Once again it’s heading towards the end of another month and I haven’t updated everyone on the month before. I guess trying to get the blog out on time isn’t going to happen on time yet again. Although, that does mean we have been busy with life which is a good thing.
Our month started out with nothing out of the ordinary, sports is well in swing and that means we are out of the house most nights of the week with either one or the other. Baseball takes up time, work for me is a little on the slow side, although at the moment I am spending more time on the marketing side of the business, Bruce is a busy little beaver, as per usual.
We were organizing a basketball team function at one of the players houses so I had to get the flyer finished and printed to go out at practice, I had a catch up with Kristie, which is always lots of fun and with their schedule it’s not an easy thing to achieve. We sit down and have a cuppa and a chat with a good cup of Tetley tea. MMmmmm!!!
The boys had a half day at school (they were going on holidays) one month off, we’ll see how that goes. Jamieson had a baseball game Friday night and played really well, he got a great catch in the outfield, some hits and fielded really great and got the game ball. You can imagine the smile…. It’s was a good day. It was a busy Saturday, Bruce and Jamieson went out for Baseball pictures, Jamieson & I went out after lunch and watched
We finished the weekend with groceries, cleaning the house. Millie came over for a quick visit and borrowed the lawn mover. It was a nice warm day and Bruce tried to get out and do some yard work, it had been raining so the garden as a little mushy. Hopefully the rain is about over and it’s time for the sun to come out for the next few months.
The boys were out of school so they had a lazy week, Justin and Jeremy still came over after school everyday so they did get some homework in everyday which is nice. David came over for the hang out, so much for over! The rain came down this week and it was pouring, to put it mildly. No baseball for Jamieson, which bummed him out. On Wednesday I took the day off to stay at home with the kids while Bruce was on the road for the whole day, the sweat shop ended up opening and we spent the morning doing angels, although it does give the boys a chance to earn some money.
On Thursday (raining still), back to the office and the kids chilled out at home, Bruce went out on the road in the morning, I was home after lunch and the boys and I did some more angels (Mother’s day is coming and we had to get the stock out) Bruce didn’t get home until late that night, he was in the Bay area (San Francisco) and Kristie was coming back from a flight and didn’t have a car so Bruce stayed in the area and picked her up.
Friday, Good Friday arrived and the weird thing about here, which I’m sure I say every year is that for such a religious society, it’s really not that celebrated. No one here really doesn’t eat meat; some people even told me that they would be eating a steak, horrified!!! Bruce was still out on the road, the boys chilled out at home and it was just beginning to stop raining, which also meant no baseball. We went out for Fish ’n’ chips, which aren’t the same as at home but not bad. Then looked around a little to walk the fatty batter off and headed home for a movie.
We spent a very quiet Easter Saturday, chilling out around the house, did some cleaning and tidying and Bruce and I organized our Sunday plans. The boys woke up on Easter Sunday and the Easter bunny had been and left some Cadbury chocolate (Humpty Dumpty’s…mmmmm), the boys scored some cool little pressies and we had some breakfast together and got the boys ready for their trip (which they had no idea about)
They had some fun trying to guess, considering they had to get out, coats, hats, gloves and sunglasses. They had no idea; it was very funny watching them trying to figure it out. Finally when we were half way up the highway we told them, we are going to find some snow and play. YEAY!!! They were so excited, it was great, we snacked in the car and talked about how much fun we were going to have and then found a cool little place to stop.
We stopped and had a blast, played in the snow, made snow men, snow fights, had some greasy hamburgers and chilled out. We jumped back in the car with wet feet, but mostly dried out and found another cool place to stop. We got there just in time, we had been there a while and it was like a wagon train of cars arrived…so the boys finished with the sliding down the hill and we went exploring to find some other little gems to play in, it was lots of fun, we all did dome sliding and when Mum is coming down the hill screaming, it’s very amusing for the children (& husband!). By this time it was mid afternoon and we were all saturated, we jumped into the car and drove a little more until we got to “
We made a pit stop on the way home at the batting cages for Jamieson to get a little practice in before his next game, his last couple of games had been cancelled due to rain so a few swings wouldn’t do any harm.
The next week was fairly typical, Bruce and I had work, the boys just chilled at home and played at the park, the weather was warming up. Jamieson had baseball practice and game on Tuesday night, they lost but played well. He’s not setting the world on fire but playing fairly consistently. Dad’s birthday on Tuesday, so I rang home and had a birthday chat!! On Wednesday we booked our trip to Southern California, a place called
We/ (I) spent Saturday getting ready for our trip, packing etc. Conner had a basketball game, won again, it was a good game, Conner got bumped around a little but they all played really well and it ended up being a blow out.
On Sunday morning we packed the car and were off…… see trip blog.
We were up and out of the house to Jamieson’s baseball game; he was clearly out of sorts, maybe still in holiday mode, a little flaky. Not baseball ready, as they say here. We went home and I tried to unpack amidst all the chaos, boys running around etc…. we went to Conner’s basketball game; we played
Ooppps, sorry I forgot. The team goes into trap mode and it’s hard to get them to take a step back. Another great game, it will be sad when the season is over, we headed home for a long sleep….
AS you can imagine, Sunday consisted of finishing unpacking etc and doing NOTHING!!!!
We ended the month with a fairly usual week. Bruce went out on the road a couple of days, the boys chilled out around the house. We had basketball practice and baseball practice. Jamieson had a baseball game; it was a really windy day and let’s just say, our pitchers couldn’t get it together in the wind so it ended up being not a fun game for the Cardinals….
We had a busy month, but part of that was having a fantastic family vacation.