wrench is. That was the Australian thing they learnt, well not really but that comes later. I spent the afternoon doing food prep, lasagna, garlic bread, scalloped potatoes our usual Christmas Eve dinner we have. I was supposed to go out and help Paula with her moving, but when I went she wasn’t there. It gave me more time, which I needed anyway. I chatted with Rael’s for Christmas, which was good to see her face and the house behind her, no idea why. It was all great until she started crying when we were saying good bye, so of course I got teary too. The Charles’s arrived at 5.30, and we settled in for a few drinks before dinner and the kids ran off to the garage to play. Smiling Cooper stayed with us in his Santa suit, so cute!!!! I got a great picture with him too, to add to his first year timeline. Paula arrived and we sat down to dinner, the kids sat in the back room and we had a great chat sitting at the dinner table. The other thing Australian thing they learnt was ‘PISSED’, Kristin wanted to know what we called drunk etc, so they got a lesson in the whole drinking slang thing. It was a really nice night, not like our Christmas Eve drinks but it was nice. It was weird, that’s when the whole Christmas in another country hit me I think, none of the usual faces to start our Christmas celebrations with. Everyone left around 10.00 and Jamieson finally got to sleep around 11.30. I chatted with Elise and the Lynch clan; which did make me a little misty, especially hearing that they were teary. They sounded like they were having fun, so that just made me jealous cause I know how much fun they have, and we weren’t there to have fun with them. Jamieson finally went to sleep and Bruce had to go out and get batteries. We got the video out and it didn’t work, not happy AT ALL!! We were in bed at around 1.00am. Monday Merry Christmas We woke up at 7.00am, Conner was already up and lying in bed. We got up and Conner sat and started looking through his stocking and Bruce decided to wake Jamieson so they could open their pressies together. We spent the next hour or so opening pressies and had some breakfast at around 9.00am. The boys played with their toys and I tidied up the house for the day. Paula called around 10.00 freaking out, the turkey was off, so I’ve now banned her from anything that has to do with Turkey’s and grabbed some chicken out of the freezer. It’s a good Christmas story. Bruce showered and the boys got ready and I eventually went to get ready when the Charles’s arrived. That was cut short but it was great to see them before they went to Kristin’s mums, Paula and the boys arrived and eventually I went and got ready. Put on my new dress/top that I bought at Macy’s with Paula. So cute!!!! Just sat around and chatted for a couple of hours then around 1.30 we decided to put on the veggies etc for dinner. Bruce took the kids to the park so the boys could ride their new bikes, so Paula and I started veggies etc. We sat down to Christmas lunch at around 2.30, which was interesting. Paula let Justin start watching ‘CARS’, so when lunch was ready she turned it off and they pitched tantrums, so that made the start of lunch not fun. That routine seemed to go on the whole day, on the up side our kids looked like angels so we were happy as clams. We ate and spent the rest of the day eating and chatting over food and drinks. We got phone calls from home, which was nice, and I was on messenger as well, so the end of the day was really busy. We organized the kids into jammies and got the projector out, blew up the beds and set them up for sleeping in the lounge room. Then at around 8.30 we all settled in and watched “Cars” on the big screen. The movie finished, the kids all went to sleep and so did we, it has been a big few days and I feel like I could sleep for a week. Tuesday Boxing Day We all woke up around 7.30, Jeremy was up and in with Paula and the rest all slept in a little later. YEAY!!!! Justin woke up at around 7.45 which was apparently a first for him, so he got high five’s all round. We had pancakes for breakfast and Bruce went out to the Sales to have a look around. The rest of us just chilled out for the morning in our jarmies. The boys stayed with me for the afternoon while Paula went and organized moving into the house. Bruce came back with a box from the post office from Uncle Ross and found a box from Auntie Tracey on the front porch. Christmas surprises from them and the kids – thanks guys, very much appreciated. Bruce left at around 1.00 to help Paula with the furniture and they both got back around 5.00. Good timing, the boys were ready to go home by then and we were ready to just sit quietly around for the night. We had some dinner and the boys were in bed early and Bruce and I were not that far behind. As you do after Christmas, the exhaustion sets in and boy did it set in with us. And that everyone, was our Christmas, apart from missing the amount of people I’m used to being around on the day, it was a fun day and we actually enjoyed not having to go anywhere. Wednesday Bruce worked today in the office; the boys played with their new toys which left me to clean and tidy (looking at that Christmas tree all day) too hard, do it tomorrow!! I got through the cupboards etc, and even managed to organize a bit of the boy’s stuff. It was a pretty quiet day my all accounts, which is exactly what was needed. Did washing and cleaning the usual, getting back to work is beginning to look very appealing at the moment. So that was it for our Wednesday, nothing exciting, just the same as a lot of others I’m sure. Thursday Up early this morning, not sure why, Bruce left at the usual 6.00 for the office and I got up and muddled around the kitchen for a little while. Conner was up not long after and at around 8.00am the handyman (Steve) turned up to fix and couple of things for us. Very funny man, was in Australia, caused a bit of havoc (to say the least) was put in jail twice and was picked up from his commanding officer, they went back to the ship and onto Vietnam. (He thought he was going to die, so he didn’t care) he kept me laughing for the time he was here, great guy. Fixed everything for me and was out of the house at around 10.00. I did some washing etc, the boys watched a movie and played with their toys, Bruce called to say that he had a good meeting with his boss at work so that pepped us up. I did some work for Bruce on the computer and that was our afternoon. Bruce got home, picked up his new bike and took it back to Wal-Mart to get a replacement. (Tyres were going flat). Paula called to see if we wanted to come around for dinner but ours was just about cooked, so we headed over there after dinner. We arrived around 7.00, checked out the new digs, the kids played with the boys and their new toys and Paula and I made some cup cakes for Justin’s birthday tomorrow. Bruce hooked up her new surround sound and all the boys watched CARS, while Bruce dozed on the couch. We were home by 9.00 and the boys went straight to bed. Bruce did some work as did I and we were off to bed around 11.00. Friday Another usual day again, our lives seem to becoming very normal and quite boring, it has taken longer to become that way than I thought so I guess I should be happy about that. Bruce was off to work early to pack some boxes; the boys and I did the usual for the day. All the mundane activities we usually do; washing, tidying, baking etc. They asked if they could go to the park, but the last time we went to the park I nearly got frostbite, and the weather today although the sun is out it topped out in the 60’s (10-12c) and seeing as how we don’t have balaclavas it wasn’t really an option for me. I spent most of the morning cleaning and reorganizing Bruce’s office. As much as I could without moving all the paperwork that needs to be attended to. I have to admit it looks a lot better and Bruce is happy 1. With it and 2. With the fact that he didn’t have to do it. (Amen on that one!!! From Bruce) Bruce arrived home mid afternoon and took the opportunity to go out and have a look around at the sales and grab some Christmas stuff that was on sale. The boys got onto the bikes and went for a ride around, they dropped into the Charles’s for a quick visit, and then rode around and came back home. I got home around 6.00 just in time for dinner. The boys watched a movie, cars, again!!! Paula dropped in for a visit and the boys went off to bed, so Paula and I sat down with a nice drink while Bruce sat at the table and did his Christmas jigsaw. Paula left around 10.30 and Bruce and I went off to bed, another long day, especially for Bruce. I have to say, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this cold weather, it has been a fairly sunny end to the week, but still FREEZING cold!!!! Everyone at home have a fabulous New Year’s Eve and great first week of 2007. Have a New Year drink for us, and wish for a successful year for Billy Bounce, then we can come home. (Amen again!!!! Yes – its me!!!) HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE FROM THE HULTGRENS SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

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