Saturday, October 21, 2006

October 14th

Saturday I had to set the alarm this morning, meeting the girls at school at 7.00 to do the Fun Run with them. Pete came along as well, he ran the whole way, we just walked and chatted which was a lot of fun. We got back to school around 7.45, just in time to have a chat with some of the others in the Multi purpose room and then head over to the running track and wait for Bruce to bring the kids over for the kids race. They just made it, it was like that scene out of Major League where that guy starts running late and comes in from the back. They were on the run when they started, but Conner ran to the front and stayed there, he did a really good job. After that we went inside for IHOP (International House of Pancakes) pancakes and Jumba Juice, very yummy. It was all really good stuff. We sat with Paula and the Charles and had a really great breakfast. YUMMY!!!! We left there around 10.00 and dropped Bruce off at the stadium for assessment for basketball. He decided that the boys didn’t have to go, cause they automatically go into Bruce’s team. We went out and watched Justin and Jeremy play soccer, after that we went to the park next door. Went home for lunch, picked up Bruce from basketball and he came home to have a break before he had to be back for Conner ‘s age group. We then went out with Paula and kids to get Halloween costumes. We left happy with their choices and Paula got the coolest witch hat with purple feathers all around the rim. Halloween should be lots of fun, still undecided about dressing up myself, I think Bruce is the same. Came home from our outing and made lasagna for dinner, Paula and kids came over. They arrived around 6.30 and we ate around 7.00. The kids sat down and watched a movie; Pete went off to bed early, still recharging the batteries. You know Bruce gave him some stick about it. Paula and her boys left around 10.00, Jeremy was asleep on the floor. We went off to bed not long after, another hectic day. It’s not going to get much better as basketball is about to start so our Saturday’s are pretty much over. Sunday We woke up to a cloudy COLD day, which is something that we are not used to yet. Pete hired a car and visited his cousin Rob in Susanville. I dropped him at the car hire place at 9.00am. I came home and did the usual Sunday type of stuff, especially cause it is cooler. I cleaned (3 loads of washing) I had to use the dryer and baked 9 muffins and biscuits for the week. Bruce was just chilling around after a long day yesterday. I finished up the blog for the week; I know that it was late sorry!!!! It was cold outside today for the whole day which was a nice change, something to get used to. The kids were in bed around 8.30 after Sunday night football and Bruce and I were in bed at 9.30 (party animals). Monday Dropped the kids off and went to work, Admin lady off sick so I did the phones and some admin, her computer was all over the place, you wouldn’t believe where I found some stuff. We spent the day trying to figure out how she gets the little that she does. It was just a BIG mess. Bruce came and picked me up at around 2.00 and picked the kids up from school. I picked Pete up from the car hire place, came home and finished off homework. Around 5.00 went out to take Pete in Sacramento. Jumped into the car and headed up I5 to Sacramento. The traffic was pretty bad going the other way. We stopped and walked around Government House and then got back into the car and drove through Old Sac. After that we made our way back to Elk Grove and Pete took us to Logan’s for dinner. YUMM!!! It was a fun night out and we were home and in bed at a reasonable hour cause it was a school night. Tuesday Another Tuesday has come and Pete is leaving today. I took the kids to school and did parent helping. I finished off that and went off to work, Margie was still out so I was doing the front office stuff again. We picked the kids up from school then came home and got Pete organized and packed up, ready to go. Around 4.00 we made our way to the airport to drop Pete off. We said our goodbyes and hopefully he is coming back in 6 months. On the way home we dropped into some stores to get the boys some school pants, and came out with more than just school pants. Now I don’t feel like so much of a bad mother for not having cold day clothes for them. While we were there Paula called and invited us over for some dinner. We raced home as it was getting late, School night again. We had a yummy dinner and adult chat, which was nice. Got back around 8.00 and the kids went off to bed. Bruce did some prep for his trip and I watched the Gilmore Girls. We were in bed around 10.30. Bruce was going to be out early again and then had to be back to pack etc for Orlando. Wednesday Did the usual for a Wednesday. Bruce left early as usual; he had to go to LeTip. It’s a business group’s thing every Wednesday mornings. The boys and I did the school thing and I went off to work. Our Admin lady was off again, although we found out that she has been on a bit of a bender. So that’s the end of her, Paula doesn’t want her in the office, DER!!! The rest of the time was pretty much just trying to figure out what has been happening in the world of our Admin lady and making sure that we do what we can to fill the gaps. Bruce picked me up to go to the airport. We had to arrange to get the t-shirts for his trip dropped off to us near the airport; they weren’t finished when he had to come home to pack. I dropped him off at the airport and drove back to Elk Grove. I stopped and did the weekly groceries and then went home and unpacked and walked over to school to get the kids. We got home and did the homework thing; the kids were on a go-slow and not particularly motivated mode. We had a light dinner and Bruce called to say good night to the kids, from Chicago airport. It’s 3 hours ahead in Orlando so when he finally got there it was like midnight there. We had a quick chat before he went off to bed and I did the same. Thursday A typical Thursday, the boys went off to school and I did parent helping for a couple of hours. Parent helping over here for Grade 4 is just helping out by correcting and doing copying etc. There is no real interaction with the kids. But it’s good just to be in the room to check out how Conner is going. He is doing ok from what I could tell; he answered all the questions that he was asked so that was a good sign. I think he just likes the fact that I’m involved like I am with Jamieson’s grade. I came home, got changed and went to work. I have to admit, it feels like I’m not really getting a lot of work done with all the interruptions, parent helping twice a week, airport trips etc. I got home around 2.30, just in time to pick the boys up from school. We came home and did homework and then the boys got to go outside and play. It was another beautiful day, that cold day on Sunday was just a taste. The rest of the week has been just beautiful, more like Spring than Autumn (Fall). We had a light dinner (that means leftovers). My youngest son had 4 pancakes and 2 toasted sandwiches and 2 glasses of juice, I think I’m in trouble. Then the boys watched a Halloween movie. Jamieson went off to bed and I let Conner watch the end. It was around 10.00 and I had just settled into doing a little work before bed when Conner came in and informed me that his project was due TOMORROW!!! I’m sure you could see the steam coming out of my ears. I woke Bruce up to help me decide the best plan of action. We hung up from him and settled in finishing up the project. He had done most of it, most of it was just putting it together and typing it up on the computer. So he talked and I typed, then he drew the required pictures. It was all done and he was in bed at 1.00am, with a warning about NO WHINGING in the morning when I woke him up. I was asleep around 1.30 once I wound down from the 1st late homework experience. Friday We woke up to the end of another week, I woke up Conner who got up straight away and was surprisingly chipper. We all got ready for our day and went off to school. I came home and Paula called, she was having a crappy morning already and it wasn’t even 8.30 yet. She should be happy; she’s off to Disneyland for a conference. I got to work at around 9.00, once Paula let me get off the phone so we could continue the conversation face to face. I kicked Paula out of the office around 11.00 so she could go home and finish her packing etc before I picked her up at the apartment and took her to the airport. I briefly spoke to Bruce; his day was going really well, lots of meetings with well-connected people for PE gear and Billy Bounce. I drove Paula’s car back to the apartments and picked up the kids from school. We came home, no homework. I love Friday’s... no homework!!!!! We chilled out and I even laid down on the bed for a while. We had an early dinner and were out of the house and off to movie night at school at 6.00. We arrived at school and sat down with John, Dylan and Alfie with Cooper. Kristin was volunteering on the concession stand (the canteen). So the rest of us sat down and watched the movie (CARS by Disney), it was really fun. The movie finished around 8.30 and we walked home, Jamieson had MORE food and they went off to bed around 9.30pm, without any arguing so that was good for me. The child is putting it away, god help me. I relaxed on the couch and I am now sitting here in bed with my laptop finishing off the blog for you all. It’s been a long week, full of lots to do and people coming and going all over the country and world. I hope everyone had a great week; some updates from everyone would be nice, please!!! HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE, WE HAVE A BUSY WEEKEND AHEAD AND HALLOWEEN IS COMING AROUND FAST!!!!

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