Tuesday, June 27, 2006

From June 24th

Saturday Well we all woke up to what was going to be another very warm day. Also the start of a very busy weekend. We had some breakfast & were headed off to the stadium for Conner's first basketball practice at 11am. His team is the Spurs, they have 10 in the team & it seems to be a good mix of shapes, sizes & talent. Good drafting coach! **Note, that's what everyone calls Bruce, he thinks it's pretty funny. Anway, all the parents that I met seemed really nice, there were a couple that I didn't meet but that will change I'm sure. As per Billy Bounce - Bruce got some of the parents involved with training which I think they enjoyed, & I know that the kids really enjoyed. Good Move Coach!!! Conner had a really good time & even at the end complemented Bruce on how much fun the training session was. It doesn't sound like a lot but, last year all Bruce got from Conner at training was attitude, so this was a great change. It was also helped by the fact that the team on the other end of the court, all they did for the whole hour was scrimmage. Conner thought that looked really boring, so did all of us. Out parents were very appreciative of the personal development that the kids recieved, throughout the session. So it was a good training all around, I think this team is going to do really well. We were done by 12 noon & had to do the chat thing with the parents then get home Conner had to change & get to Adam's birthday party by 1.00. Jamieson & I stayed home & I tidyed up while Jamieson assumed the position (TV) in our room. Jamieson was very excited about his first EVER Basketball practise (for 3 days before!!, especially ALL that morning) We had some lunch, I got the info packs together for the parents & we were out of the house & at the stadium again at 3.00. Again, the kids seemed like a good little bunch, & the parents were nice too. Didn't meet as many but that will come I'm sure. Jameison's friend John is in the same team, so Alfie (his Dad) helped Bruce out with the training session, which I think he enjoyed, & learnt some stuff too. Again, Bruce got the parents involved with the training which as you could imagine bought smiles to all the kids faces. Another good blend of kids, so it shouldn't be too hard to get the mix right. (They have to put everyone on for the same amount of time, so everyone gets a fair go. Apprarently they had problems with that last year) Anyway, Jamieson did really well, & had a great time. **** How's this for weird. Bruce set up the kids in two teams for Tunnel Ball - which is fun, but no one had any idea what it was. There is no tunnel ball in the US. They figured it out and had a great time with their new game. Bruce came up to me while they were having thier race & goes, "You know this is going into Billy Ball"!! With a very large grin.. So we finished up at basketball & Kristin & Alfie invited us to go out for pizza, which is always fun. They are really cool!!! We quickly went & got Conner from Adam's party & drove down to the pizza place. The place was call something pizza & they had big TV's (the baseball was on) & some video games for the kids to play. Paula & her kids came too, so we all sat around the table chatting while the kids were off playing on the games. It was a really nice way to end a Saturday. We finished up around 7.30 & headed off to find a DVD player. Bruce had decided that it was time. Especially seeing as how we have these Supercats games (thanks Trev) & he didn't want to have to keep plugging in his laptop etc. So off we went, had to go to a couple of places, but we finally found the brand that is multi zone. They don't have that here, & apparently if they are multizone they don't advertise it. No idea why!! Anyway, we had to get a DVD recorder as the just plain player isn't being made anymore, so it turned out to be a little more expensive than we thought. We got home around 8.30 & the kids went off to bed without too much of a fuss. They had had a big day & Conner's weekend was just getting started. I was on the computer & Bruce conected up the DVD player. The instructions that we got on how to set the multi function weren't working, so just before we were about to ring someone, Bruce goes let's just try it. So we did, a US Movie, AUST Movie & Supercats games. WOOO HOO!!! So we now have a dvd player, cross that off the list. I spoke to Elise & Rhys on messenger then Raels on skype. Bruce & I headed off to bed around 11.00. So that was our Saturday, it was a fun day, HOT!! But a really fun day. Sunday We woke up to what was expected to be another hot day (105F). Bruce left early to go into work to help Jeff with some stuff & I dropped Conner off at Elliott's House (Birthday party at Marine World) at 8.45am. Jameison & I went home, I tidyed up & at around 10.30 we headed for the pool. I wanted to get down there for a swim before it got too hot. Jamieson wants to swim all the time, so he's not driving me crazy cause he's bored. I called Paula, she just moved in & has her boys this week, to let her know that we were there. We got there & Jacob, Scott & his dad Phil came down. These boys are around our boys ages & Bruce sees Phil at the gym. Jamieson had some friends to play with YEAH! Paula & Justin & Jeremy got down around 11.00 & we just sat & swum untill 12.30 when Jamieson & I went home for some lunch. Bruce wanted me to pick him up around 1.00, he dropped off the old van & needed a ride home. Jamieson stayed with Paula & the boys & I took off for Carmichael. I picked Bruce up around 1.30 & we headed off home. As it was just us we decided to make a couple of stops to have a look around, together, without the kids. Foreign concept, but it was fun. We went to Sketchers for a look at their clearance racks, poor Bruce - nothing that he really wanted for a bargain, but I scored a pair of winter boots, just casual for $12. I was, don't really need them, Bruce says, you wear them twice you've paid for them. Lets put them away for your birthday, which we had done for a windcheater that we got for him last week. On the way out there were some really nice slides for $15.00, so as what happens when Bruce & I are shopping together (which we should not do) I got those too. They are so cute & I will wear them all the time. Pics to follow. We got home around 4.00 & went over to Paula's to pick up Jamieson. Jamieson & I left her place around 5.30, we had a good chat. Conner got home around 7.00 a bit sunburnt, but had a fabulous day. Everyone was really tired, so the boys were in bed by 7.30 & Bruce & I headed off around 10.30 I think. What a weekend, a little busier than usual, but I think we had better get used to the coming & going, especially with basketball starting x 2 games each week. It was a good fun couple of days, the weather is getting really warm & I don't think it's going to change too much over the next couple of months. The boys have 1 more week of school left before they are off until July 24th. So there will be a trip somewhere in there I hope. We were supposed to be going to Vegas this weekend, I think I said but because of basketball that wasn't possible. I know Rich was dissappointed, as were we, but we will catch up soon. We are planning a trip to Seattle, it's just a matter of when. Monday Another week started with the usual. The boys went off to school. Jamieson was very excited as he was going on a field trip. Off he went, Conner (tired) went to school, I went home & vacuumed up until it was time to meet Kristin for our walk. We met at the end of her street which is just up the street from school, & she took me on a new route. Looking at different scenery is a good change. We walked for around 45 minutes then came back to Lake Point & did a work out in the gym. It was really good, I haven't done anything last week cause I wasn't feeling 100% so getting back into the exercise felt great. I got back around 10.30, had a cuppa then went to the business centre before I picked Jamieson up from school. It was a really HOT day, & the bus didn't get back until around 11.45, they had a great time. We got back home & had some lunch together. Bruce was out for the day so it was just the 2 of us. Jamieson assumed the position (TV) & I did some washing & decided to color my hair. I was having some issues about getting it right (yellow) so I decided to do it myself. I have to say, it doesn't look too bad. The only bad thing is that Bruce said " Why have you been paying all that money to get it done, it looks great." Thanks goodness it's done, I'll decide about getting someone else to do it in 8 weeks when it's time to be done again. (for those who don't know how picky I am about my hair color, I used to drive from Melbourne to Ocean Grove to get it done so I knew it would be done right!!!) That was about it for the day, we went down to the pool later in the day after it cooled down a bit. Kaylee was down there so we chatted for a while, found out that Jamieson & her have the same birthday. Birthday buddies!! I did some more washing (it drys really quickly in the heat) had some dinner & the kids were in bed around 7.30. they were tired after their big weekend, so there wasn't really much fight put up. Bruce went out for a meeting with Jeff & I sat around played on the computer & watched some TV as no one was online. Bruce got home around 10.30 & headed off to bed. He put his back out again (old bugger!), so he's been having a bit of trouble. He will get it fixed when he sees Dr Todd tomorrow. Tuesday It started out like any other day, the sun was out & Bruce had already left for work. I dropped the boys off at school & I came home and did some cleaning. Lots of fun, NOT!! I actually cleaned the oven & stove, sounds like exciting stuff huh? I did some washing & then headed off to school to pick up Jamieson. We walked home & went to the business centre to catch up on emails & the blog. I ended up being a little longer than expected, Jamieson was OK he was watching SpongeBob on the TV in the function room, eating a cookie from the office. We walked home & had some lunch, Bruce got home from his meetings & I took off to the supermarket. The afternoon went along as usual, Jamieson & I headed down to the pool around 3.00 for a couple of hours. Jackary & his family came down, I took little brother Mikea into the pool for a float around. It was good to see them out, they had some family with them, which I think will probably happen for a little while. Millie & Lexie were there & I met some of their family who came over for a swim. We got back around 5.00 & started on dinner. The usual routine, showers, dinner, reading & bed for the kids. Bruce did some work on the laptop (new website for uniforms) & I just sat around watching TV. So another Tuesday gone, nothing much to report. Wednesday Another Wednesday has arrived, Bruce didn't have to go to the office this morning so he walked the boys to school. I tidyed the apartment & Bruce & I left around to go to the Honor Roll ceremony by 8.30am. We arrived & the Multi Purpose room was full & they were ready to start. Conner got up with the rest of the honor roll kids in his class, (we took a picture) then we stood there for another hour. After the ceremony - which went for over 1 1/2 hours we decided to leave. My back was killing me & Bruce's was worse. Those kids did a great job of sitting there for all that time. We ran into Kristin & Cooper outside & we decided as she had already been walking while waiting for us, so we headed for the gym to do a workout. I got home around 10.30 & had a cuppa. Tidyed up the apartment & went to school to pick him up. We got home & went to the business centre & wrote some emails. Jamieson had enough after a while & headed back home. I lost track of time & got back around 1.00. OOPPSS!!! We had a quiet afternoon, I did some baking & we just hung around the apartment. Jamieson & I went down the pool for not long, came home & I started dinner. The boys went outside to play with Jackary & Bruce finished the website. It looks really great, he's done a really good job. He's just got to print it out so I can proof it, then Jeff will have a look, they will make any changes & hopefully it will be up in the next couple of days. I made Liz's Vegetarian Lasagne (it turned out pretty yummy) the boys went to bed & I spoke to Elise, Rhys & Rael's online. And that was our day. Thursday 2 more days of school left, so the boys are pretty excited. Not too bad, lucky they spend so much time outside getting rid of all that energy. I dropped the boys at school, they now want to be dropped off at the corner, they are growing up. I went back home & did the usual, washing & tidying. Before I knew it, it was time to go & get Jamieson. I chatted with his teacher & said my thank you's. She is taking tomorrow off to go to her son's graduation. We went home & had some lunch & got ready to go around to Jack's for an end of kindergarten swim with some of the other kids. We arrived around 1.00 & there was just a few of us there, so we all just sat around talking while the kids swam in the pool. I may have scored PE Gear an account with the school, they maybe looking at getting a new supplier for their uniforms, Kerri - Grant's mum, is chairman of the PTO, so I said I would get her a sample, aren't I a good wife to be drumming up business? (That's what I tell myself anyway :-)) We had to leave early to get Conner from school, much to Jamieson's disgust. We got home & chilled out for a while, Bruce got home from his meeting with Jeff & did some work & I made some biscuits. Bruce finished his work & later we went for a swim down at the pool. We had another swim with Mikea (Jackary's brother) as they were down having a swim as well. They are doing OK, with help from their family. Anyway Paula & the boys arrived & 2 brothers Tony & Tlyer came down & all the boys threw the ball around for a while. We headed home for 2 mintue noodles (oodles of noodles), toasted sandwiches, or cereal for dinner. The boys went off to bed & I finally got to chat with mum & dad, I haven't spoken to them in a couple of weeks, so that was really good to get all the goings on from home. As I thought, she doesn't like their haircuts (too Short). Anyway, tried to get back onto the chat to Elise but she had gone somewhere so hopefully we'll get it tonight. It was an early night for us we were in bed asleep by 10.30, new record I think. Bruce got all his work done & we were both exhausted, but we had a fun day. Friday We woke up to the sun out but a cool breeze, so I opened up the whole apartment to let the fresh air in before it warms up too much. The boys went off to school for thier last day, Conner had an excursion to a skate centre & Jamieson was doing some beach theme thing. I came home & kicked Bruce into the bedroom so he could work at his desk. Then I started cleaning....on my hands & knees cleaning, moving furniture cleaning. They are about to be home for the next 4 weeks so the place is going to be shambles while that's happening. So I wanted it CLEANED properly before that. I did washing & even got the shower curtains off the shower to clean them properly. Bruce left around 9.30 for Jeff's. He was going to a golf day fundraiser for Cameron's golf career. They were teeing off around 1.00 but there was setting up to do before then. I picked up Jamieson from school & chatted to Kristin. We are going around there for 4th July. Which we are really looking forward too, it's always a great time when we spend time with them. I have to bring Potatoe salad (Mum - your reciepe is a hit here) and as Kristin says, Alfie's a piro so there will be lots of fireworks. I said that given the opportunity Bruce would be a piro too, Bruce agreed whole heartedly when I told him what I'd said. So that should be a really fun to start off the summer holidays. Kristin's dog had to go to the emergency vet yesterday, ($940 later) she picked him up this morning. Also yesterday Alfie (who is away in Seattle) went to emergency, he's fine now. Well, this morning she ran into the trash cans with the car & dinted it. (Everything happens in 3's) We had a bit of a giggle & made our way home. Not for long, we had to be back at school to get Conner at 12.30. We walked back over, Conner wanted to go so I gave them the keys & waited for Mrs Howe to finish saying good bye to everyone. I said my thank you's, I found out some stuff about his new teachers & we discussed whether he needed to do Summer school or not. It is every morning for 3 weeks, so he really wouldn't get a break. Which is my concern, he has been working so hard since we've been here to make sure he's not behind (Maths) that I think & she agreed, that if he did some work everyday at home then Summer school wasn't necessary. We are going to discuss over the weekend with Conner & make a decision. We got their reports, they were great. They both have a couple of things to work on, so we will be doing some work over the break. Conner' s report was fabulous, but we knew that because he got Honor Roll. He also got another Certificate for Responsibility. He is very proud of himself and we are too. Jamieson's was great too. He just needs to work on staying on task, working independently (dejavue!!) he also needs to work on letter & number formation. His teacher told me that he can talk a little too much. Which means he talks alot & she doeesn't want to say it. Saw Millie at the pool on my way through, I got home and told the boys we were going to the pool. They had assumed the position infront of Sponge Bob, so I decided to do a little test. I told Jamieson to get ready cause we were going to the pool once we'd had some lunch. They made themselves some lunch & I got ready to go. Still assuming the position, I got the bag out & all the toys, still assumed the position. I put the house keys on the bench for Conner & said, "I'm going to the pool, lock the door", Conner says 'OK' - Jamieson.... nothing. Off I went to the pool, Millie & the kids left not long after so I sat for a while then decided to go home. I got in the door & Jamieson goes "Mum, can we go to the pool now?" You've got to be kidding me, so Jamieson didn't get to go to the pool today. Hopefully a lesson has been learnt, but I doubt it, time will tell. We had a quiet afternoon, I still had some cleaning to do, so the boys were in and out all afternoon into the evening. Jamieson came in from the park around 7.00. So it gave me time to clean the shower curtains etc. I got onto the laptop & sent some emails. Mum sent a message, Simone & Nigel Bellars (Fitzgerald) had their baby (little girl) CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!! Bruce was still at the golf day, he called periodically to let us now where he was. The boys were showered & fed by 8.00. Then I put a Supercats game on for us to watch. (Thank you Trev) We made the smoke alarm go off again, Jamieson knows the drill, opened the front door, I put the toaster outside etc. So that is a hurdle over, the 1st time that happened Jamieson cried until the alarm stopped. Bruce got home around 9.30. They had a good fundraising day for Cameron, so that was great. Keep an eye out for him. He's off the the world junior golf championship in July, so we hope he kicks butt. (Remember this name folks - Cameron Champ - he is in the top 3 junior players in the United States - and, as people are saying in the right circles - if he continues his development as he is - he will be as good as Tiger Woods. I watched him hit some balls yesterday - this kid has just turned 11 ans SMACKS it! Long and straight. Then - later in the day - played a shot for one of the teams - and chipped in it from 40 feet. A great kid as well.) We finished watching the game & the boys went to bed, with Bruce & I not far behind. So that is the end of another week. The next few will be interesting, Bruce is away in Texas for 3 days in the middle of the month. We have no big plans but hopefully we will get away for the weekend while the boys are on holidays. I think we are heading to Lake Tahoe at some stage, stay tuned. Enjoy your weekend!! Go Supercats, Cats, West, Joey's, Newtown, Grovey & Amateurs!!!!

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