Sunday, April 23, 2006

The 3rd week.....

Friday ..... Today was pretty usual for here. The boys went off to school, Bruce went off to a meeting & I stayed here. Tied up, did email stuff at the business centre. Bruce came home from his meeting very happy. Lots of stuff is happening with business stuff now that we are here. We spoke to Conners teacher & have a plan to help him get up to date with his maths before the start of the next school year, so that's good. Jamieson is doing better than ever, no problems. We stayed at home on Friday night & the boys watched Robots on TV. I spoke to Elise on messenger & Bruce did some work. That was our day. It's getting pretty normal pretty quick. I listened to the start of the footy on the internet, it was good to know. Saturday..... We woke up & did the lounge around thing until late morning. The the boys went out to play. We got dressed & drove into Sacramento for a look around. It is so beautiful They call it the city of trees & they are not kidding. I took photos so they wiil be up soon. The houses in downtown are traditonal. They look like some of the ones you see in the movies, large weatherboard with the big verandah, huge trees out the front. We were driving down the streets & it was just gorgeous. We got our bearings and had a traditional US lunch - burgers & fries at Johnny Rockets. FYI- I have a mobile now. We charged up Bruce's old one. Looked around the shops, macy's looks really good, a lot like Myer. Found a great shop called Forever 21. I think I'll be speanding a bit of time there. We then got in the car and on the way home drove through 'Old Sacramento'. It looks really cool. Lots of stuff to look at. We didn't have enough time, so we will go back and check it out another day. The boys also said they wanted to go to the museum, yes get up off your chair, so that's good. On the way home we stopped for Krispy Kream Donuts (Doughnuts - here). They are beautiful, no wonder people have them all the time. You are better to buy 12 than the 4 that we would need. Not good. We got home & the basketball goes on (for the next 4 hours) there were 4 games on. We missed the first but he got to watch all the rest. So Bruce had a great afternoon. We spoke to mum & dad, Pete & the Bells. This was great because we haven't really talked to anyone during this week. The timing we have to figure out. After school time it's later here so sometimes we are up & others we arn't. So it seems to be that we speak to everyone on the weekends when it can be anytime of the day, which is good because then the boys can have a chat too.Then was on with Elise on messenger, which is always fun. She still makes me laugh even if it's typing. We had to drag the boys inside kicking and screaming, OK, whinging & moaning around 7.00pm. They complained for about 15 mns then realised they couldn't win. They chated to everyone on the computer & then we had dinner. Hopefully we will get more people on skype or msn soon. We were speaking to Pete and he doesn't have a webcam but he could still see us. I didn't know you could do that, I thought you both had to have a webcam. All you need is a microphone. AH Technology! Sunday...... Today we got up & did homework. Conners tables are really coming along. Jamieson is doing really well with his adding & subtracting. We had a minor tantrum (JR) but got through it. We got dressed and went out to get Jamieson some new shoes. we found this really cool store, it has lots of different stuff. There is some really cool stuff, & I will be going back there for sure. It was lots of fun, but when we don't have the boys. We got a couple of really good things. Bruce got a couple of Nike tops for $8.00 each. I got the coolest pair of shoes for $15.00. Pic to come. They are sooo cute!! Then we came home, the boys had to go to thier rooms (naughty while we were out) & I went out to get something for dinner. Yes, I drove!!! It was fine. Considering I'm going to have to be doing it as of Tuesday, then I'd better get used to it. I just walked around the supermarket looking at everything to see what they have that we do and what I can't get. There are a couple of other supermarkets with different things so I'll be going to a couple depending on what I need. After dinner, I got online, we spoke & saw- Lizzy, Soph & Conner (cause he was still awake) got to speak to Nick. Apparently, Conner thinks that his teacher is like Mrs Maiken (Bellaire school teacher) but with different shoes. Bruce & I nearly wet ourselves laughing. That was priceless. Bruce did some work. And that was our day. Monday..... Bruce left to go & take the rental car back & pick up the old van that we are borrowing from Geoff at PE Gear. Another one of the mothers from Jamiesons class introduced herself, she was really lovely. Her elsest is John in Jamiesons class then she has a 3 year old & a 2 week old, all boys. WOW!! I sat in the office & spoke to the girls about where some of the stuff I couldn't find would be. I've got some more places to check out so that's great. MOstly finding certain food. We had a pretty cool afternoon. Conner came home from school & they both did thier homework. I now know that they shouldn't do thier homework together. Apart from the fact that they distract each other. I also find myself going backwards from one to the other. I need to be doing it separetly, so they get my full attention if they need it. Jamieson is cruising along as usual. Conner's teacher said that he is a good worker. he really got into his homework yesterday. I was really impressed and I told him. I got the usual face. it was a bit chilly yesterday, so they just watched some TV & went outside for about 20 mins. No one to play with. Bruce finally got home after having the day from hell trying to get the car stuff done. Insurance, forgetting the keys (doesn't help) we had a nice dinner. (Onion soup potatoes - thanks trace) and chicken. It's not even worth buying a chicken to cook, it's cheaper to buy it already cooked. (works for me). Then we went out in the van & I did some grocery shopping & the boys went out to buy a phone for the apartment. So we should be online in the next couple of days. We got home & the boys went to bed & Bruce packed for his trip. A bus is coming to pick him up at 3.30am from out the front. SO we both set our alarms so as to not sleep in. It was a busy day. Tuesday ....... Bruce was up at 3.00, got ready said goodbye & took his biut case & Billy B & off he went. The boys & I woke up & did the usual. It was a pretty run of the mill day. They boys got home from school, did thier homework & went outside to play. Bruce called to say that he was fine & that Utah is absolutely beautiful & good night to the boys.Weird night though. There was no computer to talk to people on. So I had to watch TV all night. Lucky there is 100 channels. Most of the current running series are just about to end & the new ones are about to start. We were all in bed early (by our standards, lately) . Anyone want to know what's going on with thier TV show just let me know. It seems that most shows here are about 1 season ahead. Wednesday.... Today was a pretty normal day. The boys went to school.I dropped them off and decided to go for a walk around. I had been walking for about 1 hour & have to say I got lost. Bruce called while I was walking, so that made him laugh. But somehow... my sense of direction must be coming back, I found my way home. So that was a bit of an adventure for the day. I saw the neighourhood & have to say it is beautiful. YOu now how you see those neighbourhoods on the TV & movies & all the lawns are moved with the trees all up the sides of the streets and it all looks perfect, well that's what it looks like all the time. It's not just the movies. I got home & spoke to Bruce. He is doing really well, kicking goals, the usual stuff that he does when he's away. When the boys finished school we went and spent a couple of hours at the pool. They played with the kids that live here and I talked to a couple of the mum's. I also got some more info about where to find things around here & what's good & what's not. So it was a good relaxing afternoon. The boys stayed out and played until it was time to come in. Did the usual routine & we were in bed at a reasonable hour again. Conner asked me to read his story that he started at school, it was really good. He loves writing scary stories. Anyway it was 3 chapters so far & he said that it was just the start & that there would be lots more once he had finished. I love the fact that he is enjoying school, it takes away so much worry that I have for him. It's nice. Thursday..... This morning for some reason I was really organised. It probably helped that Conner got up & decided to make his bed, get dressed, make his own lunch & breakfast. All without having to be asked. Jamieson, was a different story. But we got out of the house at 7.50am as per usual. But this time all the beds were done, I had washing in the machine, everything accept the breakfast dishes. Good morning for me.. I dropped the kids off at school. (Conner wanted to walk himself, so I said he could go before us but culd not cross the road) by the time Jamieson & I got to the gate of the complex, there were other kids walking aswell so a group of us about 8 kids & 2 mums walked across the road and over to school. It was nice. The other mum was the pool mum, Milly. I came back & went to the fitness centre. Walked on the treadmill, then went to the business centre (my usual dialy routine) to check email. Bruce called to give me an update on his day. Today he started early so it was nearly lunchtime in Utah when we spoke. His day was going great. All his meetings have been posative & he was off to do his Billy B presentation. The rest of the day was pretty much like the day before. The boys & I went to the pool after school, we came home, the boys did thier homework then went out for another quick play before dinner. We spoke to Bruce on the phone to say goodnight & we were in bed early again. The week so far has been a good one. We've meet new people, got into more of a routine & are getting more settles in. The weather has been good so the boys haven't been cooped up inside going bananas & driving my insane. Which is always a plus especially when Bruce is away. Well that's it for now, I should get this posted so you can all look at it over the weekend. So I hope everyone has a great weekend and everyone wins. GO - SUPERCATS, CATS, GEEL WEST, NEWTOWN, JOEY'S, GROVEY & AMETOURS!!

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