Tuesday, October 07, 2008

September happenings....

WOW, another month has gone and I can’t believe we are heading to another Christmas…. which I have to say I am really looking forward to this year.

I had a first busy week at work, the boys were still off track so Bruce had them at home, they came to work while Bruce was out on the road, which they do really well at. Nothing huge on the books for me, just building up for the next few things that comes our way. I’m still working on our marketing stuff, which has been kind of good, but taking a little long, but that’s what happens when you sub contract out. We are working on our business RFP so coordinating resumes etc and writing company blurbs fills in the day.

Paula and I arranged for a company treat on Friday to say a little Thank you for all the hard work getting our General Plan Document out. I had a massage therapist come out and give everyone a chair massage. Which everyone appreciated, so mission accomplished. The boys had their usual skills practice and basketball practice which gave them something to do while they were off track and not really doing anything exciting.

We had a busy weekend, the boys had their usual basketball which went as per usual, they both won. It turned into a hectic afternoon, we were at the stadium from 3ish to 6ish…. They both played really well, especially Conner his game is really impressive, now all he has to do is grow!!!

We headed over to Andrea and Robert’s for their House Warming Party. We all had a great time; we met some of their friends who are really great people. Andrea’s old friend Laura and her husband Eric are really great and Bruce stayed with them on his trip down to Bakersfield (near LA) the next week. We had a quiet Sunday, (Father’s Day at home) we cleaned around the house, called home and Paula, Steve and the boys came over for an early dinner and we watched the RV trip movie that Bruce finally finished. (4 discs!!)

Conner started flag football practice and had some fun just enjoying a new game; Jamieson is taking some time off until the new basketball season starts in the few weeks. We had Kristie Rivera’s (and Al Bells) Birthday, which she was away for, but we all caught up on Friday night when they got back from Germany. Chilling out at the Rivera’s is always a good way to finish the week. Jeff and Carlos came over to watch the football on Friday night. The boys had the last Skills session and then they went out to Pizza after which was fun for them all. We had to put a RFQ together for a new project, which put me in the office on my day off, but you do what needs to be done. We spent on quiet Sunday cleaning the house and yard and Paula bought Justin and Jeremy over for a playing the afternoon.

By mid month, just as summer officially finished the weather cooled down, which was nice after the sun being out for SOOOOOOO long. The kids went back to school and the new schedule for me really started, Justin and Jeremy are now over on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Bruce went down to Fresno for Angels work for a couple of days. Conner had his first football game, which he did really well. He didn’t enjoy the stopping all the time, but hey that’s the game. He scored one touch down, which could have been two if he was a few inches taller. He enjoyed the game, and I think learnt a lot from just playing. Thursday night, Raels called for our monthly chat, which is always great. Friday Bruce flew back from Orange County and we had a family dinner & then sat down and watched the Cats V Dogs! Crappy game, but hey you do what you have to; to win, but a great start to the weekend.

Saturday, we had the last games of basketball, which was good and bad at the same time. It was nice to not have be at the stadium for most of the afternoon for a while, but sad because we had 2 great teams with great kids and good families. It was by far the best season collectively we’ve had so far, and it showed on the boys; ALL THREE OF THEM!! Bruce had such a great time coaching both teams, Jamieson’s team was a great group of kids (8-0) and families and Conner’s team also had great kids but I think he really enjoys coaching Conner and watching him develop. “He’s very coachable”, he say’s with a HUGE smile on his face. I think he’s really looking forward to seeing how far he can go with his basketball. We are just all waiting for him to grow! Saturday night after Conner’s game, the team all went out (with families) for Pizza. It was really nice to spend some time with them, some don’t always make it to the games so it was nice to spend some time and realize they were really good families.

Sunday, we had Jamieson’s team break up bbq at a local park for lunch. The kids all had a great time DER! And the adults just chilled out, it was fun time. The only issue we have now is that everyone wants to be on Bruce and Greg’s team next season, which can’t happen DRAFT!! SO that is going to be a sticky situation. Apparently, there is a waiting list to be on Bruce’s teams (Yes, I’m allowed to brag!!) I also found out that some parents have said that unless the kids are on his team, they aren’t playing; also that this has happened before. So that’s nice for him to have that recognition from parents.

The month continued on as per usual, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACEY & RHYS… Bruce was in Dallas with the Angels newest rep, Conner had another football game, which they won. On the work front Paula and Darcy were at a conference, which was clear when I got a phone call from LA with a couple of giggling girls on the other end, so the office was quieter with 2 less people there. The end of the week bought the inevitable quiet day anniversary of our Janet! I can’t believe it’s been 9 years, but I just look at Jamieson and that’s how long it’s been. It did bring up some issues for me. Paula and Steve are planning on getting married next year in Hawaii so we’ll see if Bruce is up for that. I just can’t imagine going there for such a happy occasion and not just feel complete grief, so I’m not sure how Bruce will do it. We’ll see!!!

I had to organize Bruce’s pressies, organize homework etc. Bruce’s trip went really well and the boys were doing great at school. Friday night football was Grand Final day. The Riveras came over, we had a BBQ, dressed up the house and Conner and I put whiskers on, oh what a bummer!!! Our weekend was nice and quiet after the usual basketball Saturday’s and of course Friday nights downer. We got some end of summer cleaning done, did a little shopping at Costco and since we were there had some dinner. On the way home, picked up a couple of movies and had a quiet night in….aarrrhhhh!!!! Sunday continued on a little that way with the exception of cooking prep for Bruce’s birthday (can’t cook when you are at work all day) wrapped up the pressies and was ready to go. Went over to Paula’s for dinner and catch up and home for a quiet night.


I was up as per usual and Paula and I went out for our walk, when I got back and the boys woke up, we did some presents and got ready for the day. (He got a guitar, Puffy vest and a learn to speak Spanish cd/dvd set, nothing surprising but everything he wanted) Bruce was off to school with the boys to do basketball with Conner’s class (his teacher asked to do a 6 session block for her) I had the usual day at work, Bruce had a nice quiet day at his desk and the boys did the usual school thing. I got home from work and Bruce (being typical) bought in the guitar and what he called serenaded me while I cooked. (As you can imagine, VERY BADLY!!! Which he knew and thought was pretty funny.) The boys went out and threw the football around, had a yummy dinner and Paula dropped in for a little bit, had a quiet night. I think Bruce had a really nice birthday.

Conner had 2 football games one won and one loss, I missed the loss, I was at work, Bruce said it was all the coach….. poor kids, apparently it was a team they should have won against but lost by 2, Conner was not happy; and frustrated. I’m sorry to say and it’s kind of a generalization but American kids can’t catch! Conner is the best catch on the team and he’s not getting the ball. It’s a learning experience for him and I think a good lesson, he’s used to being in the thick of it.

SO, that was our September, not a lot of new stuff. Conner’s football is something different which I am enjoying both watching him play something else and also sitting with new school families. Bruce’s has had a really busy month and Angels both retail and definitely Funeral is really going well. We had a few birthdays and hopefully didn’t miss anyone.

Some Pics....

Conner's Nuggets Team
Jamieson's Bulls Team
Bulls Break up BBQ
Bruce and Greg
Conner - Stone Lake Flag Football Team
2008 GF - GO Cats (What a bummer)
Carlos and Kristie
Happy Birthday Bruce