Sunday, November 05, 2006

October 28th

Saturday Another weekend begins with the usual, getting up and the kids watched a bit of TV, I made some pancake mix and started on the washing while made the pancakes for the kids for breakfast. I did tidying, washing, dishes and made the birthday cake so it could cool while we were out. We were out of the house at 10.00am, to basketball practice for Jamieson. It was a good session, all the parents are really nice and I think the kids will do well, which is a good thing. We went and grabbed some bread rolls etc at the supermarket in between practice sessions. Back at the stadium at 12.00 for Conner’s practice, again the parents all seem nice, there is really only a couple that drop their boys off, so that is nice to see as well. They trained really well, and Bruce gave them some homework to practice and some good instruction, I think they all learnt something or now know what they need to practice on. We were out of there at around 2.00pm, so half the day had gone already, and there was still lots to do before our pumpkin carving at the Charles’s at 5.30. We got Bruce some new shoes for work, Alfie’s birthday present and were home around 3.00pm. I did more washing and tidied up a bit more, the boys went outside to play thank goodness. I made the mousse for the frosting on the cake and let that set, did shower and hair washing, spoke to Paula on the phone. Bruce took the boys out to grab a couple of pumpkins. Around 4.00 I started on Alfie’s birthday card, (there’s a story that is just too long to tell), and then finished up with the washing. It was around 5.00 and Bruce got up and he and the boys did showers and got ready, I was still in my robe with wet hair. Bruce comes out and says Elise is online and wants to have a chat, (sorry Elise) I was elbow deep in 6 things to get done before we had to go. They were all ready to go at 5.20 and I was still finishing the card. I got that done, the 3 boys sat down and watched TV while I frosted the cake and washed the dishes, wrapped the present and wrote on the card. Then I went and dried my hair and got dressed, so I was ready at around 6.15. Bruce was not happy. Don’t get me started on that, and you can imagine how well that went down with me. We got there around 6.30 and the story of my day gave everyone a laugh so that was a bit of fun. Alfie offered me a drink and I took it, yes, you can imagine their faces when I said YES!! Everyone was sitting down to dinner, yummy as per usual. We caught up on the week; both Bruce and Alfie had been on trips so they had stories to tell. We finished up with dinner and cleaned up and started on the pumpkin hollowing. Alfie got out the tools and Bruce did it fine, I was worried about the whole pumpkin making him sick thing, he wouldn’t be able to, but he was fine. It took a while but finally the kids got started on the pumpkin carving. Conner got stuck right into it. He traced his drawing that he had done at home and did the whole thing himself, got the cutting tools and he did a great job. All the others, the kids got pretty bored of watching the adults use the cutting tools and took off to play. They all turned out really great, especially when we put them outside in the dark with the candles. The boys all sat down and watched a movie and the adults went into the lounge room and chatted, until around 10.00 when we all piled into the car and went home. We got home, put the pumpkins on the balcony and all went to bed. A big, long day. Sunday We woke up and checked our watches, daylight savings had finished so all the clocks had to go back an hour. Which made it 7.00am, Conner was up watching some TV and Jamieson woke up not long after. They chilled out for the morning; I moved them into our room so I could clean the house. Bruce and Jamieson went over to the park for a quick play before Bruce had to leave to go to work for a couple of hours. He left around 11.30 and the boys went outside to play, I finished up the cleaning and made the boys some lunch. Paula called around 2.00 just as my cookies were cooking, so we went over a little after that and headed off to the park. The boys ran and played until around 4.00. We came home and the boys cleaned up from the park, got changed and Paula and the kids came over the watch a movie, something quiet so they will chill out. They left to have dinner at 6.15 and we did the same. Spent the rest of the night, doing nothing, quietly. What a weekend, another busy one and it’s over so we can now relax and do school and work. Monday Another week begins with the sunshine and the cool air. Bruce went off to work and the boys and I went to school and work. Work was usual and school was the same for the boys. Bruce was going to pick me up from work but got caught in a meeting. So I picked them up, they went to the oval to do their running for running club and then we went to the lost and found to look for Conner’s lunch box. Nothing. Conner and Jamieson walked home and I went to After School care to pick up Justin and Jeremy. They were coming over for the afternoon and then I was making dinner for Paula’s birthday. We did homework, and then the kids played and I did dinner and cake. Paula arrived around 6.45, the boys had done bath. We had dinner and blew out the candles then the boys chilled out watching a movie, Bruce did the dishes and Paula and I sat at the table with our birthday drink and all chatted. They left around 9.00 and we were in bed not long after, an early night, which we needed. Tuesday Happy Halloween Well, it was a beautiful day, sunny all day. We did the usual things, Bruce was home working for the morning and I took the kids to school and did parent helping. I got back from school and Bruce dropped me off at work on his way to the office. The usual day for everyone, I picked the boys up from school and came home to get homework etc done before the BIG night. The boys got all their work done and even had time to go outside and play. I called them in around 5.00 to do showers and costumes. Bruce arrived home and we helped the boys get dressed. We left early, no trick or treaters at our place. We arrived at the Charles’s at around 6.00 pm, all the kids were ready to go, even Super Cooper, literally. There are photos for everyone to see. All the kids looked great, at around 6.16 all the boys went out to walk around the neighborhood, while Kristin and I stayed at the house to give out the candy. They bought Cooper back about 30 mins later and off they went again. They all got back around 7.00, which was great timing cause Paula and her boys arrived to show off their costumes. All the kids sat down and checked out their stashes. (Reminds me of us after coming home for the show and emptying out our show bags onto the floor.) I have a photo of that too, of course, my mother would be so proud. We were home by 9.00, so it wasn’t as late as we had anticipated so that was a bonus, even if they were all sugared up. They had a great time and we saw some really cool costumes. It’s just a fun night all round. We got home, chilled out for a while and then off to bed at around 10.30, and that was our first Halloween. Wednesday The weather has finally changed, I think. We woke up to an overcast day. The boys and I got up and went off to school and work, Bruce left early again. I worked until about 12.30 when Bruce picked my up to go and see the house that we wanted to move into. Chatted to Pete on messenger, he was on the morning show on channel 9; I hope you all saw it. It’s online if you haven’t. The house was beautiful; it’s got lots of light, and good window coverings. It has 2 living areas, and a yard for the kids to play as well as a garage too. The garden is landscaped and we’ll have to keep it up. It is just what we were waiting for. We rushed out of there; Bruce had to go to catch a plane to New Orleans. We drove to the airport on cloud 9, big smiles. We have a house!!!!! I drove back and picked the kids up from school. We came home and did the homework thing, and then they went outside to play. I went out to get them just after 6.00, it was dark already, not used to the winter dark yet, it’s been a long time. We had some dinner and Jamieson went off to bed. Conner conned me to stay up until 8.30, then 9.00 by the time he actually went. Bruce called from Denver then Louisiana then Baton Rouge. He arrived safely, and very tired. I stayed up, the usual not sleeping when Bruce is away, chatted with Elise on messenger at around 11.00, turned off the computer at around midnight, but not sleeping until around 1.00. A late night, better get used to it cause Bruce is away a lot over the next couple of months. Thursday Did the usual for a Thursday. The boys and I went to school and I did parent helping in Conner’s class until around 9.30 then off to work. I’m working through a Development Agreement Application at the moment, which, yes, is as boring as it sounds. It does make the day a drag I have to say. I went and picked the kids up from school, we had running club, but not for me today, I didn’t have time to change. The weather was blah anyway and they only lasted 30 mins until it was over. Then we jumped into the car and went to look for raincoats for the kids. No Joy!!!! We arrived home and had some dinner. Just a quiet night, my packing starts tomorrow, probably leaving it a bit late but oh well. Friday Got up and dropped the kids off at school and headed off to work. Paula was out at meetings for the day, I continued on with the Agreement and also did the weekly wrap up etc. Our new admin lady is starting on Monday so I did some prep for Monday morning. I am going in for an hour or so to go through everything with her, then taking off and tying up loose ends before we get the kids from school and head to the airport to pick up mum. Picked the kids up from school, came home and started packing at 3.00, stopped to cook the kids some dinner and continued on until around 10.00 when I sat down for the evening. Everything was pretty much done, packing wise. Paula dropped in to chat, I was staying up to pick Bruce up from the airport, 11.15pm. We caught up on the day, organized the weekend. Paula is helping with the move Saturday. I left for the airport at around 11.00 and Paula stayed with the kids so I didn’t have to wake them up. We got home from the airport around 12.00, just after and pretty much said good night to Paula and went to bed. TIRED!!!!!! What a week. Another busy weekend coming up, moving YEAH!!!!! Photo’s of the house are coming & Halloween, stay tuned…. Have a great week everyone, from not so warm Northern California.

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