Saturday, October 27, 2007

Our Trip Home...

Here’s a quick recap of our trip back home. The boys went off to school for the day; which gave Bruce and I chance to get ready for the trip. The boys came home with huge homework packets and all the bags were packed. Paula came over and drove us to the airport. We got on the plane and because we have fantastic friends that work for the airline they bumped us to business class. Woo Hoo..

We got onto the plane and settled in, Jamieson and I on one side of the isle and Bruce and Conner on the other. By the time we took off it must have been past 11.30. Jamieson and I didn’t see the food come out. The trip home was a nice one, we got off the plane in Sydney and went to the red carpet club, and we had some breakfast, which was soooo yummy, Australian breakfast food. We got into Melbourne and grabbed the hire car and off to see Maureen and Peter.

We had a really nice lunch and it was good to see everyone. Peter’s sister Jill was over from New Zealand and Ali come over for lunch too. We caught up and had a really nice afternoon with everyone, and then we hit the road and made our way to Geelong.

We dropped by the say Hi to Trace at work then headed to Trudy’s to catch up with Mum, twins and the kids. The boys had a ball seeing their cousins and it was nice to see them all too. We dropped into to see Elise and Rhys on the way to the Bells for dinner and hitting the pillow for the night.

We spent the next week staying at Tracey and Liz & Al’s and headed up to Eltham to see Maureen and Peter every other day, which was really nice and enough for Peter as he was in pain and needed his naps.

On Friday Bruce dropped Conner and I off at the bus stop where we met mum and Raels and went to the Geelong v Collingwood preliminary Final. The game was AWFUL, but it was great to be at the ‘G’, it was the first time since the renovations that I’d seen it full, wow what a rush. It took a lot of willing, but they made it over the line and Conner and I slept the whole way home on the bus. We got back to mum’s around 1am and hit the pillow, which I don’t really remember.

On the Sunday night we managed to get a dinner together with some friends, which was a fantastic night, the security guard kicked us out after the pub closed, which is always a sign of the great night. We had Tracey’s birthday on the Monday, so I cooked dinner for all of us and the Lynch clan came over, which is always a good time. We went to visit Maureen and Peter on Tuesday night so Bruce could say good-bye then stayed with Kristy for the night. Took Bruce to the airport on Wednesday morning and headed back to Ocean Grove to get some more homework done. Jamieson pushed on it everyday, it was a chore to say the least getting him to complete all the stuff, fun and games.

We spent the next week staying in between Mum’s, Tracy’s and Liz’s. We visited Maureen and Peter every other day. Meanwhile, Geelong was pumping with excitement being in the Grand Final.) We all went to their last practice on Thursday, then stayed at Tracy’s that night for Rhys’ birthday. The Lynch clan came over gain and we all had a bbq dinner. We ate and chatted and all the boys wrestled in the back yard, the boys had a great time and yes, I got some cool photos.

On Friday I was going to take all the kids (Elise and Rhys as well) to the Parade, but the weather was blah so we just went to visit Maureen and Peter then went home. I got the kids home in time for Ross to pick them up. Conner went for a sleep over, Jamieson had to come home with me because he didn’t get his homework done that morning. Life’s hard…so he and I headed down to Mum’s, for homework and a quiet night….to which I have to say he did for the first time without any complaining.

Grand Final day, it was a little weird. We got up and made our way into Geelong. I picked Conner up from Liz’s, where Ross dropped him off and we went out and did some errands. I grabbed some snacks for the afternoon, Liz closed the shop and we all sat down and watched the game, oh what a game. Bruce was texting me through the whole thing, they were getting the same feed from channel 10 that we were seeing. He was at Andrea’s with some of our friends, watching a great spectacle.

The game finished and Liz made the boys some dinner, then we headed home to meet Mum and Auntie Gwen off the footy bus. I dropped the kids off and picked the girls up and drove into Auntie Nordy’s for some dinner and talking about that fantastic day that was. We of course, ended up watching the game, got to the start of the 4th quarter and I was nearly asleep, so we got into the car and drove home at around 1am.

The next couple of days were catching up with the twins and the kids and up to Maureen and Peters to have some lunch and say good byes. Mum dropped us off at the airport and we got onto the plane and headed for Sydney. Finally, a few hours later we were on the plane and heading back home.

Bruce picked us up from the airport, which was a little late, only because we had to wait for a plane to get out of our spot. I called Paula and you could hear her excitement from the other side of the car, which was nice for me. We got home and were surprisingly awake. Bruce had a coaching session and had to take off, he left and we chilled out and I unpacked and showered etc.

Our wonderful friend Carlos dropped a pizza in for us to have for dinner, which a gorgeous family they are. When things settle down and we come home, Carlos, Kristie and the kids will be common visitors. Especially Carlos and Kristie, they fly to Sydney once a month.

The boys had a day off school, we all slept until lunchtime the next day. The boys went off to school after that. I either had a really bad cold or the flu, I was in bed, and couldn’t get up for the next couple of days. As you can imagine that weekend was a quiet one.

Australian Trip Pics....

Here is a small collection of photo's from our trip.

The Hultgrens (Jill on the right, Peter's sister from New Zealand)

The boys at Rhys Birthday

My other kids...aren't they gorgeous

Jamieson loves this photo and Cameron

The boys enjoying meat....

Some of the group that we enjoyed our Sunday night dinner with

Conner, Jamieson and their cousins

singing the Geelong theme song!!!

Footy pics... GO CATS!!!

MCG - Prelim Final Night
100,000 people what a rush!!!

What a great win, ugly but great!!!

It was a happy bus ride home..

Conner didn't make it to the Westgate bridge, he had a
huge couple of days.

Septopia - great marketing AFL

Korostin's, the next generation - 2007


Boys school pictures...

Jamieson's Grade - Typical photo face at the moment
(You can imagine Bruce laughing, cause he did the same thing)

Conner and his class

Ahhh - butter wouldn't melt in their mouths...look at our little ratbags, I mean angels

From September 10th

For the start of our week on Monday and I stayed at home with the boys, baked muffins and in the afternoon I went to work for staff meeting while Bruce was still in Texas. We were due to pick him up at the airport later that night. I did a little cleaning around the house, returned some emails. Organized my inbox. Darcy needed a sitter, so the boys and I went over.

The boys and I got to Darcy’s at 6.00, the boys all played inside and out, then put a movie on and Jeremy got home around 9.00. Bruce changed his flight not getting in until 1.30. Boys and I went home to bed, woke up at 12.40, woke the kids and in the car, picked Bruce up from the airport and back home in bed by 2.00am.

Conner asked an interesting question today. Mum, what if dad gets asked to move there for work, what would you say? The back story on that is on the weekend, which I forgot to mention (bad blogger) that at the dinner table on Saturday night we had a discussion about whether or not the boys would want to move, if it came up. Bruce and I been chatting about the possibility for a little while, just throwing it out there.

On Tuesday I had a little sleep in, got to work at 9.00 which was nice, got through some loose ends, Paula is feeling productive at the moment so I got some progress with some business things that she hasn’t wanted to deal with which was great from my task list.

Millie dropped Chewy off for the boys to play with for the day.

Interviewed someone at 4.45 so I was at work all day. Andrea dropped me off at around 5.30, the boys went off to the park (by themselves) for the 1st time, they got back 30 mins later and I think were happy for the independence. I got home as usual, we proceeded to do the usual had some dinner, then chilled out, Bruce went off for his weekly meeting with Paula and the boys and I did the usual, reading and bed etc.

We got word on Thursday night that Peter wasn’t doing as well as we thought so we started making plans to come home, organizing work and the kids school work and trying to see what might happen while we are away and also trying to get accommodation etc when we get home.

Our Friday was busy but a good one. I went off to work and the boys did the usual for their last day of holidays, some homework, they vacuumed the house for me. Bruce came and picked me up and we took the boys to McDonalds for lunch to say thanks for being so great over the holidays. I finished up my work; I think I got everything covered for while I am away. I met with who I needed to and notified whom I needed to and I will take my laptop so I can check email and keep in contact, and then we went to lunch. I tied up some loose ends for the rest of the day and then we went over to Paula’s for a PMD movie afternoon. We watched a DVD called “The Secret”, a recommendation from Bruce. It was (if you are open to it) a very uplifting DVD. Paula and I were inspired, the other girls, I’m not sure. Once it was over we all dispersed pretty quick, picking up kids, getting back to the office.

I went home with a very uplifted attitude (which made my husband very happy) we spent the rest of the evening organizing the next couple of weeks. The boys went off to bed after we finished watching a movie around 9.30pm.

Our Saturday was the usual, with the boys and their basketball. We spent the morning around the house, I cleaned, Bruce got ready for his day trip to LA on Sunday and the boys chilled out. I got most of the house done which is a relief, you can’t come home to a dirty house, that would just freak me out.