Saturday, October 28, 2006

From 21st October

Saturday HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN HULTGREN!!!! And it starts again!!! We were out the door to basketball practice at 10.00am. Got there and organized everyone, there were a couple missing but overall they look like a nice bunch of kids and parents. Met with the parents after the practice to give them all their info for the upcoming weeks, schedules etc. Then we went to supermarket and grabbed some rolls etc for lunch before heading back to the stadium for Conner’s practice at 12.30. Conner’s team is not looking too bad either. There was 3 kids missing so we will see, the ones that were there were all about the same skill wise which is great. Conner did really well and shot really well. Out of there by 1.45 and went to watch John’s soccer game, they were playing Justin and Jeremy’s team. They were up 1-0 when we got there, but ended up losing 2-1. Poor John was upset. They were off fireplace shopping for the afternoon; Alfie is off to Boston tomorrow, so they were spending time with Dad. Got home around 2.45 and tidying up and cleaned. The boys went out to play and cleaned out our wardrobe. All the summer stuff was folded and put at the bottom and all the winter stuff at the top. Yes, all of you just laugh. My neurosis is paying off; Ed (from office) wants to contract me out to organize him and his other offices when I’m done with Paula, so HAHAHA!! I used to do that for nothing for my friends and now I’m getting paid to do it. GBA!!!! – As my husband would say. I let the boys stay outside playing, they came in around dark (7.00pm), and they are really good about that. Bruce had called and was on his way home from across the country. Landing in LA at 9.30. The boys did showers and dinner and sat down and watched a movie until 9.45, when Bruce called to say goodnight as he was changing planes. I put them to bed only to have to wake them up at 11.30 to pick Bruce up from the airport. Poor things, they didn’t know where they were, I couldn’t just pick them up though they are just too big and heavy, especially going down the stairs. NOPE!!! We got to the airport, did a couple of laps while Bruce waited for his bags and he drove home. We emptied the car and all went to bed. He had a very successful trip and I’m sure I will insert HERE!! (Hi everyone – yes Bruce here – the trip was a PE conference in Orlando – got really good feedback about the PE Uniforms – I can now also use these contacts to promote the BUG! Gotta love it. But the way – I have a book recommendation for you – it is called “Why We Want You to be Rich” by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki – it isn’t a rah rah book – it is a very good eye opener of the state of economies and why we all need to not rely on government hand outs and most super plans – very interesting – if it wasn’t good – I wouldn’t be writing this!) Another busy Saturday and late night/ early morning. We have a lot of those coming up with the holiday season approaching. Lots of stuff on which is exciting. I think we have full weekends up until New Year with basketball, day trips with mum, all the holidays, and our trips to LA and Seattle, it’s going to be a lot of fun. FYI – My mum (Ellen) leaves on the 6th November to come over so if there is anything anyone would like to send (pictures) seeing as how none of you can be bothered emailing them. Maybe you’ll do it the old fashioned way. Side Note – Miss Paula (what the boys call her) had this CD in the car and I’ve been listening to it for a while, so I finally grabbed it to copy and it’s Keith Urban – Golden Road (can you believe it, Bruce and I had a laugh) I would highly recommend it. I think it’s an old one, but it’s great. Sunday Well, after the late night we were all up at around 8.30, which wasn’t too bad. I got up and the boys asked for pancakes, it’s becoming something they have frequently. Luckily I make great pancakes. Bruce was up so we went through his suitcase and saw what he bought while away and put pressies away and gave the boys their stuff. He got some really nice runner for like $11.00 and some really ugly Kareem Abdul Jabaar ones, but they were $7.00, so why not. Luckily Conner’s team this season is the Laker’s. He bought Conner a pair of runner, as he has a whacking big hole in his others, which I found, he didn’t tell me about. But they were too small, so Jamieson has now got some new basketball shoes. He stayed in bed and I got up put some washing on and made the boys their pancakes. Jamieson had a birthday party at 1.00pm so they had to go out and buy Mikey a present. They went off to the party around 1.00 and Conner and I had a snack and headed out to get him a new pair of shoes for school tomorrow. We went to a couple of stores and finally found some nice ones at Mervyns 50% off We got back and the boys went out to play and I did some baking and prep for dinner. Bruce called Dylan for his birthday and had a nice catch up. The boys came in, we had some dinner and they went off to bed around 8.00. Early morning tomorrow we have to go to the Charles’s, I’m sitting with Cooper and Dylan while Kristin fills in for what should be Paula’s parent helping (but she is in LA until Wed). Monday It’s Say no to Drugs week, so the kids have got lots of fun stuff on this week. Jamieson’s teacher Mrs Sack dressed up as a Bumble Bee today, for bee smart, live drug free. I dropped the boys off at school and I went to the Charles’s. I was looking after Cooper and Dylan while Kristin did parent helping. Poor little Cooper is teething so it’s wasn’t the best fun, I pretty much walked him around the house for 2 hours. Poor Dylan, we did some drawing but I had to hold Cooper. I drove over as Bruce wasn’t leaving for the office until later. Bruce didn’t have to go in early so he was at home working. He dropped me at work. Beautiful day around 28c, got some of my projects done which was good. I feel like I’m making a dent. Kristin picked me up from work and we went to school to pick up the boys. We did homework; the boys went out to play. I cleaned, and prepped for dinner. There is a walk through the apartment tomorrow, so it has to be clean. I spoke to mum for an hour or so on skype. We went though her list etc for when she comes over. Everyone is very excited, not many sleeps now. We had some dinner, the boys went off to bed, I did some work and so did Bruce. Just another beautiful Monday in Northern California, it’s getting cooler here in the mornings otherwise it’s still around 80F most days. Tuesday Woke up to another beautiful morning, we all got organized and went over to school while Bruce worked at home. This morning the kids were able to bring their slippers, for Give Drugs the slip. Mrs. Sack was dressed in red top and cape & red flannel pants. To top it off she had red fluffy slippers with big googly eyes with glasses, very cool. No parent helping, the kids were off to an assembly so I got some gluing to do at home instead. Bruce dropped me off at work, got stuck into my big job, organizing project binders. It took a lot of the day and I’m still not done yet, big job. Kristin picked me up from work and we went to pick the boys up from school. We went home, had some snacks and did homework, then around 4.00 we walked over the school for my Parent teacher with Mrs Sack. The boys went to the oval to watch the school flag football team. The interview went pretty much as expected, she thinks he’s great and he is doing fantastic, nothing bad to report, the only thing he has to work on is slowing down and not going ahead at times when he shouldn’t. Came home, Bruce got home around 6.00 had chicken for dinner, no cooking, yeah for me. The boys went out and played for a while. They came in did the usual shower and dinner, some reading and then went off to bed around 8.30. I started my gluing for tomorrow and Bruce went into the office and did some Billy Bounce props. The gluing took me an hour or so and then I chilled out in front of the TV before heading off to bed around 10.30pm. A pretty successful day, for all of us. Wednesday Funny hat day at school, so we compromised, I raided the Billy bounce bag and found the wig and ball hat. So Jamieson got the wig and we put a cap on it and Conner took the cut out ball. Jamieson thought he looked great until we got to school and then the kids thought it was really funny, but he got upset, so I had to take the wig home. Mrs Sack was dressed as Twister for ‘Don’t let drugs twist your mind’. Her outfit was fantastic, she had a twister board dress, where she got the twister fabric is beyond me. She also had the actual board as a hat. They just have so much fun, no wonder Jamieson is doing so well. I walked back home, grabbed Paula’s car and drove to the airport to pick up Paula from her conference in LA. We drove back to work, then worked until 2.00 when Kelly dropped me back home. We did homework, I made Halloween cookies, then I went out to do the groceries, Bruce called to let me know that Paula and the boys were grabbing some dinner and coming to have it at our place with us. By the time I got back they were all pretty much finished, they stayed for a little longer and then went off home. Bruce and I did some work on the computer and then off to bed at a reasonable hour, 10.30. Another busy day in Sacramento, it was actually a cool day today; I have to say I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. The apartment was actually cool tonight. Thursday Bruce was up and out of the house early this morning; Jamieson came in and jumped into bed with me for a little while. We were out the door and off to school. I did parent helping in Conner’s grade this morning. He looks like he’s doing really well, thank goodness. I left there around 9.45 and walked home, Paula came and got me. We chatted about the night we’d had and she dropped me off at work and headed off the Plymouth for her usual Thursday. I continued on with my projects until around 2.00 when Bruce came and picked me up. We came home and I got changed and went over to school to pick the boys up and go to running club. Chatted with Kristin, Dylan and Cooper. We went off to running club, Conner took off running Jamieson pitched a tantrum cause he didn’t want to do it. Which is fine, but I was running and Jamieson decided that he didn’t want me to run so he was running beside me grabbing my shirt and arms. You can imagine how happy that made me. Needless to say by the end of the session he was running and playing games with the rest of us. We got home and did homework, Millie and Lexie dropped in for a coffee. After they left, I jumped into the car and did some shopping. I got some great bargains, jackets and skirt with top. I got home and the boys were going off to bed, Jamieson was out like a light 5 mins later. Conner and I chatted with Rael’s and Felix on Skype for a while. After that I sat down to watch Grey’s, repeat – not happy Jan. So here I am, 10.30 and finishing off today’s installment. So that was our day today, lots of fun and tantrums too. Wouldn’t be a day without them I suppose. Coming to the end of another week, the kids have a minimum day tomorrow, so we are off the park at 12.30 after school finishes which should be fun. Weather permitting of course. In case you were wondering, Mrs Sack was dressed as a Tootsie roll today, the theme was ‘Role Model’, not sure how that fits in but she looked fantastic anyway. Good night everyone, I’m off to bed. Friday Another week has come to an end and we are all a little tired. Bruce was off at 6.00am and the boys and I were out the door at 8.00, as usual. I walked to work as it was a minimum day today so the boys were only in school until 12.30. I decided not to take my laptop to work; I had enough stuff to do without it, so why wreck the back even more. It was a beautiful morning for a walk, listening along with Keith Urban, I’m a new fan. Went through the usual routine for a Friday, its admin day so I ploughed through. I left the office just after 11.30 so I could make it home to get all the snacks etc ready to take to school. We are going straight to the park for a play to say goodbye to a family that is moving to Texas. I made it to school; bags loaded up and off we all went to the park. Reports got sent home today – Jamieson, I have already been through with Mrs. Sack at Parent teacher conference, all A’s and a B+ in math, because he rushes sometimes without listening to instructions. Typical Jamieson!!!! Conner we are really proud of, he worked really hard to make up some of the ground he needed to and got all B’s and a C+. Also some really encouraging and proud comments from his teachers, so overall it was a really good report day. Paula and the boys came and Kristin was going home to drop off the groceries and bringing the boys over. The kids all played and the mum’s all chatted until around 2.30, so that filled in a nice amount of time. We decided that we would see them before they go so it wasn’t too sad. We walked home and grabbed Paula’s car dropped her at work and then I took all the boys out so Justin and Jeremy to get Paula a birthday present for Monday. We got back to the office at around 5.00 and grabbed some pizzas for dinner and made our way home. Bruce called and was on his way home from the office, Friday night traffic so it would be a lottery as to how long it would take. (Bruce here again – yes- the lottery was alive because over on the next freeway - #99 – a policeman had been shot in the afternoon – so they had closed the freeway – thankfully the drive home was only 1 hour) We had some dinner and the girls had a nice Bailey’s, which went down very well after a big week. Bruce arrived home after we had just finished, and grabbed some pizza too. We hung out and chatted until around 7.30 when they left to go home and do baths and all that stuff. Our boys did pretty much the same, they were tired and were in bed and out to it at 9.30. Bruce was working in the office as per usual and I’m here typing in the blog. It’s now time for bed; we are all stuffed and have a big weekend ahead. Basketball practice in the morning/afternoon, going to the pumpkins patch and getting pumpkins for carving tomorrow night at the Charles’s. I’m also making a birthday cake for Paula and Alfie’s birthday, it’s on Monday but just in case we don’t see them. (Alfie wanted a cake like Bruce’s). You ask and you shall receive, if possible. I’ve decided on the same cake as Bruce’s (Mud Like Cake) but I am putting Chocolate Mousse as frosting for something different, I’ve done it before for Bruce’s birthday once and it was very yummy Then Sunday Bruce has to go into work and I think Paula and the kids and I are going into our office to put some new desks together. So half a working day on Sunday then I’m sure it will be a sloth for the rest of the day. Time to sign off for another week, I hope everyone is going well and your Christmas shopping has started, or you’re all at least thinking about it. From all of us here in Sunny (still) Northern California, have a great weekend and a really good week. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE STARTING EXAMS, REMEMBER TO TAKE IN THE CADBURY CHOCOLATE FOR THAT EXTRA SPARK YOU MAY NEED, YOU CAN WORK IT OFF LATER. Note to all for webcam and messaging- USA is going off day light savings and Australia is going on so we gain 2 hours. The difference will only be 5 hours after this weekend not 7, YEAY!!!! Mum, turn your Sacramento clock back an hour!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

October 14th

Saturday I had to set the alarm this morning, meeting the girls at school at 7.00 to do the Fun Run with them. Pete came along as well, he ran the whole way, we just walked and chatted which was a lot of fun. We got back to school around 7.45, just in time to have a chat with some of the others in the Multi purpose room and then head over to the running track and wait for Bruce to bring the kids over for the kids race. They just made it, it was like that scene out of Major League where that guy starts running late and comes in from the back. They were on the run when they started, but Conner ran to the front and stayed there, he did a really good job. After that we went inside for IHOP (International House of Pancakes) pancakes and Jumba Juice, very yummy. It was all really good stuff. We sat with Paula and the Charles and had a really great breakfast. YUMMY!!!! We left there around 10.00 and dropped Bruce off at the stadium for assessment for basketball. He decided that the boys didn’t have to go, cause they automatically go into Bruce’s team. We went out and watched Justin and Jeremy play soccer, after that we went to the park next door. Went home for lunch, picked up Bruce from basketball and he came home to have a break before he had to be back for Conner ‘s age group. We then went out with Paula and kids to get Halloween costumes. We left happy with their choices and Paula got the coolest witch hat with purple feathers all around the rim. Halloween should be lots of fun, still undecided about dressing up myself, I think Bruce is the same. Came home from our outing and made lasagna for dinner, Paula and kids came over. They arrived around 6.30 and we ate around 7.00. The kids sat down and watched a movie; Pete went off to bed early, still recharging the batteries. You know Bruce gave him some stick about it. Paula and her boys left around 10.00, Jeremy was asleep on the floor. We went off to bed not long after, another hectic day. It’s not going to get much better as basketball is about to start so our Saturday’s are pretty much over. Sunday We woke up to a cloudy COLD day, which is something that we are not used to yet. Pete hired a car and visited his cousin Rob in Susanville. I dropped him at the car hire place at 9.00am. I came home and did the usual Sunday type of stuff, especially cause it is cooler. I cleaned (3 loads of washing) I had to use the dryer and baked 9 muffins and biscuits for the week. Bruce was just chilling around after a long day yesterday. I finished up the blog for the week; I know that it was late sorry!!!! It was cold outside today for the whole day which was a nice change, something to get used to. The kids were in bed around 8.30 after Sunday night football and Bruce and I were in bed at 9.30 (party animals). Monday Dropped the kids off and went to work, Admin lady off sick so I did the phones and some admin, her computer was all over the place, you wouldn’t believe where I found some stuff. We spent the day trying to figure out how she gets the little that she does. It was just a BIG mess. Bruce came and picked me up at around 2.00 and picked the kids up from school. I picked Pete up from the car hire place, came home and finished off homework. Around 5.00 went out to take Pete in Sacramento. Jumped into the car and headed up I5 to Sacramento. The traffic was pretty bad going the other way. We stopped and walked around Government House and then got back into the car and drove through Old Sac. After that we made our way back to Elk Grove and Pete took us to Logan’s for dinner. YUMM!!! It was a fun night out and we were home and in bed at a reasonable hour cause it was a school night. Tuesday Another Tuesday has come and Pete is leaving today. I took the kids to school and did parent helping. I finished off that and went off to work, Margie was still out so I was doing the front office stuff again. We picked the kids up from school then came home and got Pete organized and packed up, ready to go. Around 4.00 we made our way to the airport to drop Pete off. We said our goodbyes and hopefully he is coming back in 6 months. On the way home we dropped into some stores to get the boys some school pants, and came out with more than just school pants. Now I don’t feel like so much of a bad mother for not having cold day clothes for them. While we were there Paula called and invited us over for some dinner. We raced home as it was getting late, School night again. We had a yummy dinner and adult chat, which was nice. Got back around 8.00 and the kids went off to bed. Bruce did some prep for his trip and I watched the Gilmore Girls. We were in bed around 10.30. Bruce was going to be out early again and then had to be back to pack etc for Orlando. Wednesday Did the usual for a Wednesday. Bruce left early as usual; he had to go to LeTip. It’s a business group’s thing every Wednesday mornings. The boys and I did the school thing and I went off to work. Our Admin lady was off again, although we found out that she has been on a bit of a bender. So that’s the end of her, Paula doesn’t want her in the office, DER!!! The rest of the time was pretty much just trying to figure out what has been happening in the world of our Admin lady and making sure that we do what we can to fill the gaps. Bruce picked me up to go to the airport. We had to arrange to get the t-shirts for his trip dropped off to us near the airport; they weren’t finished when he had to come home to pack. I dropped him off at the airport and drove back to Elk Grove. I stopped and did the weekly groceries and then went home and unpacked and walked over to school to get the kids. We got home and did the homework thing; the kids were on a go-slow and not particularly motivated mode. We had a light dinner and Bruce called to say good night to the kids, from Chicago airport. It’s 3 hours ahead in Orlando so when he finally got there it was like midnight there. We had a quick chat before he went off to bed and I did the same. Thursday A typical Thursday, the boys went off to school and I did parent helping for a couple of hours. Parent helping over here for Grade 4 is just helping out by correcting and doing copying etc. There is no real interaction with the kids. But it’s good just to be in the room to check out how Conner is going. He is doing ok from what I could tell; he answered all the questions that he was asked so that was a good sign. I think he just likes the fact that I’m involved like I am with Jamieson’s grade. I came home, got changed and went to work. I have to admit, it feels like I’m not really getting a lot of work done with all the interruptions, parent helping twice a week, airport trips etc. I got home around 2.30, just in time to pick the boys up from school. We came home and did homework and then the boys got to go outside and play. It was another beautiful day, that cold day on Sunday was just a taste. The rest of the week has been just beautiful, more like Spring than Autumn (Fall). We had a light dinner (that means leftovers). My youngest son had 4 pancakes and 2 toasted sandwiches and 2 glasses of juice, I think I’m in trouble. Then the boys watched a Halloween movie. Jamieson went off to bed and I let Conner watch the end. It was around 10.00 and I had just settled into doing a little work before bed when Conner came in and informed me that his project was due TOMORROW!!! I’m sure you could see the steam coming out of my ears. I woke Bruce up to help me decide the best plan of action. We hung up from him and settled in finishing up the project. He had done most of it, most of it was just putting it together and typing it up on the computer. So he talked and I typed, then he drew the required pictures. It was all done and he was in bed at 1.00am, with a warning about NO WHINGING in the morning when I woke him up. I was asleep around 1.30 once I wound down from the 1st late homework experience. Friday We woke up to the end of another week, I woke up Conner who got up straight away and was surprisingly chipper. We all got ready for our day and went off to school. I came home and Paula called, she was having a crappy morning already and it wasn’t even 8.30 yet. She should be happy; she’s off to Disneyland for a conference. I got to work at around 9.00, once Paula let me get off the phone so we could continue the conversation face to face. I kicked Paula out of the office around 11.00 so she could go home and finish her packing etc before I picked her up at the apartment and took her to the airport. I briefly spoke to Bruce; his day was going really well, lots of meetings with well-connected people for PE gear and Billy Bounce. I drove Paula’s car back to the apartments and picked up the kids from school. We came home, no homework. I love Friday’s... no homework!!!!! We chilled out and I even laid down on the bed for a while. We had an early dinner and were out of the house and off to movie night at school at 6.00. We arrived at school and sat down with John, Dylan and Alfie with Cooper. Kristin was volunteering on the concession stand (the canteen). So the rest of us sat down and watched the movie (CARS by Disney), it was really fun. The movie finished around 8.30 and we walked home, Jamieson had MORE food and they went off to bed around 9.30pm, without any arguing so that was good for me. The child is putting it away, god help me. I relaxed on the couch and I am now sitting here in bed with my laptop finishing off the blog for you all. It’s been a long week, full of lots to do and people coming and going all over the country and world. I hope everyone had a great week; some updates from everyone would be nice, please!!! HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE, WE HAVE A BUSY WEEKEND AHEAD AND HALLOWEEN IS COMING AROUND FAST!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


This is what happens when Bruce & Alfie get together with beer,
there deosn't even have to be beer, really.

7th October....

Saturday We woke up at around the usual time and the boys went off to birthday party at around 10.00, down to a place called “Someplace Fun” (play centre). I cleaned the apartment properly, with no one home, the only way a home should be cleaned as well as 3 loads of washing. Paula picked me up around 11.30 and we went to the office to get some stuff done. Got back mid afternoon and chilled out until the boys all got back around 4.00. We all just chilled out for a while, the boys played outside with the other kids and Bruce and I did the usual Saturday afternoon stuff, not a lot. Paula picked me up to go to Macys for some shopping at around 6.30 and off we went. What a great time to go, 65% off add another 50%, bargains. Paula got some really cool stuff and I got a couple of presents. There was so much stuff going to look at that we didn’t even get around to every rack before the store ended. We came back home at around 9.30 with wine a cheese and Paula stayed until 1.00. We sat down around Bruce’s jigsaw and chatted and laughed. I was still wired so I got online and chatted with Elise until around 2.30 and went off to sleep. Sunday After a very late night, we woke up later as you could imagine, around 10.00. Bruce put the Football on, oh my goodness here we go again. We hung out in bed until around 11.00, then got up and tidied up the house. The kids went out to play and Bruce had football on from10am – 9.00pm. I will not get used to having football on for that long We had a quiet dinner and night. In bed early after another busy and quiet weekend. Monday Got up at the usual time, Bruce was at work as usual for a Monday. I dropped the boys off at school and walked to work. Did some project stuff for Paula, nothing out of ordinary at work today? Paula got back from her parent helping a bit out of sorts and not into work so we went out for lunch and chat, and a tiny bit of work. After lunch she dropped me off at home before her 2.00 meeting. Picked the kids up and did homework, after that was effectively done they went outside to play. Millie and Lexie came over for a cuppa and chat. They left a little while later and I started on dinner. Bruce came home, we had some dinner and the kids went off to bed at the usual time. After dinner I went out to Wal-Mart to get a pump for the airbed, came home and blew it up for Pete. A usual day, Pete is arriving at 1.30, so Bruce went to bed at 9.30 and set the alarm. I slept through a lot of it. But they both got home at around 2.30am. Tuesday Woke up, Pete got up to say Hi the everyone, both the big boys had their eyes popping out of their heads. I went to work, the boys to school, Bruce stayed home with Pete and had some meetings. I did some classroom helping then Bruce dropped me at work Came home and picked the boys up from school. Did some homework then we jumped into the car and went and had dinner at Costco and did a bit of shopping especially Pete. Got home in time to watch Gilmore Girls, Bruce went off to bed then so did Pete. Paula came over and we did some parent helping homework together She left around 10.00 and I went off to bed around 11.00. Wednesday Just another Wednesday, poor Pete must be so bored, he seems ok, lots of relaxing and recharging the batteries. Did the usual, school, work, work Pete stayed at home and chilled out for the day. I picked the kids up from school and we came home and did homework. Pete took the boys over to the park (next to the school) and Bruce got home at 4.00. He left again at 7.00 to out for dinner with Jeff for work. We had a light dinner Spag Bol and the boys went off to bed around 8.00. Pete and I stayed up and chatted Bruce arrived at 10.00. We had a cuppa and chat and then all went off to bed. Another usual day nothing out of the ordinary even with a visitor Thursday Well, woke up to another sunny but chilly Thursday morning. The sun is still out but the temperature has dropped. Which is quite refreshing. The boys are still in shorts but they are in jumpers now, only until mid morning anyway. I went and did parent helping in Conner’s class. I wasn’t looking forward to it, it feels like I have to get everything done in the mornings work, school, helping, and I am struggling with the transition a little. I ended up spending most of my time in the copier room, don’t get me started on the amount of paper they use here. Anyway, I finished up what Mrs. O’Brien asked my to do at around 9.45 (and had enough), I went back to the classroom and they had already gone to see their play. So I walked back home. Got changed and tidied up a little then Bruce drove me to work just after 10.00am. Did the usual at work, I’m waiting to get some things delivered so I can start a couple of jobs and getting impatient I have to say. Worked until around 2.30, then Bruce picked me up from work, we came home and did homework and the boys went out to play. Pete made Chilli Cheese steaks, which were nice, the boys even ate them, and they have decided that they like steak. We had pancakes for dessert and the boys went off to bed. I started making the pumpkin soup for dinner at the Charles’s tomorrow night. My knife wasn’t the best pumpkin cutting knife, it made my hands red. Bruce couldn’t help me because of the whole pumpkin sick thing. I finally got it done and cooking. I chilled out and watched Grey’s and the boys just continued on with their work. We were all off to bed around 11.00pm. Another pretty typical day, nothing out of the ordinary AT ALL!! Friday (13th Woooooo!!!) Another week is coming to an end, ah Friday hits and we are all ready. It’s usually a cruisy day at work. Paula has parent helping in the middle of the day so there are usually no meetings. We all turn up in casual pants or jeans; it’s a great day to just catch-up and chill a little while we work. It’s Admin day for Paula too so that makes it easier for me. I had a day at work, the admin lady (no names) didn’t order everything I needed, she placed half an order, there were also things in there that Paula should have gotten too. She went off to school and I was in the office steaming. This is why she is leaving in the very near future. She’s looking for another job, as Paula told her she isn’t up to the standard that we require on a lot of levels. Anyway, let’s just say by that time it was time for me to go. I got home just in time to pick the boys up from school, the other great thing about Friday’s is NO homework, the boys come home, have a snack and are outside to play for the rest of the day until they are told to come in. YEAH!!! This is the time I do get a lot of house stuff done, some washing and tidying and cleaning all seem to be getting done on weekends now. Bruce called and was still at his meeting in Stockton. (30 mins south) I finished up the soup in the blender; there was pumpkin everywhere at one stage. It got done and was on the stove ready to go. I did the bread and packed the bag with all the goodies, glow sticks, beer, camera; all the essentials. Bruce arrived home at around 5.00 he jumped into the shower the boys did the same and we were all out the door on the way to the Charles at 5.45. We arrived at the Charles’s and were greeted by their Halloween welcoming party, Jamieson freaked out a little at the skeleton dressed up as a lady. We had a beautiful dinner, my pumpkin soup was a hit with the girls, and of course Pete had 2 servings. We discovered, bread sticks in a can. They are really cool, you just unwrap them and twist them up and bake, yummy. Kristin had prepared some beautiful chicken (I am getting the recipe) and rice. We sat around the dining room table while the kids ate in the kitchen and then played outside until dark, when Justin fell over cause he couldn’t see. We cleaned up and the kids had eyeballs and ice creams, all Halloween of course. It’s really quite a fun holiday, lots of really cool stuff to buy; I’m saving up for Christmas stuff. I have found a couple of really beautiful things, once Halloween is over then I will be able to see what is really around. Things that will complement home too. We all left around 10.00, all the kids eye’s were popping out of their heads and ready for bed, Bruce did have to carry Jamieson through the Halloween leaving committee, especially considering they came into their own at night. They were really cool, lots of light up stuff with noise and sensors. SO COOL!!! Miss Kristin does not do things by halves. We piled into the car and went home, and crappy day turned into a really great night. We have a busy few weeks ahead, Bruce’s trips start next week, and Pete leaves on Tuesday. We have dinner with new friends (The Hawkins) in a couple of Friday’s then on Saturday we are doing pumpkin carving at the Charles’s which should be an experience. Looking forward to that, then the next weekend is Halloween, COOL!!! I am all ready with the Trick or Treat candy I think. Considering we won’t really be home, I have plenty, which I will take over to Kristin’s in case she needs it. Next weekend Bruce is away until 12.00 on Saturday night, so he won’t be around for the kid’s first practice with their new Basketball team. Conner was supposed to be having a sleep over with a couple of friends, not sure if I’m ready to do sleepover with 2 extra 10 year olds without Bruce. We might have to postpone for a week or so. We have Alfie & Paula’s birthday’s, then Halloween. After that, Grandma Ellen arrives on the 6th (yeah!!). It’s Kristin’s birthday, then Mum’s, then Thanks Giving to end November. We go down to LA & San Diego at the start of December. Our plans are Disneyland and all that, San Diego Zoo maybe and a day over the boarder in Tijuana. We put mum on a plane and drive home. We have about a week until we make the trip through Oregon (Leader Family territory) to Seattle for a White Christmas. I am a bit nervous about driving in the snow, Kristin has offered us their 4WD, I declined (not comfortable with that), but we have to reconsider if it is offered again. Well, sorry for the lateness of the day in the life this week. The end of the week turned out really busy and I just didn’t have the time or the energy. I hope that everyone is going really well and you all have started your Christmas shopping. Only 10 weeks till Christmas, sorry to freak some of you out. HAVE A GOOD ONE!!! SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE NEXT WEEK.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hultgren's & Charles's at Marine World

Jamieson, Conner, John, Dylan 'The Hultgrens' 'The Charles's'
Alfie, Cooper, Kristin, Dylan & John

The Shark Exhibit

Bruce & Super Cooper

('Super' for short, make sure you do the accent it sounds better)

The Dolphin Show

All the Boys



From September 30th...

Saturday 30th Another weekend started, we had no plans for the day, which was something we were looking forward to. We chilled out in the morning and Bruce did some work, I did some cleaning and tidying, after the night before. There were actually clouds in the sky and we all had to wear long stuff. And loved every minute of it, COSY!!! The boys went outside to the park and played, then mid afternoon Paula called to say that they were at the park and to come on over. Bruce went off to the gym and the boys and I went over to the park for a play. It was COLD; two summers will probably do that to you. Bruce offered to have all the boys while Paula and I went out, so the party animals that we are, went to Ikea. But that is always fun, walking around looking is always lots of fun. We got some stuff and made it home before 9pm, which surprised Bruce, but we just did what we had to do and left. That was another Saturday come and gone, it was pretty cruisey and that is a really nice change. Big day tomorrow, so we were all in bed at a reasonable time. Sunday Martine World!!! Well we woke up to a cloudy morning, got dressed into warm clothes and were at the Charles’s at 8.30am. Paula called and Jeremy was sick so they were unable to come. We were off on the freeway by 9.00. The boys ended up going in the Charles’s can (they have DVD player) so Bruce and I had a quiet trip up to Marine World and had a chance to catch up on the week, which was GREAT!!! We don’t really get a lot (if any) time to ourselves so it’s much appreciated when we do. We got there and realized that we left our season passes at home, you can imagine the adult words flying around the childless car. We parked the car and Bruce ran to organize the tickets, ours and the Charles’s (we had freebies for them) while the rest of us got out of the cars and organized ourselves, prams etc. We had a great morning, checked out the dolphin show and the seal lion show and did some rides then walked back to the cars for some lunch. After lunch we went back inside ad Bruce did the basketball thing and won the boys a basketball each, MORE!!!! They did some arcade games and won a football. After that the big boys went on a couple of rides and then proceeded to the kids area to do the little kids ride. They all went on those; we got some great pics and video as well. We discovered that Jamieson’s shoes had a blow out, so we had to make a pit stop at the outlet mall on the way home to get some more. We were all in the car and on the way home at 5.00, a bit day for everyone. We stopped off at the Outlet Mall in Vacaville and grabbed some runners for Jamieson ($15 on sale) love it. We jumped back into the car and stopped for a quick dinner on the run at Wendy’s so the boys could go to bed when we got home. We arrived home around 7.00 and the boys got changed and hopped into bed. We didn’t hear a peep out of them, so they must have been exhausted. Bruce and I were also in bed fairly early as well, another big day!!! Monday Another week began like any other; Bruce was off to work early. The boys and I were out of the house to school and work by 8.00am. I walked to work; it only took 30 mins, which was great. Have to say, I was sitting at work and not motivated at all. Got my work done just not as quickly as usual but it all got done. Spoke to Pete and Bruce on messenger and organized Pete arriving on the 9th. YEAY!!! He was in Los Angeles and heading over the border for the day. Exciting!! I got emails from Lizzy and Ros, which was great, but made me melancholy I have to say. Bruce and I were chatting about Conner and his lack of motivation, and then early afternoon his teacher called and asked us to come in. So, off we went, he was doing a little worse than we realized so we had some talking and motivating to do. We had a talk with him about what’s going on in his head and put some incentives in place for him and crossed our fingers. Our birthday pressies from Tracey and the kids arrived – Yummy Mummy Lolly Shop Lollies – YUUMM!!! Thanks Guys!!!! It only took 5 days to get here which was great time. We did homework, had some dinner and put the kids to bed. Another Monday come and gone with a little hitch, hopefully we have fixed it and can move forward. Tuesday Well the week is well and truly in swing, I was at school for parent helping again this morning, stayed for a couple or so hours, walked out around 10.00. We did painting this morning; I helped them continue with their fruit bowls. I got to spend some time with all the kids by themselves, which was nice. Most of them seem like really nice kids. I got to watch them do their morning routine, Pledge Allegiance to the flag, then singing She’s a grant old flag then sing something about California, I can’t recall what the name was. It’s always fun to watch them do that first thing in the morning. I got to work and did the usual, getting my stuff done and checking on Margie’s work, cause Paula and Ed are just over her. She is on go-slow all the time; it can be frustrating when you’re waiting for something. Anyway I finished up at work and Bruce picked me up. We got the kids from school and the boys and I sat down and did homework and assignments, without a hassle, which is always nice. We had dinner and the boys went off to bed, Bruce went to the gym and I sat down and watched Gilmore Girls. **Note for Elise, I saw an ad for the OC season beginning in Nov. Just thought you might like to know. Paula called so I called her back when Gilmore girls had finished. We had a chat about the rest of the day and the kids etc. Bruce and I went off to bed at the usual time around 11.00. And that was our day, nothing special, but another day in California. Wednesday Woke up to another semi cloudy morning, fresh. I dropped the kids off at school and walked to work, it only took me 30 mins. Did the usual stuff, nothing exciting. Worked until 1.30. Bruce was at work, had a busy day. The great thing was that he is starting to get a response from people interested in doing Billy (Ball) Bounce. He picked me up from work and then he walked over to school to pick up the boys. He walked in the door empty handed; the boys had gone to the Charles’s to play. I went out to get the groceries done and left Bruce at home alone to get some work done. I got home to find Bruce and Jamieson arguing cause he didn’t want to do some of his homework packet. So that went on for what seemed like all night, it seems to be Bruce and Jamieson going at it lately. I have for some reason got a real aversion to yelling. Don’t know what it is, I physically can’t stand it, it sends me to this really weird place. The boys are figuring it out, well Conner is, Jamieson not so much yet. Although he does not like the whole not being able to go out and play bit. Hopefully it won’t take him much longer. Anyway, we finally got onto the computer and spoke to Trudy and Alex and Maxy, which made the boys day. Not long after I spoke to Rael’s as well, so that was nice. It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve spoken and that’s just weird for me. Briefly spoke to Rhys on messenger, seeing if his birthday present has come yet, it hadn’t, he’s getting impatient. AH, Us Postal and Australia Post. And that was another Wednesday gone, it had a bit of excitement and drama courtesy of Jamieson otherwise it was pretty usual. Thursday We got up and ready for the day. Bruce walked the boys to school. Then dropped me at work. We had a full house this morning; there were 5 of us in there, getting stuff done. Ed asked me if I would come and manage his office in Roseville this morning, which was kind of tongue in cheek, cause he knew I couldn’t, but it was a nice compliment nonetheless. Paula piped up with and big NO pretty quickly and we all had a laugh. Kelly (does graphics) was in with Paula discussing some work, then extra stuff. It looks like she is coming on board with us doing graphics and admin, which will be great. It looks like she’s in and Margie’s out, just not working at the same pace as everyone else which puts us all back, not sure how that is going to work. Anyway Paula went off to her Thurs meeting in Plymouth and I tried to get through some of my work. And trying to keep a handle on Margie getting through her work Bruce picked me up at 2.00 and I walked over to pick up the kids from school We came home and did homework, I had to go out and get some card for Jamieson’s game that we had to make for school. We officially gave notice to the office about living here. We can go month to month, so if we find a house we are not under a lease. Anyway, it was a pretty emotional end to the day, decisions, decisions!! Sometimes being and adult sucks, you just don’t want to have the worry. Well, Thursday night, Grey’s Anatomy. Another great episode, I’m sure Kristy and the girls at bayside were waiting for their update email, I apologize for not sending it. Hopefully I will be able to get it to you by work on Monday. Coming to the end of another week that seems to be going very quickly. Friday Another usual morning, Bruce was off to work and the boys off to school and I walked to work, which was nice. Another blue sky morning although it is chilly outside, and warms up later in the morning. I worked on a project called Plymouth for the morning. Paula arrived at work around 11.30 & I had to leave not long after as today was a minimum day at school, another track change next week. I picked the boys up at 12.30 and we came back to the apartment for a snack and then they went out to play. Bruce told me that we had an appointment to go a see a house that we can move into at 3.00. We rounded up the kids and met the lady there. BLAH!!!! It was awful, we might be spoiled but this wasn’t the nicest place. It was BLAH, just not really nice, Bruce and I both didn’t have a good feeling about it. On the way out we found another house and have a phone call in about it. Not as nice as on the pictures. We’ve decided to wait to find a nice place. Which could be a while, but that’s just the way it is. Hopefully something will come from this other one, cross fingers everyone. We got home from there and the boys went back out to play, I chatted with Millie on the phone and Bruce got some more work done. Then around 5.00 we walked over to the park, and the kids played with some other kids and Bruce & I kicked the footy. We stayed there for a little while then came home to warm up, it was around 6.00 and starting to really cool down. We sat down and felt really good about our decision not to move into that house so we decided to go out and have a Costco dinner. Pizza!!!! Off we went, we found some cool stuff there too. All the Christmas stuff is coming out and Costco has some Fantastic stuff. Mum is going to find some really cool stuff for her collection. I hope there is some stuff left when she gets here. We could have got a 9ft tree with lights for $250. The toys are amazing too, the only problem is that it would cost just as much or even more to send them home as it does to buy them. We were walking the aisles going WOW look at that. Sorry Maxy, Oscar, Felix and Alex all the cool stuff has to stay here. Bruce picked up Mr. Potato Head Star Wars for Tory the P/Head collector. I have to say that Maxy and Oscar would be getting them for Christmas if it weren’t so big and expensive to send home. We did buy the boys an educational program for them to do some extra schoolwork so that was a bargain. We arrived home around 9.30 and the boys went off to bed. Big morning tomorrow, Jamieson has a birthday party. So big sleeps for everyone. Well, I hope everyone is having a good weekend, I hear from Rael’s that you have had a couple of really warm days. I hope you are all amusing yourself with something, the first weekend after the grand Final is always and transition. STAY WELL, We have a new postal address; we got a P.O.Box the other day, so if any of you want it for posting reasons please let us know. For obvious reasons I’m not going to put it on the blog. It’s going to be easier to use that then it doesn’t matter where we live. Have a great week and don’t work too hard