It was another late night, but it was worth it to see the gorgeous houses. It really is Chritmas when you see the work that these people put in.
Merry Christmas Eve
Got up around 8.00 and we all roamed around in our jammies for most of the morning. Bruce slept late; he had been awake since 5.00am so he was just making up the difference. Alfie called and we organized for them to come around for dinner and Christmas Eve drinks. Paula was coming over before picking up the boys so I had to go out and get some stuff for dinner. Out again, it feels like I did it everyday this week, the things we do for ONE day!!! I got home and Kristin dropped off the spanner (wrench) that was a funny conversation Bruce trying to explain to Alfie what a wrench is. That was the Australian thing they learnt, well not really but that comes later.
I spent the afternoon doing food prep, lasagna, garlic bread, scalloped potatoes our usual Christmas Eve dinner we have. I was supposed to go out and help Paula with her moving, but when I went she wasn’t there. It gave me more time, which I needed anyway. I chatted with Rael’s for Christmas, which was good to see her face and the house behind her, no idea why. It was all great until she started crying when we were saying good bye, so of course I got teary too.
The Charles’s arrived at 5.30, and we settled in for a few drinks before dinner and the kids ran off to the garage to play. Smiling Cooper stayed with us in his Santa suit, so cute!!!! I got a great picture with him too, to add to his first year timeline. Paula arrived and we sat down to dinner, the kids sat in the back room and we had a great chat sitting at the dinner table.
The other thing Australian thing they learnt was ‘PISSED’, Kristin wanted to know what we called drunk etc, so they got a lesson in the whole drinking slang thing. It was a really nice night, not like our Christmas Eve drinks but it was nice. It was weird, that’s when the whole Christmas in another country hit me I think, none of the usual faces to start our Christmas celebrations with. Everyone left around 10.00 and Jamieson finally got to sleep around 11.30. I chatted with Elise and the Lynch clan; which did make me a little misty, especially hearing that they were teary. They sounded like they were having fun, so that just made me jealous cause I know how much fun they have, and we weren’t there to have fun with them.
Jamieson finally went to sleep and Bruce had to go out and get batteries. We got the video out and it didn’t work, not happy AT ALL!! We were in bed at around 1.00am.
Merry Christmas
We woke up at 7.00am, Conner was already up and lying in bed. We got up and Conner sat and started looking through his stocking and Bruce decided to wake Jamieson so they could open their pressies together. We spent the next hour or so opening pressies and had some breakfast at around 9.00am. The boys played with their toys and I tidied up the house for the day. Paula called around 10.00 freaking out, the turkey was off, so I’ve now banned her from anything that has to do with Turkey’s and grabbed some chicken out of the freezer. It’s a good Christmas story.
Bruce showered and the boys got ready and I eventually went to get ready when the Charles’s arrived. That was cut short but it was great to see them before they went to Kristin’s mums, Paula and the boys arrived and eventually I went and got ready. Put on my new dress/top that I bought at Macy’s with Paula. So cute!!!!
Just sat around and chatted for a couple of hours then around 1.30 we decided to put on the veggies etc for dinner. Bruce took the kids to the park so the boys could ride their new bikes, so Paula and I started veggies etc.
We sat down to Christmas lunch at around 2.30, which was interesting. Paula let Justin start watching ‘CARS’, so when lunch was ready she turned it off and they pitched tantrums, so that made the start of lunch not fun. That routine seemed to go on the whole day, on the up side our kids looked like angels so we were happy as clams. We ate and spent the rest of the day eating and chatting over food and drinks.
We got phone calls from home, which was nice, and I was on messenger as well, so the end of the day was really busy. We organized the kids into jammies and got the projector out, blew up the beds and set them up for sleeping in the lounge room. Then at around 8.30 we all settled in and watched “Cars” on the big screen.
The movie finished, the kids all went to sleep and so did we, it has been a big few days and I feel like I could sleep for a week.
Boxing Day
We all woke up around 7.30, Jeremy was up and in with Paula and the rest all slept in a little later. YEAY!!!! Justin woke up at around 7.45 which was apparently a first for him, so he got high five’s all round. We had pancakes for breakfast and Bruce went out to the Sales to have a look around. The rest of us just chilled out for the morning in our jarmies.
The boys stayed with me for the afternoon while Paula went and organized moving into the house. Bruce came back with a box from the post office from Uncle Ross and found a box from Auntie Tracey on the front porch. Christmas surprises from them and the kids – thanks guys, very much appreciated. Bruce left at around 1.00 to help Paula with the furniture and they both got back around 5.00. Good timing, the boys were ready to go home by then and we were ready to just sit quietly around for the night.
We had some dinner and the boys were in bed early and Bruce and I were not that far behind. As you do after Christmas, the exhaustion sets in and boy did it set in with us.
And that everyone, was our Christmas, apart from missing the amount of people I’m used to being around on the day, it was a fun day and we actually enjoyed not having to go anywhere.
Bruce worked today in the office; the boys played with their new toys which left me to clean and tidy (looking at that Christmas tree all day) too hard, do it tomorrow!! I got through the cupboards etc, and even managed to organize a bit of the boy’s stuff. It was a pretty quiet day my all accounts, which is exactly what was needed. Did washing and cleaning the usual, getting back to work is beginning to look very appealing at the moment.
So that was it for our Wednesday, nothing exciting, just the same as a lot of others I’m sure.
Up early this morning, not sure why, Bruce left at the usual 6.00 for the office and I got up and muddled around the kitchen for a little while. Conner was up not long after and at around 8.00am the handyman (Steve) turned up to fix and couple of things for us. Very funny man, was in Australia, caused a bit of havoc (to say the least) was put in jail twice and was picked up from his commanding officer, they went back to the ship and onto Vietnam. (He thought he was going to die, so he didn’t care) he kept me laughing for the time he was here, great guy. Fixed everything for me and was out of the house at around 10.00.
I did some washing etc, the boys watched a movie and played with their toys, Bruce called to say that he had a good meeting with his boss at work so that pepped us up. I did some work for Bruce on the computer and that was our afternoon.
Bruce got home, picked up his new bike and took it back to Wal-Mart to get a replacement. (Tyres were going flat). Paula called to see if we wanted to come around for dinner but ours was just about cooked, so we headed over there after dinner.
We arrived around 7.00, checked out the new digs, the kids played with the boys and their new toys and Paula and I made some cup cakes for Justin’s birthday tomorrow. Bruce hooked up her new surround sound and all the boys watched CARS, while Bruce dozed on the couch. We were home by 9.00 and the boys went straight to bed.
Bruce did some work as did I and we were off to bed around 11.00.
Another usual day again, our lives seem to becoming very normal and quite boring, it has taken longer to become that way than I thought so I guess I should be happy about that.
Bruce was off to work early to pack some boxes; the boys and I did the usual for the day. All the mundane activities we usually do; washing, tidying, baking etc. They asked if they could go to the park, but the last time we went to the park I nearly got frostbite, and the weather today although the sun is out it topped out in the 60’s (10-12c) and seeing as how we don’t have balaclavas it wasn’t really an option for me. I spent most of the morning cleaning and reorganizing Bruce’s office. As much as I could without moving all the paperwork that needs to be attended to. I have to admit it looks a lot better and Bruce is happy 1. With it and 2. With the fact that he didn’t have to do it. (Amen on that one!!! From Bruce)
Bruce arrived home mid afternoon and took the opportunity to go out and have a look around at the sales and grab some Christmas stuff that was on sale. The boys got onto the bikes and went for a ride around, they dropped into the Charles’s for a quick visit, and then rode around and came back home. I got home around 6.00 just in time for dinner. The boys watched a movie, cars, again!!! Paula dropped in for a visit and the boys went off to bed, so Paula and I sat down with a nice drink while Bruce sat at the table and did his Christmas jigsaw.
Paula left around 10.30 and Bruce and I went off to bed, another long day, especially for Bruce. I have to say, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this cold weather, it has been a fairly sunny end to the week, but still FREEZING cold!!!!
Everyone at home have a fabulous New Year’s Eve and great first week of 2007. Have a New Year drink for us, and wish for a successful year for Billy Bounce, then we can come home. (Amen again!!!! Yes – its me!!!)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
From December 23rd....
It’s Christmas Eve (eve), and we have a few things to do before the blessed day. We got up in the morning, raining today, I’m slowly getting used to the cold mostly by not going outside. It’s bitterly cold here, like the winters in the good old days of growing up when seasons were seasons.
We got into our warm clothes and went to the hardware store to get a new shower head, our shower head doesn’t face all the way to the floor, so I stand in the shower and it hits me straight in face. Not fun!!!! Also, the water here (especially here, not this bad at the apartment just down the road) has calcium in it so the showerhead has a lot of buildup that I can’t get, you can imagine me, NOT HAPPY!!! We got just the basic old-fashioned one with the long neck thing. We then went into target for the kids to look at the toys and I went to Michaels (like Lincraft) to get Paula a present. I’ve made up our Auntie Janet candle/ holder and she lost her dad just before we got here so I got her one for her dad. We dropped into another couple of stores, lots of Christmas decorations at 50% off, bought a couple of things, will get some more after Christmas.
We got home later in the afternoon, for a late lunch. More Christmas prep, wrapping etc for the rest of the afternoon, it was raining and the kids were in and out of the garage playing around.
We had some pizza for dinner with Paula and the boys and then after dinner we all jumped into the van and went looking at Christmas lights. You should have seen some of these houses, they were gorgeous to say the least. We took some photo's, but they just didn't do them justice at all. We drove around for an hour or so, my kids were counting basketball rings instead Christmas lights, which is funny now but that the time, it kind of mad me mad. Puala's boys fell asleep so we dropped them off at the apartment and I drove her car back to the apartment for her.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
From 16th December
Well, what a day. We got up and did the usual Saturday morning stuff. We were at the stadium at around 11.00 for Jamieson’s basketball game. They did really well, the great thing was that a couple of the kids that hadn’t scored yet this season, scored!!! Everyone was really happy and the kids were happy that they won again. We hung out at the stadium chatting to some parents then we came home and had some lunch. Paula came over and picked me up to do some shopping, really to get rid of some of the cabin fever.
I didn’t really buy any presents but Paula got a lot done and I was at the stadium for Conner’s 5.30 game at around 4.45. The boys started their game with only 7. Then at half time another one left so they were left with 6 and down by 10. To their credit they picked up their game and with the game finished and the team down by one, guess who was at the line for a free throw. Poor kid thought he had 2 shots, he missed the 1st and that was it. He put on a brave face until that huddle was over then the poor kids cried his eyes out. He came over to me and we had a chat about it. It was just like the YMCA grand final and he bought that up to. We did the usual, what if everyone had made their shots etc, etc. Eventually he was fine. That team was undefeated this year, so they did great to do what they did.
We stayed and watched the 1st quarter of the big boys game and then decided to take the boys out for some dinner. We ended up at Logan’s, Conner’s choice. We had some dinner, and then walked it off (as we always do) walking around Best Buy. We got home around 10.00, we all stayed up way too late. A long and up and down day!!
We all woke up by the alarm, got up and had breaky then off to Billy Bounce. Bruce did the 1st session with the kids, Jamieson did the 2nd session and Conner did the 3rd session. We were at the stadium until around 11.55 then we all went home for some lunch and a nap. I chatted to Rhys on messenger and mum on Skype. We had some dinner and were in bed at a reasonable hour.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
It was a pretty usual start to the week. Bruce was off at work. The boys and I did the usual, chilling out at home, going to the park to get some fresh air, not for long though, it’s just too cold. The boys went off to Jamieson’s basketball practice on Monday night, and left me alone with the peace and quiet, which was so nice.
On Tuesday Millie and I went out for lunch, which was really nice. Bruce was at home working so I was able to get out, after I dropped Millie at home, I went back out and did some more Christmas shopping.
Bruce was home for the day today, he did however have to go and do a delivery in the afternoon. I had our work breakup for lunch, which I was really looking forward to. Bruce dropped me at the office at 12.00 and the boys went off to do that delivery for the rest of the afternoon. We went to Old Sac to this really nice restaurant called the Fire House. Very Yummy food and just sitting talking with the girls is always fun. For Christmas Paula gave us all some money, we walked over to the Mall and had to spend it on ourselves, which is always fun. So, off Paula and I went, looking through the racks, I found some really cool stuff for her (which is why she loves shopping with me, you girls now how lucky I am with the shopping) A couple of hours later, we walked back to the car with new stuff, I got a couple of dresses and a top, Paula scored, she ended up with 7 things from jeans for $12.00 to a suit jacket for $15.00, dress, tops. She was very funny with her purchases, and we both now had something new to wear on Christmas Day.
I got home around 5.00 and we all sat and chatted until around 5.45 when we jumped into the car and off to Conner’s practice. I did the groceries for the week ahead then the team all went out for pizza after practice.
We got home at around 10.30, and off to bed for the others, here I am sitting at the computer writing down all about the day.
We woke up another cold day; it really is the true seasons here, which is weird because I haven’t experienced this since I was growing up. Bruce was home for the day, but working in the office. The boys chilled out and I tidied up around the house. Millie and Lexie came over for some lunch. They gave the boys remote control cars, which they just LOVED, but couldn’t use cause we didn’t have enough batteries. (More rechargeable batteries needed!!) We had a really nice lunch, the kids had a great time playing and running around and Millie and I just chatted. They left around 2.30 and I took a breath and cleaned up after out lunch.
I spent the rest of the afternoon out getting a couple more things for Christmas day and got back around 5.00. We had some dinner and Paula and the boys popped in on the way to check out the new house. We spent the rest of the night just chilling out. Elise called and we had a chat then Bruce spoke to the family. We were all in bed around 10.30, after a very hectic week.
And that has been our week leading up to Christmas; we are getting very boring and normal.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and I will catch you all before the end of another year. Hoping to catch up with some of you on Christmas Day, if not, have a drink for us.
Yearly Congratulations to –
Year 12 graduates – Nicola Tudor and Shari Livingstone
Congratulations on his school awards to Jackson Bell, great work this year we are all very proud of you.
Congratulations on a great Year as Bellaire School Captain Sophie Bell, good luck with starting High School next year.
Congratulations to Ash Livingstone on making the U/12 Geelong Rep basketball team.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
From December 9th
I woke up and had the usual Saturday urge to clean the house. The bathrooms were a must, so that’s where I started. I did 4 loads of washing, which I’m not sure how that happened. I did all of our washing while we are away. We were out of the house for Jamieson’s game at 10.30. They were a couple of players down and it was a great game. They did end up winning, even though they don’t keep score. Bruce found out from the bench, they were even with a couple of mins to go then we scored a couple of times and the other team didn’t. It was a great game.
We came home and had some lunch and I kept with the cleaning. Bruce did some work and then a nap and the kids went into the playroom and played for a while. We were back at the basketball stadium for Conner’s game at 3.30.
They WON!!!! They all played so well, and like a team, which was fabulous. They were all so happy after the game; they have some confidence, which is exactly what they needed. I chatted with Elise and Rhys on messenger, which was great.
Bruce went off to Billy Bounce for a 9.00 start, with new t-shirts for everyone. He got home around 10.30 and I was in the closet wrapping. We just chilled out for the rest of the day. It was raining all day, so we just hung out and nearly drove each other mad.
It wasn’t a very exciting day, but that was good for a change for a while.
Bruce went off to work early, as per usual. The boys were watching a movie when I decided to get my butt out of bed. We had some breakfast and I spent all the morning doing the usual, washing, tidying up. I forgot and got used to cleaning the small apartment. Going bigger takes some getting used to.
I did some more washing; I have no idea where it’s all coming from. I rearranged some stuff, still figuring out what does better where. After some lunch I made some marshmallow squares and started on the Christmas cookies.
Bruce got home from work and took Conner out to get some medical shots that he needed. While they were gone I cooked the cookies and started prep for dinner. Bruce and Conner got home and picked up Jamieson then off to basketball training. I got onto the laptop and chatted with Cameron for a while. Then the boys got home and we had some dinner.
After dinner I filled up the big tub and chilled out in the bath while the boys spanked their father at Trouble and Pictionary. They went off to bed around 9.00 and Bruce went into the office to get some of the work done that he should have done this afternoon instead of sitting in a waiting room for an hour with Conner.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Nothing much happened. The usual, the boys and I just chilled out around the house. I talked the Elise and Rhys on messenger, caught up on some email stuff. We did some Christmas shopping; it’s all nearly finished thank goodness. The boys spent Thursday decorating some Christmas decorations and Millie and Lexie came over for a visit.
Well, today pretty much was the same as the rest of the week. Bruce was out of the house early to get to work for a meeting. The boys and I got up and I did the usually tidying up and they sat around. Late morning we walked over to school and dropped off Conner’s immunization stuff, just as we were leaving Paula pulled in to drop off Jeremy’s kinder correction with Justin sick and home from school in the car. She dropped us over at Raley’s so grab the stuff we needed and was off to the video store so she could try and get some work done.
We got what we needed from the supermarket and walked home, the boys let off some steam on the walk, which they needed. We got back and I made the brownies to take to the Charles tonight for after dinner. Bruce called and was trying to get home, things just kept coming up, he made it home around 4.30 then grabbed and couple of things for the post office and took off again. He picked us up and we were at the Charles at 6.00 for dinner.
Dinner was beautiful as per usual (Kristin is a great cook), Cooper was having a great time, he is sitting up now, and very proud of himself, big grins, it’s just gorgeous. After dinner we chilled out in front of their new fireplace and TV entertainment unit, which was finished this week. It’s just beautiful. The house is all decorated and as expected it looks just beautiful, just subtle pieces everywhere, the tree is huge, and looks gorgeous, I got a photo of the boys in front of it.
After board games and Bruce starting in (like he does) about how the Kings have never won a championship and the Lakers have etc etc, we left around 10.30. It was a fun night, with lots of laughs. Christmas is going to be fun!!
I hope everyone’s week was more exciting than ours, which really isn’t that hard. Stay out of the heat and try to stay cool!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
From December 2nd.....
We all got up, I starting getting ready to go. The boys did the usual sitting around watching TV until we left, which in the end was around 11.00. That wasn’t too bad considering we wanted to leave around 10.00, Bruce packed the car while I grabbed some extra stuff and got into the car and WE WERE OFF!!!!
We drove and drove etc, etc. You know the drill, mum got some pictures and the boys slept on and off. We stopped for lunch at (of all places) McDonalds, for the second time since we got here. We jumped back into the car with the boys holding their new DVD players. The only problem was that with the bumping and no holders (yet) the battery kept slipping. So an hour or so down the road I stopped and plugged them into the lighter outlets and we were off again. We were nearly halfway there, so it was good. My butt was not even sore! I thought it would be by then.
We saw some beautiful countryside and went through mountain ranges, so there were some boring parts and some really gorgeous parts. We hit the outskirts of the San Fernando Valley, (Elise – Cinderella Story) That was a bit of an exciting part for me, we were nearly there. I had driven to LA by myself, big day for me. We stopped for some petrol and kept driving along the freeway. We drove past Magic Mountain, (Huge Theme Park), the boys were very impressed. We cruised along the freeway and past LA on our left. Then, we pretty much stopped, and spent the next hour in LA traffic. We finally got out of it and continued down the freeway, we got into Oceanside, this is a town in between LA and San Diego.
Then the Fun (NOT) really happened. We got lost to say the least, we drove around Oceanside for around an hour, I asked for directions 3 times. You can imagine my mood, after driving for 8 hours. We finally made it to the resort and had some dinner then dragged our butts into bed at around 10.00, exhausted was an understatement.
We all woke up and chilled out for the morning. We went and checked out the resort and the facilities, then we all chilled out and the boys went for a swim. We had some lunch and went got ready for out afternoon in Orange County. (Elise – I thought of you the whole time), we picked Bruce up from the airport and went for a drive around Newport. (Bruce had to conduct the very first USA BillyBounce program in the local gym – it went very well.) It was like St Kilda, we went down and walked along the beach for a bit, took some gorgeous photo’s and jumped back into the car and checked out some of the real estate and drove back to Oceanside.
We had some dinner, watched some TV and were in bed around 10.00.
Happy 8th Anniversary Bruce and Belinda.
Happy Birthday Taylor
We decided to take today and just chill before we started with the big week ahead, and Bruce was just exhausted after all the traveling he’s been doing over the last couple of months. So we chilled out in the early morning and then in the afternoon, the boys all went and played around the resort, swimming, spa, tennis, basketball and playing pool in the activity room. Mum and I hit the outlet mall, we got a couple of things and had a nice time. We got back and got ready to go out for dinner.
We went out to Olive Garden (Italian) for dinner, just the two of us. Can’t remember the last time that happened. It was really nice just to sit and chat and be adults. We finished up our dinner and went into Macy’s and bought some gorgeous Christmas decorations.
That was our anniversary day; we had a great day. We got home and they had had a dinner fiasco, the place didn’t deliver then they finally got it and they wanted to watch a DVD’s that Grandma had hired them.
We were all in bed too late, considering the HUGE day we had tomorrow.
We got up and got ready for our day. We are going to Disneyland!!!!!!
We got into the car, the kids slept and we arrived around 9.30. We parked the car (Daisy Level) and caught the shuttle into the Theme Parks.
I’ll make a very long story as short as I can. We walked around the park for the day, didn’t go on a lot of the rides, and still didn’t see everything. It was the most amazing day, the place really is a fabulous place to go. I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids did. Mum took hundreds of photo’s and we took video, so we have lots of memories. The day ended with the parade which was GREAT and then the fireworks over the castle. It was the perfect end to a dream of everyone’s. Mum had such a great day, it made the trip even more than seeing us. Which I don’t blame her, Bruce said that they have done some upgrades since he came in ’97. The place was just phenomenal. There are no words.
We had the BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!
We got up around 7.30 and pottered around until around 11.00 when we jumped into the car and made our way down to San Diego for the day. Our first destination was the World Famous San Diego Zoo. It was beautiful and huge. The only thing was that it was on a hill, so you had to walk up and down, they even had escalators that you could use, cause the hills were so steep. We stayed there until around 3.30 and decided to go and have a look around San Diego itself.
We drove around the city then parked the car in the city centre and checked out a shop Bruce loves Steve and Barry’s. The mall was beautiful and they even had some ice-skating across the road, which was cool to see.
We came home and had some dinner, leftovers out of the fridge and cupboard. Then will just chilled out and I went to bed, a head cold is trying to take me over.
It was another great day in Southern California. The weather was lovely again too; it was a beautiful 73F today. It’s like Queensland here.
The end of the week and mum’s trip has come, but we had another really busy day planned. I organized and tidied the apartment while Bruce went down and did some work and Mum and the boys went down to the beach to check it out before we left.
We checked out around 11.00 and made our way for the last time up the freeway to LA. We arrived at Hollywood Blvd around 1.00 and parked the car. We went and saw the hands and feet and Graumans Chinese theatre. Then walked next door the The Kodak Theatre (Home of Acadamy Awards) and walked up the stairs and into and around the shopping centre there. Had some photo’s taken with the Christmas trees and Hollywood sign in the background. We walked up and down the street checking out all the Vic market like stores. It’s definitely a tourist spot. Lots to see, on the sidewalk too. We stopped and had Macca’s. We have officially had it more this week than all the time we’ve been here.
We got into the car around 3.30and headed to Rodeo Drive. Driving through Beverley Hills to get there. We parked the car (Bruce thought it was hysterical, the Ford Van sitting there with all the expensive cars). We walked up and down the street then went to Nike town on Wiltshire Blvd and checked out the Beverley Wiltshire, famous from Pretty Women.
By this time it was dark and went had to get into the car to get to the airport on time, not sure about the traffic. IT wasn’t too bad and we got to the airport, mum checked in and we had some dinner. We walked mum to the gate and said our goodbyes, not enough time to get too upset and off she went through the doors. We walked to the car and started our drive home.
Jamieson slept pretty much all the way; Conner slept on and off, me of course, nothing. We made good time and got home at 1.30am. I wasn’t too tired considering the lateness, Bruce was exhausted. I called Trudy to tell them what time to pick Mum up. Got off the phone around 2,00am and off to bed.
We all woke up around 8.30, which was good considering. The boys hung out in their PJ’s all morning. I did washing moved Jamieson’s things into his room and did cleaning and tidying. There was stuff everywhere; you would think that it wasn’t too bad considering we weren’t home for just under a week.
By the time I finished all that it was after lunch then by the time the boys got ready it was around 2.00pm. We got into the car and went to get a tree and decorations. We’ve decided not to go to Seattle for Christmas.
We got home from shopping with lots of stuff and had some dinner. Then around 7.00 we put the tree up and decorated it. The boys went off to bed around 8.30, kind of. I finished off the tree and decorating and Bruce and I sat down with a cup of tea. Mum called to say she got home fine. It’s raining here, we can hear it through the skylight.
Off to bed around 10.30, still tired and hoping to get some rest. Not a lot planned for the weekend, basketball on Saturday and Billy Bounce on Sunday.
Monday, December 04, 2006
From 26th November...
We got up around 8.00 and had breakfast and all got ready for our day out at Six Flags. (OR as Bruce has renamed it; 4 Flags, cause that’s what Mum called it) We were all ready to go at 9.30, which was 30mins later than we wanted but that’s OK. We drove up the freeway towards Vallejo to Six Flags Marine World.
We arrived around 11.00 to find that it was CLOSED!!! The boys were devastated (especially Jamieson) they were so excited to show Grandma all the animals and shows. So we turned around and bought forward our shopping at the Outlet Mall in Vacaville. We arrived there at 11.30 and started out shopping day, we found a few bargains and then we went to Nike. Stayed there for far too long, but got some really great bargains, Size 17’s for Uncle Ralph, he will be happy.
We stopped and ate our pre made lunch then continued on through the afternoon. We arrived back in Elk Grove around 6.00 and Mum had her first Burger from In and Out Burger. I forgot how YUMMY their burgers are. We arrived home and the kids went to bed, I chatted to Elise on messenger and were off to bed around 10.30. Another fun, but long day.
Happy Birthday Lizzy!!!
We all woke up and just chilled out for most of the day. It was raining for most of the day. I updated all the photo’s for me and mum, Bruce prepared for the week ahead and the kids ran around the house. They were full of beans, drove us all CRAZY!!!
Bruce called Al and I spoke to Lizzy, which was great. We haven’t spoken in far too long so it was good to catch up with all the Bell Family gossip.
Bruce went out to work in the afternoon for an hour or so and we just watched a movie and did nothing, it was so nice.
The boys were in bed at 8.30 and we were not long after around 10.00. We have to be up at 4.30 to go to the airport in the morning, to go to Boston.
Bruce and I were up around 4.00 -4.30am; and out of the house to the airport to drop Bruce off. We were just about at the airport when the traffic stopped, everyone was going to the airport, it was moving pretty well, but the sheer number of cars was a bit disconcerting. We made it through and he was off to Boston and I was off back to home. I got home around 5.30 and back to bed. It must have been a good sleep, I woke back up at 8.30, and every one else was up and just chilling. I started tidying the office, something I usually do when Bruce is away, but this time I was actually at home and not off to work so it was getting done.
We all just hung out for most of the day, I went out in the afternoon and ran out and did some errands. Bruce called to say that he was in Boston and had a good flight. I got home and the boys were running around still, they had been to the park and had to run back getting soaking wet.
We were out the door to Jamieson’s basketball practice at 4.30pm. He is getting better and better. He was playing one on one against Julian (the big kid) and was out rebounding him; his improvement is blowing us away.
We had some dinner and the kids watched some TV before settling them down, or at least tried. There was definitely something in the air today; they just wouldn’t sit still. The boys were off to bed around 9.00pm and I was in bed around 10.30 and out like a light.
Got up as per usual, I had every intention of getting some of my work done. That didn’t happen. They kids chilled out in front of the TV while I tidied up and then we got into he car around 10.30 and drove down to the market Galt. That’s a town down the freeway about 10 mins away.
Mum got her LARGE suitcase and we jumped back into the car and headed back to Elk Grove. We made a couple of stops on the way home and Jamieson bought himself some toys with his birthday money.
When we got home there were some parcels at the door, one of them was our Christmas present form Mum, our Memory foam mattress. You have no idea how excited I am. I did the happy dance!!! Bruce called to tell me that he arrived in Pittsburgh and he was in this, what sounded like a flea bitten motel. He wasn’t happy, but it was only one night.
We had some dinner, I watched Gilmore girls the kids went to bed.
We were in bed at 9.30 on the new mattress with the laptop and did some work. It was SENSATIONAL!!!!
The boys came and jumped into bed with me at around 8.00 and we chatted in bed for a little while. Bruce called and gave me a laundry list, you can imagine how happy that made me. I got up and made the calls and organized the stuff I had to. It took me all morning, in and out of the house. Mum took the kids to the park to do their running laps for running club. I was still working when they got home. We all had some lunch and settled into the lounge for a lazy afternoon.
Paula called and asked me to go and check out a house, it was really nice, so we’ll see if she takes it or not. We got back an hour or so later and I was a little car sick from all the reading of the addresses. Got back to the house and the kids were watching a movie so I went and did some more on the computer and then went out to get some groceries.
We had bits and pieces for dinner and then kids were in bed early, which was nice, and peaceful. Although Conner is up and down for an hour before settling down, so that’s a pain in the butt.
We woke up and were on the road around 10.00 to take mum to see some of the sights of Sacramento. We arrived there and parked the car, then started walking along the streets and looking through some shops. Mum got some cool stuff and the boys had a run around. We checked out the paddle steamer and the bridge and saw a horse and carriage then jumped back into the car and made our way to the Capitol. (That’s what they call it here; we call it the White House or Government House)
There was a school excursion to go into Govt. House, so there were kids everywhere. By that time I’d had more than enough of Jamieson and his asking for stuff. We jumped into the car and my next stop was to go downtown and check out the stores but the kids had had enough and there wasn’t enough time cause they had to get back for running club. We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home so mum could grab some space bags for her case and made it home at around 1.45.
The boys went in and had some lunch and I went out the front and racked up the leaves, they were everywhere all from down the street too. So there is a big pile of leaves out the front of the house, not just everywhere anymore. The boys and mum went off to running club with their filled in booklets so they can get their marathon medals. I sat down and had a cup of tea and chilled before I started on some work and then prep for dinner. They got home and had a really good time; Conner even did some running with the coach. It wouldn’t surprise me if he starts running in some shape or form, he just loves it. Which would be great for Conner.
Kristin, John, Dylan and Cooper came over for a visit, Alfie is away all week like Bruce. We hadn’t seen them since they came back from Thanksgiving in Hawaii so it was great to catch up on everything. They had a great time in the sun, playing on the beach. With the temp here hitting freezing over night, it made me a little jealous. Cooper had grown so much in just over the week, as growing bubbies do. He’s just so gorgeous you just want to hug and kiss me. He just wants his mum, so I’m biding my time, it’ll come and they will all come and do sleepovers soon so Kristin and Alfie can have some time.
They left just before 6.00pm and I put dinner on, the boys did showers and we sat down and they told me about running club and their laps and how they went which was good. Bruce called to say good night from snowy Dallas and I was in bed around 11.00. I spoke to Rhys and got some Hultgren gossip, which was great. It sounds like the weather at home is lovely and hot but I am preying for rain for everyone and their gardens. There must be some very out of work pool shops and landscapers.
I woke up this morning and did some work and tidied up around the house. Paula called around 10.00 and asked me to run up the street and look at a house with her. I did a quick catch up with her and Tony and they went back to work and I came home to get organized. We had some errands to run before having to be back by 2.00 to wait for our Billy B balls to be delivered. We ran out and went out and sent mum’s box of stuff at the post office then mum grabbed a couple of things that she wanted to get.
We were at home around 1.00 and had some lunch. I called Kristin to organize them to come over for dinner. She was having one of those BLAH days, she’s dealing with contractors and they are just letting her down and Christmas is coming and he can’t do anything around the house cause her lounge is a construction zone. Anyway, I’m glad a can help her out and get them out and have them over. It’s always great to spend time with them. The boys played and chilled out all afternoon and we waited for the balls to arrive. I went out with Renee to the Country club to check out the function room for the Sweet Heart dance the PTO is organizing in Feb. Paula and I are doing decorations so we needed to check out the space. It will be interesting to see the differences to what we do at home. I went to the supermarket and grabbed some pumpkin to made Kristin soup (which she loves) to cheer her up.
They got to our place just as the truck arrived at 5.45pm. Luckily the 47 boxes were on 2 pallets not separate so moving them into the garage wasn’t a big deal, which was some thing I was worrying about. I came inside a popped a beer open for Kristin and the kids went off to play. We sat down to dinner at around 7.00 then I put the projector up and the kids watched a movie on the big screen. Paula dropped in on her way out to dinner and we all had a quick catch up.
Bruce called from Phoenix to say his flight was delayed and Alfie called from Denver to say his flight was cancelled. Poor Kristin has to wait until the morning; I only have to wait until around 11.30. Looking at her, I would’ve rather it be me waiting, so she can just have a break. Even is it’s just at night, we’ve all been there.
Mum went out and took some photos of the houses in the street and then came in and gave the boys their Christmas present EARLY!!! They got a portable DVD player each. Their faces were priceless; Mum was wrapped.
Hopefully it will make for a quieter drive to LA tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a great week; ours will be one to remember.
Sorry about the delay on getting this week’s update up, I will try to get next weeks on time for everyone.
Have a great week.
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